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Authors: < nixawk >, < binarymist >, < bkimminich >

Exploitation Tools

Exploitation is probably one of the most glamorous parts of a penetration test, yet it is often done with brute force rather than with precision. An exploit should be performed only when you know almost beyond a shadow of a doubt that a particular exploit will be successful. Of course, unforeseen protective measures might be in place on the target that prevent a particular exploit from working—but before you trigger a vulnerability, you should know that the system is vulnerable. Blindly firing off a mass onslaught of exploits and praying for a shell isn’t productive; it is noisy and provides little if any value to you as a penetration tester or to your client. Do your homework first, and then launch well-researched exploits that are likely to succeed.

Penetration Testing Distributions

  • Kali - A Linux distribution designed for digital forensics and penetration testing
  • ArchStrike - An Arch Linux repository for security professionals and enthusiasts
  • BlackArch - Arch Linux-based distribution for penetration testers and security researchers
  • NST - Network Security Toolkit distribution
  • Pentoo - Security-focused livecd based on Gentoo
  • BackBox - Ubuntu-based distribution for penetration tests and security assessments
  • Parrot - A distribution similar to Kali, with multiple architecture

Basic Penetration Testing Tools

  • Metasploit Framework - World's most used penetration testing software
  • Burp Suite - An integrated platform for performing security testing of web applications
  • ExploitPack - Graphical tool for penetration testing with a bunch of exploits
  • BeeF - The Browser Exploitation Framework Project
  • faraday - Collaborative Penetration Test and Vulnerability Management Platform
  • evilgrade - The update explotation framework
  • commix - Automated All-in-One OS Command Injection and Exploitation Tool
  • routersploit - Automated penetration testing software for router
  • exploit-database - Offensive Security’s Exploit Database Archive

Docker for Penetration Testing

Vulnerability Scanners

  • Nexpose - Vulnerability Management & Risk Management Software
  • Nessus - Vulnerability, configuration, and compliance assessment
  • Nikto - Web application vulnerability scanner
  • OpenVAS - Open Source vulnerability scanner and manager
  • OWASP Zed Attack Proxy - Penetration testing tool for web applications
  • Secapps - Integrated web application security testing environment
  • w3af - Web application attack and audit framework
  • Wapiti - Web application vulnerability scanner
  • WebReaver - Web application vulnerability scanner for Mac OS X
  • DVCS Ripper - Rip web accessible (distributed) version control systems: SVN/GIT/HG/BZR
  • arachni - Web Application Security Scanner Framework

Network Tools

  • nmap - Free Security Scanner For Network Exploration & Security Audits
  • pig - A Linux packet crafting tool
  • tcpdump/libpcap - A common packet analyzer that runs under the command line
  • Wireshark - A network protocol analyzer for Unix and Windows
  • Network Tools - Different network tools: ping, lookup, whois, etc
  • netsniff-ng - A Swiss army knife for for network sniffing
  • Intercepter-NG - a multifunctional network toolkit
  • SPARTA - Network Infrastructure Penetration Testing Tool
  • dnschef - A highly configurable DNS proxy for pentesters
  • DNSDumpster - Online DNS recon and search service
  • dnsenum - Perl script that enumerates DNS information from a domain, attempts zone transfers, performs a brute force dictionary style attack, and then performs reverse look-ups on the results
  • dnsmap - Passive DNS network mapper
  • dnsrecon - DNS Enumeration Script
  • dnstracer - Determines where a given DNS server gets its information from, and follows the chain of DNS servers
  • passivedns-client - Provides a library and a query tool for querying several passive DNS providers
  • passivedns - A network sniffer that logs all DNS server replies for use in a passive DNS setup
  • Mass Scan - TCP port scanner, spews SYN packets asynchronously, scanning entire Internet in under 5 minutes.
  • Zarp - Zarp is a network attack tool centered around the exploitation of local networks
  • mitmproxy - An interactive SSL-capable intercepting HTTP proxy for penetration testers and software developers
  • mallory - HTTP/HTTPS proxy over SSH
  • Netzob - Reverse engineering, traffic generation and fuzzing of communication protocols
  • DET - DET is a proof of concept to perform Data Exfiltration using either single or multiple channel(s) at the same time
  • pwnat - punches holes in firewalls and NATs
  • dsniff - a collection of tools for network auditing and pentesting
  • tgcd - a simple Unix network utility to extend the accessibility of TCP/IP based network services beyond firewalls
  • smbmap - a handy SMB enumeration tool
  • scapy - a python-based interactive packet manipulation program & library
  • Dshell - Network forensic analysis framework
  • Debookee (MAC OS X) - Intercept traffic from any device on your network
  • Dripcap - Caffeinated packet analyzer

Wireless Network Tools

  • Aircrack-ng - a set of tools for auditing wireless network
  • Kismet - Wireless network detector, sniffer, and IDS
  • Reaver - Brute force attack against Wifi Protected Setup
  • Wifite - Automated wireless attack tool
  • wifiphisher - Automated phishing attacks against Wi-Fi networks

SSL Analysis Tools

  • SSLyze - SSL configuration scanner
  • sslstrip - a demonstration of the HTTPS stripping attacks
  • sslstrip2 - SSLStrip version to defeat HSTS
  • tls_prober - fingerprint a server's SSL/TLS implementation

Web exploitation

  • WPScan - Black box WordPress vulnerability scanner
  • SQLmap - Automatic SQL injection and database takeover tool
  • weevely3 - Weaponized web shell
  • Wappalyzer - Wappalyzer uncovers the technologies used on websites
  • cms-explorer - CMS Explorer is designed to reveal the the specific modules, plugins, components and themes that various CMS driven web sites are running.
  • joomscan - Joomla CMS scanner
  • WhatWeb - Website Fingerprinter
  • BlindElephant - Web Application Fingerprinter
  • fimap - Find, prepare, audit, exploit and even google automatically for LFI/RFI bugs
  • Kadabra - Automatic LFI exploiter and scanner
  • Kadimus - LFI scan and exploit tool
  • liffy - LFI exploitation tool
  • PhpSploit - Full-featured C2 framework which silently persists on webserver via evil PHP oneliner

Hex Editors


Windows Utils

Linux Utils

DDoS Tools

  • LOIC - An open source network stress tool for Windows
  • JS LOIC - JavaScript in-browser version of LOIC
  • T50 - The more fast network stress tool

Social Engineering Tools

  • SET - The Social-Engineer Toolkit from TrustedSec

OSInt Tools

  • Maltego - Proprietary software for open source intelligence and forensics, from Paterva.
  • theHarvester - E-mail, subdomain and people names harvester
  • creepy - A geolocation OSINT tool
  • metagoofil - Metadata harvester
  • Google Hacking Database - a database of Google dorks; can be used for recon
  • Censys - Collects data on hosts and websites through daily ZMap and ZGrab scans
  • Shodan - Shodan is the world's first search engine for Internet-connected devices
  • recon-ng - A full-featured Web Reconnaissance framework written in Python
  • github-dorks - CLI tool to scan github repos/organizations for potential sensitive information leak
  • vcsmap - A plugin-based tool to scan public version control systems for sensitive information
  • ZoomEye - ZoomEye is a search engine for cyberspace that lets the user find specific network components(ip, services, etc.).

Anonymity Tools

  • Tor - The free software for enabling onion routing online anonymity
  • I2P - The Invisible Internet Project
  • Nipe - Script to redirect all traffic from the machine to the Tor network.

Reverse Engineering Tools

  • IDA Pro - A Windows, Linux or Mac OS X hosted multi-processor disassembler and debugger
  • IDA Free - The freeware version of IDA v5.0
  • WDK/WinDbg - Windows Driver Kit and WinDbg
  • OllyDbg - An x86 debugger that emphasizes binary code analysis
  • Radare2 - Opensource, crossplatform reverse engineering framework
  • x64_dbg - An open-source x64/x32 debugger for windows
  • Immunity Debugger - A powerful new way to write exploits and analyze malware
  • Evan's Debugger - OllyDbg-like debugger for Linux
  • Medusa disassembler - An open source interactive disassembler
  • plasma - Interactive disassembler for x86/ARM/MIPS. Generates indented pseudo-code with colored syntax code
  • peda - Python Exploit Development Assistance for GDB

CTF Tools

  • Pwntools - CTF framework for use in CTFs

