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This repository has been archived by the owner on Mar 28, 2024. It is now read-only.

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executable file
76 lines (59 loc) · 2.28 KB

File metadata and controls

executable file
76 lines (59 loc) · 2.28 KB

ng g universal --collection=@schematics/angular customer-portal-universal Update angular-cli.json:

  • Change customer-portal-universal "root": "apps/customer-portal/src",
  • "outDir": "dist-server/apps/customer-portal", Update apps/customer-portal/src/tsconfig.server.json:
  • extend instead of tsconfig.json
  • compilerOptions: "paths": { "@tuskdesk-suite/": [ "../../../libs/" ] } (assumes installed @nguniversal/module-map-ngfactory-loader ts-loader @nguniversal/express-engine already) app.server.module.ts import { ModuleMapLoaderModule } from '@nguniversal/module-map-ngfactory-loader';

ng build --prod -a=customer-portal-universal --output-hashing=none ng build --prod -a=customer-portal

Create server.ts:

// These are important and needed before anything else
import 'zone.js/dist/zone-node';
import 'reflect-metadata';

import { enableProdMode } from '@angular/core';

import * as express from 'express';
import { join } from 'path';

// Faster server renders w/ Prod mode (dev mode never needed)

// Express server
const app = express();

const PORT = process.env.PORT || 4000;
const DIST_FOLDER = join(process.cwd(), 'dist');

// * NOTE :: leave this as require() since this file is built Dynamically from webpack
const { AppServerModuleNgFactory, LAZY_MODULE_MAP } = require('./dist/server/main.bundle');

// Express Engine
import { ngExpressEngine } from '@nguniversal/express-engine';
// Import module map for lazy loading
import { provideModuleMap } from '@nguniversal/module-map-ngfactory-loader';

app.engine('html', ngExpressEngine({
  bootstrap: AppServerModuleNgFactory,
  providers: [

app.set('view engine', 'html');
app.set('views', join(DIST_FOLDER, 'browser'));

// TODO: implement data requests securely
app.get('/api/*', (req, res) => {
  res.status(404).send('data requests are not supported');

// Server static files from /browser
app.get('*.*', express.static(join(DIST_FOLDER, 'browser')));

// All regular routes use the Universal engine
app.get('*', (req, res) => {
  res.render(join(DIST_FOLDER, 'browser', 'index.html'), { req });

// Start up the Node server
app.listen(PORT, () => {
  console.log(`Node server listening on http://localhost:${PORT}`);