Source code for my personal portfolio website. The site showcases my projects and gives an insight into my background, my passion for web development and design, and the technologies I work with.
![Personal portfolio website of Nikolai Lehbrink](
- Modern Technologies: Built with Next.js 14, TypeScript, and Tailwind CSS.
- Homepage: A homepage with a brief introduction, why I am passionate about web development, a list of projects, my skills, work experience, and contact information.
- Custom AI Chatbot: A personal AI chatbot capable of responding to queries about domain-specific information related to me, developed using LLamaIndex.TS and the Vercel AI SDK, and powered by the OpenAI API.
- Personal blog: A blog section to share my thoughts and experiences. Built with Sanity to handle content management.
- SEO: Optimized for search engines and social sharing
- Animation: GSAP animations for a visual appealing user experience.
- Accessibility: Build on top of Radix UI and shadcn/ui for accessible, modern and inclusive design.
If you noticed a bug or something that could be improved, I welcome you to file an issue or open a pull request to contribute to the project.