diff --git a/test/pummel/pummel.status b/test/pummel/pummel.status
index 589647bcb741fa..fa95696e345bc3 100644
--- a/test/pummel/pummel.status
+++ b/test/pummel/pummel.status
@@ -12,10 +12,6 @@ test-fs-watch-non-recursive: PASS,FLAKY
 # https://github.com/nodejs/node/issues/50260
 test-structuredclone-jstransferable: PASS,FLAKY
-# https://github.com/nodejs/node/issues/38226
-test-crypto-timing-safe-equal-benchmarks: PASS,FLAKY
 [$arch==arm || $arch==arm64]
@@ -31,7 +27,3 @@ test-heapsnapshot-near-heap-limit: PASS,FLAKY
 # https://github.com/nodejs/node/issues/39683
 test-regress-GH-892: PASS, FLAKY
-# https://github.com/nodejs/node/issues/38226
-test-crypto-timing-safe-equal-benchmarks: PASS,FLAKY
diff --git a/test/pummel/test-crypto-timing-safe-equal-benchmarks.js b/test/pummel/test-crypto-timing-safe-equal-benchmarks.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 93c89730f3aaf3..00000000000000
--- a/test/pummel/test-crypto-timing-safe-equal-benchmarks.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,122 +0,0 @@
-'use strict';
-const common = require('../common');
-if (!common.hasCrypto)
-  common.skip('missing crypto');
-if (!common.enoughTestMem)
-  common.skip('memory-intensive test');
-const assert = require('assert');
-const crypto = require('crypto');
-function runOneBenchmark(compareFunc, firstBufFill, secondBufFill, bufSize) {
-  return eval(`
-      const firstBuffer = Buffer.alloc(bufSize, firstBufFill);
-      const secondBuffer = Buffer.alloc(bufSize, secondBufFill);
-      const startTime = process.hrtime();
-      const result = compareFunc(firstBuffer, secondBuffer);
-      const endTime = process.hrtime(startTime);
-      // Ensure that the result of the function call gets used, so it doesn't
-      // get discarded due to engine optimizations.
-      assert.strictEqual(result, firstBufFill === secondBufFill);
-      endTime[0] * 1e9 + endTime[1];
-    `);
-function getTValue(compareFunc) {
-  const numTrials = 1e5;
-  const bufSize = 10000;
-  // Perform benchmarks to verify that timingSafeEqual is actually timing-safe.
-  const rawEqualBenches = Array(numTrials);
-  const rawUnequalBenches = Array(numTrials);
-  for (let i = 0; i < numTrials; i++) {
-    if (Math.random() < 0.5) {
-      // First benchmark: comparing two equal buffers
-      rawEqualBenches[i] = runOneBenchmark(compareFunc, 'A', 'A', bufSize);
-      // Second benchmark: comparing two unequal buffers
-      rawUnequalBenches[i] = runOneBenchmark(compareFunc, 'B', 'C', bufSize);
-    } else {
-      // Flip the order of the benchmarks half of the time.
-      rawUnequalBenches[i] = runOneBenchmark(compareFunc, 'B', 'C', bufSize);
-      rawEqualBenches[i] = runOneBenchmark(compareFunc, 'A', 'A', bufSize);
-    }
-  }
-  const equalBenches = filterOutliers(rawEqualBenches);
-  const unequalBenches = filterOutliers(rawUnequalBenches);
-  // Use a two-sample t-test to determine whether the timing difference between
-  // the benchmarks is statistically significant.
-  // https://wikipedia.org/wiki/Student%27s_t-test#Independent_two-sample_t-test
-  const equalMean = mean(equalBenches);
-  const unequalMean = mean(unequalBenches);
-  const equalLen = equalBenches.length;
-  const unequalLen = unequalBenches.length;
-  const combinedStd = combinedStandardDeviation(equalBenches, unequalBenches);
-  const standardErr = combinedStd * Math.sqrt(1 / equalLen + 1 / unequalLen);
-  return (equalMean - unequalMean) / standardErr;
-// Returns the mean of an array
-function mean(array) {
-  return array.reduce((sum, val) => sum + val, 0) / array.length;
-// Returns the sample standard deviation of an array
-function standardDeviation(array) {
-  const arrMean = mean(array);
-  const total = array.reduce((sum, val) => sum + Math.pow(val - arrMean, 2), 0);
-  return Math.sqrt(total / (array.length - 1));
-// Returns the common standard deviation of two arrays
-function combinedStandardDeviation(array1, array2) {
-  const sum1 = Math.pow(standardDeviation(array1), 2) * (array1.length - 1);
-  const sum2 = Math.pow(standardDeviation(array2), 2) * (array2.length - 1);
-  return Math.sqrt((sum1 + sum2) / (array1.length + array2.length - 2));
-// Filter large outliers from an array. A 'large outlier' is a value that is at
-// least 50 times larger than the mean. This prevents the tests from failing
-// due to the standard deviation increase when a function unexpectedly takes
-// a very long time to execute.
-function filterOutliers(array) {
-  const arrMean = mean(array);
-  return array.filter((value) => value / arrMean < 50);
-// t_(0.99995, ∞)
-// i.e. If a given comparison function is indeed timing-safe, the t-test result
-// has a 99.99% chance to be below this threshold. Unfortunately, this means
-// that this test will be a bit flakey and will fail 0.01% of the time even if
-// crypto.timingSafeEqual is working properly.
-// t-table ref: http://www.sjsu.edu/faculty/gerstman/StatPrimer/t-table.pdf
-// Note that in reality there are roughly `2 * numTrials - 2` degrees of
-// freedom, not ∞. However, assuming `numTrials` is large, this doesn't
-// significantly affect the threshold.
-const T_THRESHOLD = 3.892;
-const t = getTValue(crypto.timingSafeEqual);
-  Math.abs(t) < T_THRESHOLD,
-  `timingSafeEqual should not leak information from its execution time (t=${t})`,
-// As a coherence check to make sure the statistical tests are working, run the
-// same benchmarks again, this time with an unsafe comparison function. In this
-// case the t-value should be above the threshold.
-const unsafeCompare = (bufA, bufB) => bufA.equals(bufB);
-const t2 = getTValue(unsafeCompare);
-  Math.abs(t2) > T_THRESHOLD,
-  `Buffer#equals should leak information from its execution time (t=${t2})`,