NodeSchool Toronto 
NodeSchool is focused around open source workshops that teach web software skills. Individuals are encouraged to do the workshoppers on their own or at one of the NodeSchool events. The workshopper tutorials are used as the course curriculum while mentors are here to help attendees work through challenges. Participating in one of the events is easy:
Check out our website, event listing or sign up to our newsletter for information on future events and other news.
If you want to help teach or contribute in anyway, make a Pull Request and add your name to the list below with relevant contact details; And/or contact @rmillr or @jeffjewiss for further information. Mentors and Volunteers are currently contacted and confirmed, before each event, via our Slack Channel.
- Ricky Miller: @rmillr
- Jeff Jewiss: @jeffjewiss
- Brenna O'Brien @brenna
- Darcy Clarke: @darcyclarke
- Rich Gilbank: @richgilbank
- Andrew D'Amelio @andrewdamelio
- Tessa Thornton @tessalt
- Laura DeGroot @lauradegroot
- Chris Mendis @chrismendis
- Wisam Zaghal @wzaghal
- Mohamad Atie @mohamadatieh
- Ahmad Nassri @AhmadNassri
- Ryan Christiani @rchristiani
- Vlad Filippov @vladikoff
Please read our code of conduct before contributing to or attending one of our events.