#Prerequisites ##1. Data ###UBM training Switchboard II Phase 2 and 3, Switchboard Cellular Part 1 and 2, and NIST SRE 2004, 2005 and 2006 ###I Vector Extractor training Switchboard II Phase 2 and 3, Switchboard Cellular Part 1 and 2, and NIST SRE 2004, 2005 and 2006
*SRE2008 and MIXER5 are not used for Tmatrix,PLDA,LDA training,
###Development Dataset SRE2008
###Test Dataset SRE2010
###NIST Keys Keys for scoring #2. Hardware It's better to have a PC with more than 24GB memory. #3. Kaldi You need Kladi system to run this experiment, check this guide for more details.