- Redmine 5.0 compatibility.
- Added view of all keys
- Key tags view improved, tags are colored now
- Keys search improved for all and per project
- Added copy to clipboard for login
- Added browser title for plugin page
- Added new type of key SFTP
- Fixed compatibility issue with the new Zeitwerk loader
- Improved translation
- Code refactoring
- Added Github Actions for CI
- Deleted code which checks Redmine version
- 3.1/3.2/3.3/3.4/4
- Saving settings path
- Fixed saving settings if key empty
- Added support of Redmine 4.2.1.stable, tested on 2.7.3-p183
- Updated English translation Keys changed to Passwords
- Error handling for Encryption Key (VaultEencryption) now must be exact 16 symbols
- Redmine 4.1 compatibility.
- Added CHANGELOG.md
- Get keys from project by api call.
http --json GET http://redmine.server/projects/test1/keys.json key=...
- Added validation of encryption key length.
- Updated Portuguese - Brazil translation.
- Added Japanese translation.
- Added French translation.
- Import from backup update existing keys by name instead of create new ones.
- Whitelists support groups.
- Updated Chinese translation.
- Added support Redmine 3.4 .
- Added copy by click on the fields: url, login.
- Added China translation.
- Added Dutch translation.
- Added Italian translation.
- Fixed error uploading small files.
- Edit whitelists problem.
- Added separation of access rights for users (whitelist).
- Supports Redmine 3.3 .
- Supports PostgreSQL.
- Added context menu to the list of keys.
- Improved mechanism for creating backups: added tags.
- http/https url open in new tabs.
- Supports Redmine 2.6 terminated.
- Added ability to search by Name, URL, Tag.
- Added auto-complete for tags.
- Added functionality of creating backup copies of keys (no tags).
- Supports Redmine 3.2 .
- Added the ability to attach any file.
- Added the ability to copy to the clipboard, each key field.
- Improved user interface display tags.
- Improved key list display interface.
- Fixed an issue when you add a key file.
- Update version.
- Added the ability to specify a tag to the keys.
- Added preview mode key card (without editing).
- Added the ability to encrypt through redmine (database_cipher_key).
- Code refactoring.
- Added pagination.
- Added ability to sort the keys by name.
- Added a more flexible system of separation of access rights by role.
- Added the ability to clone a key (it helps to create the same type of keys).
- Added ability to print a list of passwords to PDF.
- Updated field at the keys: Name, URL, User Name, Password, Comment.
- Adding ssh keys file.
- Updated design.
- Separation of access by role.
- Compatible with Redmine 2.6 .
- Compatible with Ruby 1.9.1 .
- Delete keys.
- Encryption keys.
- Support Redmine 3.1.0.stable.
- Support Ruby 2.2.2-p95,2.0.0-p598.
- Support Rails 4.2.3 .
- Support Database: SQLite, MySQL.
- Support OS: Linux, OS X, Windows.
- Support Browsers: Chrome, Safari, Internet Explorer, Firefox.
- Storage of keys for each project.
- Search keys.
- Adding keys.
- Edit keys.
- Saving the key to the clipboard.