diff --git a/core/fileManager.php b/core/fileManager.php
index 3f911cd..ed92a73 100644
--- a/core/fileManager.php
+++ b/core/fileManager.php
@@ -171,14 +171,14 @@ function writeoutput($output)
else {
$errors = "";
- // template name is set, has only alphanumeric characters, and is < 30 characters
+ // template name is set and is < 30 characters
if(!isset($form["template-name"]) ||
- strlen($form["template-name"]) > 30 ||
- $form["template-name"] != preg_replace('/[^A-Za-z0-9]+/','',$form["template-name"]))
+ strlen($form["template-name"]) > 30 /*||
+ $form["template-name"] != preg_replace('/[^A-Za-z0-9]+/','',$form["template-name"])*/)
$errors .= "
- $errors .= "Please input a valid template name (less than 30 alphanumeric characters only) ";
- $errors .= " ";
+ $errors .= "Please input a valid template name (less than 30 characters)";
+ $errors .= "";
@@ -358,10 +358,10 @@ function writeoutput($output)
// else if template name has changed
else if ($_REQUEST['oldname'] != $form["template-name"])
- // check for template-name conflict happened earlier, so this is safe
+ // checked for template-name conflict happened earlier, so this is safe
- // check if old name is currently active, if so, change?
+ // check if old name is currently active, if so, change
// also need to rename in active.txt
$optArr = array('oldName' => $_REQUEST['oldname'],
'newName' => $form['template-name'],
diff --git a/core/js/experimenter.js b/core/js/experimenter.js
index 9567720..dfc6a29 100644
--- a/core/js/experimenter.js
+++ b/core/js/experimenter.js
@@ -1,980 +1,981 @@
-var templates = {};
-var catlistnames = ["catA","catB","cat1","cat2"];
-var catfullnames = ["Category A","Category B","Category 1","Category 2"];
-$.fn.hookToInput = function(selector)
- if(typeof selector == "string")
- {
- selector = $(selector);
- }
- this.each(function(i)
- {
- var $this = $(this);
- var assocInput = $($.isFunction(selector) ? selector($this)
- : selector.get(i));
- assocInput.keyup(function()
- {
- $this.html(assocInput.val() || "[Untitled]");
- });
- });
-$.fn.toSerializedJSON = function()
- var $this = $(this);
- var params = $this.serialize().split("&");
- var json = "{";
- for(var i = 0, l = params.length; i 0;
- /* If current template has unsaved changes, prompt user to
- * save before closing.
- *
- * Store unsaved data in cookies to prompt user with on
- * return to experimenter
- */
- if(hasUnsavedTemplate)
- {
- var templateId = $(".template-selected").data("templateid");
- $.cookie("unsaved_templateid",templateId);
- $.cookie("unsaved_data",$("#template-form").toSerializedJSON());
- return "Note: You have unsaved changes to " + templateId + ".";
- }
-function showUnsavedChangesFromPrevious()
- var templateId = $.cookie("unsaved_templateid");
- var templateData = $.cookie("unsaved_data");
- if(templateId && templateData)
- {
- /*$("#alert-window").html("Do you want to recover unsaved changes to " + templateId + "?");
- $("#alert-window").dialog({
- title: "Unsaved Changes:" + templateId + " ",
- modal: true,
- buttons: {
- Yes: function()
- {
- $(this).dialog("close");
- },
- No: function()
- {
- $(this).dialog("close");
- }
- }
- });*/
- clearUnsavedChangesFromPrevious();
- }
-function clearUnsavedChangesFromPrevious()
- // Clear unsaved changes from previous visit
- $.removeCookie("unsaved_templateid");
- $.removeCookie("unsaved_data");
-function clearUnsavedTemplate()
- var unsavedTemplate = $(".template-unsaved");
- unsavedTemplate.find(".save-item").remove();
- unsavedTemplate.data("ischanged", false)
- .removeClass("template-unsaved");
-function renderTemplateViewerItem(templateId)
- // Update :: added data-templateid attribute to avoid
- // errors resulting from selecting .template-item elements
- // with illegal characters in ID attribute
- $(".active-selector").append("" + templateId + "
-function showTemplates(input)
- // Save currently selected template (if any)
- var currTemplateId = $("#template-name").val();
- // Removes previously created DOM for templates
- // before updating with new content
- $(".user-template").remove();
- var numTemplates = input.available.length;
- var numTemplatesLoaded = 0;
- // Generate DOM elements for each template in
- // .selector-frame and populate templates object
- for (var template in input.available)
- {
- if(input.available[template] != "Empty")
- {
- renderTemplateViewerItem(input.available[template]);
- }
- // Retrieve current template configuration from external resource
- FileMgr.getJSON(FileMgr.getInputPath(input.available[template]), function(data)
- {
- templates[data["name"]] = data;
- numTemplatesLoaded++;
- if(numTemplatesLoaded == numTemplates)
- {
- readyTemplates(input);
- }
- });
- }
- // Re-attach .template-selected class to current template
- var currTemplateObj = $(".template-item[data-templateid='" + currTemplateId + "']");
- if(currTemplateObj.length > 0)
- {
- currTemplateObj.addClass("template-selected");
- }
- // Attach event handler for changing templates
- $(".template-item").unbind("click").click(selectTemplate);
-function verifyDelete(templateId)
- if($(".exp-header-active").html() == templateId)
- {
- $( "#alert-window" ).html(templateId+" is currently active. Please make another template active before deleting this template.");
- $( "#alert-window" ).dialog({
- title: "Template Currently Active ",
- modal: true,
- buttons: {
- Ok: function() {
- $( this ).dialog( "close" );
- }
- }
- });
- }
- else
- {
- $( "#alert-window" ).html(" Are you sure you want to delete template '"+templateId+"'? This will delete all associated files, including existing data!!
- $( "#alert-window" ).dialog({
- title: "Confirm Delete ",
- modal: true,
- buttons: {
- Delete: function() {
- FileMgr.post(FileMgr.getFileMgrPath(), {"op":"deleteTemplate", "template":templateId}, function(data) {
- if (data.slice(0,5) == "Error")
- {
- alert(data);
- }
- else
- {
- $("#exp-content").empty();
- FileMgr.getJSON(FileMgr.getActivePath(),showTemplates);
- }
- });
- $(this).dialog("close");
- },
- Cancel: function() {
- $(this).dialog("close");
- }
- }
- });
- }
-function selectTemplate()
- var $this = $(this);
- // Prevent reloading of current template so
- // altered data not overwritted
- if($this.hasClass("template-selected")) {
- return false;
- }
- // Prompt user to save changes to active template
- // before changing to selected template
- var currTemplateObj = $(".template-selected");
- var currTemplate = currTemplateObj.text();
- // If new, unsaved template, adjust its title
- if(currTemplateObj.attr("id") == "create-new")
- {
- currTemplate = ($("#template-name").val() != "Empty") ? $("#template-name").val()
- : "Untitled";
- }
- if(currTemplateObj.hasClass("template-unsaved"))
- {
- $("#alert-window").html("Do you want to save changes to \"" + currTemplate +" \"?")
- .dialog({
- title: "Unsaved Changes ",
- modal: true,
- close: clearUnsavedTemplate,
- buttons: {
- Save: function()
- {
- saveTemplate(function(data)
- {
- repaintTemplates(data);
- changeTemplate({
- templateObj: $this,
- isReloadActive: true
- });
- $("#alert-window").dialog("close"); // Note the closure :: $(this) != $("#alert-window")
- },showSaveError);
- },
- Discard: function()
- {
- currTemplateObj.find(".template-item-label").html(currTemplateObj.data("templateid")); // Restore original template name
- changeTemplate({
- templateObj: $this,
- isReloadActive: false
- });
- $(this).dialog("close");
- }
- }
- });
- }
- else
- {
- changeTemplate({
- templateObj: $this,
- isReloadActive: false
- });
- }
-function changeTemplate(options)
- // isReloadActive indicates whether template inputs should
- // be redownloaded with updates
- isReloadActive = options.isReloadActive || false;
- var $this = options.templateObj;
- // Change selected template
- $(".template-selected").removeClass("template-selected");
- $this.addClass("template-selected");
- if($this.attr("id") != "create-new")
- {
- $("#set-active").button("option","disabled", false);
- }
- // Put form html into exp-content frame
- FileMgr.get(FileMgr.getTemplateFormPath(), function(data) {
- renderTemplateForm(data);
- attachTemplateFormEventHandlers();
- if(isReloadActive)
- {
- // Update templates object with new data (so oldname is fixed on next run)
- FileMgr.getJSON(FileMgr.getActivePath(),showTemplates);
- }
- });
-function renderTemplateForm(data)
- var templateId;
- if($(".template-selected").attr("id") == "create-new")
- {
- templateId = "Empty";
- }
- else
- {
- templateId = $(".template-selected").attr("id");
- }
- $("#exp-content").html(data);
- $("#template-name").val(templateId);
- $("#category-selector").tabs();
- // Enable buttons to select between 2-cat and 1-cat IAT
- $( "#IAT-type" ).buttonset();
- // set initial value from template
- if(templates[templateId].IATtype == "two")
- {
- $("#IAT-standard").attr("checked",true);
- $("#IAT-type").buttonset('refresh');
- }
- else
- {
- $("#IAT-single").attr("checked",true);
- $("#IAT-type").buttonset('refresh');
- }
- // Change on click
- $( "#IAT-type :radio" ).click(function(e) {
- $( "#IAT-type :radio" ).attr("checked",false);
- $(this).attr("checked",true);
- });
- // Hide IAT type until IAT is ready for it
- $( "#IAT-type").hide();
- // Enable buttons for showing results at end or not
- $( "#show-results" ).buttonset();
- if(templates[templateId].showResult == "show")
- {
- $("#show").attr("checked",true);
- $("#show-results").buttonset('refresh');
- }
- else
- {
- $("#noshow").attr("checked",true);
- $("#show-results").buttonset('refresh');
- }
- // Change on click
- $( "#show-results :radio" ).click(function(e) {
- $( "#show-results :radio" ).attr("checked",false);
- $(this).attr("checked",true);
- });
- var categoryTabs = $("#category-list a");
- for(var j=1; j<5; j++)
- {
- // create references
- tabname = "tabs" + j;
- catname = catlistnames[j-1];
- // Update category tab with name
- $(categoryTabs.get(j - 1)).html(templates[templateId][catname].label);
- // Set up Category Tab
- $( "#"+tabname+"-toi-selector" ).buttonset();
- // Change from img to text on click
- $( "#"+tabname+"-toi-selector :radio" ).click(function(e) {
- idx = parseInt($(this).attr("id").slice(-5,-4));
- tabname = "tabs" + idx;
- catname = catlistnames[idx-1];
- $( "#"+tabname+"-toi-selector :radio" ).attr("checked",false);
- if($(this).attr("id").slice(-3) == "txt")
- {
- $(this).attr("checked",true);
- $(".img-item-"+catname).hide();
- }
- else
- {
- $(this).attr("checked",true);
- $(".img-item-"+catname).show();
- updateImages(idx);
- }
- $('#'+tabname+'-toi-selector').buttonset('refresh')
- });
- // add category label name
- $("#"+tabname+"-catlabel-input").val(templates[templateId][catname].label);
- // add data label name
- $("#"+tabname+"-datalabel-input").val(templates[templateId][catname].datalabel);
- // Show options for each tab
- for (var i=0; i";
- // preview
- if(templates[templateId][catname].itemtype == "txt")
- {
- itemstring += " ";
- }
- else
- {
- itemstring += " ";
- }
- // input for filename
- itemstring += " ";
- itemstring += "";
- $("#"+tabname+"-catitems").append(itemstring);
- }
- itemstring = " ";
- $("#"+tabname+"-catitems").append(itemstring);
- itemstring = " ";
- $("#"+tabname+"-catitems").append(itemstring);
- // update images button
- itemstring = " ";
- $("#"+tabname+"-catitems").append(itemstring);
- // decide if showing or not
- if(templates[templateId][catname].itemtype == "txt")
- {
- // Set text / image selection
- $("#"+tabname+"-txt").attr('checked', "checked");
- $("#"+tabname+"-toi-selector").buttonset('refresh');
- $(".img-item-"+catname).hide();
- }
- else
- {
- // Set text / image selection
- $("#"+tabname+"-img").attr('checked', "checked");
- $("#"+tabname+"-toi-selector").buttonset('refresh');
- $(".img-item-"+catname).show();
- }
- }
- if($(".template-selected").attr("id") == "create-new")
- {
- $("#template-name").val("").focus();
- }
-function attachTemplateFormEventHandlers()
- $("input[type=button]").button();
- // Listen for changes to template to update templates object
- $("#template-form input").unbind("change").on("change",updateTemplateState);
- // Event handler for save icon in template viewer
- $("#save-template").unbind("click").click(function() {
- saveTemplate(repaintTemplates,showSaveError)
- });
- // Event hook to update category tab labels with category
- $("#category-list a").hookToInput(".catlabel-input");
- // Event hook to update template viewer labels when template name changes
- $(".template-selected .template-item-label").hookToInput(function(x) {
- return "#template-name";
- });
-function repaintTemplates()
- var templateName = $("#template-name").val();
- if($(".template-selected").attr("id") == "create-new")
- {
- $(".template-selected").removeClass("template-selected");
- $("#exp-content").empty();
- }
- else
- {
- $(".template-selected").attr("id",templateName)
- .data("templateid",templateName);
- }
- //update images
- for(var j=1; j<5; j++)
- {
- tabname = "tabs" + j;
- // clear errors
- $("#"+tabname + "-catitems > div.catitem").removeClass("erroritem");
- if ($("#tabs"+j+"-toi-selector :radio:checked").attr("id") == "tabs"+j+"-img")
- {
- // update images
- catitemimgs = $("#"+tabname + "-catitems > div.catitem > img");
- catitemtxts = $("#"+tabname + "-catitems > div.catitem > input:text");
- for (var imgidx=0; imgidxTemplate saved",
- modal: true,
- buttons: {
- Ok: function() {
- $( this ).dialog( "close" );
- }
- }
- });
- });*/
-function showSaveError(data)
- /*res = eval('('+data+')');
- $("#alert-window").html("");
- for(var j=1; j<5; j++)
- {
- tabname = "tabs" + j;
- if ($("#tabs"+j+"-toi-selector :radio:checked").attr("id") == "tabs"+j+"-img")
- {
- // update images
- catitemimgs = $("#"+tabname + "-catitems > div.catitem > img");
- filesrcs = res['images'][tabname].split(",");
- numitems = filesrcs.length;
- // put image sources in files
- for (var imgidx=0; imgidxProblems with template",
- modal: true,
- buttons: {
- Ok: function() {
- $( this ).dialog( "close" );
- }
- }
- });
- });*/
-function updateTemplateState(e)
- var currTemplateObj = $(".template-selected");
- if(!currTemplateObj.hasClass("template-unsaved"))
- {
- // Subtle hint: CSS (.template-unsaved .template-item-label:after) appends "*" to template name
- currTemplateObj.data("ischanged", true)
- .addClass("template-unsaved");
- // Subtle hint: add save icon to template viewer item
- var baseHtml = currTemplateObj.html();
- currTemplateObj.html(baseHtml + " ");
- }
-function addItem(catnum)
- if($(".template-selected").attr("id") == "create-new")
- {
- var templateId = "Empty";
- }
- else
- {
- var templateId = $(".template-selected").attr("id");
- }
- tabname = "tabs" + catnum;
- catname = catlistnames[catnum-1];
- var lastitem = $("#max-"+catname).prev();
- var lasttext = lastitem.children("input:text").attr("id");
- var idx = parseInt(lasttext.slice(-5,-4)) + 1;
- itemstring = "";
- // delete button
- itemstring += "
- // preview
- itemstring += "
- // input for filename
- itemstring += "
- itemstring += "
- $("#max-"+catname).before(itemstring);
- // check currently selected option
- if($("#"+tabname+"-toi-selector :radio:checked").attr("id") == tabname+"-txt")
- {
- $(".img-item-"+catname).hide()
- }
- // update maximum number of items
- $("#max-"+catname).val(idx);
-function updateImages(catidx)
- if($(".template-selected").attr("id") == "create-new")
- {
- var templateId = "Empty";
- }
- else
- {
- var templateId = $(".template-selected").attr("id");
- }
- tabname = "tabs" + catidx;
- catname = catlistnames[catidx-1];
- // clear errors
- $("#"+tabname + "-catitems > div.catitem").removeClass("erroritem");
- // get file sources from input fields
- catitemtxts = $("#"+tabname + "-catitems > div.catitem > input:text");
- imgsources = []
- for (var imgidx=0; imgidx div.catitem > img");
- filesrcs = data.split(",");
- if (filesrcs.length == catitemimgs.length - 1)
- {
- // put image sources in files
- for (var imgidx=0; imgidxActive Template Updated",
- modal: true,
- buttons: {
- Ok: function() {
- $( this ).dialog( "close" );
- }
- }
- });
- }
- else if(data.slice(0,5) == "Error")
- {
- alert(data);
- }
- });
-function saveTemplate(successCallback, errorCallback)
- var templateId, oldName;
- if($(".template-selected").attr("id") == "create-new")
- {
- templateId = $("#template-name").val();
- oldName = "Empty";
- }
- else
- {
- templateId = $("#template-name").val();
- oldName = templates[$(".template-selected").data("templateid")].name;
- }
- var formString = $("form").serialize();
- // console.log(formString);
- FileMgr.post(FileMgr.getFileMgrPath(),
- { "op": "saveTemplate", "template": templateId, "oldname": oldName, "form": formString},
- function(saveData) {
- if (saveData == "success")
- {
- // Remove save icon from unsaved template viewer item
- clearUnsavedTemplate();
- clearUnsavedChangesFromPrevious();
- $(".template-selected")
- .data("templateid",templateId)
- .attr("id",templateId);
- // Update template object with saved data
- FileMgr.getJSON(FileMgr.getInputPath(templateId), function(templateData)
- {
- templates[templateId] = templateData;
- successCallback(saveData);
- });
- }
- else if (saveData.slice(0,5) == "Error")
- {
- alert(saveData); // Should call errorCallback as well? (Probably)
- }
- else
- {
- errorCallback(saveData);
- }
- });
-function loadCreateForm() {
- // $(".template-selected").removeClass("template-selected");
- $("#set-active").button("option","disabled",true);
- // $("#view-stats").attr("disabled","disabled");
- // selectTemplate();
- // Make edits to group name live
- // $("#group-name-field").ready(function() {
- // $("#group-name-field").keyup(changeGroupName);
- // });
-function loadActiveStats(input)
- $(".exp-header-active").html(input.active);
- // Get completed output
- // $.getJSON("core/fileManager.php",
- // {"op":"getstats","root":input.root,"output":input.output},
- // buildStatsPage);
-function viewStats() {
- // Get selected template
- // Verify data for template exists
- // Build stats page
-function buildStatsPage(input)
- // Number completed
- // Bar chart
- // Aggregate & Save button
- // Change active IAT
+var templates = {};
+var catlistnames = ["catA","catB","cat1","cat2"];
+var catfullnames = ["Category A","Category B","Category 1","Category 2"];
+$.fn.hookToInput = function(selector)
+ if(typeof selector == "string")
+ {
+ selector = $(selector);
+ }
+ this.each(function(i)
+ {
+ var $this = $(this);
+ var assocInput = $($.isFunction(selector) ? selector($this)
+ : selector.get(i));
+ assocInput.keyup(function()
+ {
+ $this.html(assocInput.val() || "[Untitled]");
+ });
+ });
+$.fn.toSerializedJSON = function()
+ var $this = $(this);
+ var params = $this.serialize().split("&");
+ var json = "{";
+ for(var i = 0, l = params.length; i 0;
+ /* If current template has unsaved changes, prompt user to
+ * save before closing.
+ *
+ * Store unsaved data in cookies to prompt user with on
+ * return to experimenter
+ */
+ if(hasUnsavedTemplate)
+ {
+ var templateId = $(".template-selected").data("templateid");
+ $.cookie("unsaved_templateid",templateId);
+ $.cookie("unsaved_data",$("#template-form").toSerializedJSON());
+ return "Note: You have unsaved changes to " + templateId + ".";
+ }
+function showUnsavedChangesFromPrevious()
+ var templateId = $.cookie("unsaved_templateid");
+ var templateData = $.cookie("unsaved_data");
+ if(templateId && templateData)
+ {
+ /*$("#alert-window").html("Do you want to recover unsaved changes to " + templateId + "?");
+ $("#alert-window").dialog({
+ title: "Unsaved Changes:" + templateId + " ",
+ modal: true,
+ buttons: {
+ Yes: function()
+ {
+ $(this).dialog("close");
+ },
+ No: function()
+ {
+ $(this).dialog("close");
+ }
+ }
+ });*/
+ clearUnsavedChangesFromPrevious();
+ }
+function clearUnsavedChangesFromPrevious()
+ // Clear unsaved changes from previous visit
+ $.removeCookie("unsaved_templateid");
+ $.removeCookie("unsaved_data");
+function clearUnsavedTemplate()
+ var unsavedTemplate = $(".template-unsaved");
+ unsavedTemplate.find(".save-item").remove();
+ unsavedTemplate.data("ischanged", false)
+ .removeClass("template-unsaved");
+function renderTemplateViewerItem(templateId)
+ // Update :: added data-templateid attribute to avoid
+ // errors resulting from selecting .template-item elements
+ // with illegal characters in ID attribute
+ $(".active-selector").append("" + templateId + "
+function showTemplates(input)
+ // Save currently selected template (if any)
+ var currTemplateId = $("#template-name").val();
+ // Removes previously created DOM for templates
+ // before updating with new content
+ $(".user-template").remove();
+ var numTemplates = input.available.length;
+ var numTemplatesLoaded = 0;
+ // Generate DOM elements for each template in
+ // .selector-frame and populate templates object
+ for (var template in input.available)
+ {
+ if(input.available[template] != "Empty")
+ {
+ renderTemplateViewerItem(input.available[template]);
+ }
+ // Retrieve current template configuration from external resource
+ FileMgr.getJSON(FileMgr.getInputPath(input.available[template]), function(data)
+ {
+ templates[data["name"]] = data;
+ numTemplatesLoaded++;
+ if(numTemplatesLoaded == numTemplates)
+ {
+ readyTemplates(input);
+ }
+ });
+ }
+ // Re-attach .template-selected class to current template
+ var currTemplateObj = $(".template-item[data-templateid='" + currTemplateId + "']");
+ if(currTemplateObj.length > 0)
+ {
+ currTemplateObj.addClass("template-selected");
+ }
+ // Attach event handler for changing templates
+ $(".template-item").unbind("click").click(selectTemplate);
+function verifyDelete(templateId)
+ if($(".exp-header-active").html() == templateId)
+ {
+ $( "#alert-window" ).html(templateId+" is currently active. Please make another template active before deleting this template.");
+ $( "#alert-window" ).dialog({
+ title: "Template Currently Active ",
+ modal: true,
+ buttons: {
+ Ok: function() {
+ $( this ).dialog( "close" );
+ }
+ }
+ });
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ $( "#alert-window" ).html(" Are you sure you want to delete template '"+templateId+"'? This will delete all associated files, including existing data!!
+ $( "#alert-window" ).dialog({
+ title: "Confirm Delete ",
+ modal: true,
+ buttons: {
+ Delete: function() {
+ FileMgr.post(FileMgr.getFileMgrPath(), {"op":"deleteTemplate", "template":templateId}, function(data) {
+ if (data.slice(0,5) == "Error")
+ {
+ alert(data);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ $("#exp-content").empty();
+ FileMgr.getJSON(FileMgr.getActivePath(),showTemplates);
+ }
+ });
+ $(this).dialog("close");
+ },
+ Cancel: function() {
+ $(this).dialog("close");
+ }
+ }
+ });
+ }
+function selectTemplate(e)
+ var $this = $(this);
+ // Prevent reloading of current template so
+ // altered data not overwritted
+ if(!$this.hasClass("template-selected")) {
+ // Prompt user to save changes to active template
+ // before changing to selected template
+ var currTemplateObj = $(".template-selected");
+ var currTemplate = currTemplateObj.text();
+ // If new, unsaved template, adjust its title
+ if(currTemplateObj.attr("id") == "create-new")
+ {
+ currTemplate = ($("#template-name").val() != "Empty") ? $("#template-name").val()
+ : "Untitled";
+ }
+ if(currTemplateObj.hasClass("template-unsaved"))
+ {
+ $("#alert-window").html("Do you want to save changes to \"" + currTemplate +" \"?")
+ .dialog({
+ title: "Unsaved Changes ",
+ modal: true,
+ close: clearUnsavedTemplate,
+ buttons: {
+ Save: function()
+ {
+ saveTemplate(function(data)
+ {
+ repaintTemplates(data);
+ changeTemplate({
+ templateObj: $this,
+ isReloadActive: true
+ });
+ $("#alert-window").dialog("close"); // Note the closure :: $(this) != $("#alert-window")
+ },showSaveError);
+ },
+ Discard: function()
+ {
+ currTemplateObj.find(".template-item-label").html(currTemplateObj.data("templateid")); // Restore original template name
+ changeTemplate({
+ templateObj: $this,
+ isReloadActive: false
+ });
+ $(this).dialog("close");
+ }
+ }
+ });
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ changeTemplate({
+ templateObj: $this,
+ isReloadActive: false
+ });
+ }
+ }
+function changeTemplate(options)
+ // isReloadActive indicates whether template inputs should
+ // be redownloaded with updates
+ isReloadActive = options.isReloadActive || false;
+ var $this = options.templateObj;
+ // Change selected template
+ $(".template-selected").removeClass("template-selected");
+ $this.addClass("template-selected");
+ if($this.attr("id") != "create-new")
+ {
+ $("#set-active").button("option","disabled", false);
+ }
+ // Put form html into exp-content frame
+ FileMgr.get(FileMgr.getTemplateFormPath(), function(data) {
+ renderTemplateForm(data);
+ attachTemplateFormEventHandlers();
+ if(isReloadActive)
+ {
+ // Update templates object with new data (so oldname is fixed on next run)
+ FileMgr.getJSON(FileMgr.getActivePath(),showTemplates);
+ }
+ });
+function renderTemplateForm(data)
+ var templateId;
+ if($(".template-selected").attr("id") == "create-new")
+ {
+ templateId = "Empty";
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ templateId = $(".template-selected").attr("id");
+ }
+ $("#exp-content").html(data);
+ $("#template-name").val(templateId);
+ $("#category-selector").tabs();
+ // Enable buttons to select between 2-cat and 1-cat IAT
+ $( "#IAT-type" ).buttonset();
+ // set initial value from template
+ if(templates[templateId].IATtype == "two")
+ {
+ $("#IAT-standard").attr("checked",true);
+ $("#IAT-type").buttonset('refresh');
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ $("#IAT-single").attr("checked",true);
+ $("#IAT-type").buttonset('refresh');
+ }
+ // Change on click
+ $( "#IAT-type :radio" ).click(function(e) {
+ $( "#IAT-type :radio" ).attr("checked",false);
+ $(this).attr("checked",true);
+ });
+ // Hide IAT type until IAT is ready for it
+ $( "#IAT-type").hide();
+ // Enable buttons for showing results at end or not
+ $( "#show-results" ).buttonset();
+ if(templates[templateId].showResult == "show")
+ {
+ $("#show").attr("checked",true);
+ $("#show-results").buttonset('refresh');
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ $("#noshow").attr("checked",true);
+ $("#show-results").buttonset('refresh');
+ }
+ // Change on click
+ $( "#show-results :radio" ).click(function(e) {
+ $( "#show-results :radio" ).attr("checked",false);
+ $(this).attr("checked",true);
+ });
+ var categoryTabs = $("#category-list a");
+ for(var j=1; j<5; j++)
+ {
+ // create references
+ tabname = "tabs" + j;
+ catname = catlistnames[j-1];
+ // Update category tab with name
+ $(categoryTabs.get(j - 1)).html(templates[templateId][catname].label);
+ // Set up Category Tab
+ $( "#"+tabname+"-toi-selector" ).buttonset();
+ // Change from img to text on click
+ $( "#"+tabname+"-toi-selector :radio" ).click(function(e) {
+ idx = parseInt($(this).attr("id").slice(-5,-4));
+ tabname = "tabs" + idx;
+ catname = catlistnames[idx-1];
+ $( "#"+tabname+"-toi-selector :radio" ).attr("checked",false);
+ if($(this).attr("id").slice(-3) == "txt")
+ {
+ $(this).attr("checked",true);
+ $(".img-item-"+catname).hide();
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ $(this).attr("checked",true);
+ $(".img-item-"+catname).show();
+ updateImages(idx);
+ }
+ $('#'+tabname+'-toi-selector').buttonset('refresh')
+ });
+ // add category label name
+ $("#"+tabname+"-catlabel-input").val(templates[templateId][catname].label);
+ // add data label name
+ $("#"+tabname+"-datalabel-input").val(templates[templateId][catname].datalabel);
+ // Show options for each tab
+ for (var i=0; i";
+ // preview
+ if(templates[templateId][catname].itemtype == "txt")
+ {
+ itemstring += " ";
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ itemstring += " ";
+ }
+ // input for filename
+ itemstring += " ";
+ itemstring += "";
+ $("#"+tabname+"-catitems").append(itemstring);
+ }
+ itemstring = " ";
+ $("#"+tabname+"-catitems").append(itemstring);
+ itemstring = " ";
+ $("#"+tabname+"-catitems").append(itemstring);
+ // update images button
+ itemstring = " ";
+ $("#"+tabname+"-catitems").append(itemstring);
+ // decide if showing or not
+ if(templates[templateId][catname].itemtype == "txt")
+ {
+ // Set text / image selection
+ $("#"+tabname+"-txt").attr('checked', "checked");
+ $("#"+tabname+"-toi-selector").buttonset('refresh');
+ $(".img-item-"+catname).hide();
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // Set text / image selection
+ $("#"+tabname+"-img").attr('checked', "checked");
+ $("#"+tabname+"-toi-selector").buttonset('refresh');
+ $(".img-item-"+catname).show();
+ }
+ }
+ if($(".template-selected").attr("id") == "create-new")
+ {
+ $("#template-name").val("").focus();
+ }
+function attachTemplateFormEventHandlers()
+ $("input[type=button]").button();
+ // Listen for changes to template to update templates object
+ $("#template-form input").unbind("change").on("change",updateTemplateState);
+ // Event handler for save icon in template viewer
+ $("#save-template").unbind("click").click(function() {
+ saveTemplate(repaintTemplates,showSaveError)
+ });
+ // Event hook to update category tab labels with category
+ $("#category-list a").hookToInput(".catlabel-input");
+ // Event hook to update template viewer labels when template name changes
+ $(".template-selected .template-item-label").hookToInput(function(x) {
+ return "#template-name";
+ });
+function repaintTemplates()
+ var templateName = $("#template-name").val();
+ if($(".template-selected").attr("id") == "create-new")
+ {
+ $(".template-selected").removeClass("template-selected");
+ $("#exp-content").empty();
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ $(".template-selected").attr("id",templateName)
+ .data("templateid",templateName);
+ }
+ //update images
+ for(var j=1; j<5; j++)
+ {
+ tabname = "tabs" + j;
+ // clear errors
+ $("#"+tabname + "-catitems > div.catitem").removeClass("erroritem");
+ if ($("#tabs"+j+"-toi-selector :radio:checked").attr("id") == "tabs"+j+"-img")
+ {
+ // update images
+ catitemimgs = $("#"+tabname + "-catitems > div.catitem > img");
+ catitemtxts = $("#"+tabname + "-catitems > div.catitem > input:text");
+ for (var imgidx=0; imgidxTemplate saved",
+ modal: true,
+ buttons: {
+ Ok: function() {
+ $( this ).dialog( "close" );
+ }
+ }
+ });
+ });*/
+function showSaveError(data)
+ /*res = eval('('+data+')');
+ $("#alert-window").html("");
+ for(var j=1; j<5; j++)
+ {
+ tabname = "tabs" + j;
+ if ($("#tabs"+j+"-toi-selector :radio:checked").attr("id") == "tabs"+j+"-img")
+ {
+ // update images
+ catitemimgs = $("#"+tabname + "-catitems > div.catitem > img");
+ filesrcs = res['images'][tabname].split(",");
+ numitems = filesrcs.length;
+ // put image sources in files
+ for (var imgidx=0; imgidxProblems with template",
+ modal: true,
+ buttons: {
+ Ok: function() {
+ $( this ).dialog( "close" );
+ }
+ }
+ });
+ });*/
+function updateTemplateState(e)
+ var currTemplateObj = $(".template-selected");
+ if(!currTemplateObj.hasClass("template-unsaved"))
+ {
+ // Subtle hint: CSS (.template-unsaved .template-item-label:after) appends "*" to template name
+ currTemplateObj.data("ischanged", true)
+ .addClass("template-unsaved");
+ // Subtle hint: add save icon to template viewer item
+ var baseHtml = currTemplateObj.html();
+ currTemplateObj.html(baseHtml + " ");
+ }
+function addItem(catnum)
+ if($(".template-selected").attr("id") == "create-new")
+ {
+ var templateId = "Empty";
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ var templateId = $(".template-selected").attr("id");
+ }
+ tabname = "tabs" + catnum;
+ catname = catlistnames[catnum-1];
+ var lastitem = $("#max-"+catname).prev();
+ var lasttext = lastitem.children("input:text").attr("id");
+ var idx = parseInt(lasttext.slice(-5,-4)) + 1;
+ itemstring = "";
+ // delete button
+ itemstring += "
+ // preview
+ itemstring += "
+ // input for filename
+ itemstring += "
+ itemstring += "
+ $("#max-"+catname).before(itemstring);
+ // check currently selected option
+ if($("#"+tabname+"-toi-selector :radio:checked").attr("id") == tabname+"-txt")
+ {
+ $(".img-item-"+catname).hide()
+ }
+ // update maximum number of items
+ $("#max-"+catname).val(idx);
+function updateImages(catidx)
+ if($(".template-selected").attr("id") == "create-new")
+ {
+ var templateId = "Empty";
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ var templateId = $(".template-selected").attr("id");
+ }
+ tabname = "tabs" + catidx;
+ catname = catlistnames[catidx-1];
+ // clear errors
+ $("#"+tabname + "-catitems > div.catitem").removeClass("erroritem");
+ // get file sources from input fields
+ catitemtxts = $("#"+tabname + "-catitems > div.catitem > input:text");
+ imgsources = []
+ for (var imgidx=0; imgidx div.catitem > img");
+ filesrcs = data.split(",");
+ if (filesrcs.length == catitemimgs.length - 1)
+ {
+ // put image sources in files
+ for (var imgidx=0; imgidxActive Template Updated",
+ modal: true,
+ buttons: {
+ Ok: function() {
+ $( this ).dialog( "close" );
+ }
+ }
+ });
+ }
+ else if(data.slice(0,5) == "Error")
+ {
+ alert(data);
+ }
+ });
+function saveTemplate(successCallback, errorCallback)
+ var templateId, oldName;
+ if($(".template-selected").attr("id") == "create-new")
+ {
+ templateId = $("#template-name").val();
+ oldName = "Empty";
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ templateId = $("#template-name").val();
+ oldName = templates[$(".template-selected").data("templateid")].name;
+ }
+ var formString = $("form").serialize();
+ // console.log(formString);
+ FileMgr.post(FileMgr.getFileMgrPath(),
+ { "op": "saveTemplate", "template": templateId, "oldname": oldName, "form": formString},
+ function(saveData) {
+ if (saveData == "success")
+ {
+ // Remove save icon from unsaved template viewer item
+ clearUnsavedTemplate();
+ clearUnsavedChangesFromPrevious();
+ $(".template-selected")
+ .data("templateid",templateId)
+ .attr("id",templateId);
+ // Update template object with saved data
+ FileMgr.getJSON(FileMgr.getInputPath(templateId), function(templateData)
+ {
+ templates[templateId] = templateData;
+ successCallback(saveData);
+ });
+ }
+ else if (saveData.slice(0,5) == "Error")
+ {
+ alert(saveData); // Should call errorCallback as well? (Probably)
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ errorCallback(saveData);
+ }
+ });
+function loadCreateForm() {
+ // $(".template-selected").removeClass("template-selected");
+ $("#set-active").button("option","disabled",true);
+ // $("#view-stats").attr("disabled","disabled");
+ // selectTemplate();
+ // Make edits to group name live
+ // $("#group-name-field").ready(function() {
+ // $("#group-name-field").keyup(changeGroupName);
+ // });
+function loadActiveStats(input)
+ $(".exp-header-active").html(input.active);
+ // Get completed output
+ // $.getJSON("core/fileManager.php",
+ // {"op":"getstats","root":input.root,"output":input.output},
+ // buildStatsPage);
+function viewStats() {
+ // Get selected template
+ // Verify data for template exists
+ // Build stats page
+function buildStatsPage(input)
+ // Number completed
+ // Bar chart
+ // Aggregate & Save button
+ // Change active IAT
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/experimenter.php b/experimenter.php
index ce35548..20366c9 100644
--- a/experimenter.php
+++ b/experimenter.php
@@ -1,36 +1,37 @@
-IAT Experimenter Page
+IAT Experimenter Page
\ No newline at end of file