Report Prompt Start Date - Adjust "Report Start Date:" to your start prompt
=If(IsError(ToDate(UserResponse("Report Start Date:");"M/dd/yyyy h:mm:ss a"));ToDate(UserResponse("Report
Start Date:");"M/dd/yyyy");ToDate(UserResponse("Report Start Date:");"M/dd/yyyy h:mm:ss a"))
Report Prompt End Date - Adjust "Report End Date (Plus One Day):" to match your end date prompt
=RelativeDate(If(IsError(ToDate(UserResponse("Report End Date (Plus One Day):");"M/dd/yyyy h:mm:ss a"));ToDate(UserResponse("Report
End Date (Plus One Day):");"M/dd/yyyy");ToDate(UserResponse("Report End Date (Plus One Day):");"M/dd/yyyy h:mm:ss a"));-1)
Adjusted Exit - Add exit date for stayers for length of stay and other calculations
=If(IsNull([Entry Exit Exit Date]) Or [Entry Exit Exit Date]>=[Report End Date];RelativeDate([Report End Date];-1);[Entry Exit Exit Date])
Move-In Date - Makes sure project is PH and Move-In is during the enrollment period
=If(Match([Entry Exit Provider Program Type Code];"PH*") And [Housing Move-in Date(5093)]>RelativeDate([Entry Exit Entry Date];-1) And [Housing Move-in Date(5093)]<=[Entry Exit Exit Date];[Housing Move-in Date(5093)])
Move-In Date Household - Uses previous Move-In Date Formula and populates the HoH date to other members =If(isNull([Move-In Date]);[Move-In Date] Where([Relationship to Head of Household(3375)]="Self (head of household)") In([Entry Exit Group UID]); [Move-In Date])
Homeless Start Adjusted (Either approx date or Entry date if approx is blank)
=If(IsNull([Approximate date this episode of homelessness started(4355)]);[Entry Exit Entry Date];[Approximate date this episode of homelessness started(4355)]
Homeless End Adjusted (If PH and Housing Move-In Date is on or after Entry then it is move-in date, else if there is an exit then it is exit date, if exit is null then it uses either the current date or the report end date. - I schedule some reports with an End date for the report in the future and then get the last year of data)
=If([Move-In Date Household]>=RelativeDate([Entry Exit Entry Date];-1);[Move-In Date Household];
If(Not(IsNull([Entry Exit Exit Date]));[Entry Exit Exit Date];
If(CurrentDate()>[Report End Date];[Report End Date];CurrentDate()