For more information, check out the following links:
Codename »hehehe«
- Improved: Login screen on mobile is now full screen
- Improved: Notifications on login screen
- Fixed: Fixed Login screen design 🤯
Codename »boring«
- Fixed: Login screen design 🖌
- Fixed: Readme 📄
- Fixed: AOS Language Switch overlapping notifications 💬
Everyone is going green, only AdminThemeBoss was somehow missing the trend… So this new version fixes this glaring oversight 😇
- New «Smooth Green» Color Scheme 💚
- Fixed: Small issues with asmSelect entries
Introducing, a refined, more colorfull and streamlined expirience:
- More colors 🎉
- Improved: notifications 📢
- Improved: dropdows
- Improced: third party modules like ProDrafts, AOS and ASM
- Improved: Under the hood improvements on how settings are saved an applied
- Fixed: Some minor bugs 🧨🦟
- Fixed: Display of strong and italic content inside field descriptions and notes.
- Fixed: Display of descriptions and notes with ProDrafts Livepreview
- Fixed: Aligments of checkbox labels
- Fixed: Reno theme regression
- Fixed: Update script not removing reno theme less
- Changed: Further design improvements to login screens
- Changed: Update script now hadles everything (no manual changes needed)
- Fixed: Conflict with AdminOnSteroids with black login header
- Changed: Updated Readme and screenshots
- Added: Redesigned login screen
- Fixed: Background color for repeaters
- Added: Checkbox toggles, thanks @chrisbennet
- Changed: Lighter Page List without lines and light edit-icons, larger font-size
- Changed: Tabs: Lighter color with shaddow
- Changed: Labels; removed bold font-weight of inputfield-labels
- Changed: Labels; hover colors of inputfield-labels
- Changed: Page-title: decreased font-size
- Upated: Latest AdminThemeUikit dependencies
- Fixed: Various small issues; dropdowns, buttons etc.
- Fixed: Dark black is now darker ;)
- Fixed: AdminHelpTab color
- Fix for subfolder installations: AdminThemeUikit requires relative paths
- Closer integration with AdminThemeUikit: Based on its uikit and extending custom code
- Added new Pink Theme Variant:
- Bugfixes
- Introdoced a new way to inject CSS and Logo using configurations from AdminThemeUikit
- Upgraded uikit to 3.0.0-rc.17
- Fixed issues with descriptions and notes
- Small improvements on backgrounds and shaddows etc
- Compatibility improvements for some AdminOnSteroids features
- Compatibility improvements for Admin Helper Module
- Added info on how to modify the theme to
- Added compatibility to BreadcrumbDropdowns module
- Fixed slider design
- Design tweaks to dropdowns and time-picker
- Styled login form
- Theme is now a module extending AdminThemeUikit by replacing the CSS
- This simplifies the installation, simply download the module and install it
- Added extended breadcrumb with edit links
- Added option to activate the theme for all users
- Fixed installations in subfolders
- Fixed installations in subfolders
- Fixed missing breadcrumb
- Fixed Repository Url
- Initial release
© 2019