diff --git a/pages/user/profile/index.vue b/pages/user/profile/index.vue
index 99bfeb1f..84ebbf58 100644
--- a/pages/user/profile/index.vue
+++ b/pages/user/profile/index.vue
@@ -144,9 +144,9 @@
My published Datasets relates to all Datasets, Computational and Anatomical models where you have
- been
- associated to the dataset using your ORCID number. If there are datasets that you feel should be
- linked to you please contact curation@sparc.science
+ been associated to the dataset using your ORCID number. Please note that there may be a delay in recently
+ published datasets being immediately available on the portal.
+ If there are datasets that you feel should be linked to you please contact curation@sparc.science
@@ -393,7 +393,8 @@ export default {
handler: async function (newValue) {
if (newValue && newValue !== '') {
await this.fetchOrganizations()
- this.fetchUserDatasets()
+ this.fetchPublishedDatasets(newValue)
+ this.fetchInProgressDatasets()
@@ -402,7 +403,36 @@ export default {
methods: {
- async fetchUserDatasets() {
+ async fetchPublishedDatasets(orcid) {
+ const filter = `contributors.curie:\"ORCID:${orcid}\"`
+ try {
+ const { hits } = await this.$algoliaClient.initIndex(this.$config.public.ALGOLIA_INDEX).search('', {
+ filters: filter,
+ hitsPerPage: 999
+ })
+ let items = []
+ for (const hit of hits) {
+ const datasetName = pathOr('', ['item', 'name'], hit)
+ const datasetId = propOr('', 'objectID', hit)
+ const pennsieveIdentifier = pathOr('', ['item', 'identifier'], hit)
+ let numCitations = await this.getCitationsCount(pennsieveIdentifier)
+ const numDownloads = this.getDownloadsCount(datasetId);
+ items.push({
+ 'name': datasetName,
+ 'intId': datasetId,
+ 'banner': pathOr('', ['pennsieve', 'banner', 'uri'], hit),
+ 'numDownloads': numDownloads,
+ 'numCitations': numCitations
+ })
+ }
+ this.datasets = items
+ } catch (error) {
+ this.datasets = []
+ } finally {
+ this.datasetsLoading = false
+ }
+ },
+ async fetchInProgressDatasets() {
let orgIntIds = []
this.organizations.forEach(org => {
@@ -413,7 +443,6 @@ export default {
await this.$axios.put(`${this.$config.public.LOGIN_API_URL}/session/switch-organization?organization_id=${id}&api_key=${this.userToken}`)
let { data } = await this.$axios.get(`${this.$config.public.LOGIN_API_URL}/datasets/paginated?onlyMyDatasets=true&api_key=${this.userToken}`)
- const publishedDatasets = data.datasets.filter(dataset => dataset.publication.status == 'completed')
const inProgressDatasets = data.datasets.filter(dataset => dataset.publication.status != 'completed')
for (let dataset of inProgressDatasets) {
@@ -424,29 +453,10 @@ export default {
banner: data.banner
- for (let dataset of publishedDatasets) {
- const intId = pathOr('', ['content', 'intId'], dataset)
- const datasetName = pathOr('', ['content', 'name'], dataset)
- const pennsieveIdentifier = pathOr('', ['content', 'id'], dataset)
- let { data } = await this.$axios.get(`${this.$config.public.LOGIN_API_URL}/datasets/${pennsieveIdentifier}/banner?api_key=${this.userToken}`)
- let numCitations = await this.getCitationsCount(pennsieveIdentifier)
- const numDownloads = this.getDownloadsCount(intId)
- this.datasets.push({
- 'name': datasetName,
- 'intId': intId,
- 'banner': data.banner,
- 'numDownloads': numDownloads,
- 'numCitations': numCitations
- })
- }
} catch (e) {
this.inProgressDatasetsLoading = false
- this.datasetsLoading = false
async fetchDatasetSubmissions() {
const headers = { 'Authorization': `Bearer ${this.userToken}` }