Wi-Fi: Curiosity Media - Guest
We consider working in pairs one of the most important skills in programming. It helps clarify your thinking and keeps you from getting stuck on things you don't understand.
- Only use one laptop
- Switch who is using the keyboard at least each time you move on to a new exercise
- Think outloud
- Go to
and download either v6 or v7. - Get a text editor if you don't already have one. The following are all free
and recommended:
- Atom
- Sublime Text 2
- Visual Studio Code
- Go to
to look at the workshop instructions - We recommend the following workshops:
New to javascript | javascripting New to Node.js | learnyounode Some experience with Node.js | stream-adventure
- Read all of the instructions! It's easy to miss parts
- If you want to know what's going on with your code, use
console.log('myData', myData)
. It will first print the stringmyData
to the screen and then the value of the variablemyData
- Test your code with
$ <name-of-workshop> run <file-name> <params>
- Ask questions! Especially when you get to working with callbacks or modules. Raise your hand at any time or get one of the mentor's attention. We're glad to help :)