The luox-NRC-CIERf repository is a fork of the luox project. File additions and modifications (of the original luox files) by the National Research Council of Canada (NRC), as listed below, are Copyright (C) 2022 His Majesty the King in Right of Canada.
The list of files added (A) by NRC is generated with the command:
git log --oneline --author=somang --name-status before-nrc.. | grep "^A" | sort | uniq
which yields:
A data/CES99_1nm.csv
A data/Rf_test.csv
A data/TCS99_1nm.csv
A data/TCS99_5nm.csv
A data/planckian_table_cie.csv
A data/planckian_table_cie_calc.csv
A data/planckian_table_ies.csv
A scripts/ces99_csv_to_json.rb
A scripts/planckian_table_csv_to_json.rb
A scripts/tcs99_csv_to_json.rb
A src/data/CES99_1nm.json
A src/data/Rf_test.json
A src/data/TCS99_1nm.json
A src/data/TCS99_5nm.json
A src/data/planckian_table_cie.json
A src/data/planckian_table_cie_calc.json
A src/data/planckian_table_ies.json
A src/images/hueBG.png
A src/images/nrc-signature-e-kr.jpg
A src/javascript/cctCalculations.js
A src/javascript/colourFidelityIndex.js
A src/javascript/colourFidelityIndexRounded.js
A src/javascript/components/CVGPlot.jsx
A src/javascript/components/worker.js
A src/javascript/tm30ColourFidelityIndex.js
A test/colourFidelityIndex.test.js
A test/tm30ColourFidelityIndex.test.js
The list of files modified (M) by NRC is generated with the command:
git log --oneline --author=somang --name-status before-nrc.. | grep "^M" | sort | uniq
which yields, omitting new files and changes to package*.json
M src/javascript/calculations.js
M src/javascript/colourRenderingIndex.js
M src/javascript/components/About.jsx
M src/javascript/components/
M src/javascript/components/CalculationTable.jsx
M src/javascript/components/CalculationTableCSV.js
M src/javascript/components/ErrorTable.jsx
M src/javascript/components/Intro.jsx
M src/javascript/components/Results.jsx
M src/javascript/components/SpectraTable.jsx
M src/javascript/components/Upload.jsx
M src/javascript/components/UploadForm.jsx
M src/javascript/inputValidator.js
M src/stylesheets/results.css
M src/stylesheets/upload.css
M test/calculations.test.js
M test/colourRenderingIndex.test.js
M test/inputValidator.test.js
The specific NRC modifications to these luox files can be determined by inspecting the log for each file, for example:
git log --author=somang --patch before-nrc.. src/javascript/calculations.js