The module allocates nodes in an Amazon EC2 cloud.
The AWS node images must have Erlang R17, gcc, gcc-c++, git, and sudo installed. Sudo must be available for non-tty execution; put Defaults !requiretty
in /etc/sudoers
. The SSH and TCP ports 4801 and 4802 must be open; MZBench uses them internally to send logs and metrics data from nodes to the server.
There's a set of ready-to-use Amazon Linux images with all necessary dependencies for all availability zones:
us-west-2 ami-ee8d718e
us-east-1 ami-61f11f0c
us-west-1 ami-fc28509c
eu-west-1 ami-4554c136
eu-central-1 ami-8d48a5e2
ap-northeast-1 ami-78a24419
ap-northeast-2 ami-ef579f81
ap-southeast-1 ami-66fd2b05
ap-southeast-2 ami-21634c42
sa-east-1 ami-7798101b
To use one of these images, specify it in the cloud plugin config as image_id
{image_id, "ami-ee8d718e"
You can, of course, build your own image based on the requirements listed above. Learn more in the official Amazon docs.
Configuration example:
{cloud_plugins, [{ec2, #{module => mzb_api_ec2_plugin,
instance_spec => [
{image_id, "ami-ee8d718e"},
{group_set, ""},
{key_name, "-"},
{subnet_id, "-"},
{instance_type, "t2.micro"},
{availability_zone, "us-west-2a"}
config => [
{ec2_host, ""},
{access_key_id, "-"},
{secret_access_key, "-"}
instance_user => "ec2-user",
Minimally, the config requires instance_spec
and config
keys specified. Learn more about AWS-specific config in the erlcloud documentation.
The module allocated nodes from a list of hosts.
Configuration example:
{cloud_plugins, [{static, #{module => mzb_staticcloud_plugin,
hosts => ["", "hostname"]
The module does not allocate any hosts; localhost is used instead.
Configuration example:
{cloud_plugins, [{dummy, #{module => mzb_dummycloud_plugin}}]}
Combine multiple plugins to allocate hosts from multiple sources.
Configration example:
{cloud_plugins, [
{some_cloud_provider1, ...},
{some_cloud_provider2, ...},
{cloud_multi, #{module => mzb_multicloud_plugin,
clouds => [
{some_cloud_provider1, 3},
{some_cloud_provider2, 10}
Here, if the cluster is allocated using cloud_multi
, it will contain 3 nodes from some_cloud_provider1
for every 10 nodes from some_cloud_provider2
Cloud plugin is an Erlang module with at least three methods:
-spec start(Name, Opts) -> PluginRef when
Name :: atom(),
Opts :: #{},
PluginRef :: term().
-spec create_cluster(PluginRef, NumNodes, Config) -> {ok, ClusterID, UserName, [Host]} when
PluginRef :: term(),
NumNodes :: pos_integer(),
Config :: #{},
ClusterID :: term()
UserName :: string(),
Host :: string().
-spec destroy_cluster(ClusterID) -> ok when
ClusterID :: term().
: Start a particular instance of the plugin and get an instance reference.
: The name of the particular instance of the plugin specified in the [configuration file](
: Options passed from the server [configuration file]( for the particular plugin instance.
: Allocate the required number of nodes and return a tuple: {ok, ClusterID, UserName, HostList}
: Number of nodes to allocate.
: Map with keys `user`, `name`, `description`, and `exclusive_node_usage`.
: This term will be passed to `destroy_cluster/1` when it's time it deallocate the nodes. Its content is up to the plugin developer.
: SSH username to connect to the allocated nodes.
: List of hostnames or IPs of the allocated nodes.
: Deallocate the required number of nodes and return ok
: Term returned by `create_cluster/1`.
Specify the plugin module and the path to it in the MZBench config file in the mzbench_api
{mzbench_api, [
{cloud_plugins, [{my_cloud1, #{module => mycloud_plugin,
Opt1 => Value1,
Opt2 => Value2, ...}},
{plugins_dir, "/path/to/my/plugin"}
The plugin binaries must be placed in a subdirectory inside plugins_dir
, e.g. /mycloud-0.1.1/ebin/mycloud.ebin
Plugin will be started using application:ensure_all_started/1
just before the benchmark start.