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File metadata and controls

304 lines (246 loc) · 17.7 KB

General Tips/Resources

  • This cookbook might be useful
  • The iVar Manual might also be useful
  • See for an implemented Bash script pipeline
    • To run it on all samples in the current folder: parallel --jobs THREADS ./ {} ::: $(ls *.fastq.gz | sed 's/_R[12]_/./g' | cut -d'.' -f1 | sort | uniq)

Step 0: Preparation

Index the Reference Genome


This analysis is using NC045512 as the reference genome, so specifically:

minimap2 -t THREADS -d NC045512.fas.mmi NC045512.fas

Generate Primer Coordinate BED

Example from the cookboox was the following:

bwa mem -k 5 -T 16 db/PRV.fa db/zika_primers.fa | samtools view -b -F 4 > db/zika_primers.bam
bedtools bamtobed -i db/zika_primers.bam > db/zika_primers.bed

I wonder if Minimap2 would be fine instead of BWA-MEM? So I propose the following:

minimap2 -t THREADS -a -x sr REFERENCE_GENOME.FAS.MMI PRIMERS.FAS | samtools view -b -F 4 > PRIMERS.BAM
bedtools bamtobed -i PRIMERS.BAM > PRIMERS.BED
  • I used to call minimap2 with -x map-ont, but Karthik said I should use -x sr

Step 1: Map Reads and Sort

  • Input: FASTQ (or FASTQ.GZ) file(s) (X.fastq or X.fastq.gz)
  • Output: Sorted Untrimmed BAM (X.sorted.bam)

Individual Command

minimap2 -t THREADS -a -x sr ../ref/NC_045512.2.fas.mmi READ1.FASTQ.GZ READ2.FASTQ.GZ | samtools sort --threads THREADS -o SORTED.BAM
    • I used to call minimap2 with -x map-ont, but Karthik said I should use -x sr

Batch Command (64 threads per Minimap2, 1 at a time)

for s in $(ls *.fastq.gz | sed 's/_R[12]_/./g' | cut -d'.' -f1 | sort | uniq); do { time ( minimap2 -t 64 -a -x sr ../ref/NC_045512.2.fas.mmi $s*.fastq.gz | samtools sort --threads 64 -o $s.sorted.bam ) ; } 2> $ ; done

Batch Command (1 thread per Minimap2, 64 at a time)

parallel --jobs 64 "{" time "(" minimap2 -t 1 -a -x sr ../ref/NC_045512.2.fas.mmi {}*.fastq.gz "|" samtools sort --threads 1 -o {}.sorted.bam  ")" ";" "}" "2>" {} ::: $(ls *.fastq.gz | sed 's/_R[12]_/./g' | cut -d'.' -f1 | sort | uniq)

Speed Up by Truncating at Number of Mapped Reads

To speed up the entire workflow, we could theoretically just stop mapping reads once we hit a desired number of mapped reads (e.g. 250,000). If the output of Minimap2 is piped to samtools view -F 4 to filter only for mapped reads, and then the SAM output of that is piped to head -NUM_READS to truncate at a certain number of reads, head should close the pipe (thus killing Minimap2 early), and downstream analyses will have much smaller number of reads to deal with.

For a single file, I could do the following:

minimap2 -t THREADS -a -x sr ../ref/NC_045512.2.fas.mmi READ1.FASTQ.GZ READ2.FASTQ.GZ | samtools view -h -F 4 | head -NUM_READS_PLUS_3 | samtools sort --threads THREADS -o SORTED.BAM
  • You need to add 3 to the desired number of reads because the -h flag of samtools view outputs the header (which is 3 lines long)

For a batch command, I could do the following (I've hardcoded 64 threads and 250000 mapped reads):

for s in $(ls *.fastq.gz | sed 's/_R[12]_/./g' | cut -d'.' -f1 | sort | uniq); do { time ( minimap2 -t 64 -a -x sr ../ref/NC_045512.2.fas.mmi $s*.fastq.gz | samtools view -h -F 4 | head -250003 | samtools sort --threads 64 -o $s.sorted.bam ) ; } 2> $ ; done

Step 2: Trim Sorted BAM (resulting in unsorted trimmed BAM)

  • Input: Sorted Untrimmed BAM (X.sorted.bam)
  • Output: Unsorted Trimmed BAM (X.trimmed.bam)

Individual Command

ivar trim -x 5 -e -i SORTED.BAM -b PRIMERS.bed -p TRIMMED_PREFIX
  • -x 5 is a new flag Karthik told me to add (requires iVar 1.3.1 or higher); something about extra bases added to the beginning/end of primers?
  • TRIMMED_PREFIX is the output file minus the .bam extension (e.g. -p sample_name.trimmed would result in sample_name.trimmed.bam)
  • -e is "Include reads with no primers"
    • In the Snakefile, trim_reads_illumina has it, but trim_reads_ont doesn't have it
      • trim_reads_illumina has a comment # Add -e if nextera used
    • I don't see why not to include reads with no primers, so I'll keep -e unless someone tells me otherwise
  • -q is the minimum quality score
    • In the Snakefile, trim_reads_illumina uses the default (whichi s 20), but trim_reads_ont uses it's 5
  • The Snakefile and cookbook both say to sort the BAM after, but if it was sorted before, shouldn't it be sorted after trimming...?
    • Maybe the length trimmed can vary, so if read x started earlier than read y but more was cut off the beginning, it should actually come after read y?
    • If so, maybe I'll output to a temporary file (e.g. -p sample_name.trimmed.bam) and then have the final output be a different file (e.g. sample_name.trimmed.sorted.bam)
      • If I do this, I should probably just delete the unsorted trimmed BAM to save space (the sorted trimmed BAM has all the same info + it's sorted)
  • Also, why does ivar trim need a sorted BAM?
    • Sorting doesn't take much extra time (I just pipe minimap2's output to samtools sort), so not a big deal, but unclear why that pipe is a step

Batch Command (64 threads)

parallel --jobs 64 "{" time "(" ivar trim -x 5 -e -i {}.sorted.bam -b ../primers/swift/sarscov2_v2_primers.bed -p {}.trimmed ")" ";" "}" ">" {}.log.2.trim.log "2>&1" ::: $(ls *.fastq.gz | sed 's/_R[12]_/./g' | cut -d'.' -f1 | sort | uniq)

Using Swift's primerclip

At the time of writing this comment (2021-02-04), iVar Trim has a bug that is being fixed. As a quick-and-dirty alternative, Kristian Andersen recommended using Swift's primerclip tool for sequences generated using Swift primers. The usage from the README is as follows:

primerclip masterfile.txt alignmentfile.sam outputfilename.sam

Note that the SAMs need to be name-sorted, NOT coordinate-sorted. Also, it doesn't seem to natively support BAM files, but I should be able to use a FIFO to do so using <() for input and >() for output:

primerclip PRIMERS.txt <(samtools sort -n SORTED.bam | samtools view -h) >(samtools view -S -b > TRIMMED.bam)

The above SHOULD have worked, but primerclip is a bit janky and complains that there's no header... Might give up and wait for iVar Trim to get fixed.

Step 3: Sort Trimmed BAM

  • Input: Unsorted Trimmed BAM (X.trimmed.bam)
  • Output: Sorted Trimmed BAM (X.trimmed.sorted.bam)

Individual Command

  • I'm deleting the unsorted trimmed BAM to save space (the sorted trimmed BAM has all the same info + it's sorted)

Batch Command (64 threads per samtools, 1 at a time)

for s in $(ls *.trimmed.bam | sed 's/_R[12]_/./g' | cut -d'.' -f1 | sort | uniq); do { time ( samtools sort --threads 64 -o $s.trimmed.sorted.bam $s.trimmed.bam && rm $s.trimmed.bam ) ; } 2> $s.log.3.sorttrimmed.log ; done

Batch Command (1 thread per samtools, 64 at a time)

parallel --jobs 64 "{" time "(" samtools sort --threads 1 -o {}.trimmed.sorted.bam {}.trimmed.bam "&&" rm {}.trimmed.bam  ")" ";" "}" "2>" {}.log.3.sorttrimmed.log ::: $(ls *.fastq.gz | sed 's/_R[12]_/./g' | cut -d'.' -f1 | sort | uniq)

Step 4: Generate Pile-Up from Trimmed Sorted BAM

  • Input: Sorted Trimmed BAM (X.trimmed.sorted.bam)
  • Output: Pile-up (X.pileup.txt or X.pileup.txt.gz)

Individual Command

samtools mpileup -A -aa -d 0 -Q 0 --reference REFERENCE.FAS TRIMMED_SORTED.BAM > PILEUP.TXT
  • I think everything that depends on the pile-up will stream it from standard input
    • Thus, to save space, gzip compression makes sense (e.g. pigz -9 -p THREADS)
      • Because there's such huge variance in how long the pile-up generation takes across files, it makes sense to use a 64 core machine and do all the pile-ups in parallel, and once most of them are done, compress some of the finished ones using multithreaded pigz on the idling cores
    • However, given that I'll now be zipping everything at the end anyways, doesn't make sense to waste compute time compressing here as well

Batch Command (64 threads)

parallel --jobs 64 "{" time "(" samtools mpileup -A -aa -d 0 -Q 0 --reference ../ref/NC_045512.2.fas {}.trimmed.sorted.bam ")" ";" "}" ">" {}.trimmed.sorted.pileup.txt "2>" {}.log.4.pileup.log ::: $(ls *.trimmed.sorted.bam | sed 's/_R[12]_/./g' | cut -d'.' -f1 | sort | uniq)
  • There was quite a bit of variance between the runtimes, so rather than have the finished cores idle, I ran pigz -9 -p THREADS to compress all of the pile-up files that had already completed running as the last ones were finishing up

Step 5: Call Variants from Pile-Up

  • Input: Pile-up (X.pileup.txt or X.pileup.txt.gz)
  • Output: Variants (X.variants.tsv)

Individual Command

  • If pile-up files are gzipped, use zcat PILEUP.TXT.GZ instead of cat PILEUP.TXT
  • -m is the minimum read depth to call variants
    • The default is 0, but the only place in the Snakefile where ivar variants is called uses 10
  • Potentially gzip the output TSV files to save space?
    • They're tiny (less than 1 MB each), so not worth it

Batch Command (64 threads)

parallel --jobs 64 "{" time "(" zcat {}.trimmed.sorted.pileup.txt.gz "|" ivar variants -r ../ref/NC_045512.2.fas -g ../ref/NC_045512.2.gff3 -p {}.trimmed.sorted.pileup.variants.tsv -m 10 ")" ";" "}" "2>" {}.log.5.variants.log ::: $(ls *.trimmed.sorted.pileup.txt.gz | sed 's/_R[12]_/./g' | cut -d'.' -f1 | sort | uniq)

Step 6: Call Consensus Sequence from Pile-Up

  • Input: Pile-up (X.pileup.txt or X.pileup.txt.gz)
  • Ouptut: Consensus Sequence (X.consensus.fas or X.consensus.fas.gz)

Individual Command

cat PILEUP.TXT | ivar consensus -p CONSENSUS.FAS -m 10 -n N -t 0.5
  • If pile-up files are gzipped, use zcat PILEUP.TXT.GZ instead of cat PILEUP.TXT
  • -m is the minimum depth to call consensus
    • Default is 10, so not sure why they explicitly specify -m 10 in the Snakefile
  • -n is the ambiguous character (N or -) to print in sites that have lower than -m coverage
    • Default is N, so not sure why they explicitly specify -n N in the Snakefile
  • -t is the minimum frequency threshold to call the consensus
    • In the Snakefile, call_consensus_illumina uses 0.5, but call_consensus_ont uses the default (which is 0)
  • -q is the minimum quality score threshold to count a given base
    • In the Snakefile, call_consensus_illumina uses the default (which is 20), but call_consensus_ont uses 5
  • This outputs a log file to standard output
    • When I run it in batch, I should redirect standard error to standard output (2>&1) to get time output and the ivar consensus log into the same log file

Batch Command (64 threads)

parallel --jobs 64 "{" time "(" zcat {}.trimmed.sorted.pileup.txt.gz "|" ivar consensus -p {}.trimmed.sorted.pileup.consensus -m 10 -n N -t 0.5 ")" ";" "}" ">" {}.log.6.consensus.log "2>&1" ::: $(ls *.trimmed.sorted.pileup.txt.gz | sed 's/_R[12]_/./g' | cut -d'.' -f1 | sort | uniq)

Step 7: Call Depth (supplemental summary stats)

  • Input: Sorted Trimmed BAM (X.trimmed.sorted.bam)
  • Output: Depth (X.trimmed.sorted.depth.txt)

Individual Command

samtools depth -d 0 -Q 0 -q 0 -aa TRIMMED_SORTED.BAM > DEPTH.TXT
  • Potentially gzip the output TXT files to save space?
    • They're tiny (less than 1 MB each), so not worth it

Batch Command (64 threads)

parallel --jobs 64 "{" time "(" samtools depth -d 0 -Q 0 -q 0 -aa {}.trimmed.sorted.bam ")" ";" "}" ">" {}.trimmed.sorted.depth.txt "2>" {}.log.7.depth.log ::: $(ls *.trimmed.sorted.bam | sed 's/_R[12]_/./g' | cut -d'.' -f1 | sort | uniq)

Step 8: Qualimap Report (supplemental summary stats)

  • Input: Sorted BAM (X.sorted.bam) and Sorted Trimmed BAM (X.trimmed.sorted.bam)
  • Output: Qualimap Reports (X.sorted.stats.tar.gz and X.trimmed.sorted.stats.tar.gz)

Individual Command

qualimap bamqc -bam MAPPING.BAM -nt THREADS --java-mem-size=RAM -outdir STATS_DIR && tar c STATS_DIR | pigz -9 -p THREADS > STATS_DIR.tar.gz && rm -rf STATS_DIR

Batch Command (64 threads)

parallel --jobs 64 "{" time "(" qualimap bamqc -bam {1}.{2}.bam -nt 1 --java-mem-size=4G -outdir {1}.{2}.stats "&&" tar c {1}.{2}.stats "|" pigz -9 -p 1 ">" {1}.{2}.stats.tar.gz "&&" rm -rf {1}.{2}.stats ")" ";" "}" ">" {1}.log.8.qualimap.{2}.log "2>&1" ::: $(ls *.fastq.gz | sed 's/_R[12]_/./g' | cut -d'.' -f1 | sort | uniq) ::: sorted trimmed.sorted

When All Samples Finish

There are some things I do when all samples finish running, to archive as well as to compute summary stats.

Archiving Each Sample's Files

It seems as though Google Shared Drives have a 400,000 file limit, and in general, there are tons of tiny files (which result in slow file transfer), so it makes sense to archive the files from each sample into a single file (e.g. zip). Now that I'm zipping things overall, I no longer need to gzip the pile-up files (because they'll get compressed when storing anyways).

Individual Command

zip -9 SAMPLE*

Batch Command

for s in $(ls *.fastq.gz | sed 's/_R[12]_/./g' | cut -d'.' -f1 | sort | uniq) ; do zip -9 $ $s* ; done

Consolidating Qualimap Stats

I also wrote a script to convert all the X.trimmed.sorted.stats.tar.gz files into a single TSV with all of the summary statistics.

Command *.stats.tar.gz > output/qualimap.tsv

Consolidating Consensus Sequences, Variant Calls, and Depths

People will likely mainly just be interested in consensus sequences, variant calls, and depths, so I zip them separately as well.


zip -9 *.consensus.fa && mv output/
zip -9 *.variants.tsv && mv output/
zip -9 *.depth.txt && mv output/

Mapping Depth Distributions

It is useful to visualize the distributions of per-site mapping depth across the samples. I wrote some scripts to do the following:

Command *.depth.txt && mv depth_violin.pdf output/ *.depth.txt && mv depth_lineplot.pdf output/ *.depth.txt > output/depth.tsv 266 29674 10 *.depth.txt > output/depth_below_10.tsv


The Andersen Lab has recently developed Freyja to "recover relative lineage abundances from mixed SARS-CoV-2 samples from a sequencing dataset". Once it's installed, here's how it can be run to "demix" a dataset:

freyja demix <IVAR_VARIANTS_TSV> <DEPTH_FILE> --output <OUTPUT_TSV>
  • <IVAR_VARIANTS_TSV> is the TSV output file of iVar Variants
    • When he runs iVar Variants for this, Josh Levy (the Freyja developer) says he uses a minimum variant frequency threshold of 0% (rather than iVar Variant's default of 3%, which we use)
    • If we choose to add Freyja to this pipeline, we should change our iVar Variants call to use 0% as the threshold (-t 0) to get all variants, and then we can filter the output file to remove any variants with less than 3% frequency to get the "true variants"
  • <DEPTH_FILE> is a file containing the depth at each position, and it's just the first 4 columns of the pile-up file
    • In other words, <DEPTH_FILE> is just cat PILEUP.TXT | cut -f1-4 (or zcat instead of cat if the pile-up is gzipped)
  • <OUTPUT_TSV> is the Freyja output, which is described here

Bulk Execution from AWS S3 Paths

To run Freyja Demix and pi_from_pileup on a pile-up file from an AWS S3 path, here's a helper script:

#!/usr/bin/env bash
if [ "$#" -ne 1 ] ; then
    echo "USAGE: $0 <pileup_txt_s3_path>" ; exit 1
f="$(echo $1 | rev | cut -d'/' -f1 | rev)"
aws s3 cp "$1" .
cat "$f" | ivar variants -r "NC_045512.2.fas" -g "NC_045512.2.gff3" -p "$f.variants" -m 10 -t 0
freyja demix "$f.variants.tsv" <(cat "$f" | cut -f1-4) --output "$f.freyja.tsv" > "$f.freyja.log" 2>&1
pi_from_pileup "$f" > "$f.pi.tsv"
rm -f "$f" "$f.variants.tsv"