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232 lines (174 loc) · 7.35 KB

File metadata and controls

232 lines (174 loc) · 7.35 KB

Figure 4


Load libraries

.libPaths( c( "/data/Common_Folder/R/Single_cell_packages/", .libPaths()) )


Load the RNA-Seq data

pd = readRDS("/data/nasser/Manuscript/Strict_threshold/processedobject/ODC35_woClus8_subclust3_res0.15_NK")

Figure 4-A: UpSet plot for Downregulated genes

#Upset plots data prep

# Define clusters and path to DEG files
clusters <- c("iPPC_0", "iPPC_1", "iPPC_2", "iNL2", "iOPC", "iCEP", "iNL1", "iRGC", "iODC", "iINPC")
pathto.inTable <- "/data/nasser/Manuscript/Strict_threshold/table/Figure3/DEGs_down/"

# Initialize an empty list to store DEGs for each cluster
deg_lists <- list()

# Loop through each cluster to read the DEG files
for (cluster in clusters) {
    file_path <- paste0(pathto.inTable, cluster, "_down.csv")
    if (file.exists(file_path)) {
        deg_df <- read.csv(file_path, header = FALSE)
        # Extract the gene names from the first column
        gene_names <- deg_df[, 1]
        deg_lists[[cluster]] <- gene_names

# Create a combination matrix using ComplexHeatmap's make_comb_mat function
comb_mat <- make_comb_mat(deg_lists)

comb_mat <- comb_mat[comb_size(comb_mat) >= 5]
desired_celltype_order <- c('iODC', 'iOPC', 'iPPC_2', 'iPPC_1', 'iPPC_0', 'iCEP', 'iNL2', 'iNL1', 'iINPC', 'iRGC')

#pathto.outPlots = "/data/nasser/Manuscript/plots/figure3/"
#png(paste0(pathto.outPlots,"UpSet_down_new.png"), width=2500, height=1500, res = 300)
ht <- UpSet(comb_mat, top_annotation = upset_top_annotation(comb_mat, add_numbers = TRUE),
    left_annotation = upset_left_annotation(comb_mat, add_numbers = TRUE),
            set_order = desired_celltype_order,
            comb_order = order(comb_size(comb_mat), decreasing = TRUE))

Figure 4-B: GO terms of downregulated DEGs

# Define the path to the directory containing the files
path <- "/data/nasser/Manuscript/Strict_threshold/table/Figure3/GOs/GO_ODC35/"

# List all files in the directory that match the pattern for downregulated genes
files_up <- list.files(path, pattern = "down.txt$", full.names = TRUE)

# Initialize an empty list to store data frames
go_data_list <- list()
top_terms_list <- list()

# Read each file and store in the list
for (file in files_up) {
  cell_type <- gsub(".*\\/|_down.txt", "", file) # Extract cell type from file name
  go_data <- read.delim(file, header = TRUE, sep = "\t") # Adjust if necessary
  # Add a column for cell type
  go_data$CellType <- cell_type
  # Append the full data to the list
  go_data_list[[cell_type]] <- go_data
  # Select top 5 terms by combined score
  top_go_data <- go_data %>%
    arrange(P.value) %>%
    slice_head(n = 5)
  # Append to the top terms list
  top_terms_list[[cell_type]] <- top_go_data

# Combine all top terms data frames into one
top_go_data_combined <- bind_rows(top_terms_list)

# Define the desired cell type order
desired_celltype_order <- c('GO_iODC', 'GO_iOPC', 'GO_iPPC_2', 'GO_iPPC_1', 'GO_iPPC_0', 'GO_iCEP', 'GO_iNL2', 'GO_iNL1', 'GO_iINPC', 'GO_iRGC')

# Arrange the dataframe with the specified order of CellType column
top_go_data_combined <- top_go_data_combined %>%
  mutate(CellType = factor(CellType, levels = desired_celltype_order)) %>%

# Combine all full data frames into one
full_go_data_combined <- bind_rows(go_data_list)

# Create a data frame ensuring all top terms are represented across cell types
heatmap_data <- expand.grid(Term = unique(top_go_data_combined$Term), CellType = unique(full_go_data_combined$CellType)) %>%
  left_join(full_go_data_combined %>% select(Term, Combined.Score, CellType), by = c("Term", "CellType")) %>%
  spread(key = CellType, value = Combined.Score)

# Ensure the order of Terms is preserved
heatmap_data <- heatmap_data %>%
  mutate(Term = factor(Term, levels = unique(top_go_data_combined$Term))) %>%

# Re-order columns in heatmap_data
heatmap_data <- heatmap_data %>%
  select(Term, all_of(desired_celltype_order))

# Convert to a matrix for the heatmap
heatmap_matrix <- as.matrix(heatmap_data %>% select(-Term))
rownames(heatmap_matrix) <- heatmap_data$Term

# Replace NA values with a sensible default, such as a value slightly above the threshold for significance
heatmap_matrix[] <- 0

Figure 4-B: GO Heatmap for downregulated DEGs

# Cap the maximum value to a specified threshold
scaled_mat = t(scale(t(heatmap_matrix)))
#scaled_mat[] <- 0

#pathto.outPlots = "/data/nasser/Manuscript/plots/figure3/"
#png(paste0(pathto.outPlots,"GO_down_heatmap_scaled_top5_pvalue_all.png"), width=6000, height=4000, res = 300)
# Generate the heatmap with capped values
        row_names_max_width = max_text_width(rownames(scaled_mat)),cluster_columns = FALSE, cluster_rows = FALSE,
        border_gp = gpar(col = "black"),
        rect_gp = gpar(col = "white") ,
        name = "Capped Combined Score",
        row_names_gp = gpar(fontsize = 8),
        column_names_gp = gpar(fontsize = 10),
        heatmap_legend_param = list(title = "Combined Score"),
        column_title = "CellType", 
        row_title = "Gene Ontology",
        col = viridis(5),
        row_names_rot = 0 #35 for Figure but for better readability in rmarkdown set to 0

Figure 4-C: Violin plot of PLXNA2 and SEMA6A in iOPC

Idents(pd) = "CellType"

# Create the violin plot 
VlnPlot(pd, features = c("PLXNA2"), idents = "iOPC", = "Mutation", pt.size = 0)
## The default behaviour of has changed.
## Separate violin plots are now plotted side-by-side.
## To restore the old behaviour of a single split violin,
## set split.plot = TRUE.
## This message will be shown once per session.

# Create the violin plot 
VlnPlot(pd, features = c("SEMA6A"), idents = "iOPC", = "Mutation", pt.size = 0)

Figure 4-D: Violin plot of MOBP and TPPP in iODC

Idents(pd) = "CellType"

# Create the violin plot 
VlnPlot(pd, features = c("MOBP"), idents = "iODC", = "Mutation", pt.size = 0)

# Create the violin plot 
VlnPlot(pd, features = c("TPPP"), idents = "iODC", = "Mutation", pt.size = 0)