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Building Custom Image

raymondmouthaan edited this page Oct 6, 2019 · 3 revisions

Build your own Docker image

The docker-custom directory contains files you need to build your own images.

The follow steps describe in short which steps to take to build your own images.

  1. git clone

    Clone the Node-RED Docker project from github

    git clone

    Change dir to docker-custom

    cd node-red-docker/docker-custom
  2. package.json

    • Change the node-red version in package.json (from the docker-custom directory) to the version you require
    • Add optionally packages you require

    The is a helper script to build a custom Node-RED docker image.

    Change the build arguments as needed:

    - `--build-arg ARCH=amd64` : architecture your are building for (arm32v6, arm32v7, arm64v8, amd64)
    - `--build-arg NODE_VERSION=10` : NodeJS version you like to use
    - `--build-arg NODE_RED_VERSION=${NODE_RED_VERSION}` : don't change this, ${NODE_RED_VERSION} gets populated from package.json
    - `--build-arg OS=alpine` : don't change this (alpine)
    - `--build-arg BUILD_DATE="$(date +"%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ")"` : don't change this
    - `--build-arg TAG_SUFFIX=default` : to build the default or minimal image
    - `--file Dockerfile.custom` : Dockerfile to use to build your image.
    - `--tag testing:node-red-build` : set the image name and tag
  4. Run


    $ ./

    This starts building your custom image and might take a while depending on the system you are running on.

    When building is done you can run the custom image by the following command:

    $ docker run -it -p1880:1880 testing:node-red-build

    With the following command you can verify your docker image:

    $ docker inspect testing:node-red-build

Advanced Configuration

The Dockerfile.custom file can be modified as required. To add more applications the scripts/ can be modified as needed.

Use Case - Installing extra Python packages

Assume you want to build your own custom image with the following Python packages pre-installed:

  • adafruit-circuitpython-neopixel
  • adafruit-circuitpython-motorkit
  • above packages require python3-dev
  1. Modify scripts/ as follow:

    set -ex
    # Installing Devtools
    if [[ ${TAG_SUFFIX} != "minimal" ]]; then
     echo "Installing devtools"
     apk add --no-cache --virtual devtools build-base linux-headers udev python python3 python3-dev
     pip3 install --upgrade pip
     pip3 install adafruit-circuitpython-neopixel
     pip3 install adafruit-circuitpython-motorkit
     echo "Skip installing devtools"
  2. Run

    $ ./
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