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CUDA/ OpenMp Hybrid Big Bang N-Body Simulation



This program is adapted from Professor Stephen Siegel's sequential 2-d nbody simulation program, by Jiaman Wang and Nick Mancuso for our CISC372 final project. We have used CUDA and OpenMp to parallelize the original program and improve performance, so that we can create animations of much larger galaxies.

The translation unit(s) that we have created are much larger than the original ones, with the largest consisting of 72,000 bodies. Our animations were inspired by the big bang, and the bodies that we have used simulate the birth of the milky way and andromeda galaxies. As the animation progresses, you can see the two galaxies forming.

You can find our animation here:

Much of our data was obtained from the research found at by John Dubinsky, and liberally manipulated the data for the best appearance in 2 dimensions.

We have used the discretized universal gravitation equation provided in the sequential version of the program, with a few small modifications in the case of the GPU friendly function. Our algorithms/ logic stay fairly close to the original sequential version, other than the parallelized sections. Each OpenMp thread has one of two responsiblities, depending on how the user chooses to distribute the bodies (via GPU_BODY_PROP):

(1) is the "manager" of one GPU device, or (2) is responsible for a block-distributed amount of bodies.

If an OpenMp thread is a "manager" of a GPU, this means that this thread will call the CUDA kernel and handle most of the data copying responsibilities. If an OpenMP thread is resposible for updating the states of bodies, then it functions similarly to the sequential version for that thread's number of owned bodies.

When updating the states of bodies, each thread in the GPU is responsible for calculating the interactions between "it's" body and that of all other bodies; so essentially, one GPU thread is in charge of one body.


We have run numerous tests to determine that having the GPU handle ALL bodies consistently provides the best performance. Please take a look at nbody/graphs/big_bang_p100_diff-body-prop.pdf to see the proportion of bodies updated by the GPU increased vs. running time. In this case, the OpenMP threads act as managers for each GPU, handling memory copying and kernel calls.

Using one of the original translation units, galaxy.c, we have ran both strong and weak scaling experiments. The results of these runs can be found in the following graphs:

nbody/graphs/Galaxy_Strong_50-50-Efficiency.pdf nbody/graphs/Galaxy_Strong_50-50-Speedup.pdf nbody/graphs/Galaxy_Strong_50-50-Time.pdf

nbody/graphs/galaxy-weak-scaling-no-gpu-Efficiency.pdf nbody/graphs/galaxy-weak-scaling-no-gpu-Speedup.pdf nbody/graphs/galaxy-weak-scaling-no-gpu-Time.pdf

All of the strong scaling used OpenMP threads (1 -> 16) and the body updates were split 50/50 between the GPU and CPU, with 1001 bodies.

The weak scaling experiments increased the number of bodies by roughly 62 each time, and all other variables were consistent with the strong scaling version.

In order to test which type of GPU was the most effective for this animation, we tested 72,000 bodies on both types of GPU nodes, and threw in an MPI only run for good measure. Please see the nbody/graphs/big_bang_p100vsk80vsMPI-time.pdf file for more information.

Finally, we pitted two runs with different proportions of bodies being updated by the CPU and GPU against each other in a weak scaling experiment. The results can be found in nbody/graphs/big_bang_weak-scaling-50-90-1k80.pdf.


The source code for our program is located in the nbody/ directory. There you will find all the translation units and the main driver program. Additionally, there is a "configuration" file, config.c, where users can specify additional/ different colors to produce for the animations.

To test our version of nbody,, against the original sequential version of nbody:

$ make test

This will use the original translation units to produce both parallel and sequential versions of each animation, then diff the results. Note that depending on which machine you are testing on and how many GPU's you want to use, you will want to comment/ uncomment the makefile accordingly:

	# below is for single gpu on grendel
	# below is for two gpus on grendel
	#OMP_NUM_THREADS=$(NPROCS) srun --unbuffered -n 1 --gres=gpu:2 ./$< $@ $(GPU_BODY_PROP)
	# below is for bridges interactive mode
	#./$< $@ $(GPU_BODY_PROP)

The GPU_BODY_PROP is the proportion of bodies that the GPU will update. This proportion can be adjusted at the top of the makefile.

In order to complie and link all of our translation units, do:

make big_bangs

When running compiled/ linked translation units manually, you must specify the proportion of bodies that the GPU will update via command line arg:

./big_bang8.exec big_bang8.anim 0.50

This would run big_bang8.exec, create an animation called big_bang8.anim, and the GPU would update half of the bodies. To see more usage examples of our program, you can check out the bridges scripts, found in nbody/graphs/bridges. The range of GPU_BODY_PROP is from 0.0 to 1.0, inclusive.

In general, the syntax for the executables generated from the translation units is:

<machine-specific env variables> ./<translation unit name>.exec <output file name>.anim <gpu bodies proportion>

NOTE: This program MUST be linked to translation units; it cannot be ran on it's own!