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File metadata and controls

252 lines (183 loc) · 10.4 KB

Handling of Text, Lines and Symbols

Text and Lines have in common that there are a multitude of different styles, and users can add their own styles. The style of a text or line object can be determined by looking at their StyleId and/or StyleAsText properties. Each style should be exported in a different fashion.

Symbols are similar, but instead of StyleId and StyleAsText, the properties to look at are Index and Name.


All the following code examples use an api prefix. This prefix is only needed when creating handlers via extension plugin. For Sibmei internal code, this prefix must be omitted.


To handle the multitude of styles and symbols, we have a mechanism to associate Handlers with the different styles and symbols. Extension plugins can register additional Handlers to export user-defined styles and symbols, and also to change the export for built-in styles and symbols.

Handlers are tiny objects with a method HandleObject(). The line, text or symbol object is passed to this method and the method has to generate and return an MEI element. It is also responsible for inserting them in the score. This is done by calling GenerateControlEvent() for control events (which adds them to <measure>) and GenerateModifier() for modifiers (which adds them to <note>, <rest> or <chord>).


Internals: Associating BarObjects with their Handlers

A mapping Dictionary is used to find the Handler that is used to convert an object to MEI. There are three such mapping Dictionaries: LineHandlers, TextHandlers and SymbolHandlers. These dictionaries look like illustrated by the following pseudo-code:

  StyleId: {
    'line.staff.slur.down': {
      HandleObject: function ControlEventTemplateHandler(this, bobj){...},
      template: ['Slur', {endid: 'PreciseMatch'}],
  StyleAsText: {
    // A line style that is handled with a custom, non-template based
    // handler method:
    'My Line': {
      HandleObject: function HandleMyLine(this, bobj){...},
    // And another one that uses a template:
    'My template based line': {
      HandleObject: function ControlEventTemplateHandler(this, bobj){...},
      template: ['Line', {type: 'My other line'}],

For the SymbolHandlers Dictionary, the keys Index and Name are used instead of StyleId and StyleAsText.

When Sibmei finds a a line or text object, it calls HandleStyle() (and if it finds a symbol, it uses HandleSymbol()), and those methods retrieve the Handler defined from the respective Handler mapping Dictionary (if any) and execute it.

Creating and registering Handlers

For creating entries in the Handler mapping Dictionaries, the RegisterSymbolHandlers(), RegisterLineHandlers() and RegisterTextHandlers() methods are used. These functions also create the Handler objects and their HandleObject() methods.

There are two ways of registering a Handler:

Registering a template

This is the preferred way of registering Handlers.


api.RegisterTextHandlers('StyleId', CreateDictionary(
    'text.staff.technique', CreateSparseArray(
        CreateDictionary('label', 'technique'),
), Self);

Templates declaratively describe an MEI element by means of ManuScript data structures for example:

    'This is ',
        CreateDictionary('rend', 'italic'),
    ' MEI generation.'

MeiFactory() converts this to the following MEI:

<p>This is <rend rend='italic'>declarative</rend> MEI generation.</p>

Templates are SparseArrays with the following entries (in this order):

  • The capitalized tag name (e.g. Dynam for <dynam> elements)

  • A Dictionary with attribute names and values, or null, if no attributes are declared. Unlike tag names, attribute names are not capitalized.

  • A child node. This can be a string for text nodes, or a template SparseArray of the same form for a child element.

  • Another child node

  • ...

Only the tag name is required, all other entries are optional.

Control event vs. modifier

By default, the built-in template Handler adds the created element to <measure> as a control event. If it should instead be added to <note>, <rest> or <chord> as modifier, the AsModifier function must be used:

api.RegisterSymbolHandlers('Index', CreateDictionary(
  209, api.AsModifier(CreateSparseArray(
    CreateDictionary('artic', 'stacc', 'place', 'above')

Dynamic template fields

Templates offer a few ways of dynamically filling in text and attribute values, based on data from a text or line object.


For filling in formatted or unformatted text, use the special placeholder objects api.FormattedText and api.UnformattedText.


    'PersName', null, CreateSparseArray(
        'Composer', null, api.UnformattedText

Output for a text object where the Text property is 'Joseph Haydn':

<persName><composer>Joseph Haydn</composer></persName>

Where api.FormattedText is used, any formatting like bold or italic will be converted to the respective MEI markup. For api.UnformattedText, any such formatting is stripped.

Line @endid

When exporting Sibelius line objects (lines, hairpins, highlights etc.), the MEI object can be given an endid attribute that will be written automatically. In the template, the value of the attribute should be set to one of the placeholders described below.


        'func', 'coloration',
        'endid', 'PreciseMatch'

The placeholder will be replaced by an ID reference when writing the XML. Which ID is written depends on the line's end position and the value of the placeholder:

  • 'PreciseMatch': @endid will only be written if there is a NoteRest precisely at the EndPosition in the same voice as the line.
  • 'Next': If there is no NoteRest at the EndPosition, will write an @endid pointing to the closest following NoteRest, if there is one in the same voice as the line.
  • 'Previous': If there is no NoteRest at the EndPosition, will write an @endid pointing to the closest preceding NoteRest, if there is one in the same voice as the line.
  • 'Closest': Writes an @endid that points to the closest NoteRest at the EndPosition in the same voice as the line.

Registering a Handler method

Where templates do not suffice, a dedicated Handler method can be written. Here is an example from an extension, where a simple template would not be able to output different things depending on the colour of the symbol:

function HandleMySymbol (api, obj) {
    symbolElement = api.GenerateControlEvent(obj, api.MeiFactory(MySymbolTemplate, obj));
    if (obj.ColorRed = 255)
        api.libmei.AddAttribute(symbolElement, 'type', 'myRedType');
    return symbolElement;
} //$end

A Handler method receives the Handler object as first argument and the symbol, text or line object as second argument. It has to call api.GenerateControlEvent() or api.GenerateModifier(), otherwise the created MEI element will note be attached to the score.

In the above example, the MEI element is initially also generated from a template (that is defined as global variable MySymbolTable) by calling api.MeiFactory() directly. The very same MEI element can also be created by means of libmei:

function HandleMySymbol (api, obj) {
    symbolElement = api.libmei.Symbol();
    api.libmei.AddAttribute(symbolElement, 'fontfam', 'myCustomFont');
    api.libmei.AddAttribute(symbolElement, '', 'mySymbolGlyph');
    if (obj.ColorRed = 255)
        api.libmei.AddAttribute(symbolElement, 'type', 'myRedType');
    return symbolElement;
} //$end


Takes two arguments:

  • bobj: A BarObject
  • element: An element that is either created by means of libmei or MeiFactory().

GenerateControlEvent() takes care of adding the element to the <measures> and adds the following control event attributes:

  • @startid (if a start object could be identified) and @tstamp. The addition of @tstamp can be suppressed by setting @tstamp to ' ' (e.g. in the template).

  • If applicable (e.g. for lines), @endid (if an end object could be identified) and @tstamp2

  • @staff and @layer (if object is staff-attached)

  • For lines:

    • @dur.ppq (unless Duration is 0)
    • @startho, @startvo, @endho, @endvo
  • For elements other than lines:

    • @ho, @vo

GenerateControlEvent() returns element, which allow patterns like:

element = api.GenerateControlEvent(bobj, api.MeiFactory(template, bobj));


Works in the same way as GenerateControlEvent(), but attaches the element to <note>, <chord> or <rest> (depending on what's found at the position in the object's voice). Unlike GenerateControlEvent(), it does not add any attributes automatically.


Takes two arguments:

  • A template
  • The text, line or symbol object for which an element is generated by means of the template. This parameter is only of importance if dynamic template fields are used.


Takes two arguments:

  • parentElement: MEI element that the formatted text nodes should be appended to.
  • textObj: A Text or SystemTextItem object. Its TextWithFormatting property is converted to MEI markup.

Handling built-in and user-defined objects

Built-in text, line and symbol styles should always be registered under their StyleId or Index property. This is because Sibelius localizes the StyleAsText and Name properties of built-in styles in different languages, but StyleId and Index remain the same in all languages.

User-defined text, line and symbol styles on the other hand should always be registered under their StyleAsText or Name properties because the StyleId and Index values Sibelius will assign can not be controlled by the user, and the numeric postfix Sibelius assigns these properties will vary from document to document.

If a Handler is registered under a StyleId or Index property, this will always supersede any Handlers registered under StyleAsText or Name properties for the same object.