Metrics component can be used to record metrics in your application and send recorded data to StatsD.
Component uses non-blocking StastD Client from Java DogStatsD Client library
⚠️ Stature doesn't support all of DogStatsD features, like tagging, service checks etc
Following configuration is required when creating component
- host: host for StatsD UDP server
- port: port number for StatsD UDP server
- prefix: prefix to be used for all metric keys. Usually, it's the name of your application or the API key provided by hosted statsd providers like HostedGraphite.
Metrics component implements two protocols
- component Lifecycle protocol (Stuart Sierra's component lib)
method starts non-blocking StatsD clientstop
method stops the non-blocking StatsD client
- stature Metrics protocol
method increments counter for given key.gauge
method sets gauge value for given key.timing
method records timing for given key.
Additionally following macros can be used with MetricsComponent:
macro records timing for given formcount-on-exception
macro increments counter in case exception thrown during form evaluation and it rethrows the exception
Both macros live in the stature.metrics.protocol
namespace (since you need that NS to invoke protocol methods anyway)
(require '[stature.metrics :as metrics]
'[stature.metrics.protocol :as metrics.protocol]
'[com.stuartsierra.component :as component])
(def metrics (-> (metrics/create {:host "statsd.internal" :port 8122 :prefix *ns*})
(metrics.protocol/count metrics "")
(metrics.protocol/gauge metrics "foo.baz" 42)
(metrics.protocol/with-timing metrics "some.timing"
(metrics.protocol/count-on-exception ""
(some-remote-call-that-fails)) ;; -> will increment counter if exception is thrown
For testing purposes or in development mode you can use Mock Component. This will log the evaluated method instead sending data to StatsD.
(require '[stature.metrics.mock]
'[stature.metrics.protocol :as protocol])
(def m (mock/create))
(protocol/increment m "")
You can use Stature without relying on Component with this wrapper namespace:
(require '[stature.metrics :as metrics]
'[stature.metrics.protocol :as protocol])
;; setup a client instance, but do not start it
(def client (atom (metrics/create {:host ""
:port 8125
:prefix "stature"})))
;; helper fn to start and stop
(defn stop! []
(reset! client (.stop @client)))
(defn start! []
(reset! client (.start @client)))
(defn init! []
;; define wrapper fn
;; client needs to be initialized in order to use fn below!
(defn count [key]
(protocol/count @client key))
(defn gauge [key value]
(protocol/gauge @client key value))
(defn timing [key value]
(protocol/timing @client key value))
(defmacro with-timing [key & body]
`(protocol/with-timing @client ~key ~@body))
(defmacro count-on-exception [key & body]
`(protocol/count-on-exception @client ~key ~@body))