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SPI interface circuit

notro edited this page May 14, 2013 · 20 revisions

Work in progress...

This is an interface circuit for connecting a parallel interface LCD display with SPI.

The circuit is based on SpriteMods circuit.

                                                               |              |
  MOSI o-------------------------------------------------------| D        QP0 |-------------o DB0
                                                               |              |
  SCLK o---------+---------------------------------------------| CP       QP1 |-------------o DB1
                 |                                             |              |
   CSn o------+  |                                     Vcc o---| OE       QP2 |-------------o DB2
              |  |                                             |              |
              |  |      74HC4040                               |          QP3 |-------------o DB3
              |  |    +--------------+                         |              |
              |  |    |              |                         |          QP4 |-------------o DB4
              |  |    |           Q0 |--                       |              |
              |  |    |              |                         |          QP5 |-------------o DB5
              |  |    |           Q1 |--                       |              |
              |  |    |              |                         |          QP6 |-------------o DB6
              |  |    |           Q2 |-------------+-----------| STR          |
              |  |    |              |             |           |          QP7 |-------------o DB7
              |  |    |           Q3 |--           |           |              |
              |  |    |              |             |           |              |
              |  |    |           Q4 |--           |           |          QS1 |--
              |  |    |              |             |           |              |
              |  |    |           Q5 |--           |           |          QS2 |--
              |  +----| CP           |             |           |              |
              |       |           Q6 |--           |           +--------------+
              +-------| MR           |             |
              |       |           Q7 |--           |
              |       |              |             |               74HC04
              |       |           Q8 |--           +-----------------|>o--------------------o WR
              |       |              |
              |       |           Q9 |--                                             Vcc o--o RD
              |       |              |
              |       |          Q10 |--
              |       |              |
              |       |          Q11 |--
              |       |              |
              |       +--------------+
              +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------o CS


The circuit works at 32MHz on a breadboard.

I need to look into these timing constraints

  • the time from the shift register data is stable to the time WR goes HIGH has to be long enough.
  • clock signal delay through the 4040. It has to pull STR LOW before the clock rises again.


There is 5 inverters left in the 74HC04 Hex Inverter IC. These can be used to drive a LCD backlight.

  • Backlight pulled to +3.3V. It can deliver 4x25mA = 100mA
  • Backlight pulled to GND. Remove the first inverter and put it in parallel. It can sink 5x20mA = 100mA
  led o-----|>o----+--|>o--+-----o LCD backlight
                   |       |
                   |       |
                   |       |


The circuit is tested with this display. I get ~17fps at 32MHz (parallel ~25 fps).
I haven't updated the itdb28fb driver to support SPI yet, so I use flexfb for now

modprobe fbtft_device name=flexfb gpios=reset:25,dc:24,led:18

modprobe flexfb debug=3 rotate=0 width=240 height=320 regwidth=16 setaddrwin=1 init=-1,0x00E3,0x3008,-1,0x00E7,0x0012,-1,0x00EF,0x1231,-1,0x0001,0x0100,-1,0x0002,0x0700,-1,0x0003,0x1030,-1,0x0004,0x0000,-1,0x0008,0x0207,-1,0x0009,0x0000,-1,0x000A,0x0000,-1,0x000C,0x0000,-1,0x000D,0x0000,-1,0x000F,0x0000,-1,0x0010,0x0000,-1,0x0011,0x0007,-1,0x0012,0x0000,-1,0x0013,0x0000,-2,200,-1,0x0010,0x1690,-1,0x0011,0x0223,-2,50,-1,0x0012,0x000D,-2,50,-1,0x0013,0x1200,-1,0x0029,0x000A,-1,0x002B,0x000C,-2,50,-1,0x0020,0x0000,-1,0x0021,0x0000,-1,0x0030,0x0000,-1,0x0031,0x0506,-1,0x0032,0x0104,-1,0x0035,0x0207,-1,0x0036,0x000F,-1,0x0037,0x0306,-1,0x0038,0x0102,-1,0x0039,0x0707,-1,0x003C,0x0702,-1,0x003D,0x1604,-1,0x0050,0x0000,-1,0x0051,0x00EF,-1,0x0052,0x0000,-1,0x0053,0x013F,-1,0x0060,0xA700,-1,0x0061,0x0001,-1,0x006A,0x0000,-1,0x0080,0x0000,-1,0x0081,0x0000,-1,0x0082,0x0000,-1,0x0083,0x0000,-1,0x0084,0x0000,-1,0x0085,0x0000,-1,0x0090,0x0010,-1,0x0092,0x0600,-1,0x0007,0x0133,-3


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