- Course Downloads:
- Update PPT (Kubernetes and Docker)
- Videos:
- For new version v2 of the course:
- Introduction to Microservices
- Challenges
- Spring Cloud
- Advantages
- Standardization of Ports
- Introduction to Centralized Configuration <-> Limits Service
- What Next? Promo Video
- Debugging Guide - https://github.com/in28minutes/spring-microservices-v2/blob/main/03.microservices/01-step-by-step-changes/microservices-v2-1.md#pomxml
- High Availability for Eureka? https://stackoverflow.com/questions/38549902/eureka-server-how-to-achieve-high-availability
- Spring & Spring Boot Tips:
- Versioning - Spring Boot and Spring Cloud
- Yaml Properties
- Lombok
- What else to Add?
- Connecting to MySQL
- You would need to install the Spring Eclipse plugin. https://marketplace.eclipse.org/content/spring-ide#group-external-install-button
- For new version v2 of the course:
- Distribute the message:
- More Educational Announcements
- Video on YouTube
- Post on LinkedIn