Hi. I'm Nik. I'm software engineer in Seattle, Washington with 14+ years experience leading engineering teams to build distributed data applicatiions. My preferred stack is Rust backend, and TypeScript/React frontend. I also have a lot of professional experience with Python and Java.
I'm behind the Rust web and data framework tailwag
, released in 2024 under the MIT license. Although still very much in an experimental state, it aims to be a rapid development toolkit to quickly prototype new data applications.
I've been on both sides of the interviewing table more times than I can count. I offer interview and resume coaching to help prepare for and navigate system design, coding, and behavioral interview loops. Email me for more information.
I compose, perform, and produce music as a hobby. My latest project is called The Anklebiters, a "Dog Rock" band made up of my three small dogs Teddy, Skittles, and Jake. They've released a two-song EP, and will have a full album out later this year. Listen on Spotify