diff --git a/package.json b/package.json
index 47ec08cd6..f8de2cf47 100644
--- a/package.json
+++ b/package.json
@@ -19,6 +19,7 @@
   "scripts": {
     "dev": "vite --mode dev --port 3344 --host",
     "format": "prettier --write src",
+    "prepare": "npm run build",
     "build": "vite build && tsc",
     "prepublishOnly": "vite build && tsc && typedoc --skipErrorChecking src/*",
     "test": "vite build && npm run test:node",
diff --git a/src/selection.ts b/src/selection.ts
index af4c7b9a7..32af8a80d 100644
--- a/src/selection.ts
+++ b/src/selection.ts
@@ -2,17 +2,16 @@
 import { Deeptable } from './Deeptable';
 import { Scatterplot } from './scatterplot';
 import { Tile } from './tile';
+import { getTileFromRow } from './tixrixqid';
 import type * as DS from './shared.d';
 import {
-  DataType,
-  Type,
 } from 'apache-arrow';
-import { bisectLeft, range } from 'd3-array';
+import { range } from 'd3-array';
 interface SelectParams {
   name: string;
   useNameCache?: boolean; // If true and a selection with that name already exists, use it and ignore all passed parameters. Otherwise, throw an error.
@@ -501,14 +500,14 @@ export class DataSelection {
     return this;
-  async removePoints(name: string, ixes: bigint[]): Promise<DataSelection> {
-    return this.add_or_remove_points(name, ixes, 'remove');
+  async removePoints(name: string, points: StructRowProxy[]): Promise<DataSelection> {
+    return this.add_or_remove_points(name, points, 'remove');
   // Non-editable behavior:
   // if a single point is added, will also adjust the cursor.
-  async addPoints(name: string, ixes: bigint[]): Promise<DataSelection> {
-    return this.add_or_remove_points(name, ixes, 'add');
+  async addPoints(name: string, points: StructRowProxy[]): Promise<DataSelection> {
+    return this.add_or_remove_points(name, points, 'add');
@@ -539,27 +538,20 @@ export class DataSelection {
   // }
   public moveCursorToPoint(
-    point: StructRowProxy<{ ix: DataType<Type.Int64> }>,
+    point: StructRowProxy,
   ) {
     // The point contains a field called 'ix', which increases in each tile;
     // we use this for moving because it lets us do binary search for relevant tile.
     const rowNumber = point[Symbol.for('rowIndex')] as number;
-    const ix = point.ix as bigint;
-    if (point.ix === undefined) {
-      throw new Error(
-        'Unable to move cursor to point, because it has no `ix` property.',
-      );
-    }
+    const relevantTile = getTileFromRow(point, this.deeptable);
     let currentOffset = 0;
-    let relevantTile: Tile = undefined;
-    let current_tile_ix = 0;
     let positionInTile: number;
+    let current_tile_ix = 0;
     for (const match_length of this.match_count) {
       const tile = this.tiles[current_tile_ix];
-      const ixcol = tile.record_batch.getChild('ix').data[0];
-      if (ixcol[rowNumber] === ix) {
-        relevantTile = tile;
+      if (tile.key === relevantTile.key) {
         positionInTile = rowNumber;
@@ -567,10 +559,6 @@ export class DataSelection {
       currentOffset += match_length;
-    if (relevantTile === undefined || positionInTile === undefined) {
-      return null;
-    }
     const column = relevantTile.record_batch.getChild(
     ) as Vector<Bool>;
@@ -586,76 +574,48 @@ export class DataSelection {
   private async add_or_remove_points(
     newName: string,
-    ixes: bigint[],
+    points: StructRowProxy[],
     which: 'add' | 'remove',
-  ) {
-    let newCursor = 0;
-    let tileOfMatch = undefined;
+  ) : Promise<DataSelection>{
+    const matches : Record<string, number[]>= {};
+    for (const point of points) {
+      const t = getTileFromRow(point, this.deeptable);
+      const rowNum = point[Symbol.for('rowIndex')] as number;
+      if (!matches[t.key]) {
+        matches[t.key] = [rowNum];
+      } else {
+        matches[t.key].push(rowNum);
+      }
+    }
     const tileFunction = async (tile: Tile) => {
-      newCursor = -1;
       await this.ready;
       // First, get the current version of the tile.
       const original = (await tile.get_column(this.name)) as Vector<Bool>;
-      // Then locate the ix column and look for matches.
-      const ixcol = tile.record_batch.getChild('ix').data[0]
-        .values as BigInt64Array;
-      const mask = Bitmask.from_arrow(original);
-      for (const ix of ixes) {
-        // Since ix is ordered, we can do a fast binary search to see if the
-        // point is there--no need for a full scan.
-        //@ts-expect-error d3.bisect is not aware it works with bigints as well as numbers
-        const mid = bisectLeft([...ixcol], ix as unknown as number);
-        const val = tile.record_batch.get(mid);
-        // We have to check that there's actually a match,
-        // because the binary search identifies where it *would* be.
-        if (val !== null && val.ix === ix) {
-          // Copy the buffer so we don't overwrite the old one.
-          // Set the specific value.
+      // Then if there are matches.
+      if (matches[tile.key] !== undefined) {
+        const mask = Bitmask.from_arrow(original);
+        for (const rowNum  of matches[tile.key]) {
           if (which === 'add') {
-            mask.set(mid);
-            if (ixes.length === 1) {
-              tileOfMatch = tile.key;
-              // For single additions, we also move the cursor to the
-              // newly added point.
-              // First we see the number of points earlier on the current tile.
-              let offset_in_tile = 0;
-              for (let i = 0; i < mid; i++) {
-                if (mask.get(i)) {
-                  offset_in_tile += 1;
-                }
-              }
-              // Then, we count the number of matches already seen
-              newCursor = offset_in_tile;
-            }
+            mask.set(rowNum);
           } else {
-            // If deleting, we set it to zero.
-            mask.unset(mid);
-          }
+            mask.unset(rowNum);
+          } 
+        return mask.to_arrow();
+      } else {
+        return original;
-      return mask.to_arrow();
     const selection = new DataSelection(this.deeptable, {
       name: newName,
-    selection.on('tile loaded', () => {
-      // The new cursor gets moved when we encounter a singleton
-      if (newCursor >= 0) {
-        selection.cursor = newCursor;
-        for (let i = 0; i < selection.tiles.length; i++) {
-          const tile = selection.tiles[i];
-          if (tile.key === tileOfMatch) {
-            // Don't add the full number of matches here.
-            break;
-          }
-          selection.cursor += this.match_count[i];
-        }
-      }
-    });
     await selection.ready;
     for (const tile of this.tiles) {
       // This one we actually apply. We'll see if that gets to be slow.
diff --git a/src/tixrixqid.ts b/src/tixrixqid.ts
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..1522b6343
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/tixrixqid.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,201 @@
+import type { Bool, Data, Field, Struct, StructRowProxy, Vector } from 'apache-arrow';
+import type { Tile } from './deepscatter';
+import { Bitmask, DataSelection, Deeptable } from './deepscatter';
+// The type below indicates that a Qid is not valid if
+// there are zero rows selected in the tile.
+// A Tix is a tile index, which is an integer identifier for a tile in quadtree.
+// It uses the formula (4^z - 1) / 3 + y * 2^z + x, where z is the zoom level,
+// and x and y are the tile coordinates.
+type Tix = number;
+// An Rix is a row index, which is an integer identifier for a row in a tile.
+type Rix = number;
+// A Rixen is a list of row indices. It must be non-empty.
+type Rixen = [Rix, ...Rix[]];
+// A Qid is a pair of a Tix and a Rixen. It identifies a set of rows in a tile.
+export type Qid = [Tix, Rixen];
+export type QidArray = Qid[];
+export function zxyToTix(z: number, x: number, y: number) {
+  return (4 ** z - 1) / 3 + y * 2 ** z + x;
+function parentTix(tix: number) {
+  const [z, x, y] = tixToZxy(tix);
+  return zxyToTix(z - 1, Math.floor(x / 2), Math.floor(y / 2));
+ *
+ * @param tix The numeric tile index
+ * @param dataset The deepscatter dataset
+ * @returns The tile, if it exists.
+ *
+ */
+export async function tixToTile(tix: Tix, dataset: Deeptable): Promise<Tile> {
+  if (tix === 0) {
+    return dataset.root_tile;
+  }
+  if (isNaN(tix)) {
+    throw new Error('NaN tile index');
+  }
+  // We need all parents to exist to find their children. So
+  // we fetch the tiles here to ensure they've loaded.
+  const parent = await tixToTile(parentTix(tix), dataset);
+  //
+  await parent.populateManifest();
+  // Now that the parents are loaded, we can find the child.
+  const [z, x, y] = tixToZxy(tix);
+  const key = `${z}/${x}/${y}`;
+  const t = dataset
+    .map((tile: Tile) => tile)
+    .filter((tile: Tile) => tile.key === key);
+  if (t.length) {
+    return t[0];
+  }
+  throw new Error(`Tile ${key} not found in dataset.`);
+ *
+ * @param qid a quadtree id
+ * @param dataset
+ * @returns
+ */
+export async function qidToRowProxy(qid: Qid, dataset: Deeptable) {
+  const tile = await tixToTile(qid[0], dataset);
+  await tile.get_column('x');
+  return tile.record_batch.get(qid[1][0]);
+export function tileKey_to_tix(key: string) {
+  const [z, x, y] = key.split('/').map((d) => parseInt(d));
+  return zxyToTix(z, x, y);
+export function tixToZxy(tix: Tix): [number, number, number] {
+  // This is the inverse function that goes from a quadtree tile's integer identifier 'qix' to the [z, x, y] tuple.
+  // The z level is the inverse of the qix function.
+  // Javascript doesn't have base-4 logarithm I guess, so we divide the natural log by the natural log of 4.
+  const z = Math.floor(Math.log(tix * 3 + 1) / Math.log(4));
+  // We then get the index inside the tile, which is the offset from the base sequence.
+  const blockPosition = tix - (4 ** z - 1) / 3;
+  // Modulo operations turn this into x and y coordinates.
+  const x = blockPosition % 2 ** z;
+  const y = Math.floor(blockPosition / 2 ** z);
+  return [z, x, y];
+ *
+ * @param row the row returned from a point event, etc.
+ * @param dataset a deepscatter dataset.
+ * @returns
+ */
+export function getQidFromRow(
+  row: StructRowProxy,
+  dataset: Deeptable
+): [number, number] {
+  const tile = getTileFromRow(row, dataset);
+  const rix = row[Symbol.for('rowIndex')] as number;
+  return [tileKey_to_tix(tile.key), rix] as [number, number];
+export function getTileFromRow(row: StructRowProxy, dataset: Deeptable): Tile {
+  const parent = row[Symbol.for('parent')] as Data<Struct>;
+  const parentsColumns = parent.children;
+  // Since columns are immutable, we can just compare the memory location of the
+  // value buffers to find the tile. BUT since columns can be added, we
+  // need to find the tile that matches the most columns, not assume
+  // that every column matches exactly.
+  let best_match: [Tile | null, number] = [null, 0];
+  const parentNames : [string, Data][] = parent.type.children.map(
+    (d: Field, i: number) => [d.name, parentsColumns[i]]
+  );
+  dataset.map((t: Tile) => {
+    // @ts-expect-error NOM-1667 expose existence of record batch without generating it.
+    const batch_exists = t._batch !== undefined;
+    if (!batch_exists) {
+      return false;
+    }
+    let matching_columns = 0;
+    for (const [name, column] of parentNames) {
+      const b = t.record_batch.getChild(name);
+      if (b !== null) {
+        if (b.data[0].values === column.values) {
+          matching_columns++;
+        }
+      }
+    }
+    if (matching_columns > best_match[1]) {
+      best_match = [t, matching_columns];
+    }
+  });
+  if (best_match[0] === undefined) {
+    throw new Error(
+      'No tiles found for this row.' + JSON.stringify({ ...row })
+    );
+  }
+  return best_match[0];
+export function getQidArrayFromRows(
+  rows: StructRowProxy[],
+  dataset: Deeptable,
+): QidArray {
+  // TODO: this is really inefficient. We should be able to do this in one pass.
+  const qids = rows.map((row) => getQidFromRow(row, dataset));
+  const mapped = new Map<number, [number, ...number[]]>();
+  for (const qid of qids) {
+    if (mapped.has(qid[0])) {
+      mapped.get(qid[0]).push(qid[1]);
+    } else {
+      mapped.set(qid[0], [qid[1]]);
+    }
+  }
+  return Array.from(mapped.entries());
+export function selectQixOnTile(tile: Tile, qidList: QidArray) {
+  const mask = new Bitmask(tile.record_batch.numRows);
+  const [z, x, y] = tile.key.split('/').map((d) => parseInt(d));
+  const tix = zxyToTix(z, x, y);
+  const rixes = qidList
+    .filter((d) => d[0] === tix)
+    .map((d) => d[1])
+    .flat();
+  for (const rix of rixes) {
+    mask.set(rix);
+  }
+  return mask.to_arrow();
+ *
+ * @param hoverDatum A struct row.
+ * @param selection A DataSelection
+ * @param deeptable A Deepscatter dataset
+ * @returns
+ */
+export async function isDatumInSelection(
+  hoverDatum: StructRowProxy,
+  selection: DataSelection | null,
+  deeptable: Deeptable,
+): Promise<boolean> {
+  if (!selection) return false;
+  const [tix, rix] = getQidFromRow(hoverDatum, deeptable);
+  const owningTile = await tixToTile(tix, deeptable);
+  const array = (await owningTile.get_column(selection.name)) as Vector<Bool>;
+  return !!array.get(rix);