Python implementation of a Max Heap based on Cormen's 'Introduction to Algorithms' book for educational purposes.
First, import the MaxHeap class and declare an object:
from maxHeap import MaxHeap
max_heap = MaxHeap()
The max_heapify() function guarantees the heap condition will always hold. In order to heapify an existing array:
values = [4,1,3,2,16,9,10,14,8,7]
for idx in range(math.floor(len(values) / 2), 0, -1):
max_heap.max_heapify(values, len(values), idx - 1)
You can also start you heap by inserting values with the insertKey() function.
values = [4,1,3,2,16,9,10,14,8,7]
heap = []
for value in values:
max_heap.insertKey(heap, value)
Inserting a new key on an existing heap:
max_heap.insertKey(heap, 20)
In order to sort the heap:
print('Heap is now sorted:', heap) provides examples for the conditions mentioned above. To run it, run python
inside the project folder.
Any doubts/suggestions, feel free to contact me.