diff --git a/01.md b/01.md index 517ccb5..8ae7510 100644 --- a/01.md +++ b/01.md @@ -43,20 +43,20 @@ NIP-01 ``` 同一のイベントに対して異なるイベントIDが生成されるような実装の差異を防ぐため、シリアライズを行う際には以下のルールに従わなければならない(MUST): +エンコーディングにはUTF-8を使用するべきだ。 - ホワイトスペースや改行、その他の不必要なフォーマットは出力のJSONに含めてはならない。 - 以下の文字列以外はエスケープせず、そのまま含めるべきだ: - 改行`0x0A`は`\n` - 二重引用符`0x22`は`\"` - - バックスラッシュ`0x3C`は`\\` + - バックスラッシュ`0x5C`は`\\` - キャリッジリターン`0x0D`は`\r` - タブ文字`0x09`は`\t` - バックスペース`0x08`は`\b` - 改ページ`0x0C`は`\f` -- エンコーディングにはUTF-8を使用するべきだ。 ### タグ -タグはそれぞれ任意長の文字列の配列で、関連していくつかの慣例がある。以下の例を見てみよう。 +タグはそれぞれ1以上の文字列の配列で、関連していくつかの慣例がある。以下の例を見てみよう。 ```jsonc { @@ -77,9 +77,9 @@ NIP-01 - `e`タグ。イベントを参照するために用いる: `["e", <他のイベントIDの32バイト小文字16進数文字列>, <おすすめのリレーURL、省略可能>]` - `p`タグ。別のユーザを参照するために用いる: `["p", , <おすすめのリレーURL、省略可能>]` -- `a`タグ。(パラメータ付き・無し)置換可能イベントを参照するために用いる。 - - パラメータ付き置換可能イベントの場合: `["a", ::, <おすすめリレーURL、省略可能>]` - - パラメータ無し置換可能イベントの場合: `["a", ::, <おすすめリレーURL、省略可能>]` +- `a`タグ。アドレス指定可能 (addressable) または置換可能 (replaceable) イベントを参照するために用いる。 + - アドレス指定可能 (addressable) イベントの場合: `["a", ::, <おすすめリレーURL、省略可能>]` + - 置換可能 (replaceable) イベントの場合: `["a", ::, <おすすめリレーURL、省略可能>]` 慣例として、全ての1文字(英語のアルファベットa-zとA-Zに限る)キーをもつタグは、リレーによってインデクスされることが期待される。これにより、例えば、イベント`"5c83da77af1dec6d7289834998ad7aafbd9e2191396d75ec3cc27f5a77226f36"`を参照しているイベントをクエリしたり購読するために、`{"#e": ["5c83da77af1dec6d7289834998ad7aafbd9e2191396d75ec3cc27f5a77226f36"]}`フィルタを使える。 @@ -92,10 +92,10 @@ Kindはクライアントがイベントやイベントのフィールドをど 実験を容易にし、リレーの実装を柔軟にするため、kindの範囲についての以下のような慣例もある。 -- kind`n`が範囲`1000 <= n < 10000`の場合は、イベントは**通常(regular)**で、全てがリレーに保存されることが期待される。 +- kind`n`が範囲`1000 <= n < 10000 || 4 <= n < 45 || n == 1 || n == 2`の場合は、イベントは**通常(regular)**で、全てがリレーに保存されることが期待される。 - kind`n`が範囲`10000 <= n < 20000 || n == 0 || n == 3`の場合は、イベントは**置換可能(replaceable)**で、最新のイベントだけがリレーに保持されなければならない(MUST)。また、古いバージョンは破棄してもかまわない(MAY)。 - kind`n`が範囲`20000 <= n < 30000`の場合は、イベントは**一時的(ephemeral)**で、リレーに保存されないことが期待される。 -- kind`n`が範囲`30000 <= n < 40000`の場合は、イベントは**パラメータ付き置換可能(parameterized replaceable)**で、`pubkey`と`kind`と`d`タグの最初の値の組み合わせについて、最新のイベントのみがリレーに保存されなければならない(MUST)。また、古いバージョンは破棄してかまわない(MAY)。 +- kind`n`が範囲`30000 <= n < 40000`の場合は、イベントは**アドレス指定可能 (addressable)**で、`pubkey`と`kind`と`d`タグの最初の値の組み合わせについて、最新のイベントのみがリレーに保存されなければならない(MUST)。また、古いバージョンは破棄してかまわない(MAY)。 置換可能イベントが同じタイムスタンプを持っている場合は、最も小さいID(辞書順で最初)のイベントが保持され、他のイベントは破棄されるべきだ。 @@ -125,13 +125,13 @@ Kindはクライアントがイベントやイベントのフィールドをど "authors": , "kinds": , "#": , - "since": , - "until": , + "since": = to this to pass>, + "until": , "limit": } ``` -`REQ`メッセージを受信すると、リレーは内部データベースに問い合わせてフィルターにマッチするイベントを返し、そのフィルターを保存しておいて、以降に受信した全てのイベントをWebSocketがクローズされるまで同じWebSocketに送信すべきだ(SHOULD)。同一の`<購読ID>`を持つ`CLOSE`イベントを受信するか、同一の`<購読ID>`を使って新たな`REQ`が送信されると、リレーは既存の購読を更新しなければならない(MUST)。 +`REQ`メッセージを受信すると、リレーはフィルターにマッチするイベントを返す。新しく受信したイベントは接続が閉じられるか、同じ``で`CLOSE`イベントが受信されるか、同じ`` を使用して新しい`REQ`が送信されるまで、同じWebSocketに送信されるべきだ(SHOULD)。(この場合、新しい購読が作成され、古い購読が置き換えられる。) リストをとるフィルター属性(`ids`、`authors`、`kind`と`#e`のようなタグフィルタ)は、1つ以上の要素を持つJSON配列である。その条件がマッチしたとみなされるためには、配列の値のうち少なくとも1つがイベントの関連するフィールドと一致しなければならない。`authors`や`kind`のようなスカラーのイベント属性の場合は、イベントの属性値がフィルターのリストに含まれなければならない。`#e`などのタグ属性のように、イベントが複数の値を持ちうる場合は、イベントとフィルタの条件値が少なくとも1つの共通する要素を持たなければならない。 @@ -143,7 +143,7 @@ Kindはクライアントがイベントやイベントのフィールドをど 1つの`REQ`メッセージに複数のフィルタを含むことができる。この場合、いずれかのフィルタにマッチするイベントが返される。つまり、複数のフィルタは`||`条件として解釈される。 -フィルタの`limit`プロパティは、初期クエリにのみ影響を及ぼし、それ以降は無視されなければならない(MUST)。`limit: n`が存在する場合、初期クエリでは最新の`n`イベントが`created_at`順に返されることが想定される。`limit`の指定よりも少ないイベントを返すことは問題ない。しかし、クライアントに対して不必要に負荷を与えることを避けるため、リレーは要求されたよりも(はるかに)多くのイベントを返すことがないよう期待される。 +フィルタの`limit`プロパティは、初期クエリにのみ影響を及ぼし、それ以降は無視されなければならない(MUST)。`limit: n`が存在する場合、初期クエリでは最新の`n`イベントが`created_at`順に返されることが想定される。`新しいイベントが最初に表示され、同時刻の場合はidが最も小さい (辞書式順序で最初の) イベントが最初に表示されるべきである。limit`の指定よりも少ないイベントを返すことは問題ない。しかし、クライアントに対して不必要に負荷を与えることを避けるため、リレーは要求されたよりも(はるかに)多くのイベントを返すことがないよう期待される。 ### リレーからクライアントへ: イベントの送信と通知 @@ -169,7 +169,6 @@ Kindはクライアントがイベントやイベントのフィールドをど * `["OK", "b1a649ebe8...", false, "pow: difficulty 26 is less than 30"]` pow: 難易度26は30よりも小さい * `["OK", "b1a649ebe8...", false, "error: could not connect to the database"]` エラー: データベースに接続できなかった - `CLOSED`メッセージは、リレーが`REQ`の処理を拒否するときに、その応答として送信されなければならない (MUST) 。また、クライアントが切断したり`CLOSE`を送信する前に、リレーの側から購読を強制終了する場合にも送信される。このメッセージは機械可読なプレフィクスと人間可読なメッセージを含んだ`OK`メッセージと同じパターンを使用する。例は以下の通り: - * `["CLOSED", "sub1", "duplicate: sub1 already opened"]` 重複: sub1はすでに開かれている * `["CLOSED", "sub1", "unsupported: filter contains unknown elements"]` サポートされていない: フィルターに不明な要素が含まれている * `["CLOSED", "sub1", "error: could not connect to the database"]` エラー: データベースに接続できなかった * `["CLOSED", "sub1", "error: shutting down idle subscription"]` エラー: アイドル状態の購読をシャットダウン diff --git a/02.md b/02.md index b8eba64..5067890 100644 --- a/02.md +++ b/02.md @@ -8,11 +8,13 @@ NIP-02 「フォローリスト」を意味するkind `3`の特別なイベントは、フォローしている/既知のプロフィールごとの`p`タグのリストを持つものとして定義される。 -タグの個々の要素は、プロフィールの鍵・その鍵からのイベントを発見できるリレーのURL (必要なければ空文字列で設定可能) ・そのプロフィールのローカル名 (あるいは「愛称」) (空文字列が設定されるか、提供されないようできる) を含むべきで、つまり`["p", <32-bytes hex key>,
, ]`である。`content`は何でもかまわないが、無視されるべきである。 +タグの個々の要素は、プロフィールの鍵・その鍵からのイベントを発見できるリレーのURL (必要なければ空文字列で設定可能) ・そのプロフィールのローカル名 (あるいは「愛称」) (空文字列が設定されるか、提供されないようできる) を含むべきで、つまり`["p", <32-bytes hex key>,
, ]`である。 + +`.content`は使用されない。 例: -```json +```jsonc { "kind": 3, "tags": [ @@ -21,7 +23,7 @@ NIP-02 ["p", "612ae..e610f", "ws://carolrelay.com/ws", "carol"] ], "content": "", - ...other fields + // other fields... } ``` diff --git a/04.md b/04.md index dbd0cd7..3c22ba0 100644 --- a/04.md +++ b/04.md @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ -> __Warning__ `unrecommended`: deprecated in favor of [NIP-44](44.md) +> __Warning__ `unrecommended`: deprecated in favor of [NIP-17](17.md) NIP-04 ====== diff --git a/05.md b/05.md index 2f9bb27..8257fdd 100644 --- a/05.md +++ b/05.md @@ -6,23 +6,23 @@ Nostr鍵をDNSベースのインターネット識別子に結びつける `final` `optional` -kind `0` (`metadata`)には[インターネット識別子](https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc5322#section-3.4.1) (eメールのようなアドレス) を値として`"nip05"`というキーを指定できる。"インターネット識別子"に対する多種多様な仕様のリンクがあるが、NIP-05は``部分が`a-z0-9-_.`で大文字と小文字を区別しないことを前提としている。 +kind `0` (`user metadata`)には[インターネット識別子](https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc5322#section-3.4.1) (eメールのようなアドレス) を値として`"nip05"`というキーを指定できる。"インターネット識別子"に対する多種多様な仕様のリンクがあるが、NIP-05は``部分が`a-z0-9-_.`で大文字と小文字を区別しないことを前提としている。 クライアントは識別子を``と``に分けた上でそれらの値で`https:///.well-known/nostr.json?name=`にGET要求を行う。 -結果として、16進数で表される公開鍵に対応した`"names"`キーを持つ、JSONドキュメントオブジェクトが返されなければならない。指定された``の公開鍵が`metadata`イベントの`pubkey`と一致する場合、クライアントは与えられた公開鍵が実際にその識別子で照会できると結論付ける。 +結果として、16進数で表される公開鍵に対応した`"names"`キーを持つ、JSONドキュメントオブジェクトが返されなければならない。指定された``の公開鍵が`user metadata`イベントの`pubkey`と一致する場合、クライアントは与えられた公開鍵が実際にその識別子で照会できると結論付ける。 ### 例 クライアントが下記のようなイベントを見た時。 -```json +```jsonc { "pubkey": "b0635d6a9851d3aed0cd6c495b282167acf761729078d975fc341b22650b07b9", "kind": 0, "content": "{\"name\": \"bob\", \"nip05\": \"bob@example.com\"}" - ... + // other fields... } ``` @@ -34,7 +34,7 @@ kind `0` (`metadata`)には[インターネット識別子](https://datatracker. "bob": "b0635d6a9851d3aed0cd6c495b282167acf761729078d975fc341b22650b07b9" } } -```` +``` あるいは、**推奨**される`"relays"`属性が追加される場合は次の通り。 @@ -47,7 +47,7 @@ kind `0` (`metadata`)には[インターネット識別子](https://datatracker. "b0635d6a9851d3aed0cd6c495b282167acf761729078d975fc341b22650b07b9": [ "wss://relay.example.com", "wss://relay2.example.com" ] } } -```` +``` 上記の例のように公開鍵が`"names"`で与えられたものと一致する場合、関連付けが正しいことを意味し、`"nip05"`識別子は有効なものとして表示できる。 @@ -59,6 +59,15 @@ kind `0` (`metadata`)には[インターネット識別子](https://datatracker. ## メモ +### 識別する、検証はしない + +NIP-05はユーザーを_検証_するためではなく、連絡先の交換や検索を容易とするために_識別_することを目的としている。 +例外は有名なドメインを所有する (企業等) あるいは関係する人 (プロジェクト等) であり、NIP-05をそのドメインとの関係、ひいてはその背後にある組織との関係を証明するものとして利用でき、信用の要素を得ることができる。 + +### ユーザー発見実装の提案 + +クライアントはこれをユーザーが他のプロフィールの検索で使えるようにできる。クライアントが検索ボックスなどを持っている場合、そこに"bob@example.com"と入力でき、クライアントはそれを識別して適切なクエリで公開鍵を取得し、ユーザーに提案できる。 + ### クライアントはNIP-05アドレスでなく常に公開鍵をフォローする必要がある。 例えば、もし公開鍵`abc…def`をもった`bob@bob.com`を見つけて、ユーザーがそのプロフィールをフォローすることにした際、クライアントは`bob@bob.com`ではなく`abc…def`を第一参照先にする必要がある。何らかの理由で、将来`https://bob.com/.well-known/nostr.json?name=bob`が公開鍵`1d2...e3f`を返すようになった場合でもクライアントはフォロー済みユーザーリストで`abc...def`を置き換えてはならない。但し、そのユーザーの”bob@bob.com”は無効な`”nip05”`プロパティとなるため、表示を止めるべきである。 @@ -67,10 +76,6 @@ kind `0` (`metadata`)には[インターネット識別子](https://datatracker. 鍵は16進数の形式で返される必要がある。NIP-19`npub`形式はこのNIPではなく、クライアントUIでの表示にのみ使用される。 -### ユーザー発見実装の提案 - -クライアントはこれをユーザーが他のプロフィールの検索で使えるようにできる。クライアントが検索ボックスなどを持っている場合、そこに"bob@example.com"と入力でき、クライアントはそれを識別して適切なクエリで公開鍵を取得し、ユーザーに提案できる。 - ### ドメインのみを識別子として表示する クライアントは`_@domain`識別子を”ルート”識別子として扱い、``のみを表示できる。例えば、Bobが`bob.com`を所有している場合、`bob@bob.com`のような冗長な識別子を望まないかもしれない。代わりに、`_bob.com`を使用してNostrクライアントが如何なる目的でも単に`bob.com`として扱い、表示することを期待できる。 diff --git a/07.md b/07.md index ae2defe..fae22c7 100644 --- a/07.md +++ b/07.md @@ -24,6 +24,10 @@ async window.nostr.nip44.encrypt(pubkey, plaintext): string // returns ciphertex async window.nostr.nip44.decrypt(pubkey, ciphertext): string // takes ciphertext as specified in nip-44 ``` +### 拡張機能の作成者への推奨事項 +ページの読み込み時にnostrクライアントが`window.nostr`を利用できるようにするには、ChromiumおよびFirefoxの拡張機能の作成者は、拡張機能のマニフェストで`"run_at": "document_end"`を指定してスクリプトをロードする必要がある。 + + ### 実装 https://github.com/aljazceru/awesome-nostr#nip-07-browser-extensions を参照する。 diff --git a/09.md b/09.md index fbbd6e1..23ffeab 100644 --- a/09.md +++ b/09.md @@ -1,49 +1,53 @@ NIP-09 ====== -Event Deletion --------------- +Event Deletion Request +---------------------- `draft` `optional` -A special event with kind `5`, meaning "deletion" is defined as having a list of one or more `e` tags, each referencing an event the author is requesting to be deleted. +A special event with kind `5`, meaning "deletion request" is defined as having a list of one or more `e` or `a` tags, each referencing an event the author is requesting to be deleted. Deletion requests SHOULD include a `k` tag for the kind of each event being requested for deletion. -Each tag entry must contain an "e" event id and/or `a` tags intended for deletion. - -The event's `content` field MAY contain a text note describing the reason for the deletion. +The event's `content` field MAY contain a text note describing the reason for the deletion request. For example: -``` +```jsonc { "kind": 5, "pubkey": <32-bytes hex-encoded public key of the event creator>, "tags": [ ["e", "dcd59..464a2"], ["e", "968c5..ad7a4"], - ["a", "::"] + ["a", "::"], + ["k", "1"], + ["k", "30023"] ], "content": "these posts were published by accident", - ...other fields + // other fields... } ``` -Relays SHOULD delete or stop publishing any referenced events that have an identical `pubkey` as the deletion request. Clients SHOULD hide or otherwise indicate a deletion status for referenced events. +Relays SHOULD delete or stop publishing any referenced events that have an identical `pubkey` as the deletion request. Clients SHOULD hide or otherwise indicate a deletion request status for referenced events. -Relays SHOULD continue to publish/share the deletion events indefinitely, as clients may already have the event that's intended to be deleted. Additionally, clients SHOULD broadcast deletion events to other relays which don't have it. +Relays SHOULD continue to publish/share the deletion request events indefinitely, as clients may already have the event that's intended to be deleted. Additionally, clients SHOULD broadcast deletion request events to other relays which don't have it. + +When an `a` tag is used, relays SHOULD delete all versions of the replaceable event up to the `created_at` timestamp of the deletion request event. ## Client Usage -Clients MAY choose to fully hide any events that are referenced by valid deletion events. This includes text notes, direct messages, or other yet-to-be defined event kinds. Alternatively, they MAY show the event along with an icon or other indication that the author has "disowned" the event. The `content` field MAY also be used to replace the deleted events' own content, although a user interface should clearly indicate that this is a deletion reason, not the original content. +Clients MAY choose to fully hide any events that are referenced by valid deletion request events. This includes text notes, direct messages, or other yet-to-be defined event kinds. Alternatively, they MAY show the event along with an icon or other indication that the author has "disowned" the event. The `content` field MAY also be used to replace the deleted events' own content, although a user interface should clearly indicate that this is a deletion request reason, not the original content. A client MUST validate that each event `pubkey` referenced in the `e` tag of the deletion request is identical to the deletion request `pubkey`, before hiding or deleting any event. Relays can not, in general, perform this validation and should not be treated as authoritative. -Clients display the deletion event itself in any way they choose, e.g., not at all, or with a prominent notice. +Clients display the deletion request event itself in any way they choose, e.g., not at all, or with a prominent notice. + +Clients MAY choose to inform the user that their request for deletion does not guarantee deletion because it is impossible to delete events from all relays and clients. ## Relay Usage -Relays MAY validate that a deletion event only references events that have the same `pubkey` as the deletion itself, however this is not required since relays may not have knowledge of all referenced events. +Relays MAY validate that a deletion request event only references events that have the same `pubkey` as the deletion request itself, however this is not required since relays may not have knowledge of all referenced events. -## Deleting a Deletion +## Deletion Request of a Deletion Request -Publishing a deletion event against a deletion has no effect. Clients and relays are not obliged to support "undelete" functionality. +Publishing a deletion request event against a deletion request has no effect. Clients and relays are not obliged to support "unrequest deletion" functionality. diff --git a/10.md b/10.md index a434ea0..c1d5068 100644 --- a/10.md +++ b/10.md @@ -2,49 +2,23 @@ NIP-10 ====== -On "e" and "p" tags in Text Events (kind 1). --------------------------------------------- +On "e" and "p" tags in Text Events (kind 1) +------------------------------------------- `draft` `optional` ## Abstract This NIP describes how to use "e" and "p" tags in text events, especially those that are replies to other text events. It helps clients thread the replies into a tree rooted at the original event. -## Positional "e" tags (DEPRECATED) ->This scheme is in common use; but should be considered deprecated. - -`["e", , ]` as per NIP-01. - -Where: - - * `` is the id of the event being referenced. - * `` is the URL of a recommended relay associated with the reference. Many clients treat this field as optional. - -**The positions of the "e" tags within the event denote specific meanings as follows**: - - * No "e" tag:
- This event is not a reply to, nor does it refer to, any other event. - - * One "e" tag:
- `["e", ]`: The id of the event to which this event is a reply. - - * Two "e" tags: `["e", ]`, `["e", ]`
- `` is the id of the event at the root of the reply chain. `` is the id of the article to which this event is a reply. - - * Many "e" tags: `["e", ]` `["e", ]`, ..., `["e", ]`
-There may be any number of ``. These are the ids of events which may, or may not be in the reply chain. -They are citing from this event. `root-id` and `reply-id` are as above. - ->This scheme is deprecated because it creates ambiguities that are difficult, or impossible to resolve when an event references another but is not a reply. - ## Marked "e" tags (PREFERRED) -`["e", , , ]` +`["e", , , , ]` Where: * `` is the id of the event being referenced. - * `` is the URL of a recommended relay associated with the reference. Clients SHOULD add a valid `` field, but may instead leave it as `""`. + * `` is the URL of a recommended relay associated with the reference. Clients SHOULD add a valid `` field, but may instead leave it as `""`. * `` is optional and if present is one of `"reply"`, `"root"`, or `"mention"`. + * `` is optional, SHOULD be the pubkey of the author of the referenced event Those marked with `"reply"` denote the id of the reply event being responded to. Those marked with `"root"` denote the root id of the reply thread being responded to. For top level replies (those replying directly to the root event), only the `"root"` marker should be used. Those marked with `"mention"` denote a quoted or reposted event id. @@ -52,6 +26,7 @@ A direct reply to the root of a thread should have a single marked "e" tag of ty >This scheme is preferred because it allows events to mention others without confusing them with `` or ``. +`` SHOULD be the pubkey of the author of the `e` tagged event, this is used in the outbox model to search for that event from the authors write relays where relay hints did not resolve the event. ## The "p" tag Used in a text event contains a list of pubkeys used to record who is involved in a reply thread. @@ -60,3 +35,33 @@ When replying to a text event E the reply event's "p" tags should contain all of Example: Given a text event authored by `a1` with "p" tags [`p1`, `p2`, `p3`] then the "p" tags of the reply should be [`a1`, `p1`, `p2`, `p3`] in no particular order. + +## Deprecated Positional "e" tags + +This scheme is not in common use anymore and is here just to keep backward compatibility with older events on the network. + +Positional `e` tags are deprecated because they create ambiguities that are difficult, or impossible to resolve when an event references another but is not a reply. + +They use simple `e` tags without any marker. + +`["e", , ]` as per NIP-01. + +Where: + + * `` is the id of the event being referenced. + * `` is the URL of a recommended relay associated with the reference. Many clients treat this field as optional. + +**The positions of the "e" tags within the event denote specific meanings as follows**: + + * No "e" tag:
+ This event is not a reply to, nor does it refer to, any other event. + + * One "e" tag:
+ `["e", ]`: The id of the event to which this event is a reply. + + * Two "e" tags: `["e", ]`, `["e", ]`
+ `` is the id of the event at the root of the reply chain. `` is the id of the article to which this event is a reply. + + * Many "e" tags: `["e", ]` `["e", ]`, ..., `["e", ]`
+There may be any number of ``. These are the ids of events which may, or may not be in the reply chain. +They are citing from this event. `root-id` and `reply-id` are as above. \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/11.md b/11.md index 45102d7..8efd0f0 100644 --- a/11.md +++ b/11.md @@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ NIP-11 ====== Relay Information Document ---------------------------- +-------------------------- `draft` `optional` @@ -14,6 +14,8 @@ When a relay receives an HTTP(s) request with an `Accept` header of `application { "name": , "description": , + "banner":
, + "icon": , "pubkey": , "contact": , "supported_nips": , @@ -35,9 +37,24 @@ A relay may select a `name` for use in client software. This is a string, and S Detailed plain-text information about the relay may be contained in the `description` string. It is recommended that this contain no markup, formatting or line breaks for word wrapping, and simply use double newline characters to separate paragraphs. There are no limitations on length. +### Banner + +To make nostr relay management more user friendly, an effort should be made by relay owners to communicate with non-dev non-technical nostr end users. A banner is a visual representation of the relay. It should aim to visually communicate the brand of the relay, complementing the text `Description`. [Here is an example banner](https://image.nostr.build/232ddf6846e8aea5a61abcd70f9222ab521f711aa545b7ab02e430248fa3a249.png) mockup as visualized in Damus iOS relay view of the Damus relay. + +### Icon + +Icon is a compact visual representation of the relay for use in UI with limited real estate such as a nostr user's relay list view. Below is an example URL pointing to an image to be used as an icon for the relay. Recommended to be squared in shape. + +```jsonc +{ + "icon": "https://nostr.build/i/53866b44135a27d624e99c6165cabd76ac8f72797209700acb189fce75021f47.jpg", + // other fields... +} +``` + ### Pubkey -An administrative contact may be listed with a `pubkey`, in the same format as Nostr events (32-byte hex for a `secp256k1` public key). If a contact is listed, this provides clients with a recommended address to send encrypted direct messages (See `NIP-04`) to a system administrator. Expected uses of this address are to report abuse or illegal content, file bug reports, or request other technical assistance. +An administrative contact may be listed with a `pubkey`, in the same format as Nostr events (32-byte hex for a `secp256k1` public key). If a contact is listed, this provides clients with a recommended address to send encrypted direct messages (See [NIP-17](17.md)) to a system administrator. Expected uses of this address are to report abuse or illegal content, file bug reports, or request other technical assistance. Relay operators have no obligation to respond to direct messages. @@ -66,7 +83,7 @@ These are limitations imposed by the relay on clients. Your client should expect that requests which exceed these *practical* limitations are rejected or fail immediately. -```json +```jsonc { "limitation": { "max_message_length": 16384, @@ -83,7 +100,7 @@ are rejected or fail immediately. "created_at_lower_limit": 31536000, "created_at_upper_limit": 3 }, - ... + // other fields... } ``` @@ -146,14 +163,15 @@ Retention times are given in seconds, with `null` indicating infinity. If zero is provided, this means the event will not be stored at all, and preferably an error will be provided when those are received. -```json +```jsonc { "retention": [ {"kinds": [0, 1, [5, 7], [40, 49]], "time": 3600}, {"kinds": [[40000, 49999]], "time": 100}, {"kinds": [[30000, 39999]], "count": 1000}, {"time": 3600, "count": 10000} - ] + ], + // other fields... } ``` @@ -172,7 +190,7 @@ There is no need to specify retention times for _ephemeral events_ since they ar ### Content Limitations Some relays may be governed by the arbitrary laws of a nation state. This -may limit what content can be stored in cleartext on those relays. All +may limit what content can be stored in clear-text on those relays. All clients are encouraged to use encryption to work around this limitation. It is not possible to describe the limitations of each country's laws @@ -183,13 +201,13 @@ countries' laws might end up being enforced on them, and then indirectly on their users' content. Users should be able to avoid relays in countries they don't like, -and/or select relays in more favourable zones. Exposing this +and/or select relays in more favorable zones. Exposing this flexibility is up to the client software. -```json +```jsonc { "relay_countries": [ "CA", "US" ], - ... + // other fields... } ``` @@ -208,12 +226,12 @@ local community. This would encourage users to follow the global feed on that relay, in addition to their usual individual follows. To support this goal, relays MAY specify some of the following values. -```json +```jsonc { "language_tags": ["en", "en-419"], "tags": ["sfw-only", "bitcoin-only", "anime"], "posting_policy": "https://example.com/posting-policy.html", - ... + // other fields... } ``` @@ -256,24 +274,15 @@ Relays that require payments may want to expose their fee schedules. } ``` -### Icon - -A URL pointing to an image to be used as an icon for the relay. Recommended to be squared in shape. - -```json -{ - "icon": "https://nostr.build/i/53866b44135a27d624e99c6165cabd76ac8f72797209700acb189fce75021f47.jpg", - ... -} -``` - ### Examples As of 2 May 2023 the following command provided these results: +```bash +$ curl -H "Accept: application/nostr+json" https://eden.nostr.land | jq ``` -~> curl -H "Accept: application/nostr+json" https://eden.nostr.land | jq +```json { "description": "nostr.land family of relays (us-or-01)", "name": "nostr.land", @@ -312,3 +321,4 @@ As of 2 May 2023 the following command provided these results: ] }, } +``` diff --git a/13.md b/13.md index 53c4d1b..cf5b1ac 100644 --- a/13.md +++ b/13.md @@ -35,7 +35,7 @@ Example mined note "created_at": 1651794653, "kind": 1, "tags": [ - ["nonce", "776797", "21"] + ["nonce", "776797", "20"] ], "content": "It's just me mining my own business", "sig": "284622fc0a3f4f1303455d5175f7ba962a3300d136085b9566801bc2e0699de0c7e31e44c81fb40ad9049173742e904713c3594a1da0fc5d2382a25c11aba977" @@ -48,37 +48,30 @@ Validating Here is some reference C code for calculating the difficulty (aka number of leading zero bits) in a nostr event id: ```c -#include -#include -#include - -int countLeadingZeroes(const char *hex) { - int count = 0; - - for (int i = 0; i < strlen(hex); i++) { - int nibble = (int)strtol((char[]){hex[i], '\0'}, NULL, 16); - if (nibble == 0) { - count += 4; - } else { - count += __builtin_clz(nibble) - 28; - break; - } - } +int zero_bits(unsigned char b) +{ + int n = 0; - return count; -} + if (b == 0) + return 8; -int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { - if (argc != 2) { - fprintf(stderr, "Usage: %s \n", argv[0]); - return 1; - } + while (b >>= 1) + n++; - const char *hex_string = argv[1]; - int result = countLeadingZeroes(hex_string); - printf("Leading zeroes in hex string %s: %d\n", hex_string, result); + return 7-n; +} - return 0; +/* find the number of leading zero bits in a hash */ +int count_leading_zero_bits(unsigned char *hash) +{ + int bits, total, i; + for (i = 0, total = 0; i < 32; i++) { + bits = zero_bits(hash[i]); + total += bits; + if (bits != 8) + break; + } + return total; } ``` @@ -103,16 +96,6 @@ function countLeadingZeroes(hex) { } ``` -Querying relays for PoW notes ------------------------------ - -If relays allow searching on prefixes, you can use this as a way to filter notes of a certain difficulty: - -``` -$ echo '["REQ", "subid", {"ids": ["000000000"]}]' | websocat wss://some-relay.com | jq -c '.[2]' -{"id":"000000000121637feeb68a06c8fa7abd25774bdedfa9b6ef648386fb3b70c387", ...} -``` - Delegated Proof of Work ----------------------- diff --git a/15.md b/15.md index 55814fb..b55b444 100644 --- a/15.md +++ b/15.md @@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ Nostr Marketplace `draft` `optional` -Based on https://github.com/lnbits/Diagon-Alley. +Based on [Diagon-Alley](https://github.com/lnbits/Diagon-Alley). Implemented in [NostrMarket](https://github.com/lnbits/nostrmarket) and [Plebeian Market](https://github.com/PlebeianTech/plebeian-market). @@ -73,10 +73,10 @@ Fields that are not self-explanatory: **Event Tags** -```json +```jsonc { "tags": [["d", , "address": , - "message": ", + "message": , "contact": { "nostr": <32-bytes hex of a pubkey>, "phone": , @@ -182,7 +182,7 @@ _Open_: is `contact.nostr` required? Sent back from the merchant for payment. Any payment option is valid that the merchant can check. -The below JSON goes in `content` of [NIP-04](https://github.com/nostr-protocol/nips/blob/master/04.md). +The below JSON goes in `content` of [NIP-04](04.md). `payment_options`/`type` include: @@ -217,7 +217,7 @@ The below JSON goes in `content` of [NIP-04](https://github.com/nostr-protocol/n Once payment has been received and processed. -The below JSON goes in `content` of [NIP-04](https://github.com/nostr-protocol/nips/blob/master/04.md). +The below JSON goes in `content` of [NIP-04](04.md). ```json { @@ -231,13 +231,13 @@ The below JSON goes in `content` of [NIP-04](https://github.com/nostr-protocol/n ## Customize Marketplace -Create a customized user experience using the `naddr` from [NIP-19](https://github.com/nostr-protocol/nips/blob/master/19.md#shareable-identifiers-with-extra-metadata). The use of `naddr` enables easy sharing of marketplace events while incorporating a rich set of metadata. This metadata can include relays, merchant profiles, and more. Subsequently, it allows merchants to be grouped into a market, empowering the market creator to configure the marketplace's user interface and user experience, and share that marketplace. This customization can encompass elements such as market name, description, logo, banner, themes, and even color schemes, offering a tailored and unique marketplace experience. +Create a customized user experience using the `naddr` from [NIP-19](19.md#shareable-identifiers-with-extra-metadata). The use of `naddr` enables easy sharing of marketplace events while incorporating a rich set of metadata. This metadata can include relays, merchant profiles, and more. Subsequently, it allows merchants to be grouped into a market, empowering the market creator to configure the marketplace's user interface and user experience, and share that marketplace. This customization can encompass elements such as market name, description, logo, banner, themes, and even color schemes, offering a tailored and unique marketplace experience. ### Event `30019`: Create or update marketplace UI/UX **Event Content** -```json +```jsonc { "name": , "about": , @@ -248,7 +248,7 @@ Create a customized user experience using the `naddr` from [NIP-19](https://gith "darkMode": }, "merchants": [array of pubkeys (optional)], - ... + // other fields... } ``` @@ -290,17 +290,18 @@ This event leverages naddr to enable comprehensive customization and sharing of ### Event `1021`: Bid -```json +```jsonc { "content": , "tags": [["e", ]], + // other fields... } ``` Bids are simply events of kind `1021` with a `content` field specifying the amount, in the currency of the auction. Bids must reference an auction. > [!NOTE] -> Auctions can be edited as many times as desired (they are "parameterized replaceable events") by the author - even after the start_date, but they cannot be edited after they have received the first bid! This is enforced by the fact that bids reference the event ID of the auction (rather than the product UUID), which changes with every new version of the auctioned product. So a bid is always attached to one "version". Editing the auction after a bid would result in the new product losing the bid! +> Auctions can be edited as many times as desired (they are "addressable events") by the author - even after the start_date, but they cannot be edited after they have received the first bid! This is enforced by the fact that bids reference the event ID of the auction (rather than the product UUID), which changes with every new version of the auctioned product. So a bid is always attached to one "version". Editing the auction after a bid would result in the new product losing the bid! ### Event `1022`: Bid confirmation @@ -331,8 +332,8 @@ Another thing that can happen is - if bids happen very close to the end date of ## Customer support events -Customer support is handled over whatever communication method was specified. If communicating via nostr, NIP-04 is used https://github.com/nostr-protocol/nips/blob/master/04.md. +Customer support is handled over whatever communication method was specified. If communicating via nostr, [NIP-04](04.md) is used. ## Additional -Standard data models can be found here +Standard data models can be found [here](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/lnbits/nostrmarket/main/models.py) diff --git a/17.md b/17.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000..4b96bce --- /dev/null +++ b/17.md @@ -0,0 +1,164 @@ +NIP-17 +====== + +Private Direct Messages +----------------------- + +`draft` `optional` + +This NIP defines an encrypted direct messaging scheme using [NIP-44](44.md) encryption and [NIP-59](59.md) seals and gift wraps. + +## Direct Message Kind + +Kind `14` is a chat message. `p` tags identify one or more receivers of the message. + +```jsonc +{ + "id": "", +  "pubkey": "", + "created_at": "", +  "kind": 14, +  "tags": [ +    ["p", "", ""], +    ["p", "", ""], +    ["e", "", "", "reply"] // if this is a reply + ["subject", ""], +    // rest of tags... +  ], +  "content": "", +} +``` + +`.content` MUST be plain text. Fields `id` and `created_at` are required. + +Tags that mention, quote and assemble threading structures MUST follow [NIP-10](10.md). + +Kind `14`s MUST never be signed. If it is signed, the message might leak to relays and become **fully public**. + +## Chat Rooms + +The set of `pubkey` + `p` tags defines a chat room. If a new `p` tag is added or a current one is removed, a new room is created with clean message history. + +Clients SHOULD render messages of the same room in a continuous thread. + +An optional `subject` tag defines the current name/topic of the conversation. Any member can change the topic by simply submitting a new `subject` to an existing `pubkey` + `p`-tags room. There is no need to send `subject` in every message. The newest `subject` in the thread is the subject of the conversation. + +## Encrypting + +Following [NIP-59](59.md), the **unsigned** `kind:14` chat message must be sealed (`kind:13`) and then gift-wrapped (`kind:1059`) to each receiver and the sender individually. + +```js +{ + "id": "", +  "pubkey": randomPublicKey, +  "created_at": randomTimeUpTo2DaysInThePast(), + "kind": 1059, // gift wrap +  "tags": [ +    ["p", receiverPublicKey, ""] // receiver +  ], +  "content": nip44Encrypt( +    { + "id": "", +      "pubkey": senderPublicKey, +      "created_at": randomTimeUpTo2DaysInThePast(), +      "kind": 13, // seal +      "tags": [], // no tags +      "content": nip44Encrypt(unsignedKind14, senderPrivateKey, receiverPublicKey), +      "sig": "" +    }, +    randomPrivateKey, receiverPublicKey +  ), +  "sig": "" +} +``` + +The encryption algorithm MUST use the latest version of [NIP-44](44.md). + +Clients MUST verify if pubkey of the `kind:13` is the same pubkey on the `kind:14`, otherwise any sender can impersonate others by simply changing the pubkey on `kind:14`. + +Clients SHOULD randomize `created_at` in up to two days in the past in both the seal and the gift wrap to make sure grouping by `created_at` doesn't reveal any metadata. + +The gift wrap's `p`-tag can be the receiver's main pubkey or an alias key created to receive DMs without exposing the receiver's identity. + +Clients CAN offer disappearing messages by setting an `expiration` tag in the gift wrap of each receiver or by not generating a gift wrap to the sender's public key + +## Publishing + +Kind `10050` indicates the user's preferred relays to receive DMs. The event MUST include a list of `relay` tags with relay URIs. + +```jsonc +{ + "kind": 10050, + "tags": [ + ["relay", "wss://inbox.nostr.wine"], + ["relay", "wss://myrelay.nostr1.com"], + ], + "content": "", + // other fields... +} +``` + +Clients SHOULD publish kind `14` events to the `10050`-listed relays. If that is not found that indicates the user is not ready to receive messages under this NIP and clients shouldn't try. + +## Relays + +It's advisable that relays do not serve `kind:1059` to clients other than the ones tagged in them. + +It's advisable that users choose relays that conform to these practices. + +Clients SHOULD guide users to keep `kind:10050` lists small (1-3 relays) and SHOULD spread it to as many relays as viable. + +## Benefits & Limitations + +This NIP offers the following privacy and security features: + +1. **No Metadata Leak**: Participant identities, each message's real date and time, event kinds, and other event tags are all hidden from the public. Senders and receivers cannot be linked with public information alone. +2. **No Public Group Identifiers**: There is no public central queue, channel or otherwise converging identifier to correlate or count all messages in the same group. +3. **No Moderation**: There are no group admins: no invitations or bans. +4. **No Shared Secrets**: No secret must be known to all members that can leak or be mistakenly shared +5. **Fully Recoverable**: Messages can be fully recoverable by any client with the user's private key +6. **Optional Forward Secrecy**: Users and clients can opt-in for "disappearing messages". +7. **Uses Public Relays**: Messages can flow through public relays without loss of privacy. Private relays can increase privacy further, but they are not required. +8. **Cold Storage**: Users can unilaterally opt-in to sharing their messages with a separate key that is exclusive for DM backup and recovery. + +The main limitation of this approach is having to send a separate encrypted event to each receiver. Group chats with more than 100 participants should find a more suitable messaging scheme. + +## Implementation + +Clients implementing this NIP should by default only connect to the set of relays found in their `kind:10050` list. From that they should be able to load all messages both sent and received as well as get new live updates, making it for a very simple and lightweight implementation that should be fast. + +When sending a message to anyone, clients must then connect to the relays in the receiver's `kind:10050` and send the events there, but can disconnect right after unless more messages are expected to be sent (e.g. the chat tab is still selected). Clients should also send a copy of their outgoing messages to their own `kind:10050` relay set. + +## Examples + +This example sends the message `Hola, que tal?` from `nsec1w8udu59ydjvedgs3yv5qccshcj8k05fh3l60k9x57asjrqdpa00qkmr89m` to `nsec12ywtkplvyq5t6twdqwwygavp5lm4fhuang89c943nf2z92eez43szvn4dt`. + +The two final GiftWraps, one to the receiver and the other to the sender, are: + +```json +{ + "id":"2886780f7349afc1344047524540ee716f7bdc1b64191699855662330bf235d8", + "pubkey":"8f8a7ec43b77d25799281207e1a47f7a654755055788f7482653f9c9661c6d51", + "created_at":1703128320, + "kind":1059, + "tags":[ + [ "p", "918e2da906df4ccd12c8ac672d8335add131a4cf9d27ce42b3bb3625755f0788"] + ], + "content":"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", + "sig":"a3c6ce632b145c0869423c1afaff4a6d764a9b64dedaf15f170b944ead67227518a72e455567ca1c2a0d187832cecbde7ed478395ec4c95dd3e71749ed66c480" +} +``` + +```json +{ + "id":"162b0611a1911cfcb30f8a5502792b346e535a45658b3a31ae5c178465509721", + "pubkey":"626be2af274b29ea4816ad672ee452b7cf96bbb4836815a55699ae402183f512", + "created_at":1702711587, + "kind":1059, + "tags":[ + [ "p", "44900586091b284416a0c001f677f9c49f7639a55c3f1e2ec130a8e1a7998e1b"] + ], + "content":"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", + "sig":"c94e74533b482aa8eeeb54ae72a5303e0b21f62909ca43c8ef06b0357412d6f8a92f96e1a205102753777fd25321a58fba3fb384eee114bd53ce6c06a1c22bab" +} +``` diff --git a/18.md b/18.md index 17f7d38..4329421 100644 --- a/18.md +++ b/18.md @@ -24,6 +24,12 @@ NIP-18 `q`タグは引用リポストがスレッドの返信として取り込まれないようにする。 また、これで投稿への全ての引用を簡単に取得し、カウントできる。 +`q`タグは、`mark`引数の例外を除いて、NIP-10の`e`タグと同じ規則に従う必要がある。 + +`["q", , , ]` + +引用リポストには、コンテンツにイベントの [NIP-21](21.md) `nevent`、`note`、または `naddr` を含める必要がある。 + ## 汎用リポスト `kind 6`のリポストは`kind 1`のコンテンツのために予約されているため、`kind 16`を diff --git a/19.md b/19.md index ef80887..3ea8e11 100644 --- a/19.md +++ b/19.md @@ -34,8 +34,8 @@ These are the possible bech32 prefixes with `TLV`: - `nprofile`: a nostr profile - `nevent`: a nostr event - - `nrelay`: a nostr relay - `naddr`: a nostr _replaceable event_ coordinate + - `nrelay`: a nostr relay (deprecated) These possible standardized `TLV` types are indicated here: @@ -43,8 +43,7 @@ These possible standardized `TLV` types are indicated here: - depends on the bech32 prefix: - for `nprofile` it will be the 32 bytes of the profile public key - for `nevent` it will be the 32 bytes of the event id - - for `nrelay`, this is the relay URL - - for `naddr`, it is the identifier (the `"d"` tag) of the event being referenced. For non-parameterized replaceable events, use an empty string. + - for `naddr`, it is the identifier (the `"d"` tag) of the event being referenced. For normal replaceable events use an empty string. - `1`: `relay` - for `nprofile`, `nevent` and `naddr`, _optionally_, a relay in which the entity (profile or event) is more likely to be found, encoded as ascii - this may be included multiple times diff --git a/21.md b/21.md index b09a706..401b638 100644 --- a/21.md +++ b/21.md @@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ NIP-21 スキームは `nostr:` である。 -後に続く識別子は、[NIP-19](https://github.com/nostr-jp/nips-ja/blob/main/19.md)で定義されているものと同じであることが期待される(`nsec` を除く)。 +後に続く識別子は、[NIP-19](19.md)で定義されているものと同じであることが期待される(`nsec` を除く)。 ## 例 diff --git a/22.md b/22.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000..3706aec --- /dev/null +++ b/22.md @@ -0,0 +1,184 @@ +NIP-22 +====== + +Comment +------- + +`draft` `optional` + +A comment is a threading note always scoped to a root event or an `I`-tag. + +It uses `kind:1111` with plaintext `.content` (no HTML, Markdown, or other formatting). + +Comments MUST point to the root scope using uppercase tag names (e.g. `K`, `E`, `A` or `I`) +and MUST point to the parent item with lowercase ones (e.g. `k`, `e`, `a` or `i`). + +```js +{ + kind: 1111, + content: '', + tags: [ + // root scope: event addresses, event ids, or I-tags. + ["", "", "", ""], + // the root item kind + ["K", ""], + + // parent item: event addresses, event ids, or i-tags. + ["", "", "", ""], + // parent item kind + ["k", ""] + ] + // other fields +} +``` + +Tags `K` and `k` MUST be present to define the event kind of the root and the parent items. + +`I` and `i` tags create scopes for hashtags, geohashes, URLs, and other external identifiers. + +The possible values for `i` tags – and `k` tags, when related to an extenal identity – are listed on [NIP-73](73.md). +Their uppercase versions use the same type of values but relate to the root item instead of the parent one. + +`q` tags MAY be used when citing events in the `.content` with [NIP-21](21.md). + +```json +["q", " or ", "", ""] +``` + +`p` tags SHOULD be used when mentioning pubkeys in the `.content` with [NIP-21](21.md). +If the parent item is an event, a `p` tag set to the parent event's author SHOULD be added. + +```json +["p", "", ""] +``` + +## Examples + +A comment on a blog post looks like this: + +```js +{ + kind: 1111, + content: 'Great blog post!', + tags: [ + // top-level comments scope to event addresses or ids + ["A", "30023:3c9849383bdea883b0bd16fece1ed36d37e37cdde3ce43b17ea4e9192ec11289:f9347ca7", "wss://example.relay"], + // the root kind + ["K", "30023"], + + // the parent event address (same as root for top-level comments) + ["a", "30023:3c9849383bdea883b0bd16fece1ed36d37e37cdde3ce43b17ea4e9192ec11289:f9347ca7", "wss://example.relay"], + // when the parent event is replaceable or addressable, also include an `e` tag referencing its id + ["e", "5b4fc7fed15672fefe65d2426f67197b71ccc82aa0cc8a9e94f683eb78e07651", "wss://example.relay"], + // the parent event kind + ["k", "30023"] + ] + // other fields +} +``` + +A comment on a [NIP-94](94.md) file looks like this: + +```js +{ + kind: 1111, + content: 'Great file!', + tags: [ + // top-level comments have the same scope and reply to addresses or ids + ["E", "768ac8720cdeb59227cf95e98b66560ef03d8bc9a90d721779e76e68fb42f5e6", "wss://example.relay", "3721e07b079525289877c366ccab47112bdff3d1b44758ca333feb2dbbbbe5bb"], + // the root kind + ["K", "1063"], + + // the parent event id (same as root for top-level comments) + ["e", "768ac8720cdeb59227cf95e98b66560ef03d8bc9a90d721779e76e68fb42f5e6", "wss://example.relay", "3721e07b079525289877c366ccab47112bdff3d1b44758ca333feb2dbbbbe5bb"], + // the parent kind + ["k", "1063"] + ] + // other fields +} +``` + +A reply to a comment looks like this: + +```js +{ + kind: 1111, + content: 'This is a reply to "Great file!"', + tags: [ + // nip-94 file event id + ["E", "768ac8720cdeb59227cf95e98b66560ef03d8bc9a90d721779e76e68fb42f5e6", "wss://example.relay", "fd913cd6fa9edb8405750cd02a8bbe16e158b8676c0e69fdc27436cc4a54cc9a"], + // the root kind + ["K", "1063"], + + // the parent event + ["e", "5c83da77af1dec6d7289834998ad7aafbd9e2191396d75ec3cc27f5a77226f36", "wss://example.relay", "93ef2ebaaf9554661f33e79949007900bbc535d239a4c801c33a4d67d3e7f546"], + // the parent kind + ["k", "1111"] + ] + // other fields +} +``` + +A comment on a website's url looks like this: + +```js +{ + kind: 1111, + content: 'Nice article!', + tags: [ + // referencing the root url + ["I", "https://abc.com/articles/1"], + // the root "kind": for an url, the kind is its domain + ["K", "https://abc.com"], + + // the parent reference (same as root for top-level comments) + ["i", "https://abc.com/articles/1"], + // the parent "kind": for an url, the kind is its domain + ["k", "https://abc.com"] + ] + // other fields +} +``` + +A podcast comment example: + +```js +{ + id: "80c48d992a38f9c445b943a9c9f1010b396676013443765750431a9004bdac05", + pubkey: "252f10c83610ebca1a059c0bae8255eba2f95be4d1d7bcfa89d7248a82d9f111", + kind: 1111, + content: "This was a great episode!", + tags: [ + // podcast episode reference + ["I", "podcast:item:guid:d98d189b-dc7b-45b1-8720-d4b98690f31f", "https://fountain.fm/episode/z1y9TMQRuqXl2awyrQxg"], + // podcast episode type + ["K", "podcast:item:guid"], + + // same value as "I" tag above, because it is a top-level comment (not a reply to a comment) + ["i", "podcast:item:guid:d98d189b-dc7b-45b1-8720-d4b98690f31f", "https://fountain.fm/episode/z1y9TMQRuqXl2awyrQxg"], + ["k", "podcast:item:guid"] + ] + // other fields +} +``` + +A reply to a podcast comment: + +```js +{ + kind: 1111, + content: "I'm replying to the above comment.", + tags: [ + // podcast episode reference + ["I", "podcast:item:guid:d98d189b-dc7b-45b1-8720-d4b98690f31f", "https://fountain.fm/episode/z1y9TMQRuqXl2awyrQxg"], + // podcast episode type + ["K", "podcast:item:guid"], + + // this is a reference to the above comment + ["e", "80c48d992a38f9c445b943a9c9f1010b396676013443765750431a9004bdac05", "wss://example.relay", "252f10c83610ebca1a059c0bae8255eba2f95be4d1d7bcfa89d7248a82d9f111"], + // the parent comment kind + ["k", "1111"] + ] + // other fields +} +``` diff --git a/23.md b/23.md index a8800c0..34df44b 100644 --- a/23.md +++ b/23.md @@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ NIP-23 `draft` `optional` -このNIPでは`kind:30023` (パラメータ化された置換可能なイベント) で長文投稿、一般的に「記事」や「ブログ投稿」と呼ばれるものを定義する。`kind:30024`は`kind:30023`と同じ構造を持ち、下書きを保存するために用いられる。 +このNIPでは`kind:30023` (アドレス指定可能 (addressable) なイベント) で長文投稿、一般的に「記事」や「ブログ投稿」と呼ばれるものを定義する。`kind:30024`は`kind:30023`と同じ構造を持ち、下書きを保存するために用いられる。 `kind:1`を主に取り扱うソーシャルクライアント (マイクロブログ系クライアント) に、このNIPの実装は強制されない。 @@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ NIP-23 ### メタデータ -最終更新日については`.created_at`フィールドを使用し、[NIP-12](12.md)で定義された`t`タグ (タグ/ハッシュタグ、その記事が関連するトピック) を含めることが望ましい。 +最終更新日については`.created_at`フィールドを使用し、タグ/ハッシュタグ、(つまり、その記事が関連するトピック) については`t`タグを含めることが望ましい。 その他メタデータフィールドは、必要に応じてイベントにタグを追加できる。ここでは有用と思われる4つのタグを標準化する(厳密に任意)。 @@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ NIP-23 ### 編集可能性 -長文投稿は編集する可能性を意図しているため、パラメータ化された置換可能機能を利用し、記事の識別子を持つ`d`タグを含める必要がある。各クライアントは、`d`タグを実装したイベントのみをリレーに発行し、読み取るように注意すべきだ。また同じ記事の古い版を非表示にすることにも注意すべきだ。 +長文投稿は編集する可能性を意図しているため、記事の識別子を持つ`d`タグを含める必要がある。各クライアントは、`d`タグを実装したイベントのみをリレーに発行し、読み取るように注意すべきだ。また同じ記事の古い版を非表示にすることにも注意すべきだ。 ### リンク diff --git a/24.md b/24.md index 753c34a..f1418b4 100644 --- a/24.md +++ b/24.md @@ -28,7 +28,7 @@ kind 0 kind 3 ====== -これらは連絡先イベントの文字列化されたJSONに存在する可能性のあるNIP-02で指定されていない追加のフィールドである。 +これらはフォローイベントの文字列化されたJSONに存在する可能性のあるNIP-02で指定されていない追加のフィールドである。 ### 廃止されたフィールド @@ -40,4 +40,6 @@ kind 3 これらのタグは複数のイベントkindに存在する。より具体的なNIPで異なる意味が指定されていない場合は、以下の意味を持つ。 - `r`: イベントがなんらかの形で参照しているウェブのURL。 - - `title`: イベントのタイトル。 + - `i`: イベントが何らかの形で参照している外部ID - [NIP-73](73.md)を参照。 + - `title`: [NIP-51](51.md) セット、[NIP-52](52.md)カレンダーイベント、[NIP-53](53.md)ライブイベント、[NIP-99](99.md)リストの名前。 + - `t`: ハッシュタグ。小文字の文字列でなければならない (MUST)。 diff --git a/25.md b/25.md index 4fba7a6..70b9630 100644 --- a/25.md +++ b/25.md @@ -25,15 +25,14 @@ NIP-25 タグ ---- -リアクションイベントには、リアクション対象としているイベントに含まれる`e`及び`p`タグを含めるべきである (SHOULD) 。 -これにより、各ユーザはメンションされている投稿へのリアクションがあった際、通知を受け取ることが可能になる。 -また、クライアントはこのようにして付与された`e`タグを使用することで、1つの投稿あるいはスレッド全体に関連する -リアクションを取得することが可能となる。 +リアクションイベントには、リアクション対象としているイベントに含まれる`e`及び`p`タグを含めるべきである (SHOULD) 。ターゲットが置換可能なイベントの場合、任意で`a`タグを含めることができる。これにより、各ユーザはメンションされている投稿へのリアクションがあった際、通知を受け取ることが可能になる。また、クライアントはこのようにして付与された`e`タグを使用することで、1つの投稿あるいはスレッド全体に関連するリアクションを取得できる。`a`タグを使用すると、クライアントは置換可能なイベントの全てのバージョンに対するリアクションを取得できる。 タグのリストの中で最後に現れる`e`タグでは、リアクション対象となるノートの`id`を指定しなければならない (MUST) 。 タグのリストの中で最後に現れる`p`タグでは、リアクション対象となるイベントの`pubkey`を指定しなければならない (MUST) 。 +`a`タグでは、リアクション対象となる置換可能なものの座標 (`kind:pubkey:d-tag`) を含めなければならない (MUST) 。 + リアクションイベントには、リアクションされたイベントの文字列化されたkind番号を値とする `k`タグを含めてもよい (MAY) 。 @@ -41,8 +40,8 @@ Example code ```swift func make_like_event(pubkey: String, privkey: String, liked: NostrEvent) -> NostrEvent { - var tags: [[String]] = liked.tags.filter { - tag in tag.count >= 2 && (tag[0] == "e" || tag[0] == "p") + var tags: [[String]] = liked.tags.filter { + tag in tag.count >= 2 && (tag[0] == "e" || tag[0] == "p") } tags.append(["e", liked.id]) tags.append(["p", liked.pubkey]) @@ -54,6 +53,26 @@ func make_like_event(pubkey: String, privkey: String, liked: NostrEvent) -> Nost } ``` +ウェブサイトへのリアクション +--------------------- + +リアクションのターゲットがWebサイトの場合、リアクションは`kind 17`イベントでなければならず (MUST) 、WebサイトのURLを含む`r`タグを含めなければならない (MUST) 。 + +```jsonc +{ + "kind": 17, + "content": "⭐", + "tags": [ + ["r", "https://example.com/"] + ], + // other fields... +} +``` + +同じWebサイトへのリアクションがクエリから省略されないように、URLは[正規化](https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc3986#section-6)される必要がある。 +ページのセクションにリアクションを付けるために、フラグメントをURLに追加してもよい (MAY)。 +フラグメントを含むURLは、元と同じURLとはみなされないことに注意すべきである。 + カスタム絵文字によるリアクション --------------------- @@ -61,15 +80,14 @@ func make_like_event(pubkey: String, privkey: String, liked: NostrEvent) -> Nost ショートコードがリアクションに含まれる場合、クライアントはemojiタグを参照し、 その内容を絵文字として描画すべきである。 -```json +```jsonc { "kind": 7, "content": ":soapbox:", "tags": [ ["emoji", "soapbox", "https://gleasonator.com/emoji/Gleasonator/soapbox.png"] ], - "pubkey": "79c2cae114ea28a981e7559b4fe7854a473521a8d22a66bbab9fa248eb820ff6", - "created_at": 1682790000 + // other fields... } ``` diff --git a/26.md b/26.md index 1326ee1..3c38f5e 100644 --- a/26.md +++ b/26.md @@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ NIP-26 ======= イベント署名の委任 ------ +----------------------- `draft` `optional` diff --git a/27.md b/27.md index efd2c12..133f8ef 100644 --- a/27.md +++ b/27.md @@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ A reader client that receives an event with such `nostr:...` mentions in its `.c Suppose Bob is writing a note in a client that has search-and-autocomplete functionality for users that is triggered when they write the character `@`. -As Bob types `"hello @mat"` the client will prompt him to autocomplete with [mattn's profile](https://gateway.nostr.com/p/2c7cc62a697ea3a7826521f3fd34f0cb273693cbe5e9310f35449f43622a5cdc), showing a picture and name. +As Bob types `"hello @mat"` the client will prompt him to autocomplete with [mattn's profile](https://njump.me/npub1937vv2nf06360qn9y8el6d8sevnndy7tuh5nzre4gj05xc32tnwqauhaj6), showing a picture and name. Bob presses "enter" and now he sees his typed note as `"hello @mattn"`, `@mattn` is highlighted, indicating that it is a mention. Internally, however, the event looks like this: diff --git a/28.md b/28.md index 65ebb3f..73c76b2 100644 --- a/28.md +++ b/28.md @@ -25,10 +25,10 @@ Create a public chat channel. In the channel creation `content` field, Client SHOULD include basic channel metadata (`name`, `about`, `picture` and `relays` as specified in kind 41). -```json +```jsonc { "content": "{\"name\": \"Demo Channel\", \"about\": \"A test channel.\", \"picture\": \"https://placekitten.com/200/200\", \"relays\": [\"wss://nos.lol\", \"wss://nostr.mom\"]}", - ... + // other fields... } ``` @@ -37,7 +37,7 @@ In the channel creation `content` field, Client SHOULD include basic channel met Update a channel's public metadata. -Clients and relays SHOULD handle kind 41 events similar to kind 33 replaceable events, where the information is used to update the metadata, without modifying the event id for the channel.Only the most recent kind 41 is needed to be stored. +Kind 41 is used to update the metadata without modifying the event id for the channel. Only the most recent kind 41 per `e` tag value MAY be available. Clients SHOULD ignore kind 41s from pubkeys other than the kind 40 pubkey. @@ -52,11 +52,11 @@ Clients MAY add additional metadata fields. Clients SHOULD use [NIP-10](10.md) marked "e" tags to recommend a relay. -```json +```jsonc { "content": "{\"name\": \"Updated Demo Channel\", \"about\": \"Updating a test channel.\", \"picture\": \"https://placekitten.com/201/201\", \"relays\": [\"wss://nos.lol\", \"wss://nostr.mom\"]}", "tags": [["e", , ]], - ... + // other fields... } ``` @@ -71,26 +71,26 @@ Clients SHOULD append [NIP-10](10.md) "p" tags to replies. Root message: -```json +```jsonc { "content": , "tags": [["e", , , "root"]], - ... + // other fields... } ``` Reply to another message: -```json +```jsonc { "content": , "tags": [ ["e", , , "root"], ["e", , , "reply"], ["p", , ], - ... + // rest of tags... ], - ... + // other fields... } ``` @@ -107,11 +107,11 @@ Clients MAY hide event 42s for other users other than the user who sent the even (For example, if three users 'hide' an event giving a reason that includes the word 'pornography', a Nostr client that is an iOS app may choose to hide that message for all iOS clients.) -```json +```jsonc { "content": "{\"reason\": \"Dick pic\"}", "tags": [["e", ]], - ... + // other fields... } ``` @@ -125,11 +125,11 @@ Clients SHOULD hide event 42s shown to a given user, if there is an event 44 fro Clients MAY hide event 42s for users other than the user who sent the event 44. -```json +```jsonc { "content": "{\"reason\": \"Posting dick pics\"}", "tags": [["p", ]], - ... + // other fields... } ``` diff --git a/29.md b/29.md index 0f4a579..f0ba8ab 100644 --- a/29.md +++ b/29.md @@ -16,12 +16,18 @@ Normally a group will originally belong to one specific relay, but the community ## Relay-generated events -Relays are supposed to generate the events that describe group metadata and group admins. These are parameterized replaceable events signed by the relay keypair directly, with the group _id_ as the `d` tag. +Relays are supposed to generate the events that describe group metadata and group admins. These are _addressable_ events signed by the relay keypair directly, with the group _id_ as the `d` tag. ## Group identifier A group may be identified by a string in the format `'`. For example, a group with _id_ `abcdef` hosted at the relay `wss://groups.nostr.com` would be identified by the string `groups.nostr.com'abcdef`. +Group identifiers must be strings restricted to the characters `a-z0-9-_`. + +When encountering just the `` without the `'`, clients can choose to connect to the group with id `_`, which is a special top-level group dedicated to relay-local discussions. + +Group identifiers in most cases should be random or pseudo-random, as that mitigates message replay confusion and ensures they can be migrated or forked to other relays easily without risking conflicting with other groups using the same id in these new relays. This isn't a hard rule, as, for example, in `unmanaged` and/or ephemeral relays groups might not want to migrate ever, so they might not care about this. Notably, the `_` relay-local group isn't expected to be migrated ever. + ## The `h` tag Events sent by users to groups (chat messages, text notes, moderation events etc) must have an `h` tag with the value set to the group _id_. @@ -36,89 +42,133 @@ This is a hack to prevent messages from being broadcasted to external relays tha Relays should prevent late publication (messages published now with a timestamp from days or even hours ago) unless they are open to receive a group forked or moved from another relay. +## Group management + +Groups can have any number of users with elevated access. These users are identified by role labels which are arbitrarily defined by the relays (see also the description of `kind:39003`). What each role is capable of not defined in this NIP either, it's a relay policy that can vary. Roles can be assigned by other users (as long as they have the capability to add roles) by publishing a `kind:9000` event with that user's pubkey in a `p` tag and the roles afterwards (even if the user is already a group member a `kind:9000` can be issued and the user roles must just be updated). + +The roles supported by the group as to having some special privilege assigned to them should be accessible on the event `kind:39003`, but the relay may also accept other role names, arbitrarily defined by clients, and just not do anything with them. + +Users with any roles that have any privilege can be considered _admins_ in a broad sense and be returned in the `kind:39001` event for a group. + +## Unmanaged groups + +Unmanaged groups are impromptu groups that can be used in any public relay unaware of NIP-29 specifics. They piggyback on relays' natural white/blacklists (or lack of) but aside from that are not actively managed and won't have any admins, group state or metadata events. + +In `unmanaged` groups, everybody is considered to be a member. + +Unmanaged groups can transition to managed groups, in that case the relay master key just has to publish moderation events setting the state of all groups and start enforcing the rules they choose to. + ## Event definitions -- *text root note* (`kind:11`) +These are the events expected to be found in NIP-29 groups. -This is the basic unit of a "microblog" root text note sent to a group. +### Normal user-created events -```js - "kind": 11, +These events generally can be sent by all members of a group and they require the `h` tag to be present so they're attached to a specific group. + +- _chat message_ (`kind:9`) + +This is the basic unit of a _chat message_ sent to a group. + +```jsonc + "kind": 9, "content": "hello my friends lovers of pizza", "tags": [ ["h", ""], - ["previous", "", "", ...] + ["previous", "", "", /*...*/] ] - ... + // other fields... ``` -- *threaded text reply* (`kind:12`) +- _thread root post_ (`kind:11`) -This is the basic unit of a "microblog" reply note sent to a group. It's the same as `kind:11`, except for the fact that it must be used whenever it's in reply to some other note (either in reply to a `kind:11` or a `kind:12`). `kind:12` events SHOULD use NIP-10 markers, leaving an empty relay url: +This is the basic unit of a forum-like root thread post sent to a group. -* `["e", "", "", "root"]` -* `["e", "", "", "reply"]` - -- *chat message* (`kind:9`) - -This is the basic unit of a _chat message_ sent to a group. - -```js - "kind": 9, +```jsonc + "kind": 11, "content": "hello my friends lovers of pizza", "tags": [ ["h", ""], - ["previous", "", "", ...] + ["previous", "", "", /*...*/] ] - ... + // other fields... ``` -- *chat message threaded reply* (`kind:10`) +- _other events_: + +Groups may also accept other events, like [NIP-22](22.md) comments as threaded replies to both chats messages and threads, long-form articles, calendar, livestreams, market announcements and so on. These should be as defined in their respective NIPs, with the addition of the `h` tag. -Similar to `kind:12`, this is the basic unit of a chat message sent to a group. This is intended for in-chat threads that may be hidden by default. Not all in-chat replies MUST use `kind:10`, only when the intention is to create a hidden thread that isn't part of the normal flow of the chat (although clients are free to display those by default too). +### User-related group management events -`kind:10` SHOULD use NIP-10 markers, just like `kind:12`. +These are events that can be sent by users to manage their situation in a group, they also require the `h` tag. - *join request* (`kind:9021`) Any user can send one of these events to the relay in order to be automatically or manually added to the group. If the group is `open` the relay will automatically issue a `kind:9000` in response adding this user. Otherwise group admins may choose to query for these requests and act upon them. -```js +```json { "kind": 9021, "content": "optional reason", + "tags": [ + ["h", ""], + ["code", ""] + ] +} +``` + +The optional `code` tag may be used by the relay to preauthorize acceptances in `closed` groups, together with the `kind:9009` `create-invite` moderation event. + +- *leave request* (`kind:9022`) + +Any user can send one of these events to the relay in order to be automatically removed from the group. The relay will automatically issue a `kind:9001` in response removing this user. + +```json +{ + "kind": 9022, + "content": "optional reason", "tags": [ ["h", ""] ] } ``` +### Group state -- or moderation + +These are events expected to be sent by the relay master key or by group admins -- and relays should reject them if they don't come from an authorized admin. They also require the `h` tag. + - *moderation events* (`kinds:9000-9020`) (optional) -Clients can send these events to a relay in order to accomplish a moderation action. Relays must check if the pubkey sending the event is capable of performing the given action. The relay may discard the event after taking action or keep it as a moderation log. +Clients can send these events to a relay in order to accomplish a moderation action. Relays must check if the pubkey sending the event is capable of performing the given action based on its role and the relay's internal policy (see also the description of `kind:39003`). -```js +```json { "kind": 90xx, "content": "optional reason", "tags": [ ["h", ""], - ["previous", ...] + ["previous", /*...*/] ] } ``` Each moderation action uses a different kind and requires different arguments, which are given as tags. These are defined in the following table: -| kind | name | tags | -| --- | --- | --- | -| 9000 | `add-user` | `p` (pubkey hex) | -| 9001 | `remove-user` | `p` (pubkey hex) | -| 9002 | `edit-metadata` | `name`, `about`, `picture` (string) | -| 9003 | `add-permission` | `p` (pubkey), `permission` (name) | -| 9004 | `remove-permission` | `p` (pubkey), `permission` (name) | -| 9005 | `delete-event` | `e` (id hex) | -| 9006 | `edit-group-status` | `public` or `private`, `open` or `closed` | +| kind | name | tags | +| --- | --- | --- | +| 9000 | `put-user` | `p` with pubkey hex and optional roles | +| 9001 | `remove-user` | `p` with pubkey hex | +| 9002 | `edit-metadata` | fields from `kind:39000` to be modified | +| 9005 | `delete-event` | `e` with event id hex | +| 9007 | `create-group` | | +| 9008 | `delete-group` | | +| 9009 | `create-invite` | | + +It's expected that the group state (of who is an allowed member or not, who is an admin and with which permission or not, what are the group name and picture etc) can be fully reconstructed from the canonical sequence of these events. + +### Group metadata events + +These events contain the group id in a `d` tag instead of the `h` tag. They MUST be created by the relay master key only and a single instance of each (or none) should exist at all times for each group. They are merely informative but should reflect the latest group state (as it was changed by moderation events over time). - *group metadata* (`kind:39000`) (optional) @@ -126,7 +176,9 @@ This event defines the metadata for the group -- basically how clients should di If the group is forked and hosted in multiple relays, there will be multiple versions of this event in each different relay and so on. -```js +When this event is not found, clients may still connect to the group, but treat it as having a different status, `unmanaged`, + +```jsonc { "kind": 39000, "content": "", @@ -138,7 +190,7 @@ If the group is forked and hosted in multiple relays, there will be multiple ver ["public"], // or ["private"] ["open"] // or ["closed"] ] - ... + // other fields... } ``` @@ -146,40 +198,29 @@ If the group is forked and hosted in multiple relays, there will be multiple ver - *group admins* (`kind:39001`) (optional) -Similar to the group metadata, this event is supposed to be generated by relays that host the group. - -Each admin gets a label that is only used for display purposes, and a list of permissions it has are listed afterwards. These permissions can inform client building UI, but ultimately are evaluated by the relay in order to become effective. - -The list of capabilities, as defined by this NIP, for now, is the following: - -- `add-user` -- `edit-metadata` -- `delete-event` -- `remove-user` -- `add-permission` -- `remove-permission` -- `edit-group-status` +Each admin is listed along with one or more roles. These roles SHOULD have a correspondence with the roles supported by the relay, as advertised by the `kind:39003` event. -```js +```jsonc { "kind": 39001, "content": "list of admins for the pizza lovers group", "tags": [ ["d", ""], - ["p", "", "ceo", "add-user", "edit-metadata", "delete-event", "remove-user"], - ["p", "", "secretary", "add-user", "delete-event"] - ] - ... + ["p", "", "ceo"], + ["p", "", "secretary", "gardener"], + // other pubkeys... + ], + // other fields... } ``` - *group members* (`kind:39002`) (optional) -Similar to *group admins*, this event is supposed to be generated by relays that host the group. +It's a list of pubkeys that are members of the group. Relays might choose to not to publish this information, to restrict what pubkeys can fetch it or to only display a subset of the members in it. -It's a NIP-51-like list of pubkeys that are members of the group. Relays might choose to not to publish this information or to restrict what pubkeys can fetch it. +Clients should not assume this will always be present or that it will contain a full list of members. -```json +```jsonc { "kind": 39002, "content": "list of members for the pizza lovers group", @@ -188,10 +229,48 @@ It's a NIP-51-like list of pubkeys that are members of the group. Relays might c ["p", ""], ["p", ""], ["p", ""], - ] + // other pubkeys... + ], + // other fields... } ``` -## Storing the list of groups a user belongs to +- *group roles* (`kind:39003`) (optional) + +This is an event that MAY be published by the relay informing users and clients about what are the roles supported by this relay according to its internal logic. + +For example, a relay may choose to support the roles `"admin"` and `"moderator"`, in which the `"admin"` will be allowed to edit the group metadata, delete messages and remove users from the group, while the `"moderator"` can only delete messages (or the relay may choose to call these roles `"ceo"` and `"secretary"` instead, the exact role name is not relevant). + +The process through which the relay decides what roles to support and how to handle moderation events internally based on them is specific to each relay and not specified here. + +```jsonc +{ + "kind": 39003, + "content": "list of roles supported by this group", + "tags": [ + ["d", ""], + ["role", "", ""], + ["role", "", ""], + // other roles... + ], + // other fields... +} +``` + +## Implementation quirks + +### Checking your own membership in a group + +The latest of either `kind:9000` or `kind:9001` events present in a group should tell a user that they are currently members of the group or if they were removed. In case none of these exist the user is assumed to not be a member of the group -- unless the group is `unmanaged`, in which case the user is assumed to be a member. + +### Adding yourself to a group + +When a group is `open`, anyone can send a `kind:9021` event to it in order to be added, then expect a `kind:9000` event to be emitted confirming that the user was added. The same happens with `closed` groups, except in that case a user may only send a `kind:9021` if it has an invite code. + +### Storing your list of groups + +A definition for `kind:10009` was included in [NIP-51](51.md) that allows clients to store the list of groups a user wants to remember being in. + +### Using `unmanaged` relays -A definition for kind `10009` was included in [NIP-51](51.md) that allows clients to store the list of groups a user wants to remember being in. +To prevent event leakage, replay and confusion, when using `unmanaged` relays, clients should include the [NIP-70](70.md) `-` tag, as just the `previous` tag won't be checked by other `unmanaged` relays. diff --git a/30.md b/30.md index 23a2965..47b2478 100644 --- a/30.md +++ b/30.md @@ -54,3 +54,19 @@ kind 1のイベントにおいては、`content`フィールドにカスタム "created_at": 1682630000 } ``` + +### Kind 7 events + +In kind 7 events, the `content` should be emojified. + +```json +{ + "kind": 7, + "content": ":dezh:", + "tags": [ + ["emoji", "dezh", "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/dezh-tech/brand-assets/main/dezh/logo/black-normal.svg"] + ], + "pubkey": "79c2cae114ea28a981e7559b4fe7854a473521a8d22a66bbab9fa248eb820ff6", + "created_at": 1682630000 +} +``` diff --git a/32.md b/32.md index be4e872..a99e52a 100644 --- a/32.md +++ b/32.md @@ -2,14 +2,13 @@ NIP-32 ====== Labeling ---------- +-------- `draft` `optional` -A label is a `kind 1985` event that is used to label other entities. This supports a number of use cases, -including distributed moderation, collection management, license assignment, and content classification. +This NIP defines two new indexable tags to label events and a new event kind (`kind:1985`) to attach those labels to existing events. This supports several use cases, including distributed moderation, collection management, license assignment, and content classification. -This NIP introduces two new tags: +New Tags: - `L` denotes a label namespace - `l` denotes a label @@ -20,7 +19,7 @@ Label Namespace Tag An `L` tag can be any string, but publishers SHOULD ensure they are unambiguous by using a well-defined namespace (such as an ISO standard) or reverse domain name notation. -`L` tags are REQUIRED in order to support searching by namespace rather than by a specific tag. The special `ugc` +`L` tags are RECOMMENDED in order to support searching by namespace rather than by a specific tag. The special `ugc` ("user generated content") namespace MAY be used when the label content is provided by an end user. `L` tags starting with `#` indicate that the label target should be associated with the label's value. @@ -29,7 +28,9 @@ This is a way of attaching standard nostr tags to events, pubkeys, relays, urls, Label Tag ---- -An `l` tag's value can be any string. `l` tags MUST include a `mark` matching an `L` tag value in the same event. +An `l` tag's value can be any string. If using an `L` tag, `l` tags MUST include a mark matching an `L` +tag value in the same event. If no `L` tag is included, a mark SHOULD still be included. If none is +included, `ugc` is implied. Label Target ---- @@ -42,7 +43,7 @@ or topics respectively. As with NIP-01, a relay hint SHOULD be included when usi Content ------- -Labels should be short, meaningful strings. Longer discussions, such as for a review, or an +Labels should be short, meaningful strings. Longer discussions, such as for an explanation of why something was labeled the way it was, should go in the event's `content` field. Self-Reporting @@ -56,7 +57,7 @@ Example events A suggestion that multiple pubkeys be associated with the `permies` topic. -```json +```jsonc { "kind": 1985, "tags": [ @@ -65,13 +66,13 @@ A suggestion that multiple pubkeys be associated with the `permies` topic. ["p", , ], ["p", , ] ], - ... + // other fields... } ``` A report flagging violence toward a human being as defined by ontology.example.com. -```json +```jsonc { "kind": 1985, "tags": [ @@ -80,13 +81,13 @@ A report flagging violence toward a human being as defined by ontology.example.c ["p", , ], ["p", , ] ], - ... + // other fields... } ``` A moderation suggestion for a chat event. -```json +```jsonc { "kind": 1985, "tags": [ @@ -94,13 +95,13 @@ A moderation suggestion for a chat event. ["l", "approve", "nip28.moderation"], ["e", , ] ], - ... + // other fields... } ``` Assignment of a license to an event. -```json +```jsonc { "kind": 1985, "tags": [ @@ -108,14 +109,14 @@ Assignment of a license to an event. ["l", "MIT", "license"], ["e", , ] ], - ... + // other fields... } ``` Publishers can self-label by adding `l` tags to their own non-1985 events. In this case, the kind 1 event's author is labeling their note as being related to Milan, Italy using ISO 3166-2. -```json +```jsonc { "kind": 1, "tags": [ @@ -123,15 +124,29 @@ is labeling their note as being related to Milan, Italy using ISO 3166-2. ["l", "IT-MI", "ISO-3166-2"] ], "content": "It's beautiful here in Milan!", - ... + // other fields... +} +``` + +Author is labeling their note language as English using ISO-639-1. + +```jsonc +{ + "kind": 1, + "tags": [ + ["L", "ISO-639-1"], + ["l", "en", "ISO-639-1"] + ], + "content": "English text", + // other fields... } ``` Other Notes ----------- -When using this NIP to bulk-label many targets at once, events may be deleted and a replacement -may be published. We have opted not to use parameterizable/replaceable events for this due to the +When using this NIP to bulk-label many targets at once, events may be requested for deletion using [NIP-09](09.md) and a replacement +may be published. We have opted not to use addressable/replaceable events for this due to the complexity in coming up with a standard `d` tag. In order to avoid ambiguity when querying, publishers SHOULD limit labeling events to a single namespace. @@ -151,3 +166,11 @@ A good heuristic for whether a use case fits this NIP is whether labels would ev For example, many events might be labeled with a particular place, topic, or pubkey, but labels with specific values like "John Doe" or "3.18743" are not labels, they are values, and should be handled in some other way. + + +Appendix: Known Ontologies +-------------------------- + +Below is a non-exhaustive list of ontologies currently in widespread use. + +- [social.ontolo.categories](https://ontolo.social/) diff --git a/33.md b/33.md index 337a1f9..9c00d42 100644 --- a/33.md +++ b/33.md @@ -6,4 +6,4 @@ Parameterized Replaceable Events `final` `mandatory` -Moved to [NIP-01](01.md). +Renamed to "Addressable events" and moved to [NIP-01](01.md). diff --git a/34.md b/34.md index f72fcf2..35bc1be 100644 --- a/34.md +++ b/34.md @@ -23,8 +23,7 @@ Git repositories are hosted in Git-enabled servers, but their existence can be a ["web", "", ...], // a webpage url, if the git server being used provides such a thing ["clone", "", ...], // a url to be given to `git clone` so anyone can clone it ["relays", "", ...] // relays that this repository will monitor for patches and issues - ["earliest-unique-commit", ""] // usually root commit but a recent commit for forks - ["r", ""] // so clients can subscribe to all events related to a local git repo + ["r", "", "euc"] ["maintainers", "", ...] ] } @@ -32,13 +31,45 @@ Git repositories are hosted in Git-enabled servers, but their existence can be a The tags `web`, `clone`, `relays`, `maintainers` can have multiple values. +The `r` tag annotated with the `"euc"` marker should be the commit ID of the earliest unique commit of this repo, made to identify it among forks and group it with other repositories hosted elsewhere that may represent essentially the same project. In most cases it will be the root commit of a repository. In case of a permanent fork between two projects, then the first commit after the fork should be used. + Except `d`, all tags are optional. +## Repository state announcements + +An optional source of truth for the state of branches and tags in a repository. + +```jsonc +{ + "kind": 30618, + "content": "", + "tags": [ + ["d", ""], // matches the identifier in the coresponding repository announcement + ["refs//",""] + ["HEAD", "ref: refs/heads/"] + ] +} +``` + +The `refs` tag may appear multiple times, or none. + +If no `refs` tags are present, the author is no longer tracking repository state using this event. This approach enables the author to restart tracking state at a later time unlike [NIP-09](09.md) deletion requests. + +The `refs` tag can be optionally extended to enable clients to identify how many commits ahead a ref is: + +```jsonc +{ + "tags": [ + ["refs//", "", "", "", ...], + ] +} +``` + ## Patches Patches can be sent by anyone to any repository. Patches to a specific repository SHOULD be sent to the relays specified in that repository's announcement event's `"relays"` tag. Patch events SHOULD include an `a` tag pointing to that repository's announcement address. -Patches in a patch set SHOULD include a NIP-10 `e` `reply` tag pointing to the previous patch. +Patches in a patch set SHOULD include a NIP-10 `e` `reply` tag pointing to the previous patch. The first patch revision in a patch revision SHOULD include a NIP-10 `e` `reply` to the original root patch. @@ -52,7 +83,7 @@ The first patch revision in a patch revision SHOULD include a NIP-10 `e` `reply` ["p", ""], ["p", ""], // optionally send the patch to another user to bring it to their attention - ["t", "root"], // ommited for additional patches in a series + ["t", "root"], // omitted for additional patches in a series // for the first patch in a revision ["t", "root-revision"], @@ -73,15 +104,20 @@ The first patch in a series MAY be a cover letter in the format produced by `git ## Issues -Issues are Markdown text that is just human-readable conversational threads related to the repository: bug reports, feature requests, questions or comments of any kind. Like patches, these SHOULD be sent to the relays specified in that repository's announcement event's `"relays"` tag. +Issues are Markdown text that is just human-readable conversational threads related to the repository: bug reports, feature requests, questions or comments of any kind. Like patches, these SHOULD be sent to the relays specified in that repository's announcement event's `"relays"` tag. -```jsonc +Issues may have a `subject` tag, which clients can utilize to display a header. Additionally, one or more `t` tags may be included to provide labels for the issue. + +```json { "kind": 1621, "content": "", "tags": [ ["a", "30617::"], ["p", ""] + ["subject", ""] + ["t", ""] + ["t", ""] ] } ``` @@ -101,8 +137,9 @@ Replies are also Markdown text. The difference is that they MUST be issued as re // other "e" and "p" tags should be applied here when necessary, following the threading rules of NIP-10 ["p", "", "", "mention"], ["e", "", "", "reply"], - // ... - ] + // rest of tags... + ], + // other fields... } ``` @@ -124,7 +161,7 @@ Root Patches and Issues have a Status that defaults to 'Open' and can be set by ["p", ""], ["p", ""], - // optional for improved subscription filter efficency + // optional for improved subscription filter efficiency ["a", "30617::", ""], ["r", ""] @@ -132,7 +169,7 @@ Root Patches and Issues have a Status that defaults to 'Open' and can be set by ["e", "", "", "mention"], // for each // when merged ["merge-commit", ""] - ["r", ""] + ["r", ""] // when applied ["applied-as-commits", "", ...] ["r", ""] // for each @@ -142,7 +179,7 @@ Root Patches and Issues have a Status that defaults to 'Open' and can be set by The Status event with the largest created_at date is valid. -The Status of a patch-revision defaults to either that of the root-patch, or `1632` (Closed) if the root-patch's Status is `1631` and the patch-revision isn't tagged in the `1631` event. +The Status of a patch-revision defaults to either that of the root-patch, or `1632` (Closed) if the root-patch's Status is `1631` and the patch-revision isn't tagged in the `1631` event. ## Possible things to be added later diff --git a/35.md b/35.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000..3891f6f --- /dev/null +++ b/35.md @@ -0,0 +1,70 @@ +NIP-35 +====== + +Torrents +-------- + +`draft` `optional` + +This NIP defined a new `kind 2003` which is a Torrent. + +`kind 2003` is a simple torrent index where there is enough information to search for content and construct the magnet link. No torrent files exist on nostr. + +## Tags +- `x`: V1 BitTorrent Info Hash, as seen in the [magnet link](https://www.bittorrent.org/beps/bep_0053.html) `magnet:?xt=urn:btih:HASH` +- `file`: A file entry inside the torrent, including the full path ie. `info/example.txt` +- `tracker`: (Optional) A tracker to use for this torrent + +In order to make torrents searchable by general category, you SHOULD include a few tags like `movie`, `tv`, `HD`, `UHD` etc. + +## Tag prefixes + +Tag prefixes are used to label the content with references, ie. `["i", "imdb:1234"]` + +- `tcat`: A comma separated text category path, ie. `["i", "tcat:video,movie,4k"]`, this should also match the `newznab` category in a best effort approach. +- `newznab`: The category ID from [newznab](https://github.com/Prowlarr/Prowlarr/blob/develop/src/NzbDrone.Core/Indexers/NewznabStandardCategory.cs) +- `tmdb`: [The movie database](https://www.themoviedb.org/) id. +- `ttvdb`: [TV database](https://thetvdb.com/) id. +- `imdb`: [IMDB](https://www.imdb.com/) id. +- `mal`: [MyAnimeList](https://myanimelist.net/) id. +- `anilist`: [AniList](https://anilist.co/) id. + +A second level prefix should be included where the database supports multiple media types. +- `tmdb:movie:693134` maps to `themoviedb.org/movie/693134` +- `ttvdb:movie:290272` maps to `thetvdb.com/movies/dune-part-two` +- `mal:anime:9253` maps to `myanimelist.net/anime/9253` +- `mal:manga:17517` maps to `myanimelist.net/manga/17517` + +In some cases the url mapping isnt direct, mapping the url in general is out of scope for this NIP, the section above is only a guide so that implementers have enough information to succsesfully map the url if they wish. + +```json +{ + "kind": 2003, + "content": "", + "tags": [ + ["title", ""], + ["x", ""], + ["file", "", ""], + ["file", "", ""], + ["tracker", "udp://mytacker.com:1337"], + ["tracker", "http://1337-tracker.net/announce"], + ["i", "tcat:video,movie,4k"], + ["i", "newznab:2045"], + ["i", "imdb:tt15239678"], + ["i", "tmdb:movie:693134"], + ["i", "ttvdb:movie:290272"], + ["t", "movie"], + ["t", "4k"], + ] +} +``` + +## Torrent Comments + +A torrent comment is a `kind 2004` event which is used to reply to a torrent event. + +This event works exactly like a `kind 1` and should follow `NIP-10` for tagging. + +## Implementations +1. [dtan.xyz](https://git.v0l.io/Kieran/dtan) +2. [nostrudel.ninja](https://github.com/hzrd149/nostrudel/tree/next/src/views/torrents) \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/38.md b/38.md index 911d5b1..ece5e5f 100644 --- a/38.md +++ b/38.md @@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ NIP-38 ====== User Statuses --------------- +------------- `draft` `optional` @@ -13,11 +13,11 @@ This NIP enables a way for users to share live statuses such as what music they ## Live Statuses -A special event with `kind:30315` "User Status" is defined as an *optionally expiring* _parameterized replaceable event_, where the `d` tag represents the status type: +A special event with `kind:30315` "User Status" is defined as an *optionally expiring* _addressable event_, where the `d` tag represents the status type: For example: -```js +```json { "kind": 30315, "content": "Sign up for nostrasia!", @@ -26,7 +26,9 @@ For example: ["r", "https://nostr.world"] ], } +``` +```json { "kind": 30315, "content": "Intergalatic - Beastie Boys", @@ -44,7 +46,9 @@ Two common status types are defined: `general` and `music`. `general` represent Any other status types can be used but they are not defined by this NIP. -The status MAY include an `r`, `p`, `e` or `a` tag linking to a URL, profile, note, or parameterized replaceable event. +The status MAY include an `r`, `p`, `e` or `a` tag linking to a URL, profile, note, or addressable event. + +The `content` MAY include emoji(s), or [NIP-30](30.md) custom emoji(s). If the `content` is an empty string then the client should clear the status. # Client behavior @@ -57,5 +61,3 @@ Clients MAY display this next to the username on posts or profiles to provide li * Nostr music streaming services that update your music status when you're listening * Podcasting apps that update your music status when you're listening to a podcast, with a link for others to listen as well * Clients can use the system media player to update playing music status - -The `content` MAY include emoji(s), or [NIP-30](30.md) custom emoji(s). If the `content` is an empty string then the client should clear the status. diff --git a/39.md b/39.md index c819e43..3777ac5 100644 --- a/39.md +++ b/39.md @@ -12,16 +12,19 @@ Nostr protocol users may have other online identities such as usernames, profile ## `i` tag on a metadata event -A new optional `i` tag is introduced for `kind 0` metadata event contents in addition to name, about, picture fields as included in [NIP-01](https://github.com/nostr-protocol/nips/blob/master/01.md): -```json +A new optional `i` tag is introduced for `kind 0` metadata event defined in [NIP-01](01.md): + +```jsonc { + "id": , + "pubkey": , "tags": [ ["i", "github:semisol", "9721ce4ee4fceb91c9711ca2a6c9a5ab"], ["i", "twitter:semisol_public", "1619358434134196225"], ["i", "mastodon:bitcoinhackers.org/@semisol", "109775066355589974"] ["i", "telegram:1087295469", "nostrdirectory/770"] ], - ... + // other fields... } ``` diff --git a/42.md b/42.md index b291a38..f012803 100644 --- a/42.md +++ b/42.md @@ -22,13 +22,13 @@ NIP-42 このNIPは新しいメッセージ`AUTH`を定義する。このメッセージを、リレーは認証をサポートするときクライアントに、クライアントは認証したいときリレーに送信してもよい (CAN)。リレーによって送信された場合、メッセージは以下の形式を取る: -```json +``` ["AUTH", ] ``` クライアントによって送信された場合は、以下の形式を取る: -```json +``` ["AUTH", ] ``` @@ -38,14 +38,14 @@ NIP-42 署名されたイベント (``) は送信またはクエリされることを意図していない一時的なイベントであり、`kind: 22242`でなければならず、かつ少なくとも2つのタグ -- すなわちひとつにリレーのURLを、そしてもうひとつにリレーから受け取ったチャレンジ文字列 (``) を持っているべきである。リレーは`kind: 22242`イベントをクライアントへのブロードキャストから除かなければならない (MUST)。`created_at`は現在時刻であるべきだ。イベントの例を次に示す: -```json +```jsonc { "kind": 22242, "tags": [ ["relay", "wss://relay.example.com/"], ["challenge", "challengestringhere"] ], - ... + // other fields... } ``` diff --git a/44.md b/44.md index f3071ea..8f781b8 100644 --- a/44.md +++ b/44.md @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ NIP-44 -===== +====== Encrypted Payloads (Versioned) ------------------------------ @@ -142,6 +142,8 @@ validation rules, refer to BIP-340. The operation produces a shared point, and we encode the shared point's 32-byte x coordinate, using method `bytes(P)` from BIP340. Private and public keys must be validated as per BIP340: pubkey must be a valid, on-curve point, and private key must be a scalar in range `[1, secp256k1_order - 1]`. + NIP44 doesn't do hashing of the output: keep this in mind, because some libraries hash it using sha256. + As an example, in libsecp256k1, unhashed version is available in `secp256k1_ec_pubkey_tweak_mul` - Operators - `x[i:j]`, where `x` is a byte array and `i, j <= 0` returns a `(j - i)`-byte array with a copy of the `i`-th byte (inclusive) to the `j`-th byte (exclusive) of `x`. diff --git a/45.md b/45.md index 780dfb6..219368e 100644 --- a/45.md +++ b/45.md @@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ NIP-45 ====== Event Counts --------------- +------------ `draft` `optional` @@ -16,14 +16,14 @@ Some queries a client may want to execute against connected relays are prohibiti This NIP defines the verb `COUNT`, which accepts a subscription id and filters as specified in [NIP 01](01.md) for the verb `REQ`. Multiple filters are OR'd together and aggregated into a single count result. -```json +``` ["COUNT", , ...] ``` Counts are returned using a `COUNT` response in the form `{"count": }`. Relays may use probabilistic counts to reduce compute requirements. In case a relay uses probabilistic counts, it MAY indicate it in the response with `approximate` key i.e. `{"count": , "approximate": }`. -```json +``` ["COUNT", , {"count": }] ``` @@ -33,14 +33,14 @@ Whenever the relay decides to refuse to fulfill the `COUNT` request, it MUST ret ### Followers count -```json +``` ["COUNT", , {"kinds": [3], "#p": []}] ["COUNT", , {"count": 238}] ``` ### Count posts and reactions -```json +``` ["COUNT", , {"kinds": [1, 7], "authors": []}] ["COUNT", , {"count": 5}] ``` diff --git a/46.md b/46.md index 206a872..f525273 100644 --- a/46.md +++ b/46.md @@ -1,4 +1,12 @@ -# NIP-46 - Nostr Remote Signing +NIP-46 +====== + +Nostr Remote Signing +-------------------- + +## Changes + +`remote-signer-key` is introduced, passed in bunker url, clients must differentiate between `remote-signer-pubkey` and `user-pubkey`, must call `get_public_key` after connect, nip05 login is removed, create_account moved to another NIP. ## 根拠 @@ -8,101 +16,60 @@ ## 用語 -- **ローカルキーペア**: ローカルの公開鍵と秘密鍵のペアで、コンテンツを暗号化し、リモート署名者と通信するために使用される。通常、クライアントアプリケーションによって作成される。 -- **リモートユーザーの公開鍵**: ユーザーが署名として使用したい公開鍵である。リモート署名器は、この公開鍵に対応する秘密鍵を制御している。 -- **リモート署名器の公開鍵**: これはリモート署名器自体の公開鍵である。これは、`create_account`コマンドの両方で必要で、なぜなら、まだリモートユーザーの公開鍵が存在しないからである。 +- **ユーザー**: Nostrを使用しようとしている人。 +- **クライント**: _ユーザー_が見たりボタンをクリックしたりするユーザー向けアプリケーション。 +- **リモート署名器**: _クライアント_からのリクエストに応答するデーモンまたはサーバー。 +- **クライアント鍵ペア/公開鍵**: _client_によって生成された鍵。コンテンツを暗号化し、_リモート署名器_と通信するために使用される。 +- **リモート署名器鍵ペア/公開鍵**: _リモート署名器_がコンテンツを暗号化し、_クライアント_と通信するために使用される鍵。この鍵ペアは_ユーザー鍵ペア/公開鍵_と同じであっても良い (MAY) が、必ずしもそうである必要はない。 +- **ユーザー鍵ペア/公開鍵**: _ユーザー_を表す実際の鍵。(例えば、`sign_event`リクエストに応じてイベントへ署名するために使用される。) 通常、_リモート署名器_がこれらの鍵を管理する。 このNIPで指定されたすべての公開鍵は16進数形式である。 +## 概説 + +1. _クライアント_が`client-keypair`を生成する。この鍵ペアは主に使い捨てであるため_ユーザー_に伝える必要はない。クライアントはそれをローカルに保存することを選択できるが、ログアウト時に削除するべきである。 +2. 接続が確立され、 (下記参照) _リモート署名器_は`client-pubkey`を得て、_クライアント_は`remote-signer-pubkey`を得る。 +3. _クライアント_は`client-keypair`を使用して`remote-signer-pubkey`へ`p`タグを付け、暗号化して_リモート署名器_にリクエストを送信する。 +4. _リモート署名器_は`client-pubkey`へ`p`タグを付け、暗号化して _クライアント_ に応答する。 +5. _クライアント_は`user-pubkey`を得るために`get_public_key`をリクエストする。 + ## 接続の開始 -クライアントとリモート署名器の間で接続を開始するためには、いくつかの異なるオプションがある。 +接続を開始するには、2つの方法がある。 ### リモート署名器によって直接接続が開始される場合 -これは、独自のnsecbunkerまたは他のタイプのリモート署名者を持ち、リモート署名をサポートするクライアントを介して接続したい場合に最も一般的である。 - -リモート署名器は、接続トークンを以下の形式で提供する: +_リモート署名器_は、接続トークンを以下の形式で提供する: ``` -bunker://?relay=&relay=&secret= +bunker://?relay=&relay=&secret= ``` -このトークンはユーザーによってクライアントに貼り付けられ、クライアントはその詳細を使用して指定されたリレーを介してリモート署名器に接続する。 +このトークンはユーザーによって_クライアント_に渡され、クライアントは指定されたリレーを介してリモート署名器に`connect`リクエストを送る。オプションのシークレットは、正常な1回の接続確立にのみ使用でき、_リモート署名者_は古いシークレットを用いて新たに接続を確立しようとする試みを無視するべきだ (SHOULD)。 ### クライアントによって直接接続が開始される場合 -この場合、基本的には最初のケースとは逆方向である。クライアントは接続トークンを提供 (またはトークンをQRコードにエンコード) する。そして、署名者は指定されたリレーを介してクライアントに接続を開始する。 +_クライアント_は次のような接続トークンを提供する: ``` -nostrconnect://?relay=&metadata= +nostrconnect://?relay=&metadata=&secret= ``` - -## フロー - -1. クライアントはローカルキーペアを作成する。このキーペアはユーザーに通信する必要はないため、大部分は使い捨てである (つまり、ユーザーはこの公開鍵を表示する必要はない) 。クライアントはローカルに保存することを選択することがあり、ユーザーがログアウトしたときに削除する必要がある。 -2. クライアントはリモートユーザーの公開鍵を取得する (bunker://接続文字列またはNIP-05ログインフローを介して) 。 -3. クライアントはローカルキーペアを使用してリモートユーザーの公開鍵に対して`p`タグ付けと暗号化を行い、リモート署名器にリクエストを送信する。 -4. リモート署名者はローカルキーペアの公開鍵に対して`p`タグ付けと暗号化を行い、クライアントに応答する。 - -### イベントの署名のためのフローの例 - -- リモートユーザーの公開鍵 (例: 署名として) `fa984bd7dbb282f07e16e7ae87b26a2a7b9b90b7246a44771f0cf5ae58018f52` -- ローカルの公開鍵は `eff37350d839ce3707332348af4549a96051bd695d3223af4aabce4993531d86` - -#### 署名リクエスト - -```json -{ - "kind": 24133, - "pubkey": "eff37350d839ce3707332348af4549a96051bd695d3223af4aabce4993531d86", - "content": nip04({ - "id": , - "method": "sign_event", - "params": [json_stringified(<{ - content: "Hello, I'm signing remotely", - pubkey: "fa984bd7dbb282f07e16e7ae87b26a2a7b9b90b7246a44771f0cf5ae58018f52", - // ...the rest of the event data - }>)] - }), - "tags": [["p", "fa984bd7dbb282f07e16e7ae87b26a2a7b9b90b7246a44771f0cf5ae58018f52"]], // p-tags the remote user pubkey -} -``` - -#### 応答イベント - -```json -{ - "kind": 24133, - "pubkey": "fa984bd7dbb282f07e16e7ae87b26a2a7b9b90b7246a44771f0cf5ae58018f52", - "content": nip04({ - "id": , - "result": json_stringified() - }), - "tags": [["p", "eff37350d839ce3707332348af4549a96051bd695d3223af4aabce4993531d86"]], // p-tags the local keypair pubkey -} -``` - -#### 図 - -![signing-example](https://i.nostr.build/P3gW.png) +このトークンはユーザーによって_リモート署名器_に渡され、リモート署名器は指定されたリレーを介して`client-pubkey`に`connect`*応答*イベントを送る。クライアントは接続応答の作成者から`remote-signer-pubkey`を探す。接続相手のなりすましを防ぐために`secret`値を指定する必要があり (MUST) _クライアント_は`connect`応答によって得られた`secret`を検証する必要がある (MUST)。 ## Request Events `kind: 24133` -```json +```js { - "id": , "kind": 24133, "pubkey": , "content": )>, - "tags": [["p", ]], // NB: in the `create_account` event, the remote signer pubkey should be `p` tagged. - "created_at": + "tags": [["p", ]], } ``` -The `content` field is a JSON-RPC-like message that is [NIP-04](https://github.com/nostr-protocol/nips/blob/master/04.md) encrypted and has the following structure: +The `content` field is a JSON-RPC-like message that is [NIP-04](04.md) encrypted and has the following structure: -```json +```jsonc { "id": , "method": , @@ -116,23 +83,23 @@ The `content` field is a JSON-RPC-like message that is [NIP-04](https://github.c ### Methods/Commands -Each of the following are methods that the client sends to the remote signer. +Each of the following are methods that the _client_ sends to the _remote-signer_. -| Command | Params | Result | -| ------------------------ | ------------------------------------------------- | ---------------------------------------------------------------------- | -| `connect` | `[, , ]` | "ack" | -| `sign_event` | `[]` | `json_stringified()` | -| `ping` | `[]` | "pong" | -| `get_relays` | `[]` | `json_stringified({: {read: , write: }})` | -| `get_public_key` | `[]` | `` | -| `nip04_encrypt` | `[, ]` | `` | -| `nip04_decrypt` | `[, ]` | `` | -| `nip44_encrypt` | `[<third_party_pubkey>, <plaintext_to_encrypt>]` | `<nip44_ciphertext>` | -| `nip44_decrypt` | `[<third_party_pubkey>, <nip44_ciphertext_to_decrypt>]` | `<plaintext>` | +| Command | Params | Result | +| ------------------------ | ------------------------------------------------- | ---------------------------------------------------------------------- | +| `connect` | `[<remote-signer-pubkey>, <optional_secret>, <optional_requested_permissions>]` | "ack" OR `<required-secret-value>` | +| `sign_event` | `[<{kind, content, tags, created_at}>]` | `json_stringified(<signed_event>)` | +| `ping` | `[]` | "pong" | +| `get_relays` | `[]` | `json_stringified({<relay_url>: {read: <boolean>, write: <boolean>}})` | +| `get_public_key` | `[]` | `<user-pubkey>` | +| `nip04_encrypt` | `[<third_party_pubkey>, <plaintext_to_encrypt>]` | `<nip04_ciphertext>` | +| `nip04_decrypt` | `[<third_party_pubkey>, <nip04_ciphertext_to_decrypt>]` | `<plaintext>` | +| `nip44_encrypt` | `[<third_party_pubkey>, <plaintext_to_encrypt>]` | `<nip44_ciphertext>` | +| `nip44_decrypt` | `[<third_party_pubkey>, <nip44_ciphertext_to_decrypt>]` | `<plaintext>` | ### Requested permissions -The `connect` method may be provided with `optional_requested_permissions` for user convenience. The permissions are a comma-separated list of `method[:params]`, i.e. `nip04_encrypt,sign_event:4` meaning permissions to call `nip04_encrypt` and to call `sign_event` with `kind:4`. Optional parameter for `sign_event` is the kind number, parameters for other methods are to be defined later. +The `connect` method may be provided with `optional_requested_permissions` for user convenience. The permissions are a comma-separated list of `method[:params]`, i.e. `nip04_encrypt,sign_event:4` meaning permissions to call `nip04_encrypt` and to call `sign_event` with `kind:4`. Optional parameter for `sign_event` is the kind number, parameters for other methods are to be defined later. Same permission format may be used for `perms` field of `metadata` in `nostrconnect://` string. ## Response Events `kind:24133` @@ -140,87 +107,111 @@ The `connect` method may be provided with `optional_requested_permissions` for u { "id": <id>, "kind": 24133, - "pubkey": <remote_signer_pubkey>, + "pubkey": <remote-signer-pubkey>, "content": <nip04(<response>)>, - "tags": [["p", <local_keypair_pubkey>]], + "tags": [["p", <client-pubkey>]], "created_at": <unix timestamp in seconds> } ``` -The `content` field is a JSON-RPC-like message that is [NIP-04](https://github.com/nostr-protocol/nips/blob/master/04.md) encrypted and has the following structure: +The `content` field is a JSON-RPC-like message that is [NIP-04](04.md) encrypted and has the following structure: ```json { "id": <request_id>, "result": <results_string>, - "error": <error_string> + "error": <optional_error_string> } ``` - `id` is the request ID that this response is for. - `results` is a string of the result of the call (this can be either a string or a JSON stringified object) -- `error` is an error in string form. +- `error`, _optionally_, it is an error in string form, if any. Its presence indicates an error with the request. -### Auth Challenges +## Example flow for signing an event -An Auth Challenge is a response that a remote signer can send back when it needs the user to authenticate via other means. This is currently used in the OAuth-like flow enabled by signers like [Nsecbunker](https://github.com/kind-0/nsecbunkerd/). The response `content` object will take the following form: +- `remote-signer-pubkey` is `fa984bd7dbb282f07e16e7ae87b26a2a7b9b90b7246a44771f0cf5ae58018f52` +- `user-pubkey` is also `fa984bd7dbb282f07e16e7ae87b26a2a7b9b90b7246a44771f0cf5ae58018f52` +- `client-pubkey` is `eff37350d839ce3707332348af4549a96051bd695d3223af4aabce4993531d86` -```json +### Signature request + +```js { - "id": <request_id>, - "result": "auth_url", - "error": <URL_to_display_to_end_user> + "kind": 24133, + "pubkey": "eff37350d839ce3707332348af4549a96051bd695d3223af4aabce4993531d86", + "content": nip04({ + "id": <random_string>, + "method": "sign_event", + "params": [json_stringified(<{ + content: "Hello, I'm signing remotely", + kind: 1, + tags: [], + created_at: 1714078911 + }>)] + }), + "tags": [["p", "fa984bd7dbb282f07e16e7ae87b26a2a7b9b90b7246a44771f0cf5ae58018f52"]], // p-tags the remote-signer-pubkey } ``` -Clients should display (in a popup or new tab) the URL from the `error` field and then subscribe/listen for another response from the remote signer (reusing the same request ID). This event will be sent once the user authenticates in the other window (or will never arrive if the user doesn't authenticate). It's also possible to add a `redirect_uri` url parameter to the auth_url, which is helpful in situations when a client cannot open a new window or tab to display the auth challenge. - -#### Example event signing request with auth challenge - -![signing-example-with-auth-challenge](https://i.nostr.build/W3aj.png) - -## Remote Signer Commands - -Remote signers might support additional commands when communicating directly with it. These commands follow the same flow as noted above, the only difference is that when the client sends a request event, the `p`-tag is the pubkey of the remote signer itself and the `content` payload is encrypted to the same remote signer pubkey. +### Response event -### Methods/Commands - -Each of the following are methods that the client sends to the remote signer. - -| Command | Params | Result | -| ---------------- | ------------------------------------------ | ------------------------------------ | -| `create_account` | `[<username>, <domain>, <optional_email>, <optional_requested_permissions>]` | `<newly_created_remote_user_pubkey>` | +```js +{ + "kind": 24133, + "pubkey": "fa984bd7dbb282f07e16e7ae87b26a2a7b9b90b7246a44771f0cf5ae58018f52", + "content": nip04({ + "id": <random_string>, + "result": json_stringified(<signed-event>) + }), + "tags": [["p", "eff37350d839ce3707332348af4549a96051bd695d3223af4aabce4993531d86"]], // p-tags the client-pubkey +} +``` -## Appendix +### Diagram -### NIP-05 Login Flow +![signing-example](https://i.nostr.build/P3gW.png) -Clients might choose to present a more familiar login flow, so users can type a NIP-05 address instead of a `bunker://` string. -When the user types a NIP-05 the client: +## Auth Challenges -- Queries the `/.well-known/nostr.json` file from the domain for the NIP-05 address provided to get the user's pubkey (this is the **remote user pubkey**) -- In the same `/.well-known/nostr.json` file, queries for the `nip46` key to get the relays that the remote signer will be listening on. -- Now the client has enough information to send commands to the remote signer on behalf of the user. +An Auth Challenge is a response that a _remote-signer_ can send back when it needs the _user_ to authenticate via other means. The response `content` object will take the following form: -### OAuth-like Flow +```json +{ + "id": <request_id>, + "result": "auth_url", + "error": <URL_to_display_to_end_user> +} +``` -#### Remote signer discovery via NIP-89 +_client_ should display (in a popup or new tab) the URL from the `error` field and then subscribe/listen for another response from the _remote-signer_ (reusing the same request ID). This event will be sent once the user authenticates in the other window (or will never arrive if the user doesn't authenticate). -In this last case, most often used to fascilitate an OAuth-like signin flow, the client first looks for remote signers that have announced themselves via NIP-89 application handler events. +### Example event signing request with auth challenge -First the client will query for `kind: 31990` events that have a `k` tag of `24133`. +![signing-example-with-auth-challenge](https://i.nostr.build/W3aj.png) -These are generally shown to a user, and once the user selects which remote signer to use and provides the remote user pubkey they want to use (via npub, pubkey, or nip-05 value), the client can initiate a connection. Note that it's on the user to select the remote signer that is actually managing the remote key that they would like to use in this case. If the remote user pubkey is managed on another remote signer, the connection will fail. +## Appendix -In addition, it's important that clients validate that the pubkey of the announced remote signer matches the pubkey of the `_` entry in the `/.well-known/nostr.json` file of the remote signer's announced domain. +### Announcing _remote-signer_ metadata -Clients that allow users to create new accounts should also consider validating the availability of a given username in the namespace of remote signer's domain by checking the `/.well-known/nostr.json` file for existing usernames. Clients can then show users feedback in the UI before sending a `create_account` event to the remote signer and receiving an error in return. Ideally, remote signers would also respond with understandable error messages if a client tries to create an account with an existing username. +_remote-signer_ MAY publish it's metadata by using [NIP-05](05.md) and [NIP-89](89.md). With NIP-05, a request to `<remote-signer>/.well-known/nostr.json?name=_` MAY return this: +``` +{ + "names":{ + "_": <remote-signer-app-pubkey>, + }, + "nip46": { + "relays": ["wss://relay1","wss://relay2"...], + "nostrconnect_url": "https://remote-signer-domain.com/<nostrconnect>" + } +} +``` -#### Example Oauth-like flow to create a new user account with Nsecbunker +The `<remote-signer-app-pubkey>` MAY be used to verify the domain from _remote-signer_'s NIP-89 event (see below). `relays` SHOULD be used to construct a more precise `nostrconnect://` string for the specific `remote-signer`. `nostrconnect_url` template MAY be used to redirect users to _remote-signer_'s connection flow by replacing `<nostrconnect>` placeholder with an actual `nostrconnect://` string. -Coming soon... +### Remote signer discovery via NIP-89 -## References +_remote-signer_ MAY publish a NIP-89 `kind: 31990` event with `k` tag of `24133`, which MAY also include one or more `relay` tags and MAY include `nostrconnect_url` tag. The semantics of `relay` and `nostrconnect_url` tags are the same as in the section above. -- [NIP-04 - Encryption](https://github.com/nostr-protocol/nips/blob/master/04.md) +_client_ MAY improve UX by discovering _remote-signers_ using their `kind: 31990` events. _client_ MAY then pre-generate `nostrconnect://` strings for the _remote-signers_, and SHOULD in that case verify that `kind: 31990` event's author is mentioned in signer's `nostr.json?name=_` file as `<remote-signer-app-pubkey>`. diff --git a/47.md b/47.md index 9033847..a19230f 100644 --- a/47.md +++ b/47.md @@ -38,7 +38,7 @@ a plaintext string with the supported commands, space-separated, eg. `pay_invoic Both the request and response events SHOULD contain one `p` tag, containing the public key of the **wallet service** if this is a request, and the public key of the **user** if this is a response. The response event SHOULD contain an `e` tag with the id of the request event it is responding to. Optionally, a request can have an `expiration` tag that has a unix timestamp in seconds. If the request is received after this timestamp, it should be ignored. -The content of requests and responses is encrypted with [NIP04](https://github.com/nostr-protocol/nips/blob/master/04.md), and is a JSON-RPCish object with a semi-fixed structure: +The content of requests and responses is encrypted with [NIP04](04.md), and is a JSON-RPCish object with a semi-fixed structure: Request: ```jsonc @@ -81,7 +81,7 @@ If the command was successful, the `error` field must be null. ## Nostr Wallet Connect URI **client** discovers **wallet service** by scanning a QR code, handling a deeplink or pasting in a URI. -The **wallet service** generates this connection URI with protocol `nostr+walletconnect:` and base path it's hex-encoded `pubkey` with the following query string parameters: +The **wallet service** generates this connection URI with protocol `nostr+walletconnect://` and base path it's hex-encoded `pubkey` with the following query string parameters: - `relay` Required. URL of the relay where the **wallet service** is connected and will be listening for events. May be more than one. - `secret` Required. 32-byte randomly generated hex encoded string. The **client** MUST use this to sign events and encrypt payloads when communicating with the **wallet service**. @@ -95,7 +95,7 @@ The **client** should then store this connection and use it when the user wants ### Example connection string ```sh -nostr+walletconnect:b889ff5b1513b641e2a139f661a661364979c5beee91842f8f0ef42ab558e9d4?relay=wss%3A%2F%2Frelay.damus.io&secret=71a8c14c1407c113601079c4302dab36460f0ccd0ad506f1f2dc73b5100e4f3c +nostr+walletconnect://b889ff5b1513b641e2a139f661a661364979c5beee91842f8f0ef42ab558e9d4?relay=wss%3A%2F%2Frelay.damus.io&secret=71a8c14c1407c113601079c4302dab36460f0ccd0ad506f1f2dc73b5100e4f3c ``` ## Commands @@ -173,7 +173,7 @@ Request: "amount": 123, // invoice amount in msats, required "pubkey": "03...", // payee pubkey, required "preimage": "0123456789abcdef...", // preimage of the payment, optional - "tlv_records: [ // tlv records, optional + "tlv_records": [ // tlv records, optional { "type": 5482373484, // tlv type "value": "0123456789abcdef" // hex encoded tlv value @@ -208,7 +208,7 @@ Request: "method": "multi_pay_keysend", "params": { "keysends": [ - {"id": "4c5b24a351", pubkey": "03...", "amount": 123}, + {"id": "4c5b24a351", "pubkey": "03...", "amount": 123}, {"id": "3da52c32a1", "pubkey": "02...", "amount": 567, "preimage": "abc123..", "tlv_records": [{"type": 696969, "value": "77616c5f6872444873305242454d353736"}]}, ], } @@ -358,8 +358,7 @@ Request: ```jsonc { "method": "get_balance", - "params": { - } + "params": {} } ``` @@ -379,8 +378,7 @@ Request: ```jsonc { "method": "get_info", - "params": { - } + "params": {} } ``` @@ -402,7 +400,7 @@ Response: ## Example pay invoice flow -0. The user scans the QR code generated by the **wallet service** with their **client** application, they follow a `nostr+walletconnect:` deeplink or configure the connection details manually. +0. The user scans the QR code generated by the **wallet service** with their **client** application, they follow a `nostr+walletconnect://` deeplink or configure the connection details manually. 1. **client** sends an event to the **wallet service** with kind `23194`. The content is a `pay_invoice` request. The private key is the secret from the connection string above. 2. **wallet service** verifies that the author's key is authorized to perform the payment, decrypts the payload and sends the payment. 3. **wallet service** responds to the event by sending an event with kind `23195` and content being a response either containing an error message or a preimage. diff --git a/50.md b/50.md index fee0afc..b4137ff 100644 --- a/50.md +++ b/50.md @@ -15,9 +15,9 @@ NIP-50 ## `search` フィルタフィールド クライアントが送信する`REQ`メッセージに、新たに`search`フィールドが導入される: -```json +```jsonc { - ... + // other fields on filter object... "search": <string> } ``` @@ -26,6 +26,8 @@ NIP-50 リレーは、`content`イベントフィールドに対してマッチングを実行すべきであり(SHOULD)、 その他のフィールドに対するマッチングも、特定のkindについて意味がある場合には実行してもよい(MAY)。 +結果は通常の`.created_at`でなく、検索結果の品質 (実装によって定義される) の降順で返されるべきである (SHOULD)。 +`limit`フィルターはマッチングスコアでソートした後に適用するべきである (SHOULD)。 クエリ文字列は、`key:value`ペア(コロンで区切られた2つの単語)を含むかもしれない。このようなものは拡張であり、リレーは サポートしていない拡張は無視すべきだ(SHOULD)。 diff --git a/51.md b/51.md index 95acbc8..3792d7f 100644 --- a/51.md +++ b/51.md @@ -16,22 +16,25 @@ When new items are added to an existing list, clients SHOULD append them to the ## Standard lists -Standard lists use non-parameterized replaceable events, meaning users may only have a single list of each kind. They have special meaning and clients may rely on them to augment a user's profile or browsing experience. +Standard lists use normal replaceable events, meaning users may only have a single list of each kind. They have special meaning and clients may rely on them to augment a user's profile or browsing experience. For example, _mute list_ can contain the public keys of spammers and bad actors users don't want to see in their feeds or receive annoying notifications from. -| name | kind | description | expected tag items | -| --- | --- | --- | --- | -| Mute list | 10000 | things the user doesn't want to see in their feeds | `"p"` (pubkeys), `"t"` (hashtags), `"word"` (lowercase string), `"e"` (threads) | -| Pinned notes | 10001 | events the user intends to showcase in their profile page | `"e"` (kind:1 notes) | -| Bookmarks | 10003 | uncategorized, "global" list of things a user wants to save | `"e"` (kind:1 notes), `"a"` (kind:30023 articles), `"t"` (hashtags), `"r"` (URLs) | -| Communities | 10004 | [NIP-72](72.md) communities the user belongs to | `"a"` (kind:34550 community definitions) | -| Public chats | 10005 | [NIP-28](28.md) chat channels the user is in | `"e"` (kind:40 channel definitions) | -| Blocked relays | 10006 | relays clients should never connect to | `"relay"` (relay URLs) | -| Search relays | 10007 | relays clients should use when performing search queries | `"relay"` (relay URLs) | -| Simple groups | 10009 | [NIP-29](29.md) groups the user is in | `"group"` ([NIP-29](29.md) group ids + mandatory relay URL) | -| Interests | 10015 | topics a user may be interested in and pointers | `"t"` (hashtags) and `"a"` (kind:30015 interest set) | -| Emojis | 10030 | user preferred emojis and pointers to emoji sets | `"emoji"` (see [NIP-30](30.md)) and `"a"` (kind:30030 emoji set) | +| name | kind | description | expected tag items | +| --- | --- | --- | --- | +| Mute list | 10000 | things the user doesn't want to see in their feeds | `"p"` (pubkeys), `"t"` (hashtags), `"word"` (lowercase string), `"e"` (threads) | +| Pinned notes | 10001 | events the user intends to showcase in their profile page | `"e"` (kind:1 notes) | +| Bookmarks | 10003 | uncategorized, "global" list of things a user wants to save | `"e"` (kind:1 notes), `"a"` (kind:30023 articles), `"t"` (hashtags), `"r"` (URLs) | +| Communities | 10004 | [NIP-72](72.md) communities the user belongs to | `"a"` (kind:34550 community definitions) | +| Public chats | 10005 | [NIP-28](28.md) chat channels the user is in | `"e"` (kind:40 channel definitions) | +| Blocked relays | 10006 | relays clients should never connect to | `"relay"` (relay URLs) | +| Search relays | 10007 | relays clients should use when performing search queries | `"relay"` (relay URLs) | +| Simple groups | 10009 | [NIP-29](29.md) groups the user is in | `"group"` ([NIP-29](29.md) group ids + mandatory relay URL) | +| Interests | 10015 | topics a user may be interested in and pointers | `"t"` (hashtags) and `"a"` (kind:30015 interest set) | +| Emojis | 10030 | user preferred emojis and pointers to emoji sets | `"emoji"` (see [NIP-30](30.md)) and `"a"` (kind:30030 emoji set) | +| DM relays | 10050 | Where to receive [NIP-17](17.md) direct messages | `"relay"` (see [NIP-17](17.md)) | +| Good wiki authors | 10101 | [NIP-54](54.md) user recommended wiki authors | `"p"` (pubkeys) | +| Good wiki relays | 10102 | [NIP-54](54.md) relays deemed to only host useful articles | `"relay"` (relay URLs) | ## Sets @@ -48,6 +51,7 @@ Aside from their main identifier, the `"d"` tag, sets can optionally have a `"ti | Bookmark sets | 30003 | user-defined bookmarks categories , for when bookmarks must be in labeled separate groups | `"e"` (kind:1 notes), `"a"` (kind:30023 articles), `"t"` (hashtags), `"r"` (URLs) | | Curation sets | 30004 | groups of articles picked by users as interesting and/or belonging to the same category | `"a"` (kind:30023 articles), `"e"` (kind:1 notes) | | Curation sets | 30005 | groups of videos picked by users as interesting and/or belonging to the same category | `"a"` (kind:34235 videos) | +| Kind mute sets | 30007 | mute pubkeys by kinds<br>`"d"` tag MUST be the kind string | `"p"` (pubkeys) | | Interest sets | 30015 | interest topics represented by a bunch of "hashtags" | `"t"` (hashtags) | | Emoji sets | 30030 | categorized emoji groups | `"emoji"` (see [NIP-30](30.md)) | | Release artifact sets | 30063 | groups of files of a software release | `"e"` (kind:1063 [file metadata](94.md) events), `"i"` (application identifier, typically reverse domain notation), `"version"` | @@ -107,7 +111,7 @@ Some clients have used these lists in the past, but they should work on transiti ### A _release artifact set_ of an Example App -```json +```jsonc { "id": "567b41fc9060c758c4216fe5f8d3df7c57daad7ae757fa4606f0c39d4dd220ef", "pubkey": "d6dc95542e18b8b7aec2f14610f55c335abebec76f3db9e58c254661d0593a0c", diff --git a/52.md b/52.md index f35d904..cc2625a 100644 --- a/52.md +++ b/52.md @@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ Calendar Events `draft` `optional` -This specification defines calendar events representing an occurrence at a specific moment or between moments. These calendar events are _parameterized replaceable_ and deletable per [NIP-09](09.md). +This specification defines calendar events representing an occurrence at a specific moment or between moments. These calendar events are _addressable_ and deletable per [NIP-09](09.md). Unlike the term `calendar event` specific to this NIP, the term `event` is used broadly in all the NIPs to describe any Nostr event. The distinction is being made here to discern between the two terms. @@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ This kind of calendar event starts on a date and ends before a different date in #### Format -The format uses a parameterized replaceable event kind `31922`. +The format uses an _addressable event_ of `kind:31922`. The `.content` of these events should be a detailed description of the calendar event. It is required but can be an empty string. @@ -79,7 +79,7 @@ This kind of calendar event spans between a start time and end time. #### Format -The format uses a parameterized replaceable event kind `31923`. +The format uses an _addressable event_ kind `31923`. The `.content` of these events should be a detailed description of the calendar event. It is required but can be an empty string. @@ -90,9 +90,12 @@ The list of tags are as follows: * `end` (optional) exclusive end Unix timestamp in seconds. If omitted, the calendar event ends instantaneously. * `start_tzid` (optional) time zone of the start timestamp, as defined by the IANA Time Zone Database. e.g., `America/Costa_Rica` * `end_tzid` (optional) time zone of the end timestamp, as defined by the IANA Time Zone Database. e.g., `America/Costa_Rica`. If omitted and `start_tzid` is provided, the time zone of the end timestamp is the same as the start timestamp. +* `summary` (optional) brief description of the calendar event +* `image` (optional) url of an image to use for the event * `location` (optional, repeated) location of the calendar event. e.g. address, GPS coordinates, meeting room name, link to video call * `g` (optional) [geohash](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Geohash) to associate calendar event with a searchable physical location * `p` (optional, repeated) 32-bytes hex pubkey of a participant, optional recommended relay URL, and participant's role in the meeting +* `l` (optional, repeated) label to categorize calendar event. e.g. `audiospace` to denote a scheduled event from a live audio space implementation such as cornychat.com * `t` (optional, repeated) hashtag to categorize calendar event * `r` (optional, repeated) references / links to web pages, documents, video calls, recorded videos, etc. @@ -110,6 +113,8 @@ The following tags are deprecated: ["d", "<UUID>"], ["title", "<title of calendar event>"], + ["summary", "<brief description of the calendar event>"], + ["image", "<string with image URI>"], // Timestamps ["start", "<Unix timestamp in seconds>"], @@ -126,6 +131,10 @@ The following tags are deprecated: ["p", "<32-bytes hex of a pubkey>", "<optional recommended relay URL>", "<role>"], ["p", "<32-bytes hex of a pubkey>", "<optional recommended relay URL>", "<role>"], + // Labels (example using com.cornychat namespace denoting the event as an audiospace) + ["L", "com.cornychat"], + ["l", "audiospace", "com.cornychat"], + // Hashtags ["t", "<tag>"], ["t", "<tag>"], @@ -178,17 +187,23 @@ This NIP is intentionally not defining who is authorized to attend a calendar ev This NIP is also intentionally not defining what happens if a calendar event changes after an RSVP is submitted. +The RSVP MUST have an `a` tag of the event coordinates to the calendar event, and optionally an `e` tag of the id of the specific calendar event revision. If an `e` tag is present, clients SHOULD interpret it as an indication that the RSVP is a response to that revision of the calendar event, and MAY interpret it to not necessarily apply to other revisions of the calendar event. + +The RSVP MAY tag the author of the calendar event it is in response to using a `p` tag so that clients can easily query all RSVPs that pertain to the author. + ### Format -The format uses a parameterized replaceable event kind `31925`. +The format uses an _addressable event_ kind `31925`. The `.content` of these events is optional and should be a free-form note that adds more context to this calendar event response. The list of tags are as follows: -* `a` (required) reference tag to kind `31922` or `31923` calendar event being responded to. +* `a` (required) coordinates to a kind `31922` or `31923` calendar event being responded to. +* `e` (optional) event id of a kind `31922` or `31923` calendar event being responded to. * `d` (required) universally unique identifier. Generated by the client creating the calendar event RSVP. * `status` (required) `accepted`, `declined`, or `tentative`. Determines attendance status to the referenced calendar event. * `fb` (optional) `free` or `busy`. Determines if the user would be free or busy for the duration of the calendar event. This tag must be omitted or ignored if the `status` label is set to `declined`. +* `p` (optional) pubkey of the author of the calendar event being responded to. ```json { @@ -198,10 +213,12 @@ The list of tags are as follows: "kind": 31925, "content": "<note>", "tags": [ - ["a", "<31922 or 31923>:<calendar event author pubkey>:<d-identifier of calendar event>", "<optional relay url>"], + ["e", "<kind 31922 or 31923 event id", "<optional recommended relay URL>"] + ["a", "<31922 or 31923>:<calendar event author pubkey>:<d-identifier of calendar event>", "<optional recommended relay URL>"], ["d", "<UUID>"], ["status", "<accepted/declined/tentative>"], ["fb", "<free/busy>"], + ["p", "<hex pubkey of kind 31922 or 31923 event>", "<optional recommended relay URL>"] ] } ``` diff --git a/53.md b/53.md index fad2622..c3f15ea 100644 --- a/53.md +++ b/53.md @@ -12,11 +12,11 @@ Service providers want to offer live activities to the Nostr network in such a w ### Live Event -A special event with `kind:30311` "Live Event" is defined as a _parameterized replaceable event_ of public `p` tags. Each `p` tag SHOULD have a **displayable** marker name for the current role (e.g. `Host`, `Speaker`, `Participant`) of the user in the event and the relay information MAY be empty. This event will be constantly updated as participants join and leave the activity. +A special event with `kind:30311` "Live Event" is defined as an _addressable event_ of public `p` tags. Each `p` tag SHOULD have a **displayable** marker name for the current role (e.g. `Host`, `Speaker`, `Participant`) of the user in the event and the relay information MAY be empty. This event will be constantly updated as participants join and leave the activity. For example: -```json +```jsonc { "kind": 30311, "tags": [ @@ -35,10 +35,10 @@ For example: ["p", "91cf9..4e5ca", "wss://provider1.com/", "Host", "<proof>"], ["p", "14aeb..8dad4", "wss://provider2.com/nostr", "Speaker"], ["p", "612ae..e610f", "ws://provider3.com/ws", "Participant"], - ["relays", "wss://one.com", "wss://two.com", ...] + ["relays", "wss://one.com", "wss://two.com", /*...*/] ], "content": "", - ... + // other fields... } ``` @@ -64,20 +64,20 @@ This feature is important to avoid malicious event owners adding large account h Event `kind:1311` is live chat's channel message. Clients MUST include the `a` tag of the activity with a `root` marker. Other Kind-1 tags such as `reply` and `mention` can also be used. -```json +```jsonc { "kind": 1311, "tags": [ ["a", "30311:<Community event author pubkey>:<d-identifier of the community>", "<Optional relay url>", "root"], ], "content": "Zaps to live streams is beautiful.", - ... + // other fields... } ``` ## Use Cases -Common use cases include meeting rooms/workshops, watch-together activities, or event spaces, such as [live.snort.social](https://live.snort.social) and [nostrnests.com](https://nostrnests.com). +Common use cases include meeting rooms/workshops, watch-together activities, or event spaces, such as [zap.stream](https://zap.stream). ## Example @@ -119,4 +119,4 @@ Common use cases include meeting rooms/workshops, watch-together activities, or "content": "Zaps to live streams is beautiful.", "sig": "997f62ddfc0827c121043074d50cfce7a528e978c575722748629a4137c45b75bdbc84170bedc723ef0a5a4c3daebf1fef2e93f5e2ddb98e5d685d022c30b622" } -```` +``` diff --git a/54.md b/54.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000..3a02150 --- /dev/null +++ b/54.md @@ -0,0 +1,121 @@ +NIP-54 +====== + +Wiki +---- + +`draft` `optional` + +This NIP defines `kind:30818` (an _addressable event_) for descriptions (or encyclopedia entries) of particular subjects, and it's expected that multiple people will write articles about the exact same subjects, with either small variations or completely independent content. + +Articles are identified by lowercase, normalized ascii `d` tags. + +### Articles +```json +{ + "content": "A wiki is a hypertext publication collaboratively edited and managed by its own audience.", + "tags": [ + ["d", "wiki"], + ["title", "Wiki"], + ] +} +``` + +### `d` tag normalization rules + +- Any non-letter character MUST be converted to a `-`. +- All letters MUST be converted to lowercase. + +### Content + +The `content` should be Asciidoc with two extra functionalities: **wikilinks** and **nostr:...** links. + +Unlike normal Asciidoc links `http://example.com[]` that link to external webpages, wikilinks `[[]]` link to other articles in the wiki. In this case, the wiki is the entirety of Nostr. Clicking on a wikilink should cause the client to ask relays for events with `d` tags equal to the target of that wikilink. + +Wikilinks can take these two forms: + + 1. `[[Target Page]]` -- in this case it will link to the page `target-page` (according to `d` tag normalization rules above) and be displayed as `Target Page`; + 2. `[[target page|see this]]` -- in this case it will link to the page `target-page`, but will be displayed as `see this`. + +`nostr:...` links, as per [NIP-21](21.md), should link to profiles or arbitrary Nostr events. Although it is not recommended to link to specific versions of articles -- instead the _wikilink_ syntax should be preferred, since it should be left to the reader and their client to decide what version of any given article they want to read. + +### Optional extra tags + + - `title`: for when the display title should be different from the `d` tag. + - `summary`: for display in lists. + - `a` and `e`: for referencing the original event a wiki article was forked from. + +### Merge Requests + +Event `kind:818` represents a request to merge from a forked article into the source. It is directed to a pubkey and references the original article and the modified event. + +[INSERT EVENT EXAMPLE] + +### Redirects + +Event `kind:30819` is also defined to stand for "wiki redirects", i.e. if one thinks `Shell structure` should redirect to `Thin-shell structure` they can issue one of these events instead of replicating the content. These events can be used for automatically redirecting between articles on a client, but also for generating crowdsourced "disambiguation" pages ([common in Wikipedia](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Help:Disambiguation)). + +[INSERT EVENT EXAMPLE] + +How to decide what article to display +------------------------------------- + +As there could be many articles for each given name, some kind of prioritization must be done by clients. Criteria for this should vary between users and clients, but some means that can be used are described below: + +### Reactions + +[NIP-25](25.md) reactions are very simple and can be used to create a simple web-of-trust between wiki article writers and their content. While just counting a raw number of "likes" is unproductive, reacting to any wiki article event with a `+` can be interpreted as a recommendation for that article specifically and a partial recommendation of the author of that article. When 2 or 3-level deep recommendations are followed, suddenly a big part of all the articles may have some form of tagging. + +### Relays + +[NIP-51](51.md) lists of relays can be created with the kind 10102 and then used by wiki clients in order to determine where to query articles first and to rank these differently in relation to other events fetched from other relays. + +### Contact lists + +[NIP-02](02.md) contact lists can form the basis of a recommendation system that is then expanded with relay lists and reaction lists through nested queries. These lists form a good starting point only because they are so widespread. + +### Wiki-related contact lists + +[NIP-51](51.md) lists can also be used to create a list of users that are trusted only in the context of wiki authorship or wiki curationship. + +Forks +--------- +Wiki-events can tag other wiki-events with a `fork` marker to specify that this event came from a different version. Both `a` and `e` tags SHOULD be used and have the `fork` marker applied, to identify the exact version it was forked from. + +Deference +--------- +Wiki-events can tag other wiki-events with a `defer` marker to indicate that it considers someone else's entry as a "better" version of itself. If using a `defer` marker both `a` and `e` tags SHOULD be used. + +This is a stronger signal of trust than a `+` reaction. + +This marker is useful when a user edits someone else's entry; if the original author includes the editor's changes and the editor doesn't want to keep/maintain an independent version, the `link` tag could effectively be a considered a "deletion" of the editor's version and putting that pubkey's WoT weight behind the original author's version. + +Why Asciidoc? +------------- + +Wikitext is [garbage](nostr:nevent1qqsqt0gcggry60n72uglhuhypdlmr2dm6swjj69jex5v530gcpazlzsprpmhxue69uhhyetvv9ujumn0wdmksetjv5hxxmmdqy28wumn8ghj7un9d3shjtnyv9kh2uewd9hsygpm7rrrljungc6q0tuh5hj7ue863q73qlheu4vywtzwhx42a7j9n5ueneex) and Markdown is not powerful enough (besides being too freeform and unspecified and prone to generate incompatibilities in the future). + +Asciidoc has a strict spec, multiple implementations in many languages, and support for features that are very much necessary in a wiki article, like _sidebars_, _tables_ (with rich markup inside cells), many levels of _headings_, _footnotes_, _superscript_ and _subscript_ markup and _description lists_. It is also arguably easier to read in its plaintext format than Markdown (and certainly much better than Wikitext). + +# Appendix 1: Merge requests +Users can request other users to get their entries merged into someone else's entry by creating a `kind:818` event. + +```json +{ + "content": "I added information about how to make hot ice-creams", + "kind": 818, + "tags": [ + [ "a", "30818:<destination-pubkey>:hot-ice-creams", "<relay-url>" ], + [ "e", "<version-against-which-the-modification-was-made>", "<relay-url>" ], + [ "p", "<destination-pubkey>" ], + [ "e", "<version-to-be-merged>", "<relay-url>", "source" ] + ] +} +``` + +`.content`: an optional explanation detailing why this merge is being requested. +`a` tag: tag of the article which should be modified (i.e. the target of this merge request). +`e` tag: optional version of the article in which this modifications is based +`e` tag with `source` marker: the ID of the event that should be merged. This event id MUST be of a `kind:30818` as defined in this NIP. + +The destination-pubkey is the pubkey being requested to merge something into their article can create [[NIP-25]] reactions that tag the `kind:818` event with `+` or `-` diff --git a/55.md b/55.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000..afca0aa --- /dev/null +++ b/55.md @@ -0,0 +1,623 @@ +NIP-55 +====== + +Android Signer Application +-------------------------- + +`draft` `optional` + +This NIP describes a method for 2-way communication between an Android signer and any Nostr client on Android. The Android signer is an Android Application and the client can be a web client or an Android application. + +# Usage for Android applications + +The Android signer uses Intents and Content Resolvers to communicate between applications. + +To be able to use the Android signer in your application you should add this to your AndroidManifest.xml: + +```xml +<queries> + <intent> + <action android:name="android.intent.action.VIEW" /> + <category android:name="android.intent.category.BROWSABLE" /> + <data android:scheme="nostrsigner" /> + </intent> +</queries> +``` + +Then you can use this function to check if there's a signer application installed: + +```kotlin +fun isExternalSignerInstalled(context: Context): Boolean { + val intent = + Intent().apply { + action = Intent.ACTION_VIEW + data = Uri.parse("nostrsigner:") + } + val infos = context.packageManager.queryIntentActivities(intent, 0) + return infos.size > 0 +} +``` + +## Using Intents + +To get the result back from the Signer Application you should use `registerForActivityResult` or `rememberLauncherForActivityResult` in Kotlin. If you are using another framework check the documentation of your framework or a third party library to get the result. + +```kotlin +val launcher = rememberLauncherForActivityResult( + contract = ActivityResultContracts.StartActivityForResult(), + onResult = { result -> + if (result.resultCode != Activity.RESULT_OK) { + Toast.makeText( + context, + "Sign request rejected", + Toast.LENGTH_SHORT + ).show() + } else { + val result = activityResult.data?.getStringExtra("result") + // Do something with result ... + } + } +) +``` + +Create the Intent using the **nostrsigner** scheme: + +```kotlin +val intent = Intent(Intent.ACTION_VIEW, Uri.parse("nostrsigner:$content")) +``` + +Set the Signer package name: + +```kotlin +intent.`package` = "com.example.signer" +``` + +If you are sending multiple intents without awaiting you can add some intent flags to sign all events without opening multiple times the signer + +```kotlin +intent.addFlags(Intent.FLAG_ACTIVITY_SINGLE_TOP or Intent.FLAG_ACTIVITY_CLEAR_TOP) +``` + +If you are developing a signer application them you need to add this to your AndroidManifest.xml so clients can use the intent flags above + +```kotlin +android:launchMode="singleTop" +``` + +Signer MUST answer multiple permissions with an array of results + +```kotlin + +val results = listOf( + Result( + package = signerPackageName, + result = eventSignture, + id = intentId + ) +) + +val json = results.toJson() + +intent.putExtra("results", json) +``` + +Send the Intent: + +```kotlin +launcher.launch(intent) +``` + +### Methods + +- **get_public_key** + - params: + + ```kotlin + val intent = Intent(Intent.ACTION_VIEW, Uri.parse("nostrsigner:")) + intent.`package` = "com.example.signer" + intent.putExtra("type", "get_public_key") + // You can send some default permissions for the user to authorize for ever + val permissions = listOf( + Permission( + type = "sign_event", + kind = 22242 + ), + Permission( + type = "nip44_decrypt" + ) + ) + intent.putExtra("permissions", permissions.toJson()) + context.startActivity(intent) + ``` + - result: + - If the user approved intent it will return the **pubkey** in the result field + + ```kotlin + val pubkey = intent.data?.getStringExtra("result") + // The package name of the signer application + val packageName = intent.data?.getStringExtra("package") + ``` + +- **sign_event** + - params: + + ```kotlin + val intent = Intent(Intent.ACTION_VIEW, Uri.parse("nostrsigner:$eventJson")) + intent.`package` = "com.example.signer" + intent.putExtra("type", "sign_event") + // To handle results when not waiting between intents + intent.putExtra("id", event.id) + // Send the current logged in user pubkey + intent.putExtra("current_user", pubkey) + + context.startActivity(intent) + ``` + - result: + - If the user approved intent it will return the **result**, **id** and **event** fields + + ```kotlin + val signature = intent.data?.getStringExtra("result") + // The id you sent + val id = intent.data?.getStringExtra("id") + val signedEventJson = intent.data?.getStringExtra("event") + ``` + +- **nip04_encrypt** + - params: + + ```kotlin + val intent = Intent(Intent.ACTION_VIEW, Uri.parse("nostrsigner:$plaintext")) + intent.`package` = "com.example.signer" + intent.putExtra("type", "nip04_encrypt") + // to control the result in your application in case you are not waiting the result before sending another intent + intent.putExtra("id", "some_id") + // Send the current logged in user pubkey + intent.putExtra("current_user", account.keyPair.pubkey) + // Send the hex pubkey that will be used for encrypting the data + intent.putExtra("pubkey", pubkey) + + context.startActivity(intent) + ``` + - result: + - If the user approved intent it will return the **result** and **id** fields + + ```kotlin + val encryptedText = intent.data?.getStringExtra("result") + // the id you sent + val id = intent.data?.getStringExtra("id") + ``` + +- **nip44_encrypt** + - params: + + ```kotlin + val intent = Intent(Intent.ACTION_VIEW, Uri.parse("nostrsigner:$plaintext")) + intent.`package` = "com.example.signer" + intent.putExtra("type", "nip44_encrypt") + // to control the result in your application in case you are not waiting the result before sending another intent + intent.putExtra("id", "some_id") + // Send the current logged in user pubkey + intent.putExtra("current_user", account.keyPair.pubkey) + // Send the hex pubkey that will be used for encrypting the data + intent.putExtra("pubkey", pubkey) + + context.startActivity(intent) + ``` + - result: + - If the user approved intent it will return the **signature** and **id** fields + + ```kotlin + val encryptedText = intent.data?.getStringExtra("signature") + // the id you sent + val id = intent.data?.getStringExtra("id") + ``` + +- **nip04_decrypt** + - params: + + ```kotlin + val intent = Intent(Intent.ACTION_VIEW, Uri.parse("nostrsigner:$encryptedText")) + intent.`package` = "com.example.signer" + intent.putExtra("type", "nip04_decrypt") + // to control the result in your application in case you are not waiting the result before sending another intent + intent.putExtra("id", "some_id") + // Send the current logged in user pubkey + intent.putExtra("current_user", account.keyPair.pubkey) + // Send the hex pubkey that will be used for decrypting the data + intent.putExtra("pubkey", pubkey) + + context.startActivity(intent) + ``` + - result: + - If the user approved intent it will return the **result** and **id** fields + + ```kotlin + val plainText = intent.data?.getStringExtra("result") + // the id you sent + val id = intent.data?.getStringExtra("id") + ``` + +- **nip44_decrypt** + - params: + + ```kotlin + val intent = Intent(Intent.ACTION_VIEW, Uri.parse("nostrsigner:$encryptedText")) + intent.`package` = "com.example.signer" + intent.putExtra("type", "nip04_decrypt") + // to control the result in your application in case you are not waiting the result before sending another intent + intent.putExtra("id", "some_id") + // Send the current logged in user pubkey + intent.putExtra("current_user", account.keyPair.pubkey) + // Send the hex pubkey that will be used for decrypting the data + intent.putExtra("pubkey", pubkey) + + context.startActivity(intent) + ``` + - result: + - If the user approved intent it will return the **result** and **id** fields + + ```kotlin + val plainText = intent.data?.getStringExtra("result") + // the id you sent + val id = intent.data?.getStringExtra("id") + ``` + +- **get_relays** + - params: + + ```kotlin + val intent = Intent(Intent.ACTION_VIEW, Uri.parse("nostrsigner:")) + intent.`package` = "com.example.signer" + intent.putExtra("type", "get_relays") + // to control the result in your application in case you are not waiting the result before sending another intent + intent.putExtra("id", "some_id") + // Send the current logged in user pubkey + intent.putExtra("current_user", account.keyPair.pubkey) + + context.startActivity(intent) + ``` + - result: + - If the user approved intent it will return the **result** and **id** fields + + ```kotlin + val relayJsonText = intent.data?.getStringExtra("result") + // the id you sent + val id = intent.data?.getStringExtra("id") + ``` + +- **decrypt_zap_event** + - params: + + ```kotlin + val intent = Intent(Intent.ACTION_VIEW, Uri.parse("nostrsigner:$eventJson")) + intent.`package` = "com.example.signer" + intent.putExtra("type", "decrypt_zap_event") + // to control the result in your application in case you are not waiting the result before sending another intent + intent.putExtra("id", "some_id") + // Send the current logged in user pubkey + intent.putExtra("current_user", account.keyPair.pubkey) + context.startActivity(intent) + ``` + - result: + - If the user approved intent it will return the **result** and **id** fields + + ```kotlin + val eventJson = intent.data?.getStringExtra("result") + // the id you sent + val id = intent.data?.getStringExtra("id") + ``` + +## Using Content Resolver + +To get the result back from Signer Application you should use contentResolver.query in Kotlin. If you are using another framework check the documentation of your framework or a third party library to get the result. + +If the user did not check the "remember my choice" option, the pubkey is not in Signer Application or the signer type is not recognized the `contentResolver` will return null + +For the SIGN_EVENT type Signer Application returns two columns "result" and "event". The column event is the signed event json + +For the other types Signer Application returns the column "result" + +If the user chose to always reject the event, signer application will return the column "rejected" and you should not open signer application + +### Methods + +- **get_public_key** + - params: + + ```kotlin + val result = context.contentResolver.query( + Uri.parse("content://com.example.signer.GET_PUBLIC_KEY"), + listOf("login"), + null, + null, + null + ) + ``` + - result: + - Will return the **pubkey** in the result column + + ```kotlin + if (result == null) return + + if (result.moveToFirst()) { + val index = it.getColumnIndex("result") + if (index < 0) return + val pubkey = it.getString(index) + } + ``` + +- **sign_event** + - params: + + ```kotlin + val result = context.contentResolver.query( + Uri.parse("content://com.example.signer.SIGN_EVENT"), + listOf("$eventJson", "", "${logged_in_user_pubkey}"), + null, + null, + null + ) + ``` + - result: + - Will return the **result** and the **event** columns + + ```kotlin + if (result == null) return + + if (result.moveToFirst()) { + val index = it.getColumnIndex("result") + val indexJson = it.getColumnIndex("event") + val signature = it.getString(index) + val eventJson = it.getString(indexJson) + } + ``` + +- **nip04_encrypt** + - params: + + ```kotlin + val result = context.contentResolver.query( + Uri.parse("content://com.example.signer.NIP04_ENCRYPT"), + listOf("$plainText", "${hex_pub_key}", "${logged_in_user_pubkey}"), + null, + null, + null + ) + ``` + - result: + - Will return the **result** column + + ```kotlin + if (result == null) return + + if (result.moveToFirst()) { + val index = it.getColumnIndex("result") + val encryptedText = it.getString(index) + } + ``` + +- **nip44_encrypt** + - params: + + ```kotlin + val result = context.contentResolver.query( + Uri.parse("content://com.example.signer.NIP44_ENCRYPT"), + listOf("$plainText", "${hex_pub_key}", "${logged_in_user_pubkey}"), + null, + null, + null + ) + ``` + - result: + - Will return the **result** column + + ```kotlin + if (result == null) return + + if (result.moveToFirst()) { + val index = it.getColumnIndex("result") + val encryptedText = it.getString(index) + } + ``` + +- **nip04_decrypt** + - params: + + ```kotlin + val result = context.contentResolver.query( + Uri.parse("content://com.example.signer.NIP04_DECRYPT"), + listOf("$encryptedText", "${hex_pub_key}", "${logged_in_user_pubkey}"), + null, + null, + null + ) + ``` + - result: + - Will return the **result** column + + ```kotlin + if (result == null) return + + if (result.moveToFirst()) { + val index = it.getColumnIndex("result") + val encryptedText = it.getString(index) + } + ``` + +- **nip44_decrypt** + - params: + + ```kotlin + val result = context.contentResolver.query( + Uri.parse("content://com.example.signer.NIP44_DECRYPT"), + listOf("$encryptedText", "${hex_pub_key}", "${logged_in_user_pubkey}"), + null, + null, + null + ) + ``` + - result: + - Will return the **result** column + + ```kotlin + if (result == null) return + + if (result.moveToFirst()) { + val index = it.getColumnIndex("result") + val encryptedText = it.getString(index) + } + ``` + +- **get_relays** + - params: + + ```kotlin + val result = context.contentResolver.query( + Uri.parse("content://com.example.signer.GET_RELAYS"), + listOf("${logged_in_user_pubkey}"), + null, + null, + null + ) + ``` + - result: + - Will return the **result** column + + ```kotlin + if (result == null) return + + if (result.moveToFirst()) { + val index = it.getColumnIndex("result") + val relayJsonText = it.getString(index) + } + ``` + +- **decrypt_zap_event** + - params: + + ```kotlin + val result = context.contentResolver.query( + Uri.parse("content://com.example.signer.DECRYPT_ZAP_EVENT"), + listOf("$eventJson", "", "${logged_in_user_pubkey}"), + null, + null, + null + ) + ``` + - result: + - Will return the **result** column + + ```kotlin + if (result == null) return + + if (result.moveToFirst()) { + val index = it.getColumnIndex("result") + val eventJson = it.getString(index) + } + ``` + +# Usage for Web Applications + +Since web applications can't receive a result from the intent, you should add a modal to paste the signature or the event json or create a callback url. + +If you send the callback url parameter, Signer Application will send the result to the url. + +If you don't send a callback url, Signer Application will copy the result to the clipboard. + +You can configure the `returnType` to be **signature** or **event**. + +Android intents and browser urls have limitations, so if you are using the `returnType` of **event** consider using the parameter **compressionType=gzip** that will return "Signer1" + Base64 gzip encoded event json + +## Methods + +- **get_public_key** + - params: + + ```js + window.href = `nostrsigner:?compressionType=none&returnType=signature&type=get_public_key&callbackUrl=https://example.com/?event=`; + ``` + +- **sign_event** + - params: + + ```js + window.href = `nostrsigner:${eventJson}?compressionType=none&returnType=signature&type=sign_event&callbackUrl=https://example.com/?event=`; + ``` + +- **nip04_encrypt** + - params: + + ```js + window.href = `nostrsigner:${plainText}?pubkey=${hex_pub_key}&compressionType=none&returnType=signature&type=nip04_encrypt&callbackUrl=https://example.com/?event=`; + ``` + +- **nip44_encrypt** + - params: + + ```js + window.href = `nostrsigner:${plainText}?pubkey=${hex_pub_key}&compressionType=none&returnType=signature&type=nip44_encrypt&callbackUrl=https://example.com/?event=`; + ``` + +- **nip04_decrypt** + - params: + + ```js + window.href = `nostrsigner:${encryptedText}?pubkey=${hex_pub_key}&compressionType=none&returnType=signature&type=nip04_decrypt&callbackUrl=https://example.com/?event=`; + ``` + +- **nip44_decrypt** + - params: + + ```js + window.href = `nostrsigner:${encryptedText}?pubkey=${hex_pub_key}&compressionType=none&returnType=signature&type=nip44_decrypt&callbackUrl=https://example.com/?event=`; + ``` + +- **get_relays** + - params: + + ```js + window.href = `nostrsigner:?compressionType=none&returnType=signature&type=get_relays&callbackUrl=https://example.com/?event=`; + ``` + +- **decrypt_zap_event** + - params: + + ```js + window.href = `nostrsigner:${eventJson}?compressionType=none&returnType=signature&type=decrypt_zap_event&callbackUrl=https://example.com/?event=`; + ``` + +## Example + +```js +<!DOCTYPE html> +<html lang="en"> +<head> + <meta charset="UTF-8"> + <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0"> + <title>Document</title> +</head> +<body> + <h1>Test</h1> + + <script> + window.onload = function() { + var url = new URL(window.location.href); + var params = url.searchParams; + if (params) { + var param1 = params.get("event"); + if (param1) alert(param1) + } + let json = { + kind: 1, + content: "test" + } + let encodedJson = encodeURIComponent(JSON.stringify(json)) + var newAnchor = document.createElement("a"); + newAnchor.href = `nostrsigner:${encodedJson}?compressionType=none&returnType=signature&type=sign_event&callbackUrl=https://example.com/?event=`; + newAnchor.textContent = "Open External Signer"; + document.body.appendChild(newAnchor) + } + </script> +</body> +</html> +``` diff --git a/56.md b/56.md index 3209b80..f7b1b1a 100644 --- a/56.md +++ b/56.md @@ -26,6 +26,7 @@ A `report type` string MUST be included as the 3rd entry to the `e` or `p` tag being reported, which consists of the following report types: - `nudity` - depictions of nudity, porn, etc. +- `malware` - virus, trojan horse, worm, robot, spyware, adware, back door, ransomware, rootkit, kidnapper, etc. - `profanity` - profanity, hateful speech, etc. - `illegal` - something which may be illegal in some jurisdiction - `spam` - spam @@ -40,7 +41,7 @@ further qualification and querying. Example events -------------- -```json +```jsonc { "kind": 1984, "tags": [ @@ -49,9 +50,11 @@ Example events ["l", "NS-nud", "social.nos.ontology"] ], "content": "", - ... + // other fields... } +``` +```jsonc { "kind": 1984, "tags": [ @@ -59,16 +62,18 @@ Example events ["p", <pubkey>] ], "content": "He's insulting the king!", - ... + // other fields... } +``` +```jsonc { "kind": 1984, "tags": [ ["p", <impersonator pubkey>, "impersonation"] ], "content": "Profile is impersonating nostr:<victim bech32 pubkey>", - ... + // other fields... } ``` diff --git a/57.md b/57.md index 6d89620..3f55e57 100644 --- a/57.md +++ b/57.md @@ -36,7 +36,7 @@ A `zap request` is an event of kind `9734` that is _not_ published to relays, bu In addition, the event MAY include the following tags: - `e` is an optional hex-encoded event id. Clients MUST include this if zapping an event rather than a person. -- `a` is an optional event coordinate that allows tipping parameterized replaceable events such as NIP-23 long-form notes. +- `a` is an optional event coordinate that allows tipping addressable events such as NIP-23 long-form notes. Example: @@ -66,7 +66,7 @@ A signed `zap request` event is not published, but is instead sent using a HTTP - `nostr` is the `9734` `zap request` event, JSON encoded then URI encoded - `lnurl` is the lnurl pay url of the recipient, encoded using bech32 with the prefix `lnurl` -This request should return a JSON response with a `pr` key, which is the invoice the sender must pay to finalize his zap. Here is an example flow in javascript: +This request should return a JSON response with a `pr` key, which is the invoice the sender must pay to finalize their zap. Here is an example flow in javascript: ```javascript const senderPubkey // The sender's pubkey @@ -131,7 +131,7 @@ The following should be true of the `zap receipt` event: - The `created_at` date SHOULD be set to the invoice `paid_at` date for idempotency. - `tags` MUST include the `p` tag (zap recipient) AND optional `e` tag from the `zap request` AND optional `a` tag from the `zap request` AND optional `P` tag from the pubkey of the zap request (zap sender). - The `zap receipt` MUST have a `bolt11` tag containing the description hash bolt11 invoice. -- The `zap receipt` MUST contain a `description` tag which is the JSON-encoded invoice description. +- The `zap receipt` MUST contain a `description` tag which is the JSON-encoded zap request. - `SHA256(description)` MUST match the description hash in the bolt11 invoice. - The `zap receipt` MAY contain a `preimage` tag to match against the payment hash of the bolt11 invoice. This isn't really a payment proof, there is no real way to prove that the invoice is real or has been paid. You are trusting the author of the `zap receipt` for the legitimacy of the payment. @@ -171,7 +171,7 @@ A client can retrieve `zap receipt`s on events and pubkeys using a NIP-01 filter When an event includes one or more `zap` tags, clients wishing to zap it SHOULD calculate the lnurl pay request based on the tags value instead of the event author's profile field. The tag's second argument is the `hex` string of the receiver's pub key and the third argument is the relay to download the receiver's metadata (Kind-0). An optional fourth parameter specifies the weight (a generalization of a percentage) assigned to the respective receiver. Clients should parse all weights, calculate a sum, and then a percentage to each receiver. If weights are not present, CLIENTS should equally divide the zap amount to all receivers. If weights are only partially present, receivers without a weight should not be zapped (`weight = 0`). -```js +```jsonc { "tags": [ [ "zap", "82341f882b6eabcd2ba7f1ef90aad961cf074af15b9ef44a09f9d2a8fbfbe6a2", "wss://nostr.oxtr.dev", "1" ], // 25% diff --git a/58.md b/58.md index d120445..eaa0fd1 100644 --- a/58.md +++ b/58.md @@ -9,11 +9,10 @@ NIP-58 3つの特別なイベントがユーザープロフィール上のバッジを定義、授与、陳列するために 用いられる。 -1. 「バッジ定義」イベントはバッジ発行者によって発行されるバッジ (例えば`bravery`) を一意に特定する値を持つ`d`タグを持つ、kind `30009`のパラメータ付き上書き可能イベントとして定義される。 - +1. 「バッジ定義」イベントはバッジ発行者によって発行されるバッジ (例えば`bravery`) を一意に特定する値を持つ`d`タグを持つ、kind `30009`のアドレス指定可能 (addressable) イベントとして定義される。 2. 「バッジ授与」イベントは、それぞれバッジ発行者が授与したい公開鍵を指す1つ以上の`p`タグと、「バッジ定義」イベントを参照する1つの`a`タグを持つkind `8`イベントである。授与されたバッジは変更したり譲渡できない。 -3. 「プロフィールバッジ」イベントはパラメータ付きで上書き可能な、 +3. 「プロフィールバッジ」イベントはアドレス指定可能 (addressable) な、 `profile_badges`値を持つ`d`タグを持つkind `30008`イベントである。 プロフィールバッジはそれぞれ「バッジ定義」と陳列したいバッジのための「バッジ授与」を参照する`a`タグと`e`タグの組の順序付きリストを含む。 @@ -74,7 +73,7 @@ NIP-58 ### バッジ定義イベントの例 -```json +```jsonc { "pubkey": "alice", "kind": 30009, @@ -85,13 +84,13 @@ NIP-58 ["image", "https://nostr.academy/awards/bravery.png", "1024x1024"], ["thumb", "https://nostr.academy/awards/bravery_256x256.png", "256x256"] ], - ... + // other fields... } ``` ### バッジ授与イベントの例 -```json +```jsonc { "id": "<badge award event id>", "kind": 8, @@ -101,14 +100,14 @@ NIP-58 ["p", "bob", "wss://relay"], ["p", "charlie", "wss://relay"] ], - ... + // other fields... } ``` ### プロフィールバッジイベントの例 Honorable Bob The Brave: -```json +```jsonc { "kind": 30008, "pubkey": "bob", @@ -119,6 +118,6 @@ Honorable Bob The Brave: ["a", "30009:alice:honor"], ["e", "<honor badge award event id>", "wss://nostr.academy"] ], - ... + // other fields... } ``` diff --git a/59.md b/59.md index 7eff2b8..9bb5845 100644 --- a/59.md +++ b/59.md @@ -41,7 +41,7 @@ A `seal` is a `kind:13` event that wraps a `rumor` with the sender's regular key to a receiver's pubkey but there is no `p` tag pointing to the receiver. There is no way to know who the rumor is for without the receiver's or the sender's private key. The only public information in this event is who is signing it. -```js +```json { "id": "<id>", "pubkey": "<real author's pubkey>", @@ -60,7 +60,7 @@ Tags MUST must always be empty in a `kind:13`. The inner event MUST always be un A `gift wrap` event is a `kind:1059` event that wraps any other event. `tags` SHOULD include any information needed to route the event to its intended recipient, including the recipient's `p` tag or [NIP-13](13.md) proof of work. -```js +```json { "id": "<id>", "pubkey": "<random, one-time-use pubkey>", @@ -155,7 +155,7 @@ Sign the `gift wrap` using the random key generated in the previous step. "created_at": 1703021488, "pubkey": "18b1a75918f1f2c90c23da616bce317d36e348bcf5f7ba55e75949319210c87c", "id": "5c005f3ccf01950aa8d131203248544fb1e41a0d698e846bd419cec3890903ac", - "sig": "35fabdae4634eb630880a1896a886e40fd6ea8a60958e30b89b33a93e6235df750097b04f9e13053764251b8bc5dd7e8e0794a3426a90b6bcc7e5ff660f54259" + "sig": "35fabdae4634eb630880a1896a886e40fd6ea8a60958e30b89b33a93e6235df750097b04f9e13053764251b8bc5dd7e8e0794a3426a90b6bcc7e5ff660f54259", "tags": [["p", "166bf3765ebd1fc55decfe395beff2ea3b2a4e0a8946e7eb578512b555737c99"]], } ``` @@ -245,7 +245,7 @@ const rumor = createRumor( const seal = createSeal(rumor, senderPrivateKey, recipientPublicKey) const wrap = createWrap(seal, recipientPublicKey) -// Recipient unwraps with his/her private key. +// Recipient unwraps with their private key. const unwrappedSeal = nip44Decrypt(wrap, recipientPrivateKey) const unsealedRumor = nip44Decrypt(unwrappedSeal, recipientPrivateKey) diff --git a/60.md b/60.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000..64cd282 --- /dev/null +++ b/60.md @@ -0,0 +1,205 @@ +# NIP-60 +## Cashu Wallet +`draft` `optional` + +This NIP defines the operations of a cashu-based wallet. + +A cashu wallet is a wallet which information is stored in relays to make it accessible across applications. + +The purpose of this NIP is: +* ease-of-use: new users immediately are able to receive funds without creating accounts with other services. +* interoperability: users' wallets follows them across applications. + +This NIP doesn't deal with users' *receiving* money from someone else, it's just to keep state of the user's wallet. + +# High-level flow +1. A user has a `kind:37375` event that represents a wallet. +2. A user has `kind:7375` events that represent the unspent proofs of the wallet. -- The proofs are encrypted with the user's private key. +3. A user has `kind:7376` events that represent the spending history of the wallet -- This history is for informational purposes only and is completely optional. + +## Wallet Event +```jsonc +{ + "kind": 37375, + "content": nip44_encrypt([ + [ "balance", "100", "sat" ], + [ "privkey", "hexkey" ] // explained in NIP-61 + ]), + "tags": [ + [ "d", "my-wallet" ], + [ "mint", "https://mint1" ], + [ "mint", "https://mint2" ], + [ "mint", "https://mint3" ], + [ "name", "my shitposting wallet" ], + [ "unit", "sat" ], + [ "description", "a wallet for my day-to-day shitposting" ], + [ "relay", "wss://relay1" ], + [ "relay", "wss://relay2" ], + ] +} +``` + +The wallet event is a parameterized replaceable event `kind:37375`. + +Tags: +* `d` - wallet ID. +* `mint` - Mint(s) this wallet uses -- there MUST be one or more mint tags. +* `relay` - Relays where the wallet and related events can be found. -- one ore more relays SHOULD be specified. If missing, clients should follow [[NIP-65]]. +* `unit` - Base unit of the wallet (e.g. "sat", "usd", etc). +* `name` - Optional human-readable name for the wallet. +* `description` - Optional human-readable description of the wallet. +* `balance` - Optional best-effort balance of the wallet that can serve as a placeholder while an accurate balance is computed from fetching all unspent proofs. +* `privkey` - Private key used to unlock P2PK ecash. MUST be stored encrypted in the `.content` field. **This is a different private key exclusively used for the wallet, not associated in any way to the user's nostr private key** -- This is only used when receiving funds from others, described in NIP-61. + +Any tag, other than the `d` tag, can be [[NIP-44]] encrypted into the `.content` field. + +### Deleting a wallet event +Due to PRE being hard to delete, if a user wants to delete a wallet, they should empty the event and keep just the `d` identifier and add a `deleted` tag. + +## Token Event +Token events are used to record the unspent proofs that come from the mint. + +There can be multiple `kind:7375` events for the same mint, and multiple proofs inside each `kind:7375` event. + +```jsonc +{ + "kind": 7375, + "content": nip44_encrypt({ + "mint": "https://stablenut.umint.cash", + "proofs": [ + { + "id": "005c2502034d4f12", + "amount": 1, + "secret": "z+zyxAVLRqN9lEjxuNPSyRJzEstbl69Jc1vtimvtkPg=", + "C": "0241d98a8197ef238a192d47edf191a9de78b657308937b4f7dd0aa53beae72c46" + } + ] + }), + "tags": [ + [ "a", "37375:<pubkey>:my-wallet" ] + ] +} +``` + +`.content` is a [[NIP-44]] encrypted payload storing the mint and the unencoded proofs. +* `a` an optional tag linking the token to a specific wallet. + +### Spending proofs +When one or more proofs of a token are spent, the token event should be [[NIP-09]]-deleted and, if some proofs are unspent from the same token event, a new token event should be created rolling over the unspent proofs and adding any change outputs to the new token event. + +## Spending History Event +Clients SHOULD publish `kind:7376` events to create a transaction history when their balance changes. + +```jsonc +{ + "kind": 7376, + "content": nip44_encrypt([ + [ "direction", "in" ], // in = received, out = sent + [ "amount", "1", "sat" ], + [ "e", "<event-id-of-spent-token>", "<relay-hint>", "created" ], + ]), + "tags": [ + [ "a", "37375:<pubkey>:my-wallet" ], + ] +} +``` + +* `direction` - The direction of the transaction; `in` for received funds, `out` for sent funds. +* `a` - The wallet the transaction is related to. + +Clients MUST add `e` tags to create references of destroyed and created token events along with the marker of the meaning of the tag: +* `created` - A new token event was created. +* `destroyed` - A token event was destroyed. +* `redeemed` - A [[NIP-61]] nutzap was redeemed. + +All tags can be [[NIP-44]] encrypted. Clients SHOULD leave `e` tags with a `redeemed` marker unencrypted. + +Multiple `e` tags can be added to a `kind:7376` event. + +# Flow +A client that wants to check for user's wallets information starts by fetching `kind:10019` events from the user's relays, if no event is found, it should fall back to using the user's [[NIP-65]] relays. + +## Fetch wallet and token list +From those relays, the client should fetch wallet and token events. + +`"kinds": [37375, 7375], "authors": ["<my-pubkey>"]` + +## Fetch proofs +While the client is fetching (and perhaps validating) proofs it can use the optional `balance` tag of the wallet event to display a estimate of the balance of the wallet. + +## Spending token +If Alice spends 4 sats from this token event +```jsonconc +{ + "kind": 7375, + "id": "event-id-1", + "content": nip44_encrypt({ + "mint": "https://stablenut.umint.cash", + "proofs": [ + { "id": "1", "amount": 1 }, + { "id": "2", "amount": 2 }, + { "id": "3", "amount": 4 }, + { "id": "4", "amount": 8 }, + ] + }), + "tags": [ + [ "a", "37375:<pubkey>:my-wallet" ] + ] +} +``` + +Her client: +* MUST roll over the unspent proofs: +```jsonconc +{ + "kind": 7375, + "id": "event-id-2", + "content": nip44_encrypt({ + "mint": "https://stablenut.umint.cash", + "proofs": [ + { "id": "1", "amount": 1 }, + { "id": "2", "amount": 2 }, + { "id": "4", "amount": 8 }, + ] + }), + "tags": [ + [ "a", "37375:<pubkey>:my-wallet" ] + ] +} +``` +* MUST delete event `event-id-1` +* SHOULD create a `kind:7376` event to record the spend +```jsonconc +{ + "kind": 7376, + "content": nip44_encrypt([ + [ "direction", "out" ], + [ "amount", "4", "sats" ], + [ "e", "<event-id-1>", "<relay-hint>", "destroyed" ], + [ "e", "<event-id-2>", "<relay-hint>", "created" ], + ]), + "tags": [ + [ "a", "37375:<pubkey>:my-wallet" ], + ] +} +``` + +## Redeeming a quote (optional) +When creating a quote at a mint, an event can be used to keep the state of the quote ID, which will be used to check when the quote has been paid. These events should be created with an expiration tag [[NIP-40]] matching the expiration of the bolt11 received from the mint; this signals to relays when they can safely discard these events. + +Application developers are encouraged to use local state when possible and only publish this event when it makes sense in the context of their application. + +```jsonc +{ + "kind": 7374, + "content": nip44_encrypt("quote-id"), + "tags": [ + [ "expiration", "<expiration-timestamp>" ], + [ "mint", "<mint-url>" ], + [ "a", "37375:<pubkey>:my-wallet" ] + ] +} +``` + +## Appendix 1: Validating proofs +Clients can optionally validate proofs to make sure they are not working from an old state; this logic is left up to particular implementations to decide when and why to do it, but if some proofs are checked and deemed to have been spent, the client should delete the token and roll over any unspent proof. diff --git a/61.md b/61.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000..33442a3 --- /dev/null +++ b/61.md @@ -0,0 +1,132 @@ +# NIP-61: +## Nut Zaps + +A Nut Zap is a P2PK cashu token where the payment itself is the receipt. + +# High-level flow +Alice wants to nutzap 1 sat to Bob because of an event `event-id-1` she liked. + +## Alice nutzaps Bob +1. Alice fetches event `kind:10019` from Bob to see the mints Bob trusts. +2. She mints a token at that mint (or swaps some tokens she already had in that mint) p2pk-locked to the pubkey Bob has listed in his `kind:10019`. +3. She publishes a `kind:9321` event to the relays Bob indicated with the proofs she minted. + +## Bob receives the nutzap +1. At some point, Bob's client fetches `kind:9321` events p-tagging him from his relays. +2. Bob's client swaps the token into his wallet. + +# Nutzap informational event +```jsonc +{ + "kind": 10019, + "tags": [ + [ "relay", "wss://relay1" ], + [ "relay", "wss://relay2" ], + [ "mint", "https://mint1", "usd", "sat" ], + [ "mint", "https://mint2", "sat" ], + [ "pubkey", "<p2pk-pubkey>" ] + ] +} +``` + +`kind:10019` is an event that is useful for others to know how to send money to the user. + +* `relay` - Relays where the user will be reading token events from. If a user wants to send money to the user, they should write to these relays. +* `mint` - Mints the user is explicitly agreeing to use to receive funds on. Clients SHOULD not send money on mints not listed here or risk burning their money. Additional markers can be used to list the supported base units of the mint. +* `pubkey` - Pubkey that SHOULD be used to P2PK-lock receiving nutzaps. If not present, clients SHOULD use the pubkey of the recipient. This is explained in Appendix 1. + +## Nutzap event +Event `kind:9321` is a nutzap event published by the sender, p-tagging the recipient. The outputs are P2PK-locked to the pubkey the recipient indicated in their `kind:10019` event or to the recipient pubkey if the `kind:10019` event doesn't have a explicit pubkey. + +Clients MUST prefix the pubkey they p2pk-lock with `"02"` (for nostr<>cashu pubkey compatibility). + +```jsonc +{ + kind: 9321, + content: "Thanks for this great idea.", + pubkey: "sender-pubkey", + tags: [ + [ "amount", "1" ], + [ "unit", "sat" ], + [ "proof", "{\"amount\":1,\"C\":\"02277c66191736eb72fce9d975d08e3191f8f96afb73ab1eec37e4465683066d3f\",\"id\":\"000a93d6f8a1d2c4\",\"secret\":\"[\\\"P2PK\\\",{\\\"nonce\\\":\\\"b00bdd0467b0090a25bdf2d2f0d45ac4e355c482c1418350f273a04fedaaee83\\\",\\\"data\\\":\\\"02eaee8939e3565e48cc62967e2fde9d8e2a4b3ec0081f29eceff5c64ef10ac1ed\\\"}]\"}" ], + [ "u", "https://stablenut.umint.cash", ], + [ "e", "<zapped-event-id>", "<relay-hint>" ], + [ "p", "e9fbced3a42dcf551486650cc752ab354347dd413b307484e4fd1818ab53f991" ], // recipient of nut zap + ] +} +``` + +* `.content` is an optional comment for the nutzap +* `amount` is a shorthand for the combined amount of all outputs. -- Clients SHOULD validate that the sum of the amounts in the outputs matches. +* `unit` is the base unit of the amount. +* `proof` is one ore more proofs p2pk-locked to the pubkey the recipient specified in their `kind:10019` event. +* `u` is the mint the URL of the mint EXACTLY as specified by the recipient's `kind:10019`. +* `e` zero or one event that is being nutzapped. +* `p` exactly one pubkey, specifying the recipient of the nutzap. + +WIP: Clients SHOULD embed a DLEQ proof in the nutzap event to make it possible to verify nutzaps without talking to the mint. + +# Sending a nutzap + +* The sender fetches the recipient's `kind:10019`. +* The sender mints/swaps ecash on one of the recipient's listed mints. +* The sender p2pk locks to the recipient's specified pubkey in their + +# Receiving nutzaps + +Clients should REQ for nut zaps: +* Filtering with `#u` for mints they expect to receive ecash from. + * this is to prevent even interacting with mints the user hasn't explicitly signaled. +* Filtering with `since` of the most recent `kind:7376` event the same user has created. + * this can be used as a marker of the nut zaps that have already been swaped by the user -- clients might choose to use other kinds of markers, including internal state -- this is just a guidance of one possible approach. + +Clients MIGHT choose to use some kind of filtering (e.g. WoT) to ignore spam. + +`{ "kinds": [9321], "#p": "my-pubkey", "#u": [ "<mint-1>", "<mint-2>"], "since": <latest-created_at-of-kind-7376> }`. + +Upon receiving a new nut zap, the client should swap the tokens into a wallet the user controls, either a [[NIP-60]] wallet, their own LN wallet or anything else. + +## Updating nutzap-redemption history +When claiming a token the client SHOULD create a `kind:7376` event and `e` tag the original nut zap event. This is to record that this token has already been claimed (and shouldn't be attempted again) and as signaling to the recipient that the ecash has been redeemed. + +Multiple `kind:9321` events can be tagged in the same `kind:7376` event. + +```jsonc +{ + "kind": 7376, + "content": nip44_encrypt([ + [ "direction", "in" ], // in = received, out = sent + [ "amount", "1", "sat" ], + [ "e", "<7375-event-id>", "relay-hint", "created" ] // new token event that was created + ]), + "tags": [ + [ "a", "37375:<pubkey>:my-wallet" ], // an optional wallet tag + [ "e", "<9321-event-id>", "relay-hint", "redeemed" ], // nutzap event that has been redeemed + [ "p", "sender-pubkey" ] // pubkey of the author of the 9321 event (nutzap sender) + ] +} +``` + +Events that redeem a nutzap SHOULD be published to the sender's [[NIP-65]] relays. + +## Verifying a Cashu Zap +* Clients SHOULD check that the receiving user has issued a `kind:10019` tagging the mint where the cashu has been minted. +* Clients SHOULD check that the token is locked to the pubkey the user has listed in their `kind:10019`. + +## Final Considerations + +1. Clients SHOULD guide their users to use NUT-11 (P2PK) compatible-mints in their `kind:10019` event to avoid receiving nut zaps anyone can spend + +2. Clients SHOULD normalize and deduplicate mint URLs as described in NIP-65. + +3. A nut zap MUST be sent to a mint the recipient has listed in their `kind:10019` event or to the NIP-65 relays of the recipient, failure to do so may result in the recipient donating the tokens to the mint since the recipient might never see the event. + +## Appendix 1: Alternative P2PK pubkey +Clients might not have access to the user's private key (i.e. NIP-07, NIP-46 signing) and, as such, the private key to sign cashu spends might not be available, which would make spending the P2PK incoming nutzaps impossible. + +For this scenarios clients can: + +* add a `pubkey` tag to the `kind:10019` (indicating which pubkey senders should P2PK to) +* store the private key in the `kind:37375` event in the nip44-encrypted `content` field. + +This is to avoid depending on NIP-07/46 adaptations to sign cashu payloads. \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/64.md b/64.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000..616c5d6 --- /dev/null +++ b/64.md @@ -0,0 +1,146 @@ +NIP-64 +====== + +Chess (Portable Game Notation) +------------------------------ + +`draft` `optional` + +This NIP defines `kind:64` notes representing chess games in [PGN][pgn_specification] format, which can be read by humans and is also supported by most chess software. + +## Note + +### Content + +The `.content` of these notes is a string representing a [PGN-database][pgn_formal_syntax]. + +### Notes + +```jsonc +{ + "kind": 64, + "content": "1. e4 *", + // other fields... +} +``` + +```jsonc +{ + "kind": 64, + "tags": [ + ["alt", "Fischer vs. Spassky in Belgrade on 1992-11-04 (F/S Return Match, Round 29)"], + // rest of tags... + ], + "content": "[Event \"F/S Return Match\"]\n[Site \"Belgrade, Serbia JUG\"]\n[Date \"1992.11.04\"]\n[Round \"29\"]\n[White \"Fischer, Robert J.\"]\n[Black \"Spassky, Boris V.\"]\n[Result \"1/2-1/2\"]\n\n1. e4 e5 2. Nf3 Nc6 3. Bb5 {This opening is called the Ruy Lopez.} 3... a6\n4. Ba4 Nf6 5. O-O Be7 6. Re1 b5 7. Bb3 d6 8. c3 O-O 9. h3 Nb8 10. d4 Nbd7\n11. c4 c6 12. cxb5 axb5 13. Nc3 Bb7 14. Bg5 b4 15. Nb1 h6 16. Bh4 c5 17. dxe5\nNxe4 18. Bxe7 Qxe7 19. exd6 Qf6 20. Nbd2 Nxd6 21. Nc4 Nxc4 22. Bxc4 Nb6\n23. Ne5 Rae8 24. Bxf7+ Rxf7 25. Nxf7 Rxe1+ 26. Qxe1 Kxf7 27. Qe3 Qg5 28. Qxg5\nhxg5 29. b3 Ke6 30. a3 Kd6 31. axb4 cxb4 32. Ra5 Nd5 33. f3 Bc8 34. Kf2 Bf5\n35. Ra7 g6 36. Ra6+ Kc5 37. Ke1 Nf4 38. g3 Nxh3 39. Kd2 Kb5 40. Rd6 Kc5 41. Ra6\nNf2 42. g4 Bd3 43. Re6 1/2-1/2", + // other fields... +} +``` + +## Client Behavior + +Clients SHOULD display the content represented as chessboard. + +Clients SHOULD publish PGN notes in ["export format"][pgn_export_format] ("strict mode", i.e. created by machines) but expect incoming notes to be in ["import format"][pgn_import_format] ("lax mode", i.e. created by humans). + +Clients SHOULD check whether the formatting is valid and all moves comply with chess rules. + +Clients MAY include additional tags (e.g. like [`"alt"`](https://github.com/nostr-protocol/nips/blob/master/31.md)) in order to represent the note to users of non-supporting clients. + +## Relay Behavior + +Relays MAY validate PGN contents and reject invalid notes. + + +## Examples + +```pgn +// A game where nothing is known. Game still in progress, game abandoned, or result otherwise unknown. +// Maybe players died before a move has been made. +* +``` + +```pgn +1. e4 * +``` + +```pgn +[White "Fischer, Robert J."] +[Black "Spassky, Boris V."] + +1. e4 e5 2. Nf3 Nc6 3. Bb5 {This opening is called the Ruy Lopez.} * +``` + +```pgn +[Event "F/S Return Match"] +[Site "Belgrade, Serbia JUG"] +[Date "1992.11.04"] +[Round "29"] +[White "Fischer, Robert J."] +[Black "Spassky, Boris V."] +[Result "1/2-1/2"] + +1. e4 e5 2. Nf3 Nc6 3. Bb5 {This opening is called the Ruy Lopez.} 3... a6 +4. Ba4 Nf6 5. O-O Be7 6. Re1 b5 7. Bb3 d6 8. c3 O-O 9. h3 Nb8 10. d4 Nbd7 +11. c4 c6 12. cxb5 axb5 13. Nc3 Bb7 14. Bg5 b4 15. Nb1 h6 16. Bh4 c5 17. dxe5 +Nxe4 18. Bxe7 Qxe7 19. exd6 Qf6 20. Nbd2 Nxd6 21. Nc4 Nxc4 22. Bxc4 Nb6 +23. Ne5 Rae8 24. Bxf7+ Rxf7 25. Nxf7 Rxe1+ 26. Qxe1 Kxf7 27. Qe3 Qg5 28. Qxg5 +hxg5 29. b3 Ke6 30. a3 Kd6 31. axb4 cxb4 32. Ra5 Nd5 33. f3 Bc8 34. Kf2 Bf5 +35. Ra7 g6 36. Ra6+ Kc5 37. Ke1 Nf4 38. g3 Nxh3 39. Kd2 Kb5 40. Rd6 Kc5 41. Ra6 +Nf2 42. g4 Bd3 43. Re6 1/2-1/2 +``` + +```pgn +[Event "Hourly HyperBullet Arena"] +[Site "https://lichess.org/wxx4GldJ"] +[Date "2017.04.01"] +[White "T_LUKE"] +[Black "decidement"] +[Result "1-0"] +[UTCDate "2017.04.01"] +[UTCTime "11:56:14"] +[WhiteElo "2047"] +[BlackElo "1984"] +[WhiteRatingDiff "+10"] +[BlackRatingDiff "-7"] +[Variant "Standard"] +[TimeControl "30+0"] +[ECO "B00"] +[Termination "Abandoned"] + +1. e4 1-0 + + +[Event "Hourly HyperBullet Arena"] +[Site "https://lichess.org/rospUdSk"] +[Date "2017.04.01"] +[White "Bastel"] +[Black "oslochess"] +[Result "1-0"] +[UTCDate "2017.04.01"] +[UTCTime "11:55:56"] +[WhiteElo "2212"] +[BlackElo "2000"] +[WhiteRatingDiff "+6"] +[BlackRatingDiff "-4"] +[Variant "Standard"] +[TimeControl "30+0"] +[ECO "A01"] +[Termination "Normal"] + +1. b3 d5 2. Bb2 c6 3. Nc3 Bf5 4. d4 Nf6 5. e3 Nbd7 6. f4 Bg6 7. Nf3 Bh5 8. Bd3 e6 9. O-O Be7 10. Qe1 O-O 11. Ne5 Bg6 12. Nxg6 hxg6 13. e4 dxe4 14. Nxe4 Nxe4 15. Bxe4 Nf6 16. c4 Bd6 17. Bc2 Qc7 18. f5 Be7 19. fxe6 fxe6 20. Qxe6+ Kh8 21. Qh3+ Kg8 22. Bxg6 Qd7 23. Qe3 Bd6 24. Bf5 Qe7 25. Be6+ Kh8 26. Qh3+ Nh7 27. Bf5 Rf6 28. Qxh7# 1-0 +``` + +## Resources +- [PGN Specification][pgn_specification]: PGN (Portable Game Notation) specification +- [PGN Specification Supplement](https://github.com/mliebelt/pgn-spec-commented/blob/main/pgn-spec-supplement.md): Addition for adding graphical elements, clock values, eval, ... +- [PGN Formal Syntax][pgn_formal_syntax] +- [PGN Seven Tag Roster][pgn_seven_tag_roster] +- [PGN Import Format][pgn_import_format] +- [PGN Export Format][pgn_export_format] +- [lichess / pgn-viewer (GitHub)](https://github.com/lichess-org/pgn-viewer): PGN viewer widget, designed to be embedded in content pages + +[pgn_specification]: https://github.com/mliebelt/pgn-spec-commented/blob/main/pgn-specification.md +[pgn_formal_syntax]: https://github.com/mliebelt/pgn-spec-commented/blob/main/pgn-specification.md#18-formal-syntax +[pgn_seven_tag_roster]: https://github.com/mliebelt/pgn-spec-commented/blob/main/pgn-specification.md#811-seven-tag-roster +[pgn_import_format]: https://github.com/mliebelt/pgn-spec-commented/blob/main/pgn-specification.md#31-import-format-allows-for-manually-prepared-data +[pgn_export_format]: https://github.com/mliebelt/pgn-spec-commented/blob/main/pgn-specification.md#32-export-format-used-for-program-generated-output diff --git a/65.md b/65.md index 8adae39..d015768 100644 --- a/65.md +++ b/65.md @@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ NIP-65 `.content`は使用しない。 -```json +```jsonc { "kind": 10002, "tags": [ @@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ NIP-65 ["r", "wss://nostr-relay.example.com", "read"] ], "content": "", - ...その他のフィールド + // その他のフィールド... } ``` @@ -62,3 +62,7 @@ NIP-65 5. リレーが[NIP-11](11.md)ドキュメントでこのNIPのサポートを告知しているならば、それはそのリレーが、料金を支払っている顧客やホワイトリストで許可されたグループに限らず、幅広いユーザからの`kind:10002`のイベントを受け入れる意思があることを意味する。 6. クライアントは、[RFC 3986](https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc3986#section-6)に従ったリレーURIの正規化によって、接続の重複を排除するべきである (SHOULD) 。 + +## 関連記事 +- [アウトボックスモデル](https://mikedilger.com/gossip-model/) +- [アウトボックスモデルって何?](https://habla.news/u/hodlbod@coracle.social/8YjqXm4SKY-TauwjOfLXS) diff --git a/69.md b/69.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000..330d6e5 --- /dev/null +++ b/69.md @@ -0,0 +1,86 @@ +# NIP-69 + +## Peer-to-peer Order events + +`draft` `optional` + +## Abstract + +Peer-to-peer (P2P) platforms have seen an upturn in recent years, while having more and more options is positive, in the specific case of p2p, having several options contributes to the liquidity split, meaning sometimes there's not enough assets available for trading. If we combine all these individual solutions into one big pool of orders, it will make them much more competitive compared to centralized systems, where a single authority controls the liquidity. + +This NIP defines a simple standard for peer-to-peer order events, which enables the creation of a big liquidity pool for all p2p platforms participating. + +## The event + +Events are [addressable events](https://github.com/nostr-protocol/nips/blob/master/01.md#kinds) and use `38383` as event kind, a p2p event look like this: + +```json +{ + "id": "84fad0d29cb3529d789faeff2033e88fe157a48e071c6a5d1619928289420e31", + "pubkey": "dbe0b1be7aafd3cfba92d7463edbd4e33b2969f61bd554d37ac56f032e13355a", + "created_at": 1702548701, + "kind": 38383, + "tags": [ + ["d", "ede61c96-4c13-4519-bf3a-dcf7f1e9d842"], + ["k", "sell"], + ["f", "VES"], + ["s", "pending"], + ["amt", "0"], + ["fa", "100"], + ["pm", "face to face", "bank transfer"], + ["premium", "1"], + [ + "rating", + "{\"total_reviews\":1,\"total_rating\":3.0,\"last_rating\":3,\"max_rate\":5,\"min_rate\":1}" + ], + ["source", "https://t.me/p2plightning/xxxxxxx"], + ["network", "mainnet"], + ["layer", "lightning"], + ["name", "Nakamoto"], + ["g", "<geohash>"], + ["bond", "0"], + ["expiration", "1719391096"], + ["y", "lnp2pbot"], + ["z", "order"] + ], + "content": "", + "sig": "7e8fe1eb644f33ff51d8805c02a0e1a6d034e6234eac50ef7a7e0dac68a0414f7910366204fa8217086f90eddaa37ded71e61f736d1838e37c0b73f6a16c4af2" +} +``` + +## Tags + +- `d` < Order ID >: A unique identifier for the order. +- `k` < Order type >: `sell` or `buy`. +- `f` < Currency >: The asset being traded, using the [ISO 4217](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ISO_4217) standard. +- `s` < Status >: `pending`, `canceled`, `in-progress`, `success`. +- `amt` < Amount >: The amount of Bitcoin to be traded, the amount is defined in satoshis, if `0` means that the amount of satoshis will be obtained from a public API after the taker accepts the order. +- `fa` < Fiat amount >: The fiat amount being traded, for range orders two values are expected, the minimum and maximum amount. +- `pm` < Payment method >: The payment method used for the trade, if the order has multiple payment methods, they should be separated by a comma. +- `premium` < Premium >: The percentage of the premium the maker is willing to pay. +- `source` [Source]: The source of the order, it can be a URL that redirects to the order. +- `rating` [Rating]: The rating of the maker, this document does not define how the rating is calculated, it's up to the platform to define it. +- `network` < Network >: The network used for the trade, it can be `mainnet`, `testnet`, `signet`, etc. +- `layer` < Layer >: The layer used for the trade, it can be `onchain`, `lightning`, `liquid`, etc. +- `name` [Name]: The name of the maker. +- `g` [Geohash]: The geohash of the operation, it can be useful in a face to face trade. +- `bond` [Bond]: The bond amount, the bond is a security deposit that both parties must pay. +- `expiration` < Expiration\>: The expiration date of the order ([NIP-40](https://github.com/nostr-protocol/nips/blob/master/40.md)). +- `y` < Platform >: The platform that created the order. +- `z` < Document >: `order`. + +Mandatory tags are enclosed with `<tag>`, optional tags are enclosed with `[tag]`. + +## Implementations + +Currently implemented on the following platforms: + +- [Mostro](https://github.com/MostroP2P/mostro) +- [@lnp2pBot](https://github.com/lnp2pBot/bot) +- [Robosats](https://github.com/RoboSats/robosats/pull/1362) + +## References + +- [Mostro protocol specification](https://mostro.network/protocol/) +- [Messages specification for peer 2 peer NIP proposal](https://github.com/nostr-protocol/nips/blob/8250274a22f4882f621510df0054fd6167c10c9e/31001.md) +- [n3xB](https://github.com/nobu-maeda/n3xb) diff --git a/70.md b/70.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000..043d5fb --- /dev/null +++ b/70.md @@ -0,0 +1,45 @@ +NIP-70 +====== + +Protected Events +---------------- + +`draft` `optional` + +When the `"-"` tag is present, that means the event is "protected". + +A protected event is an event that can only be published to relays by its author. This is achieved by relays ensuring that the author is [authenticated](42.md) before publishing their own events or by just rejecting events with `["-"]` outright. + +The default behavior of a relay MUST be to reject any event that contains `["-"]`. + +Relays that want to accept such events MUST first require that the client perform the [NIP-42](42.md) `AUTH` flow and then check if the authenticated client has the same pubkey as the event being published and only accept the event in that case. + +## The tag + +The tag is a simple tag with a single item: `["-"]`. It may be added to any event. + +## Example flow + +- User `79be667ef9dcbbac55a06295ce870b07029bfcdb2dce28d959f2815b16f81798` connects to relay `wss://example.com`: + +```jsonc +/* client: */ +["EVENT",{"id":"cb8feca582979d91fe90455867b34dbf4d65e4b86e86b3c68c368ca9f9eef6f2","pubkey":"79be667ef9dcbbac55a06295ce870b07029bfcdb2dce28d959f2815b16f81798","created_at":1707409439,"kind":1,"tags":[["-"]],"content":"hello members of the secret group","sig":"fa163f5cfb75d77d9b6269011872ee22b34fb48d23251e9879bb1e4ccbdd8aaaf4b6dc5f5084a65ef42c52fbcde8f3178bac3ba207de827ec513a6aa39fa684c"}] +/* relay: */ +["AUTH", "<challenge>"] +["OK", "cb8feca582979d91fe90455867b34dbf4d65e4b86e86b3c68c368ca9f9eef6f2", false, "auth-required: this event may only be published by its author"] +/* client: */ +["AUTH", {}] +["EVENT",{"id":"cb8feca582979d91fe90455867b34dbf4d65e4b86e86b3c68c368ca9f9eef6f2","pubkey":"79be667ef9dcbbac55a06295ce870b07029bfcdb2dce28d959f2815b16f81798","created_at":1707409439,"kind":1,"tags":[["-"]],"content":"hello members of the secret group","sig":"fa163f5cfb75d77d9b6269011872ee22b34fb48d23251e9879bb1e4ccbdd8aaaf4b6dc5f5084a65ef42c52fbcde8f3178bac3ba207de827ec513a6aa39fa684c"}] +["OK", "cb8feca582979d91fe90455867b34dbf4d65e4b86e86b3c68c368ca9f9eef6f2", true, ""] +``` + +## Why + +There are multiple circumstances in which it would be beneficial to prevent the unlimited spreading of an event through all relays imaginable and restrict some to only a certain demographic or to a semi-closed community relay. Even when the information is public it may make sense to keep it compartimentalized across different relays. + +It's also possible to create closed access feeds with this when the publisher has some relationship with the relay and trusts the relay to not release their published events to anyone. + +Even though it's ultimately impossible to restrict the spread of information on the internet (for example, one of the members of the closed group may want to take an event intended to be restricted and republish it to other relays), most relays would be happy to not facilitate the acts of these so-called "pirates", in respect to the original decision of the author and therefore gladly reject these republish acts if given the means to. + +This NIP gives these authors and relays the means to clearly signal when a given event is not intended to be republished by third parties. diff --git a/71.md b/71.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000..5edd7c6 --- /dev/null +++ b/71.md @@ -0,0 +1,129 @@ +NIP-71 +====== + +Video Events +------------ + +`draft` `optional` + +This specification defines video events representing a dedicated post of externally hosted content. These video events are _addressable_ and delete-requestable per [NIP-09](09.md). + +Unlike a `kind 1` event with a video attached, Video Events are meant to contain all additional metadata concerning the subject media and to be surfaced in video-specific clients rather than general micro-blogging clients. The thought is for events of this kind to be referenced in a Netflix, YouTube, or TikTok like nostr client where the video itself is at the center of the experience. + +## Video Events + +There are two types of video events represented by different kinds: horizontal and vertical video events. This is meant to allow clients to cater to each as the viewing experience for horizontal (landscape) videos is often different than that of vertical (portrait) videos (Stories, Reels, Shorts, etc). + +#### Format + +The format uses an _addressable event_ kind `34235` for horizontal videos and `34236` for vertical videos. + +The `.content` of these events is a summary or description on the video content. + +The primary source of video information is the `imeta` tags which is defined in [NIP-92](92.md) + +Each `imeta` tag can be used to specify a variant of the video by the `dim` & `m` properties. + +Example: +```json +[ + ["imeta", + "dim 1920x1080", + "url https://myvideo.com/1080/12345.mp4", + "x 3093509d1e0bc604ff60cb9286f4cd7c781553bc8991937befaacfdc28ec5cdc", + "m video/mp4", + "image https://myvideo.com/1080/12345.jpg", + "image https://myotherserver.com/1080/12345.jpg", + "fallback https://myotherserver.com/1080/12345.mp4", + "fallback https://andanotherserver.com/1080/12345.mp4", + "service nip96", + ], + ["imeta", + "dim 1280x720", + "url https://myvideo.com/720/12345.mp4", + "x e1d4f808dae475ed32fb23ce52ef8ac82e3cc760702fca10d62d382d2da3697d", + "m video/mp4", + "image https://myvideo.com/720/12345.jpg", + "image https://myotherserver.com/720/12345.jpg", + "fallback https://myotherserver.com/720/12345.mp4", + "fallback https://andanotherserver.com/720/12345.mp4", + "service nip96", + ], + ["imeta", + "dim 1280x720", + "url https://myvideo.com/720/12345.m3u8", + "x 704e720af2697f5d6a198ad377789d462054b6e8d790f8a3903afbc1e044014f", + "m application/x-mpegURL", + "image https://myvideo.com/720/12345.jpg", + "image https://myotherserver.com/720/12345.jpg", + "fallback https://myotherserver.com/720/12345.m3u8", + "fallback https://andanotherserver.com/720/12345.m3u8", + "service nip96", + ], +] +``` + +Where `url` is the primary server url and `fallback` are other servers hosting the same file, both `url` and `fallback` should be weighted equally and clients are recommended to use any of the provided video urls. + +The `image` tag contains a preview image (at the same resolution). Multiple `image` tags may be used to specify fallback copies in the same way `fallback` is used for `url`. + +Additionally `service nip96` may be included to allow clients to search the authors NIP-96 server list to find the file using the hash. + +### Other tags: +* `title` (required) title of the video +* `published_at`, for the timestamp in unix seconds (stringified) of the first time the video was published +* `duration` (optional) video duration in seconds +* `text-track` (optional, repeated) link to WebVTT file for video, type of supplementary information (captions/subtitles/chapters/metadata), optional language code +* `content-warning` (optional) warning about content of NSFW video +* `alt` (optional) description for accessibility +* `segment` (optional, repeated) start timestamp in format `HH:MM:SS.sss`, end timestamp in format `HH:MM:SS.sss`, chapter/segment title, chapter thumbnail-url +* `t` (optional, repeated) hashtag to categorize video +* `p` (optional, repeated) 32-bytes hex pubkey of a participant in the video, optional recommended relay URL +* `r` (optional, repeated) references / links to web pages + +```jsonc +{ + "id": <32-bytes lowercase hex-encoded SHA-256 of the the serialized event data>, + "pubkey": <32-bytes lowercase hex-encoded public key of the event creator>, + "created_at": <Unix timestamp in seconds>, + "kind": 34235 | 34236, + "content": "<summary / description of video>", + "tags": [ + ["d", "<UUID>"], + + ["title", "<title of video>"], + ["published_at", "<unix timestamp>"], + ["alt", <description>], + + // Video Data + ["imeta", + "dim 1920x1080", + "url https://myvideo.com/1080/12345.mp4", + "x 3093509d1e0bc604ff60cb9286f4cd7c781553bc8991937befaacfdc28ec5cdc", + "m video/mp4", + "image https://myvideo.com/1080/12345.jpg", + "image https://myotherserver.com/1080/12345.jpg", + "fallback https://myotherserver.com/1080/12345.mp4", + "fallback https://andanotherserver.com/1080/12345.mp4", + "service nip96", + ], + + ["duration", <duration of video in seconds>], + ["text-track", "<encoded `kind 6000` event>", "<recommended relay urls>"], + ["content-warning", "<reason>"], + ["segment", <start>, <end>, "<title>", "<thumbnail URL>"], + + // Participants + ["p", "<32-bytes hex of a pubkey>", "<optional recommended relay URL>"], + ["p", "<32-bytes hex of a pubkey>", "<optional recommended relay URL>"], + + // Hashtags + ["t", "<tag>"], + ["t", "<tag>"], + + // Reference links + ["r", "<url>"], + ["r", "<url>"] + ] +} +``` \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/72.md b/72.md index 4bafce0..582410a 100644 --- a/72.md +++ b/72.md @@ -6,11 +6,11 @@ Moderated Communities (Reddit Style) `draft` `optional` -The goal of this NIP is to create moderator-approved public communities around a topic. It defines the replaceable event `kind:34550` to define the community and the current list of moderators/administrators. Users that want to post into the community, simply tag any Nostr event with the community's `a` tag. Moderators issue an approval event `kind:4550` that links the community with the new post. +The goal of this NIP is to enable public communities. It defines the replaceable event `kind:34550` to define the community and the current list of moderators/administrators. Users that want to post into the community, simply tag any Nostr event with the community's `a` tag. Moderators may issue an approval event `kind:4550`. # Community Definition -`kind:34550` SHOULD include any field that helps define the community and the set of moderators. `relay` tags MAY be used to describe the preferred relay to download requests and approvals. +`Kind:34550` SHOULD include any field that helps define the community and the set of moderators. `relay` tags MAY be used to describe the preferred relay to download requests and approvals. A community definition event's `d` tag MAY double as its name, but if a `name` tag is provided, it SHOULD be displayed instead of the `d` tag. ```jsonc { @@ -18,6 +18,7 @@ The goal of this NIP is to create moderator-approved public communities around a "kind": 34550, "tags": [ ["d", "<community-d-identifier>"], + ["name", "<Community name>"], ["description", "<Community description>"], ["image", "<Community image url>", "<Width>x<Height>"], @@ -34,13 +35,13 @@ The goal of this NIP is to create moderator-approved public communities around a ["relay", "<relay where to send and receive approvals>", "approvals"], ["relay", "<relay where to post requests to and fetch approvals from>"] ], - ... + // other fields... } ``` -# New Post Request +# Posting to a community -Any Nostr event can be submitted to a community by anyone for approval. Clients MUST add the community's `a` tag to the new post event in order to be presented for the moderator's approval. +Any Nostr event can be posted to a community. Clients MUST add one or more community `a` tags, each with a recommended relay. ```jsonc { @@ -49,15 +50,19 @@ Any Nostr event can be submitted to a community by anyone for approval. Clients ["a", "34550:<community event author pubkey>:<community-d-identifier>", "<optional-relay-url>"], ], "content": "hello world", - // ... + // other fields... } ``` -Community management clients MAY filter all mentions to a given `kind:34550` event and request moderators to approve each submission. Moderators MAY delete his/her approval of a post at any time using event deletions (See [NIP-09](09.md)). +# Moderation -# Post Approval by moderators +Anyone may issue an approval event to express their opinion that a post is appropriate for a community. Clients MAY choose which approval events to honor, but SHOULD at least use ones published by the group's defined moderators. -The post-approval event MUST include `a` tags of the communities the moderator is posting into (one or more), the `e` tag of the post and `p` tag of the author of the post (for approval notifications). The event SHOULD also include the stringified `post request` event inside the `.content` ([NIP-18-style](18.md)) and a `k` tag with the original post's event kind to allow filtering of approved posts by kind. +An approval event MUST include one or more community `a` tags, an `e` or `a` tag pointing to the post, and the `p` tag of the author of the post (for approval notifications). `a` tag prefixes can be used to disambiguate between community and replaceable event pointers (community `a` tags always begin with `34550`). + +The event SHOULD also include the JSON-stringified `post request` event inside the `.content`, and a `k` tag with the original post's event kind to allow filtering of approved posts by kind. + +Moderators MAY request deletion of their approval of a post at any time using [NIP-09 event deletion requests](09.md). ```jsonc { @@ -70,32 +75,22 @@ The post-approval event MUST include `a` tags of the communities the moderator i ["k", "<post-request-kind>"] ], "content": "<the full approved event, JSON-encoded>", - // ... + // other fields... } ``` It's recommended that multiple moderators approve posts to avoid deleting them from the community when a moderator is removed from the owner's list. In case the full list of moderators must be rotated, the new moderator set must sign new approvals for posts in the past or the community will restart. The owner can also periodically copy and re-sign of each moderator's approval events to make sure posts don't disappear with moderators. -Post Approvals of replaceable events can be created in three ways: (i) by tagging the replaceable event as an `e` tag if moderators want to approve each individual change to the repleceable event; (ii) by tagging the replaceable event as an `a` tag if the moderator authorizes the replaceable event author to make changes without additional approvals and (iii) by tagging the replaceable event with both its `e` and `a` tag which empowers clients to display the original and updated versions of the event, with appropriate remarks in the UI. Since relays are instructed to delete old versions of a replaceable event, the `.content` of an `e`-approval MUST have the specific version of the event or Clients might not be able to find that version of the content anywhere. +Approvals of replaceable events can be created in three ways: -Clients SHOULD evaluate any non-`34550:*` `a` tag as posts to be included in all `34550:*` `a` tags. +1. By tagging the replaceable event as an `e` tag if moderators want to approve each individual change to the replaceable event +2. By tagging the replaceable event as an `a` tag if the moderator authorizes the replaceable event author to make changes without additional approvals and +3. By tagging the replaceable event with both its `e` and `a` tag which empowers clients to display the original and updated versions of the event, with appropriate remarks in the UI. -# Displaying +Since relays are instructed to delete old versions of a replaceable event, the `content` of an approval using an `e` tag MUST have the specific version of the event or clients might not be able to find that version of the content anywhere. -Community clients SHOULD display posts that have been approved by at least 1 moderator or by the community owner. +Clients SHOULD evaluate any non-`34550:*` `a` tag as posts to be approved for all `34550:*` `a` tags. -The following filter displays the approved posts. - -```json -[ - "REQ", - "_", - { - "authors": ["<owner-pubkey>", "<moderator1-pubkey>", "<moderator2-pubkey>", "<moderator3-pubkey>", ...], - "kinds": [4550], - "#a": ["34550:<Community event author pubkey>:<d-identifier of the community>"], - } -] -``` +# Cross-posting -Clients MAY hide approvals by blocked moderators at the user's request. +Clients MAY support cross-posting between communities by posting a NIP 18 `kind 6` or `kind 16` repost to one or more communities using `a` tags as described above. The `content` of the repost MUST be the original event, not the approval event. diff --git a/73.md b/73.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000..afed8d1 --- /dev/null +++ b/73.md @@ -0,0 +1,60 @@ +NIP-73 +====== + +External Content IDs +-------------------- + +`draft` `optional` + +There are certain established global content identifiers such as [Book ISBNs](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ISBN), [Podcast GUIDs](https://podcastnamespace.org/tag/guid), and [Movie ISANs](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/International_Standard_Audiovisual_Number) that are useful to reference in nostr events so that clients can query all the events assosiated with these ids. + + +`i` tags are used for referencing these external content ids, with `k` tags representing the external content id kind so that clients can query all the events for a specific kind. + +## Supported IDs + +| Type | `i` tag | `k` tag | +|- | - | - | +| URLs | "`<URL, normalized, no fragment>`" | "`<scheme-host, normalized>`" | +| Hashtags | "#`<topic, lowercase>`" | "#" | +| Geohashes| "geo:`<geohash, lowercase>`" | "geo" | +| Books | "isbn:`<id, without hyphens>`" | "isbn" | +| Podcast Feeds | "podcast:guid:`<guid>`" | "podcast:guid" | +| Podcast Episodes | "podcast:item:guid:`<guid>`" | "podcast:item:guid" | +| Podcast Publishers | "podcast:publisher:guid:`<guid>`" | "podcast:publisher:guid" | +| Movies | "isan:`<id, without version part>`" | "isan" | +| Papers | "doi:`<id, lowercase>`" | "doi" | + +--- + +## Examples + +### Books: + +- Book ISBN: `["i", "isbn:9780765382030"]` - https://isbnsearch.org/isbn/9780765382030 + +Book ISBNs MUST be referenced _**without hyphens**_ as many book search APIs return the ISBNs without hyphens. Removing hypens from ISBNs is trivial, whereas adding the hyphens back in is non-trivial requiring a library. + +### Podcasts: + +- Podcast RSS Feed GUID: `["i", "podcast:guid:c90e609a-df1e-596a-bd5e-57bcc8aad6cc"]` - https://podcastindex.org/podcast/c90e609a-df1e-596a-bd5e-57bcc8aad6cc +- Podcast RSS Item GUID: `["i", "podcast:item:guid:d98d189b-dc7b-45b1-8720-d4b98690f31f"]` +- Podcast RSS Publisher GUID: `["i", "podcast:publisher:guid:18bcbf10-6701-4ffb-b255-bc057390d738"]` + +### Movies: + +- Movie ISAN: `["i", "isan:0000-0000-401A-0000-7"]` - https://web.isan.org/public/en/isan/0000-0000-401A-0000-7 + +Movie ISANs SHOULD be referenced _**without the version part**_ as the versions / edits of movies are not relevant. More info on ISAN parts here - https://support.isan.org/hc/en-us/articles/360002783131-Records-relations-and-hierarchies-in-the-ISAN-Registry + +--- + +### Optional URL Hints + +Each `i` tag MAY have a url hint as the second argument to redirect people to a website if the client isn't opinionated about how to interpret the id: + +`["i", "podcast:item:guid:d98d189b-dc7b-45b1-8720-d4b98690f31f", https://fountain.fm/episode/z1y9TMQRuqXl2awyrQxg]` + +`["i", "isan:0000-0000-401A-0000-7", https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0120737]` + + diff --git a/75.md b/75.md index c16436a..ad933d5 100644 --- a/75.md +++ b/75.md @@ -21,15 +21,16 @@ The following tags are defined as REQUIRED. Example event: -```json +```jsonc { "kind": 9041, "tags": [ - ["relays", "wss://alicerelay.example.com", "wss://bobrelay.example.com", ...], + ["relays", "wss://alicerelay.example.com", "wss://bobrelay.example.com", /*...*/], ["amount", "210000"], ], "content": "Nostrasia travel expenses", - ... + // other fields... +} ``` The following tags are OPTIONAL. @@ -38,36 +39,35 @@ The following tags are OPTIONAL. - `image` - an image for the goal - `summary` - a brief description -```json +```jsonc { "kind": 9041, "tags": [ - ["relays", "wss://alicerelay.example.com", "wss://bobrelay.example.com", ...], + ["relays", "wss://alicerelay.example.com", "wss://bobrelay.example.com", /*...*/], ["amount", "210000"], ["closed_at", "<unix timestamp in seconds>"], ["image", "<image URL>"], ["summary", "<description of the goal>"], ], "content": "Nostrasia travel expenses", - ... + // other fields... } ``` -The goal MAY include an `r` or `a` tag linking to a URL or parameterized replaceable event. +The goal MAY include an `r` or `a` tag linking to a URL or addressable event. The goal MAY include multiple beneficiary pubkeys by specifying [`zap` tags](57.md#appendix-g-zap-tag-on-other-events). -Parameterized replaceable events can link to a goal by using a `goal` tag specifying the event id and an optional relay hint. +Addressable events can link to a goal by using a `goal` tag specifying the event id and an optional relay hint. -```json +```jsonc { - ... "kind": 3xxxx, "tags": [ - ... ["goal", "<event id>", "<Relay URL (optional)>"], + // rest of tags... ], - ... + // other fields... } ``` @@ -77,7 +77,7 @@ Clients MAY display funding goals on user profiles. When zapping a goal event, clients MUST include the relays in the `relays` tag of the goal event in the zap request `relays` tag. -When zapping a parameterized replaceable event with a `goal` tag, clients SHOULD tag the goal event id in the `e` tag of the zap request. +When zapping an addressable event with a `goal` tag, clients SHOULD tag the goal event id in the `e` tag of the zap request. ## Use cases diff --git a/78.md b/78.md index 0f2fada..abdd1b2 100644 --- a/78.md +++ b/78.md @@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ Even though interoperability is great, some apps do not want or do not need inte ## Nostr event -This NIP specifies the use of event kind `30078` (parameterized replaceable event) with a `d` tag containing some reference to the app name and context -- or any other arbitrary string. `content` and other `tags` can be anything or in any format. +This NIP specifies the use of event kind `30078` (an _addressable_ event) with a `d` tag containing some reference to the app name and context -- or any other arbitrary string. `content` and other `tags` can be anything or in any format. ## Some use cases diff --git a/84.md b/84.md index d5f54d4..e3063c2 100644 --- a/84.md +++ b/84.md @@ -26,14 +26,14 @@ useful when highlighting non-nostr content for which the client might be able to (e.g. prompting the user or reading a `<meta name="nostr:nprofile1..." />` tag on the document). A role MAY be included as the last value of the tag. -```json +```jsonc { "tags": [ ["p", "<pubkey-hex>", "<relay-url>", "author"], ["p", "<pubkey-hex>", "<relay-url>", "author"], ["p", "<pubkey-hex>", "<relay-url>", "editor"] ], - ... + // other fields... } ``` diff --git a/89.md b/89.md index 43d197f..24aa3c5 100644 --- a/89.md +++ b/89.md @@ -27,7 +27,7 @@ There are three actors to this workflow: ## Events ### Recommendation event -```json +```jsonc { "kind": 31989, "pubkey": <recommender-user-pubkey>, @@ -35,7 +35,8 @@ There are three actors to this workflow: ["d", <supported-event-kind>], ["a", "31990:app1-pubkey:<d-identifier>", "wss://relay1", "ios"], ["a", "31990:app2-pubkey:<d-identifier>", "wss://relay2", "web"] - ] + ], + // other fields... } ``` @@ -47,7 +48,7 @@ The second value of the tag SHOULD be a relay hint. The third value of the tag SHOULD be the platform where this recommendation might apply. ## Handler information -```json +```jsonc { "kind": 31990, "pubkey": "<application-pubkey>", @@ -59,7 +60,8 @@ The third value of the tag SHOULD be the platform where this recommendation migh ["web", "https://..../p/<bech32>", "nprofile"], ["web", "https://..../e/<bech32>"], ["ios", ".../<bech32>"] - ] + ], + // other fields... } ``` @@ -77,13 +79,13 @@ A tag without a second value in the array SHOULD be considered a generic handler # Client tag When publishing events, clients MAY include a `client` tag. Identifying the client that published the note. This tag is a tuple of `name`, `address` identifying a handler event and, a relay `hint` for finding the handler event. This has privacy implications for users, so clients SHOULD allow users to opt-out of using this tag. -```json +```jsonc { "kind": 1, "tags": [ ["client", "My Client", "31990:app1-pubkey:<d-identifier>", "wss://relay1"] ] - ... + // other fields... } ``` @@ -99,14 +101,14 @@ The client MIGHT query for the user's and the user's follows handler. ### User A recommends a `kind:31337`-handler User A might be a user of Zapstr, a `kind:31337`-centric client (tracks). Using Zapstr, user A publishes an event recommending Zapstr as a `kind:31337`-handler. -```json +```jsonc { "kind": 31989, "tags": [ ["d", "31337"], ["a", "31990:1743058db7078661b94aaf4286429d97ee5257d14a86d6bfa54cb0482b876fb0:abcd", <relay-url>, "web"] ], - ... + // other fields... } ``` @@ -115,8 +117,8 @@ User B might see in their timeline an event referring to a `kind:31337` event (e User B's client, not knowing how to handle a `kind:31337` might display the event using its `alt` tag (as described in NIP-31). When the user clicks on the event, the application queries for a handler for this `kind`: -```json -["REQ", <id>, '[{ "kinds": [31989], "#d": ["31337"], 'authors': [<user>, <users-contact-list>] }]'] +``` +["REQ", <id>, { "kinds": [31989], "#d": ["31337"], "authors": [<user>, <users-contact-list>] }] ``` User B, who follows User A, sees that `kind:31989` event and fetches the `a`-tagged event for the app and handler information. @@ -126,6 +128,6 @@ User B's client sees the application's `kind:31990` which includes the informati ### Alternative query bypassing `kind:31989` Alternatively, users might choose to query directly for `kind:31990` for an event kind. Clients SHOULD be careful doing this and use spam-prevention mechanisms or querying high-quality restricted relays to avoid directing users to malicious handlers. -```json -["REQ", <id>, '[{ "kinds": [31990], "#k": [<desired-event-kind>], 'authors': [...] }]'] +``` +["REQ", <id>, { "kinds": [31990], "#k": [<desired-event-kind>], "authors": [...] }] ``` diff --git a/90.md b/90.md index 241eb38..696ebd5 100644 --- a/90.md +++ b/90.md @@ -36,7 +36,7 @@ There are two actors in the workflow described in this NIP: ## Job request (`kind:5000-5999`) A request to process data, published by a customer. This event signals that a customer is interested in receiving the result of some kind of compute. -```json +```jsonc { "kind": 5xxx, // kind in 5000-5999 range "content": "", @@ -46,7 +46,8 @@ A request to process data, published by a customer. This event signals that a cu [ "relays", "wss://..." ], [ "bid", "<msat-amount>" ], [ "t", "bitcoin" ] - ] + ], + // other fields... } ``` @@ -81,19 +82,18 @@ If the user wants to keep the input parameters a secret, they can encrypt the `i ["param", "top-p", "0.7"], ["param", "frequency_penalty", "1"] ] - ``` This param data will be encrypted and added to the `content` field and `p` tag should be present -```json +```jsonc { "content": "BE2Y4xvS6HIY7TozIgbEl3sAHkdZoXyLRRkZv4fLPh3R7LtviLKAJM5qpkC7D6VtMbgIt4iNcMpLtpo...", "tags": [ ["p", "04f74530a6ede6b24731b976b8e78fb449ea61f40ff10e3d869a3030c4edc91f"], ["encrypted"] ], - ... + // other fields... } ``` @@ -102,7 +102,7 @@ This param data will be encrypted and added to the `content` field and `p` tag s Service providers publish job results, providing the output of the job result. They should tag the original job request event id as well as the customer's pubkey. -```json +```jsonc { "pubkey": "<service-provider pubkey>", "content": "<payload>", @@ -114,7 +114,7 @@ Service providers publish job results, providing the output of the job result. T ["p", "<customer's-pubkey>"], ["amount", "requested-payment-amount", "<optional-bolt11>"] ], - ... + // other fields... } ``` @@ -127,7 +127,7 @@ Service providers publish job results, providing the output of the job result. T If the request has encrypted params, then output should be encrypted and placed in `content` field. If the output is encrypted, then avoid including `i` tag with input-data as clear text. Add a tag encrypted to mark the output content as `encrypted` -```json +```jsonc { "pubkey": "<service-provider pubkey>", "content": "<encrypted payload>", @@ -139,7 +139,7 @@ Add a tag encrypted to mark the output content as `encrypted` ["amount", "requested-payment-amount", "<optional-bolt11>"], ["encrypted"] ], - ... + // other fields... } ``` @@ -147,7 +147,7 @@ Add a tag encrypted to mark the output content as `encrypted` Service providers can give feedback about a job back to the customer. -```json +```jsonc { "kind": 7000, "content": "<empty-or-payload>", @@ -157,13 +157,13 @@ Service providers can give feedback about a job back to the customer. ["e", "<job-request-id>", "<relay-hint>"], ["p", "<customer's-pubkey>"], ], - ... + // other fields... } ``` * `content`: Either empty or a job-result (e.g. for partial-result samples) -* `amount` tag: as defined in the [Job Result](#job-result) section. -* `status` tag: Service Providers SHOULD indicate what this feedback status refers to. [Appendix 1](#appendix-1-job-feedback-status) defines status. Extra human-readable information can be added as an extra argument. +* `amount` tag: as defined in the [Job Result](#job-result-kind6000-6999) section. +* `status` tag: Service Providers SHOULD indicate what this feedback status refers to. [Job Feedback Status](#job-feedback-status) defines status. Extra human-readable information can be added as an extra argument. * NOTE: If the input params requires input to be encrypted, then `content` field will have encrypted payload with `p` tag as key. @@ -177,7 +177,7 @@ Service providers can give feedback about a job back to the customer. | `success` | Service Provider successfully processed the job. | | `partial` | Service Provider partially processed the job. The `.content` might include a sample of the partial results. | -Any job feedback event MIGHT include results in the `.content` field, as described in the [Job Result](#job-result) section. This is useful for service providers to provide a sample of the results that have been processed so far. +Any job feedback event MIGHT include results in the `.content` field, as described in the [Job Result](#job-result-kind6000-6999) section. This is useful for service providers to provide a sample of the results that have been processed so far. # Protocol Flow @@ -199,7 +199,7 @@ Some service providers might choose to submit a `payment-required` as the first It's not up to this NIP to define how individual vending machines should choose to run their business. # Cancellation -A job request might be cancelled by publishing a `kind:5` delete request event tagging the job request event. +A job request might be canceled by publishing a `kind:5` delete request event tagging the job request event. # Appendix 1: Job chaining A Customer MAY request multiple jobs to be processed as a chain, where the output of a job is the input of another job. (e.g. podcast transcription -> summarization of the transcription). This is done by specifying as input an event id of a different job with the `job` type. @@ -211,7 +211,7 @@ This gives a higher level of flexibility to service providers (which sophisticat # Appendix 2: Service provider discoverability Service Providers MAY use NIP-89 announcements to advertise their support for job kinds: -```js +```jsonc { "kind": 31990, "pubkey": "<pubkey>", @@ -223,7 +223,7 @@ Service Providers MAY use NIP-89 announcements to advertise their support for jo ["k", "5005"], // e.g. translation ["t", "bitcoin"] // e.g. optionally advertises it specializes in bitcoin audio transcription that won't confuse "Drivechains" with "Ridechains" ], - ... + // other fields... } ``` diff --git a/94.md b/94.md index e35dfa1..021cc4c 100644 --- a/94.md +++ b/94.md @@ -26,27 +26,28 @@ This NIP specifies the use of the `1063` event type, having in `content` a descr * `summary` (optional) text excerpt * `alt` (optional) description for accessibility * `fallback` (optional) zero or more fallback file sources in case `url` fails +* `service` (optional) service type which is serving the file (eg. [NIP-96](96.md)) -```json +```jsonc { "kind": 1063, "tags": [ ["url",<string with URI of file>], ["m", <MIME type>], - ["x",<Hash SHA-256>], - ["ox",<Hash SHA-256>], + ["x", <Hash SHA-256>], + ["ox", <Hash SHA-256>], ["size", <size of file in bytes>], ["dim", <size of file in pixels>], - ["magnet",<magnet URI> ], - ["i",<torrent infohash>], + ["magnet", <magnet URI> ], + ["i", <torrent infohash>], ["blurhash", <value>], - ["thumb", <string with thumbnail URI>], - ["image", <string with preview URI>], + ["thumb", <string with thumbnail URI>, <Hash SHA-256>], + ["image", <string with preview URI>, <Hash SHA-256>], ["summary", <excerpt>], ["alt", <description>] ], "content": "<caption>", - ... + // other fields... } ``` diff --git a/96.md b/96.md index f7d901f..05c1b18 100644 --- a/96.md +++ b/96.md @@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ will not have to learn anything about nostr relays. File storage servers wishing to be accessible by nostr users should opt-in by making available an https route at `/.well-known/nostr/nip96.json` with `api_url`: -```js +```jsonc { // Required // File upload and deletion are served from this url @@ -59,7 +59,7 @@ File storage servers wishing to be accessible by nostr users should opt-in by ma "file_expiration": [14, 90], "media_transformations": { "image": [ - 'resizing' + "resizing" ] } } @@ -84,57 +84,57 @@ it must use the "api_url" field instead. See https://github.com/aljazceru/awesome-nostr#nip-96-file-storage-servers. +## Auth + +When indicated, `clients` must add an [NIP-98](98.md) `Authorization` header (**optionally** with the encoded `payload` tag set to the base64-encoded 256-bit SHA-256 hash of the file - not the hash of the whole request body). + ## Upload -A file can be uploaded one at a time to `https://your-file-server.example/custom-api-path` (route from `https://your-file-server.example/.well-known/nostr/nip96.json` "api_url" field) as `multipart/form-data` content type using `POST` method with the file object set to the `file` form data field. +`POST $api_url` as `multipart/form-data`. -`Clients` must add an [NIP-98](98.md) `Authorization` header (**optionally** with the encoded `payload` tag set to the base64-encoded 256-bit SHA-256 hash of the file - not the hash of the whole request body). -If using an html form, use an `Authorization` form data field instead. +**AUTH required** -These following **optional** form data fields MAY be used by `servers` and SHOULD be sent by `clients`: -- `expiration`: string of the UNIX timestamp in seconds. Empty string if file should be stored forever. The server isn't required to honor this; -- `size`: string of the file byte size. This is just a value the server can use to reject early if the file size exceeds the server limits; -- `alt`: (recommended) strict description text for visibility-impaired users; -- `caption`: loose description; -- `media_type`: "avatar" or "banner". Informs the server if the file will be used as an avatar or banner. If absent, the server will interpret it as a normal upload, without special treatment; -- `content_type`: mime type such as "image/jpeg". This is just a value the server can use to reject early if the mime type isn't supported. +List of form fields: +- `file`: **REQUIRED** the file to upload +- `caption`: **RECOMMENDED** loose description; +- `expiration`: UNIX timestamp in seconds. Empty string if file should be stored forever. The server isn't required to honor this. +- `size`: File byte size. This is just a value the server can use to reject early if the file size exceeds the server limits. +- `alt`: **RECOMMENDED** strict description text for visibility-impaired users. +- `media_type`: "avatar" or "banner". Informs the server if the file will be used as an avatar or banner. If absent, the server will interpret it as a normal upload, without special treatment. +- `content_type`: mime type such as "image/jpeg". This is just a value the server can use to reject early if the mime type isn't supported. +- `no_transform`: "true" asks server not to transform the file and serve the uploaded file as is, may be rejected. Others custom form data fields may be used depending on specific `server` support. The `server` isn't required to store any metadata sent by `clients`. -Note for `clients`: if using an HTML form, it is important for the `file` form field to be the **last** one, or be re-ordered right before sending or be appended as the last field of XHR2's FormData object. - The `filename` embedded in the file may not be honored by the `server`, which could internally store just the SHA-256 hash value as the file name, ignoring extra metadata. -The hash is enough to uniquely identify a file, that's why it will be used on the "download" and "delete" routes. - -The `server` MUST link the user's `pubkey` string (which is embedded in the decoded header value) as the owner of the file so to later allow them to delete the file. -Note that if a file with the same hash of a previously received file (so the same file) is uploaded by another user, the server doesn't need to store the new file. -It should just add the new user's `pubkey` to the list of the owners of the already stored file with said hash (if it wants to save space by keeping just one copy of the same file, because multiple uploads of the same file results in the same file hash). - -The `server` MAY also store the `Authorization` header/field value (decoded or not) for accountability purpose as this proves that the user with the unique pubkey did ask for the upload of the file with a specific hash. However, storing the pubkey is sufficient to establish ownership. +The hash is enough to uniquely identify a file, that's why it will be used on the `download` and `delete` routes. -The `server` MUST reject with 413 Payload Too Large if file size exceeds limits. +The `server` MUST link the user's `pubkey` string as the owner of the file so to later allow them to delete the file. -The `server` MUST reject with 400 Bad Request status if some fields are invalid. +`no_transform` can be used to replicate a file to multiple servers for redundancy, clients can use the [server list](#selecting-a-server) to find alternative servers which might contain the same file. When uploading a file and requesting `no_transform` clients should check that the hash matches in the response in order to detect if the file was modified. -The `server` MUST reply to the upload with 200 OK status if the `payload` tag value contains an already used SHA-256 hash (if file is already owned by the same pubkey) or reject the upload with 403 Forbidden status if it isn't the same of the received file. +### Response codes -The `server` MAY reject the upload with 402 Payment Required status if the user has a pending payment (Payment flow is not strictly required. Server owners decide if the storage is free or not. Monetization schemes may be added later to correlated NIPs.). - -On successful uploads the `server` MUST reply with **201 Created** HTTP status code or **202 Accepted** if a `processing_url` field is added -to the response so that the `client` can follow the processing status (see [Delayed Processing](#delayed-processing) section). +- `200 OK`: File upload exists, but is successful (Existing hash) +- `201 Created`: File upload successful (New hash) +- `202 Accepted`: File upload is awaiting processing, see [Delayed Processing](#delayed-processing) section +- `413 Payload Too Large`: File size exceeds limit +- `400 Bad Request`: Form data is invalid or not supported. +- `403 Forbidden`: User is not allowed to upload or the uploaded file hash didnt match the hash included in the `Authorization` header `payload` tag. +- `402 Payment Required`: Payment is required by the server, **this flow is undefined**. The upload response is a json object as follows: -```js +```jsonc { // "success" if successful or "error" if not - status: "success", + "status": "success", // Free text success, failure or info message - message: "Upload successful.", + "message": "Upload successful.", // Optional. See "Delayed Processing" section - processing_url: "...", + "processing_url": "...", // This uses the NIP-94 event format but DO NOT need // to fill some fields like "id", "pubkey", "created_at" and "sig" // @@ -143,9 +143,9 @@ The upload response is a json object as follows: // and, optionally, all file metadata the server wants to make available // // nip94_event field is absent if unsuccessful upload - nip94_event: { + "nip94_event": { // Required tags: "url" and "ox" - tags: [ + "tags": [ // Can be same from /.well-known/nostr/nip96.json's "download_url" field // (or "api_url" field if "download_url" is absent or empty) with appended // original file hash. @@ -166,12 +166,12 @@ The upload response is a json object as follows: // The server can but does not need to store this value. ["x", "543244319525d9d08dd69cb716a18158a249b7b3b3ec4bbde5435543acb34443"], // Optional. Recommended for helping clients to easily know file type before downloading it. - ["m", "image/png"] + ["m", "image/png"], // Optional. Recommended for helping clients to reserve an adequate UI space to show the file before downloading it. ["dim", "800x600"] // ... other optional NIP-94 tags ], - content: "" + "content": "" }, // ... other custom fields (please consider adding them to this NIP or to NIP-94 tags) } @@ -179,11 +179,13 @@ The upload response is a json object as follows: Note that if the server didn't apply any transformation to the received file, both `nip94_event.tags.*.ox` and `nip94_event.tags.*.x` fields will have the same value. The server MUST link the saved file to the SHA-256 hash of the **original** file before any server transformations (the `nip94_event.tags.*.ox` tag value). The **original** file's SHA-256 hash will be used to identify the saved file when downloading or deleting it. -`Clients` may upload the same file to one or many `servers`. +`clients` may upload the same file to one or many `servers`. After successful upload, the `client` may optionally generate and send to any set of nostr `relays` a [NIP-94](94.md) event by including the missing fields. Alternatively, instead of using NIP-94, the `client` can share or embed on a nostr note just the above url. +`clients` may also use the tags from the `nip94_event` to construct an `imeta` tag + ### Delayed Processing Sometimes the server may want to place the uploaded file in a processing queue for deferred file processing. @@ -200,12 +202,12 @@ the file processing is done. If the processing isn't done, the server should reply at the `processing_url` url with **200 OK** and the following JSON: -``` +```jsonc { // It should be "processing". If "error" it would mean the processing failed. - status: "processing", - message: "Processing. Please check again later for updated status.", - percentage: 15 // Processing percentage. An integer between 0 and 100. + "status": "processing", + "message": "Processing. Please check again later for updated status.", + "percentage": 15 // Processing percentage. An integer between 0 and 100. } ``` @@ -219,7 +221,7 @@ However, for all file actions, such as download and deletion, the **original** f ## Download -`Servers` must make available the route `https://your-file-server.example/custom-api-path/<sha256-file-hash>(.ext)` (route taken from `https://your-file-server.example/.well-known/nostr/nip96.json` "api_url" or "download_url" field) with `GET` method for file download. +`GET $api_url/<sha256-hash>(.ext)` The primary file download url informed at the upload's response field `nip94_event.tags.*.url` can be that or not (it can be any non-standard url the server wants). @@ -227,17 +229,17 @@ If not, the server still MUST also respond to downloads at the standard url mentioned on the previous paragraph, to make it possible for a client to try downloading a file on any NIP-96 compatible server by knowing just the SHA-256 file hash. -Note that the "\<sha256-file-hash\>" part is from the **original** file, **not** from the **transformed** file if the uploaded file went through any server transformation. +Note that the "\<sha256-hash\>" part is from the **original** file, **not** from the **transformed** file if the uploaded file went through any server transformation. Supporting ".ext", meaning "file extension", is required for `servers`. It is optional, although recommended, for `clients` to append it to the path. When present it may be used by `servers` to know which `Content-Type` header to send (e.g.: "Content-Type": "image/png" for ".png" extension). The file extension may be absent because the hash is the only needed string to uniquely identify a file. -Example: `https://your-file-server.example/custom-api-path/719171db19525d9d08dd69cb716a18158a249b7b3b3ec4bbdec5698dca104b7b.png` +Example: `$api_url/719171db19525d9d08dd69cb716a18158a249b7b3b3ec4bbdec5698dca104b7b.png` ### Media Transformations -`Servers` may respond to some media transformation query parameters and ignore those they don't support by serving +`servers` may respond to some media transformation query parameters and ignore those they don't support by serving the original media file without transformations. #### Image Transformations @@ -245,36 +247,75 @@ the original media file without transformations. ##### Resizing Upon upload, `servers` may create resized image variants, such as thumbnails, respecting the original aspect ratio. -`Clients` may use the `w` query parameter to request an image version with the desired pixel width. -`Servers` can then serve the variant with the closest width to the parameter value +`clients` may use the `w` query parameter to request an image version with the desired pixel width. +`servers` can then serve the variant with the closest width to the parameter value or an image variant generated on the fly. -Example: `https://your-file-server.example/custom-api-path/<sha256-file-hash>.png?w=32` +Example: `$api_url/<sha256-hash>.png?w=32` ## Deletion -`Servers` must make available the route `https://deletion.domain/deletion-path/<sha256-file-hash>(.ext)` (route taken from `https://your-file-server.example/.well-known/nostr/nip96.json` "api_url" field) with `DELETE` method for file deletion. +`DELETE $api_url/<sha256-hash>(.ext)` -Note that the "\<sha256-file-hash\>" part is from the **original** file, **not** from the **transformed** file if the uploaded file went through any server transformation. +**AUTH required** -The extension is optional as the file hash is the only needed file identification. +Note that the `/<sha256-hash>` part is from the **original** file, **not** from the **transformed** file if the uploaded file went through any server transformation. -`Clients` should send a `DELETE` request to the server deletion route in the above format. It must include a NIP-98 `Authorization` header. +The extension is optional as the file hash is the only needed file identification. -The `server` should reject deletes from users other than the original uploader. The `pubkey` encoded on the header value identifies the user. +The `server` should reject deletes from users other than the original uploader with the appropriate http response code (403 Forbidden). It should be noted that more than one user may have uploaded the same file (with the same hash). In this case, a delete must not really delete the file but just remove the user's `pubkey` from the file owners list (considering the server keeps just one copy of the same file, because multiple uploads of the same file results in the same file hash). The successful response is a 200 OK one with just basic JSON fields: +```json +{ + "status": "success", + "message": "File deleted." +} ``` + +## Listing files + +`GET $api_url?page=x&count=y` + +**AUTH required** + +Returns a list of files linked to the authenticated users pubkey. + +Example Response: + +```jsonc { - status: "success", - message: "File deleted." + "count": 1, // server page size, eg. max(1, min(server_max_page_size, arg_count)) + "total": 1, // total number of files + "page": 0, // the current page number + "files": [ + { + "tags": [ + ["ox", "719171db19525d9d08dd69cb716a18158a249b7b3b3ec4bbdec5698dca104b7b"], + ["x", "5d2899290e0e69bcd809949ee516a4a1597205390878f780c098707a7f18e3df"], + ["size", "123456"], + ["alt", "a meme that makes you laugh"], + ["expiration", "1715691139"], + // ...other metadata + ], + "content": "haha funny meme", // caption + "created_at": 1715691130 // upload timestamp + } + ] } ``` +`files` contains an array of NIP-94 events + +### Query args + +- `page` page number (`offset=page*count`) +- `count` number of items per page + ## Selecting a Server Note: HTTP File Storage Server developers may skip this section. This is meant for client developers. @@ -282,14 +323,14 @@ Note: HTTP File Storage Server developers may skip this section. This is meant f A File Server Preference event is a kind 10096 replaceable event meant to select one or more servers the user wants to upload files to. Servers are listed as `server` tags: -```js -{ - // ... +```json +{. "kind": 10096, "content": "", "tags": [ ["server", "https://file.server.one"], ["server", "https://file.server.two"] - ] + ], + // other fields... } ``` diff --git a/98.md b/98.md index ca52304..be425b2 100644 --- a/98.md +++ b/98.md @@ -55,7 +55,8 @@ Using the `Authorization` HTTP header, the `kind 27235` event MUST be `base64` e Example HTTP Authorization header: ``` -Authorization: Nostr 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 +Authorization: Nostr 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 ``` ## Reference Implementations diff --git a/99.md b/99.md index 93550d8..724ce5f 100644 --- a/99.md +++ b/99.md @@ -6,11 +6,11 @@ Classified Listings `draft` `optional` -This NIP defines `kind:30402`: a parameterized replaceable event to describe classified listings that list any arbitrary product, service, or other thing for sale or offer and includes enough structured metadata to make them useful. +This NIP defines `kind:30402`: an addressable event to describe classified listings that list any arbitrary product, service, or other thing for sale or offer and includes enough structured metadata to make them useful. -The category of classifieds includes a very broad range of physical goods, services, work opportunities, rentals, free giveaways, personals, etc. and is distinct from the more strictly structured marketplaces defined in [NIP-15](https://github.com/nostr-protocol/nips/blob/master/15.md) that often sell many units of specific products through very specific channels. +The category of classifieds includes a very broad range of physical goods, services, work opportunities, rentals, free giveaways, personals, etc. and is distinct from the more strictly structured marketplaces defined in [NIP-15](15.md) that often sell many units of specific products through very specific channels. -The structure of these events is very similar to [NIP-23](https://github.com/nostr-protocol/nips/blob/master/23.md) long-form content events. +The structure of these events is very similar to [NIP-23](23.md) long-form content events. ### Draft / Inactive Listings @@ -26,8 +26,8 @@ The `.pubkey` field of these events are treated as the party creating the listin ### Metadata -- For "tags"/"hashtags" (i.e. categories or keywords of relevance for the listing) the `"t"` event tag should be used, as per [NIP-12](https://github.com/nostr-protocol/nips/blob/master/12.md). -- For images, whether included in the markdown content or not, clients SHOULD use `image` tags as described in [NIP-58](https://github.com/nostr-protocol/nips/blob/master/58.md). This allows clients to display images in carousel format more easily. +- For "tags"/"hashtags" (i.e. categories or keywords of relevance for the listing) the `"t"` event tag should be used. +- For images, whether included in the markdown content or not, clients SHOULD use `image` tags as described in [NIP-58](58.md). This allows clients to display images in carousel format more easily. The following tags, used for structured metadata, are standardized and SHOULD be included. Other tags may be added as necessary. @@ -54,7 +54,7 @@ Other standard tags that might be useful. ## Example Event -```json +```jsonc { "kind": 30402, "created_at": 1675642635, diff --git a/BREAKING.md b/BREAKING.md index 8024814..b4bd53d 100644 --- a/BREAKING.md +++ b/BREAKING.md @@ -5,8 +5,21 @@ reverse chronological order. | Date | Commit | NIP | Change | | ----------- | --------- | -------- | ------ | +| 2024-10-15 | [1cda2dcc](https://github.com/nostr-protocol/nips/commit/1cda2dcc) | [NIP-71](71.md) | some tags were replaced with `imeta` tag | +| 2024-10-15 | [1cda2dcc](https://github.com/nostr-protocol/nips/commit/1cda2dcc) | [NIP-71](71.md) | `kind: 34237` was dropped | +| 2024-10-07 | [7bb8997b](https://github.com/nostr-protocol/nips/commit/7bb8997b) | [NIP-55](55.md) | some fields and passing data were changed | +| 2024-08-18 | [3aff37bd](https://github.com/nostr-protocol/nips/commit/3aff37bd) | [NIP-54](54.md) | content should be Asciidoc | +| 2024-07-31 | [3ea2f1a4](https://github.com/nostr-protocol/nips/commit/3ea2f1a4) | [NIP-45](45.md) | [444ad28d](https://github.com/nostr-protocol/nips/commit/444ad28d) was reverted | +| 2024-07-30 | [444ad28d](https://github.com/nostr-protocol/nips/commit/444ad28d) | [NIP-45](45.md) | NIP-45 was deprecated | +| 2024-07-26 | [ecee40df](https://github.com/nostr-protocol/nips/commit/ecee40df) | [NIP-19](19.md) | `nrelay` was deprecated | +| 2024-07-23 | [0227a2cd](https://github.com/nostr-protocol/nips/commit/0227a2cd) | [NIP-01](01.md) | events should be sorted by id after created_at | +| 2024-06-06 | [58e94b20](https://github.com/nostr-protocol/nips/commit/58e94b20) | [NIP-25](25.md) | [8073c848](https://github.com/nostr-protocol/nips/commit/8073c848) was reverted | +| 2024-06-06 | [a6dfc7b5](https://github.com/nostr-protocol/nips/commit/a6dfc7b5) | [NIP-55](55.md) | NIP number was changed | +| 2024-05-25 | [5d1d1c17](https://github.com/nostr-protocol/nips/commit/5d1d1c17) | [NIP-71](71.md) | 'aes-256-gcm' tag was removed | +| 2024-05-07 | [8073c848](https://github.com/nostr-protocol/nips/commit/8073c848) | [NIP-25](25.md) | e-tags were changed to not include entire thread | +| 2024-04-30 | [bad88262](https://github.com/nostr-protocol/nips/commit/bad88262) | [NIP-34](34.md) | 'earliest-unique-commit' tag was removed (use 'r' tag instead) | | 2024-02-25 | [4a171cb0](https://github.com/nostr-protocol/nips/commit/4a171cb0) | [NIP-18](18.md) | quote repost should use `q` tag | -| 2024-02-10 | [c6cd655c](https://github.com/nostr-protocol/nips/commit/c6cd655c) | [NIP-46](46.md) | Params were stringified | +| 2024-02-21 | [c6cd655c](https://github.com/nostr-protocol/nips/commit/c6cd655c) | [NIP-46](46.md) | Params were stringified | | 2024-02-16 | [cbec02ab](https://github.com/nostr-protocol/nips/commit/cbec02ab) | [NIP-49](49.md) | Password first normalized to NFKC | | 2024-02-15 | [afbb8dd0](https://github.com/nostr-protocol/nips/commit/afbb8dd0) | [NIP-39](39.md) | PGP identity was removed | | 2024-02-07 | [d3dad114](https://github.com/nostr-protocol/nips/commit/d3dad114) | [NIP-46](46.md) | Connection token format was changed | @@ -18,8 +31,9 @@ reverse chronological order. | 2023-12-27 | [17c67ef5](https://github.com/nostr-protocol/nips/commit/17c67ef5) | [NIP-94](94.md) | 'aes-256-gcm' tag was removed | | 2023-12-03 | [0ba45895](https://github.com/nostr-protocol/nips/commit/0ba45895) | [NIP-01](01.md) | WebSocket status code `4000` was replaced by 'CLOSED' message | | 2023-11-28 | [6de35f9e](https://github.com/nostr-protocol/nips/commit/6de35f9e) | [NIP-89](89.md) | 'client' tag value was changed | -| 2023-11-20 | [7822a8b1](https://github.com/nostr-protocol/nips/commit/7822a8b1) | [NIP-51](51.md) | `kind: 30000` and `kind: 30001` were deprecated | +| 2023-11-20 | [7822a8b1](https://github.com/nostr-protocol/nips/commit/7822a8b1) | [NIP-51](51.md) | `kind: 30000` and `kind: 30001` were deprecated | | 2023-11-11 | [cbdca1e9](https://github.com/nostr-protocol/nips/commit/cbdca1e9) | [NIP-84](84.md) | 'range' tag was removed | +| 2023-11-10 | [c945d8bd](https://github.com/nostr-protocol/nips/commit/c945d8bd) | [NIP-32](32.md) | 'l' tag annotations was removed | | 2023-11-07 | [108b7f16](https://github.com/nostr-protocol/nips/commit/108b7f16) | [NIP-01](01.md) | 'OK' message must have 4 items | | 2023-10-17 | [cf672b76](https://github.com/nostr-protocol/nips/commit/cf672b76) | [NIP-03](03.md) | 'block' tag was removed | | 2023-09-29 | [7dc6385f](https://github.com/nostr-protocol/nips/commit/7dc6385f) | [NIP-57](57.md) | optional 'a' tag was included in `zap receipt` | @@ -32,11 +46,12 @@ reverse chronological order. | 2023-08-14 | [72bb8a12](https://github.com/nostr-protocol/nips/commit/72bb8a12) | [NIP-33](33.md) | NIP-12, 16, 20 and 33 were merged into NIP-01 | | 2023-08-11 | [d87f8617](https://github.com/nostr-protocol/nips/commit/d87f8617) | [NIP-25](25.md) | empty `content` should be considered as "+" | | 2023-08-01 | [5d63b157](https://github.com/nostr-protocol/nips/commit/5d63b157) | [NIP-57](57.md) | 'zap' tag was changed | -| 2023-07-15 | [d1814405](https://github.com/nostr-protocol/nips/commit/d1814405) | [NIP-01](01.md) | `since` and `until` filters should be `since <= created_at <= until` | +| 2023-07-15 | [d1814405](https://github.com/nostr-protocol/nips/commit/d1814405) | [NIP-01](01.md) | `since` and `until` filters should be `since <= created_at <= until` | | 2023-07-12 | [a1cd2bd8](https://github.com/nostr-protocol/nips/commit/a1cd2bd8) | [NIP-25](25.md) | custom emoji was supported | | 2023-06-18 | [83cbd3e1](https://github.com/nostr-protocol/nips/commit/83cbd3e1) | [NIP-11](11.md) | 'image' was renamed to 'icon' | -| 2023-04-13 | [bf0a0da6](https://github.com/nostr-protocol/nips/commit/bf0a0da6) | [NIP-15](15.md) | different NIP was re-added as NIP-15 | +| 2023-04-13 | [bf0a0da6](https://github.com/nostr-protocol/nips/commit/bf0a0da6) | [NIP-15](15.md) | different NIP was re-added as NIP-15 | | 2023-04-09 | [fb5b7c73](https://github.com/nostr-protocol/nips/commit/fb5b7c73) | [NIP-15](15.md) | NIP-15 was merged into NIP-01 | +| 2023-03-29 | [599e1313](https://github.com/nostr-protocol/nips/commit/599e1313) | [NIP-18](18.md) | NIP-18 was bring back | | 2023-03-15 | [e1004d3d](https://github.com/nostr-protocol/nips/commit/e1004d3d) | [NIP-19](19.md) | `1: relay` was changed to optionally | Breaking changes prior to 2023-03-01 are not yet documented. @@ -45,3 +60,4 @@ Breaking changes prior to 2023-03-01 are not yet documented. - If it isn't clear that a change is breaking or not, we list it. - The date is the date it was merged, not necessarily the date of the commit. + diff --git a/README.md b/README.md index 186b8be..d247e5c 100644 --- a/README.md +++ b/README.md @@ -25,20 +25,22 @@ NIPsは、**Nostr Implementation Possibilities**の略称である。 - [NIP-01: 基本的なプロトコルフローの説明](01.md) - [NIP-02: フォローリスト](02.md) - [NIP-03: イベントに対するOpenTimestamps認証](03.md) -- [NIP-04: 暗号化されたダイレクトメッセージ](04.md) --- **非推奨**: [NIP-44](44.md)で代替されたため廃止 +- [NIP-04: 暗号化されたダイレクトメッセージ](04.md) --- **非推奨**: [NIP-17](17.md)で代替されたため廃止 - [NIP-05: Nostr鍵をDNSベースのインターネット識別子に結びつける](05.md) - [NIP-06: ニーモニックシードフレーズからの基本的な鍵導出](06.md) - [NIP-07: Webブラウザ向け`window.nostr`機能](07.md) - [NIP-08: メンションへの対応](08.md) --- **非推奨**: [NIP-27](27.md)で代替されたため廃止 -- [NIP-09: イベント(の)削除](09.md) +- [NIP-09: イベント(の)削除リクエスト](09.md) - [NIP-10: テキストイベントにおいて`e`タグおよび`p`タグを使用する際の規約](10.md) - [NIP-11: リレー情報ドキュメント](11.md) - [NIP-13: Proof of Work](13.md) - [NIP-14: テキストイベントにおける件名タグ](14.md) - [NIP-15: Nostr Marketplace (for resilient marketplaces)](15.md) +- [NIP-17: プライベートダイレクトメッセージ](17.md) - [NIP-18: リポスト](18.md) - [NIP-19: bech32でエンコードされた情報](19.md) - [NIP-21: `nostr:` URIスキーム](21.md) +- [NIP-22: コメント](22.md) - [NIP-23: 長文投稿](23.md) - [NIP-24: 追加のメタデータフィールドとタグ](24.md) - [NIP-25: リアクション](25.md) @@ -50,6 +52,7 @@ NIPsは、**Nostr Implementation Possibilities**の略称である。 - [NIP-31: 未知のイベントに対する対処法](31.md) - [NIP-32: ラベル付け](32.md) - [NIP-34: `git` のもの](34.md) +- [NIP-35: Torrents](35.md) - [NIP-36: センシティブコンテンツ / コンテンツの警告](36.md) - [NIP-38: ユーザーステータス](38.md) - [NIP-39: プロフィールにおける外部アイデンティティ](39.md) @@ -65,12 +68,18 @@ NIPsは、**Nostr Implementation Possibilities**の略称である。 - [NIP-51: リスト](51.md) - [NIP-52: カレンダーイベント](52.md) - [NIP-53: ライブアクティビティ](53.md) +- [NIP-54: Wiki](54.md) +- [NIP-55: アンドロイド署名アプリ](55.md) - [NIP-56: 通報](56.md) - [NIP-57: Lightning Zaps](57.md) - [NIP-58: バッジ](58.md) - [NIP-59: Gift Wrap](59.md) +- [NIP-60: カシューウォレット](60.md) +- [NIP-61: ナッツzaps](61.md) +- [NIP-64: チェス (PGN)](64.md) - [NIP-65: リレーリストメタデータ](65.md) - [NIP-72: Moderated Communities](72.md) +- [NIP-73: External Content IDs](73.md) - [NIP-75: Zap Goals](75.md) - [NIP-78: アプリケーション固有データ](78.md) - [NIP-84: ハイライト](84.md) @@ -83,46 +92,63 @@ NIPsは、**Nostr Implementation Possibilities**の略称である。 - [NIP-99: Classified Listings](99.md) ## Event Kinds + | kind | description | NIP | | ------------- | -------------------------- | ------------------------ | -| `0` | メタデータ | [01](01.md) | +| `0` | ユーザーメタデータ | [01](01.md) | | `1` | 短文ノート | [01](01.md) | -| `2` | 推奨リレー | 01 (deprecated) | +| `2` | 推奨リレー | 01 (非推奨) | | `3` | フォロー | [02](02.md) | | `4` | 暗号化されたダイレクトメッセージ | [04](04.md) | | `5` | 削除イベント | [09](09.md) | | `6` | リポスト | [18](18.md) | | `7` | リアクション | [25](25.md) | | `8` | バッジ・表彰 | [58](58.md) | -| `9` | Group Chat Message | [29](29.md) | -| `10` | Group Chat Threaded Reply | [29](29.md) | -| `11` | Group Thread | [29](29.md) | -| `12` | Group Thread Reply | [29](29.md) | -| `13` | Seal | [59](59.md) | +| `9` | グループチャットメッセージ | [29](29.md) | +| `10` | グループチャットスレッドリプライ | 29 (非推奨) | +| `11` | グループスレッド | [29](29.md) | +| `12` | グループスレッドリプライ | 29 (非推奨) | +| `13` | 封緘 | [59](59.md) | +| `14` | ダイレクトメッセージ | [17](17.md) | | `16` | 汎用リポスト | [18](18.md) | +| `17` | webサイトへのリアクション | [25](25.md) | `40` | チャンネル作成 | [28](28.md) | | `41` | チャンネルメタデータ | [28](28.md) | | `42` | チャンネルメッセージ | [28](28.md) | | `43` | チャンネル投稿ミュート | [28](28.md) | | `44` | チャンネルユーザミュート | [28](28.md) | +| `64` | チェス (PGN) | [64](64.md) | +| `818` | マージリクエスト | [54](54.md) | | `1021` | Bid | [15](15.md) | | `1022` | Bid confirmation | [15](15.md) | | `1040` | OpenTimestamps | [03](03.md) | | `1059` | Gift Wrap | [59](59.md) | | `1063` | ファイルメタデータ | [94](94.md) | +| `1111` | コメント | [22](22.md) | | `1311` | ライブチャットメッセージ | [53](53.md) | | `1617` | Patches | [34](34.md) | | `1621` | Issues | [34](34.md) | | `1622` | Replies | [34](34.md) | +| `1630`-`1633` | ステータス |[34](34.md) | `1971` | 問題トラッカー | [nostrocket][nostrocket] | | `1984` | 通報 | [56](56.md) | | `1985` | ラベル | [32](32.md) | +| `1986` | リレーレビュー | +| `1987` | AI埋め込み / ベクターリスト | [NKBIP-02] | +| `2003` | Torrent | [35](35.md) | +| `2004` | Torrentコメント | [35](35.md) | +| `2022` | コインジョインプール | [joinstr][joinstr] | | `4550` | コミュニティ投稿の承認 | [72](72.md) | | `5000`-`5999` | ジョブ要求 | [90](90.md) | | `6000`-`6999` | ジョブ結果 | [90](90.md) | | `7000` | ジョブフィードバック | [90](90.md) | +| `7374` | 逆カシューウォレットトークン | [60](60.md) | +| `7375` | カシューウォレットトークン | [60](60.md) | +| `7376` |カシューウォレットヒストリー | [60](60.md) | | `9000`-`9030` | Group Control Events | [29](29.md) | | `9041` | Zap Goal | [75](75.md) | +| `9321` | ナッツzap | [61](61.md) | +| `9467` | Tidal login | [Tidal-nostr] | | `9734` | Zap要求 | [57](57.md) | | `9735` | Zap | [57](57.md) | | `9802` | ハイライト | [84](84.md) | @@ -136,7 +162,10 @@ NIPsは、**Nostr Implementation Possibilities**の略称である。 | `10007` | 検索リレーリスト | [51](51.md) | | `10009` | User groups | [51](51.md), [29](29.md) | | `10015` | 興味・関心リスト | [51](51.md) | +| `10019` | ナッツザップおすすめミント | [61](61.md) | `10030` | ユーザー絵文字リスト | [51](51.md) | +| `10050` | DM受信のためのリレーリスト | [51](51.md) | +| `10063` | ユーザーサーバーリスト | [Blossom][blossom] | | `10096` | ファイルストレージサーバーリスト | [96](96.md) | | `13194` | ウォレット情報 | [47](47.md) | | `21000` | Lightning Pub RPC | [Lightning.Pub][lnpub] | @@ -144,12 +173,15 @@ NIPsは、**Nostr Implementation Possibilities**の略称である。 | `23194` | ウォレット要求 | [47](47.md) | | `23195` | ウォレット応答 | [47](47.md) | | `24133` | Nostr Connect | [46](46.md) | +| `24242` | メディアサーバーに保持されるブロブ | [Blossom][blossom] | | `27235` | HTTP認証 | [98](98.md) | | `30000` | フォローセット | [51](51.md) | | `30001` | 汎用リスト | [51](51.md) | | `30002` | リレーセット | [51](51.md) | | `30003` | ブックマークセット | [51](51.md) | | `30004` | キュレーションセット | [51](51.md) | +| `30005` | ビデオセット | [51](51.md) | +| `30007` | kindミュートセット | [51](51.md) | | `30008` | プロフィールバッジ | [58](58.md) | | `30009` | バッジ定義 | [58](58.md) | | `30015` | 興味・関心セット | [51](51.md) | @@ -160,24 +192,45 @@ NIPsは、**Nostr Implementation Possibilities**の略称である。 | `30023` | 長文投稿 | [23](23.md) | | `30024` | 長文投稿の下書き | [23](23.md) | | `30030` | 絵文字セット | [51](51.md) | +| `30040` | Modular Article Header | [NKBIP-01] | +| `30041` | Modular Article Content | [NKBIP-01] | | `30063` | Release artifact sets | [51](51.md) | | `30078` | アプリケーション固有データ | [78](78.md) | | `30311` | ライブイベント | [53](53.md) | | `30315` | ユーザーステータス | [38](38.md) | +| `30388` | Slide Set | [Corny Chat][cornychat-slideset] | | `30402` | Classified Listing | [99](99.md) | | `30403` | Draft Classified Listing | [99](99.md) | | `30617` | Repository announcements | [34](34.md) | +| `30618` | Repository state announcements | [34](34.md) | +| `30818` | Wiki article | [54](54.md) | +| `30819` | Redirects | [54](54.md) | +| `31388` | Link Set | [Corny Chat][cornychat-linkset] | +| `31890` | Feed | [NUD: Custom Feeds][NUD: Custom Feeds] | | `31922` | 日付指定のカレンダーイベント | [52](52.md) | | `31923` | 時刻指定のカレンダーイベント | [52](52.md) | | `31924` | カレンダー | [52](52.md) | | `31925` | 要返信のカレンダーイベント | [52](52.md) | | `31989` | 推奨ハンドラ | [89](89.md) | | `31990` | ハンドラ情報 | [89](89.md) | +| `34235` | Video Event | [71](71.md) | +| `34236` | Short-form Portrait Video Event | [71](71.md) | | `34550` | Community Definition | [72](72.md) | +| `37375` | Cashu Wallet Event | [60](60.md) | +| `38383` | Peer-to-peer Order events | [69](69.md) | | `39000-9` | Group metadata events | [29](29.md) | + +[NUD: Custom Feeds]: https://wikifreedia.xyz/cip-01/ [nostrocket]: https://github.com/nostrocket/NIPS/blob/main/Problems.md [lnpub]: https://github.com/shocknet/Lightning.Pub/blob/master/proto/autogenerated/client.md +[cornychat-slideset]: https://cornychat.com/datatypes#kind30388slideset +[cornychat-linkset]: https://cornychat.com/datatypes#kind31388linkset +[joinstr]: https://gitlab.com/1440000bytes/joinstr/-/blob/main/NIP.md +[NKBIP-01]: https://wikistr.com/nkbip-01 +[NKBIP-02]: https://wikistr.com/nkbip-02 +[blossom]: https://github.com/hzrd149/blossom +[Tidal-nostr]: https://wikistr.com/tidal-nostr ## メッセージ型 @@ -209,16 +262,23 @@ NIPsは、**Nostr Implementation Possibilities**の略称である。 | タグ名 | 値 | その他パラメータ | NIP | | ----------------- | ------------------------------------ | -------------------- | ------------------------------------- | -| `e` | イベントID (hex) | relay URL, marker | [01](01.md), [10](10.md) | -| `p` | 公開鍵 (hex) | relay URL, petname | [01](01.md), [02](02.md) | | `a` | coordinates to an event | relay URL | [01](01.md) | +| `A` | ルートアドレス | relay URL | [22](22.md) | | `d` | 識別子 | -- | [01](01.md) | +| `e` | イベントID (hex) | relay URL, marker | [01](01.md), [10](10.md) | +| `E` | ルートイベントID | relay URL | [22](22.md) | +| `f` | 通貨コード | -- | [69](69.md) | +| `-` | -- | -- | [70](70.md) | | `g` | ジオハッシュ | -- | [52](52.md) | -| `i` | アイデンティティ | proof | [39](39.md) | -| `k` | 種別(kind)番号 (string) | -- | [18](18.md), [25](25.md), [72](72.md) | +| `h` | グループID | -- | [29](29.md) | +| `i` | 外部アイデンティティ | proof, url hint | [35](35.md), [39](39.md) , [73](73.md) | +| `I` | ルート外部アイデンティティ | -- | [22](22.md) | +| `k` | 種別(kind) | -- | [18](18.md), [25](25.md), [72](72.md), [73](73.md) | +| `K` | ルートスコープ | -- | [22](22.md) | | `l` | ラベル, ラベル名前空間 | annotations | [32](32.md) | | `L` | ラベル名前空間 | -- | [32](32.md) | | `m` | MIME type | -- | [94](94.md) | +| `p` | 公開鍵 (hex) | relay URL, petname | [01](01.md), [02](02.md) | | `q` | イベントID (hex) | relay URL | [18](18.md) | | `r` | 参照 (URL, etc) | petname | | | `r` | リレーURL | marker | [65](65.md) | @@ -235,7 +295,13 @@ NIPsは、**Nostr Implementation Possibilities**の略称である。 | `q` | イベントID (hex) | relay URL | [18](18.md) | | `r` | 参照 (URL, etc) | petname | | | `r` | リレーURL | marker | [65](65.md) | +| `s` | ステータス | -- | [69](69.md) | | `t` | ハッシュタグ | -- | | +| `u` | url | -- | [61](61.md), [98](98.md) | +| `x` | インフォハッシュ | -- | [35](35.md) | +| `y` | プラットフォーム | -- | [69](69.md) | +| `z` | 順番 | -- | [69](69.md) | +| `-` | -- | -- | [70](70.md) | | `alt` | 概要 | -- | [31](31.md) | | `amount` | 文字列化されたミリサトシ | -- | [57](57.md) | | `bolt11` | `bolt11` invoice | -- | [57](57.md) | @@ -248,6 +314,7 @@ NIPsは、**Nostr Implementation Possibilities**の略称である。 | `emoji` | ショートコード, 画像 URL | -- | [30](30.md) | | `encrypted` | -- | -- | [90](90.md) | | `expiration` | unix timestamp (string) | -- | [40](40.md) | +| `file` | フルパス (文字列) | -- | [35](35.md) | | `goal` | イベントID (hex) | relay URL | [75](75.md) | | `image` | 画像URL   | dimensions in pixels | [23](23.md), [58](58.md) | | `imeta` | インラインメタデータ | -- | [92](92.md) | @@ -281,12 +348,14 @@ NIPsは、**Nostr Implementation Possibilities**の略称である。 | `summary` | 記事の要約 | -- | [23](23.md) | | `thumb` | バッジサムネイル | dimensions in pixels | [58](58.md) | | `title` | 記事のタイトル | -- | [23](23.md) | +| `tracker` | torrentトラッカーURL | -- | [35](35.md) | | `web` | webpage URL | -- | [34](34.md) | | `zap` | 公開鍵 (hex), リレー URL | weight | [57](57.md) | + ## NIPsの受け入れ基準 -1. (適用可能であれば)少なくとも2つのクライアントと1つのリレーが実装しているべきである。 +1. (適用可能であれば) 少なくとも2つのクライアントと1つのリレーが完全に実装しているべきである。 2. 理にかなっている必要がある。 3. 任意に実装可能であり、後方互換性を有するべきである: 実装しないことを選択したクライアントやリレーが、実装することを選択したクライアントやリレーと通信した際に動作を停止しないよう厳に注意しなければならない。 4. 同じことする方法が複数あってはならない。