To avoid losing time, you will use a simple create-react-app bootstrap.
cd frontend
yarn global add create-react-app
cd ..
create-react-app frontend
cp -r api frontend/public/
cd frontend
yarn start
#This will open your browser to http://localhost:3000
We want to see your skills to design business code to produce efficient and maintainable code over time.
- Do use good design
- Follow reactjs best practices
- Do maintainable design
- Do use unit tests
- Do use dependency management
- Do use consistent code styles
- Do use others dependencies if you want/need
Some candidates had some issues with momentjs and create-react-app, avoid it
- Do not loose time with build process, just use create-react-app
yarn start
- Do not use Docker, Vagrant... we must be able to run the app only with
yarn start
- Do not loose time with amazing CSS, be basic
The app is supposed to display a list of surveys and the aggregated answers to those. A survey is composed of a name and a code. For a given survey, aggregated answers are available. There are 3 types of questions:
- QCM (multiple choice question)
- Numeric
- Date
For each type of question, the aggregated answers have a different format:
- QCM: the aggregated answers give the number of response for each available QCM answer.
- Numeric: the aggregated answers give the average of all answers
- Date: the aggregated answers give the list of dates of all answers
To simulate a REST like API, you copied the api
folder into the
directory so that the following resources should be
replies with the list of available surveyshttp://localhost:3000/api/{code}.json
replies with the aggregated data for the survey with the given code. For instance,http://localhost:3000/api/XX2.json
gives the aggregated answers for the survey with the codeXX2
Show a list of the surveys coming from the list endpoint.
Result will be a simple list:
Name | Code |
Paris | XX1 |
Chartres | XX2 |
Melun | XX3 |
The user can now click on a survey item. It will show the aggregate data of this survey.
You can display the data the way you want, be creative (data visualization).
This is not mandatory, add this feature if you feel like it.
Add a search input on the survey list to filter surveys by names and/or code.