- Geocomputation with Python - An open source book and online resource for getting started in this space with Python.
- Geocomputation with R - A book on geographic data analysis, visualization and modeling with R.
- Intro to R for Geospatial data - Provides an introduction to R for learners working with geospatial data.
- To Catch The Sun - Inspiring stories of communities coming together to harness their own solar energy, and how you can do it too.
- geothermics - Educational repository with Jupyter Notebooks all around the topic of geothermal energy.
- Photovoltaics Education Website - A detailed deep dive to get started with photovolatic technology.
- Predicting the Wind: Data Science in Wind Resource Assessment - Contains material for a hands-on tutorial and additional content about data science in wind resource assessment.
- PVSC48-Python-Tutorial - Computing tutorial with focus on PV computing packages, Python, data wrangling with Pandas, and data viz.
- Electrify - A web / mobile Tycoon-style game teaching about electricity production and consumption.
- Fundamentals of Solar Cells and Photovoltaic Systems Engineering - Learn modeling solar radiation, calculating IV curves for varying irradiance and temperature, modeling electricity generation from PV installations, optimizing PV module orientation and inclination, and conducting time series analysis of solar generation.
- energy-sparks - An open source application that is designed to help schools improve their energy efficiency.
- Building DC Energy Systems - Hosts an Open Educational Resource (OER) for Building DC Energy Systems.
- Systems' Engineering for Energy Efficiency - A Python course on Systems engineering for energy efficiency in German within the Master of Electrical Engineering and Master of Renewable Energy at the Cologne University of Applied Sciences.
- ESM-lectures - Lecture slides for KIT Energy System Modelling course.
- Power Systems Optimization - How to implement and apply linear and mixed integer linear programs to solve such problems using Julia/JuMP, and the practical application of such techniques in energy systems engineering.
- Data Science for Energy System Modelling - Find practical introductions to many Python packages that are useful for dealing with energy data and building energy system modells.
- oemof Workshop on Modeling Heat Pumps - Learn how to use and apply oemof libraries in the context of modeling heat pumps in energy system analysis.
- Learn Brightway - The interactive learning and teaching documentation for the Brightway life-cycle assessment software package.
- openlca-python-tutorial - Explains the usage of the openLCA API from Python.
- GreenCity - Teach people in a playful and challenging way to have an eco-friendly lifestyle.
- Advanced Urban Analytics - This course series takes a computational social science approach to working with urban data.
- Emerging Technologies for the Circular Economy - Teaching emerging technologies for the circular economy and the limits to growth.
- Sustainable Software Engineering - A course that covers techniques for measuring and improving environmental, social, and individual sustainability at every stage of the software lifecycle.
- Xarray Tutorial - An open source project and Python package that makes working with labelled multi-dimensional arrays simple, efficient, and fun.
- ClimateModeling_courseware - A collection of interactive lecture notes and assignments in Jupyter notebook format.
- Earth and Environmental Data Science Book - An Introduction to Earth and Environmental Data Science.
- Free Earth Data Science Courses & Textbooks - A site dedicated to tutorials, course and other learning materials and resources developed by the Earth Lab team.
- Climate Change Impact Assessment - A practical walk-through.
- MIT-PraCTES - Materials for MIT workshop "Practical Computing Tutorials for Earth Scientists".
- ICAR - A simplified atmospheric model designed primarily for climate downscaling, atmospheric sensitivity tests, and hopefully educational uses.
- GEOG0133 - Open Terrestrial Carbon modelling and monitoring lecture.
- The Climate Laboratory - A hands-on approach to climate physics and climate modeling.
- Climate Risks Academy 2021 - Contains solutions for the advanced assignment of the Modelling Lab of the Climate Risks Academy 2021.
- PyEarthScience - Python modules, scripts and iPython notebooks, in particular for Earth System data processing and visualization used in climate science.
- EDS220_Fall2021 - Provide an introduction to various environmental data sets, which should give you a good sense of the range of tools out there for manipulating and processing environmental data.
- Climate Change Impact Assessment: A practical walk-through - Throughout the course of this book, you will learn how to acquire observed historical climate data from Environment and Climate Change Canada, and perform basic analyses of a climate index and meteorological variables.
- LP DAAC E-Learning - Frequently updated presentations, webinars, tutorials, and video tips on accessing, managing, and processing LP DAAC data using a variety of software, web applications, custom tools, and scripts.
- Copernicus Training - Data tutorials for the Copernicus Climate Change and Atmosphere Monitoring Services.
- The Environmental Data Science book - A living, open and community-driven online resource to showcase and support the publication of data, research and open-source tools for collaborative, reproducible and transparent Environmental Data Science.
- Earthdata Cloud Cookbook - This Cookbook is learning-oriented to support scientific researchers using NASA Earthdata from Distributed Active Archive Centers as they migrate their workflows to the cloud.
- Project Pythia - A community learning resource for Python-based computing in the geosciences.
- MOOC Machine Learning in Weather & Climate - Explore the application of Machine Learning across the main stages of numerical weather and climate prediction.
- HPC4WC - High Performance Computing for Weather and Climate Course.
- ARSET Fundamentals of Machine Learning for Earth Science - This training will provide attendees an overview of machine learning in regards to Earth Science, and how to apply these algorithms and techniques to remote sensing data in a meaningful way.
- Applied Environmental Statistics - Applied Environmental Statistics course of the Boston University.
- ClimateMatch Academy - A wide-reaching, inclusive and approachable program aimed to introduce computational methods for climate science.
- climate-emulator-tutorial - A tutorial for getting started with machine learning for climate modeling.
- Utilizing Open Science Techniques for Exploring Greenhouse Gas Data - An Interactive Workshop on the U.S. Greenhouse Gas Center and VEDA Tools for use in Earth Science Research
- PyPRECIS - A learning tool to faciliate processing of regional climate model output.
- CSDMS Ivy - Course material on scientific software development for researchers in earth and planetary surface processes.
- Sketchbook Earth - A project aiming to illustrate the production of Climate Intelligence Reports, traditionally done with the ECMWF’s in-house developed tools.
- CMIP6 Cookbook - This Project Pythia Cookbook covers examples of analysis of Google Cloud CMIP6 data using Pangeo tools.
- PO.DAAC Tutorials - Make NASA’s ocean, climate, and surface water data universally accessible and meaningful.
- Radiant MLHub Tutorials - Tutorials to access Radiant MLHub Training Datasets.
- Fundamentals of Remote Sensing - Participants will have a basic understanding of NASA satellites, sensors, data, tools, portals and applications to environmental monitoring and management.
- Open Source Geoprocessing Tutorial - Tutorial of fundamental remote sensing and GIS methodologies using open source software in python.
- EO College - This course is part of a series of online learning materials that will give you insights on the potential of remote sensing technologies for applications over land surfaces.
- LPDAAC-Data-Resource - This repository is a place to find data user resources that demonstrate how to use NASA Land Processes Distributed Active Archive Center (LP DAAC) tools, services, and data.
- E-TRAINEE - Course on Time Series Analysis in Remote Sensing for Understanding Human-Environment Interactions
- GALUP - Build local capacity in the region of Ghana regarding remote sensing and GIS, and transfer the land use planning framework for continued planning.
- OCO2-OCO3 - For public accessibility and data visualization, a beginner-level tutorial is available for users interested in exploring the OCO2 and OCO3 data.
- Using NASA Satellite Data for Real-Time Environmental Monitoring - Using NASA's ECOSTRESS Satellite Data for Real-Time Environmental Monitoring.
- Landsat ML Cookbook - Covers the essential materials for working with Landsat data in the context of machine learning workflows.
- SERVIR Applied Deep Learning Book - Use satellite data and geospatial technology to address critical challenges in weather & climate resilience, agriculture and food security, ecosystem and carbon management, water security, disasters, as well as air quality and health
- HYR-SENSE - Hyperspectral and Thermal Remote Sensing for Environmental Justice" program. Participants will gain hands-on experience with hyperspectral and thermal imaging remote sensing technology and its applications for environmental justice issues.
- Copernicus Atmosphere Monitoring Service Data Tutorials - Copernicus Atmosphere Monitoring Service Data Tutorials.
- The General Circulation of the Atmosphere - The course gives a broad overview about the general circulation of the atmosphere, including the tropospheric and stratospheric circulations.
- LTPy - Learning tool for Python on Atmospheric Composition Data.
- Objective Analysis in Atmospheric Sciences - The course provides an overview of the methods used to interpret data sets in the atmospheric and oceanic sciences.
- Python for Atmosphere and Ocean Scientists - Contains the Data Carpentry lesson materials for a single day workshop on using python in the atmosphere and ocean sciences.
- How to work with meteorological ECMWF data - A good starting point how you can work with European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts (ECMWF) services and data through Python using Jupyter notebooks.
- WEkEO4Atmosphere - With the help of cases studies about the monitoring of wildfires and air quality, Copernicus atmosphere data from the Copernicus Programme are introduced.
- Radar Cookbook - This Project Pythia Cookbook covers the basics of working with weather radar data in Python.
- World Glaciers Explorer - An interactive web application with which you can learn and teach about the world's glaciers.
- ICESat-2 Sea Ice Thickness Data Analysis and Visualization - Interactive Jupyter Book for wrangling, visualizing, and analyzing ICESat-2 sea ice thickness data
- 2020_ICESat-2_Hackweek_Tutorials - Combined repository for the final tutorial material presented at the 2020 ICESat-2 Cryosphere Hackweek.
- NSIDC-Data-Tutorials - Tutorials and code resources provided by the NASA National Snow and Ice Data Center Distributed Active Archive Center.
- ECCO-v4-Python-Tutorial - Contains a several tutorials for using the ECCO Central Production Version 4 ocean and sea-ice state estimate.
- mebioda - This repository contains materials for the MSc course Methods in Biodiversity Analysis.
- NEON Data Skills - Provides tutorials and resources for working with scientific data, including that collected by the National Ecological Observatory Network.
- python-ecology-lesson - Data Analysis and Visualization in Python for Ecologists.
- R-ecology-lesson - Data Analysis and Visualization in R for Ecologists.
- ECOSTRESS Tutorial - The ECOSTRESS mission is tasked with measuring the temperature of plants to better understand how much water plants need and how they respond to stress.
- Tutorial for Working with NASA VIIRS Surface Reflectance Data - Converting VNP09GA files into quality-filtered vegetation indices and examining the trend in vegetation greenness during July 2018 to observe drought in Europe.
- MapBiomas 101 - Google Earth Engine Tutorials to produce annual land use and land cover maps from Brazil.
- Gedi Tutorials - Tutorials on producing high resolution laser ranging observations based on data of the Global Ecosystem Dynamics Investigation.
- Ecological Forecasting - Hands-on activities associated with the Ecological Forecasting book and graduate class.
- Terrestrial Carbon: modelling and monitoring - The role of vegetation in the carbon cycle and the wider climate system.
- Ecological Forecasting & Dynamics Course - This is a course on how ecological systems change through time and how to forecast how they will change in the future.
- WSL Julia Workshop 2023 - Practical introduction to Julia for modelling and data analysis in biodiversity and earth sciences.
- Ecological forecasting with R - In this course you will learn how to wrangle, visualize and explore ecological time series.
- An introduction to Systematic conservation planning with prioritzr - Learn about the basic concepts of systematic conservation planning (SCP) and more specifically algorithmic solutions identifying planning outcomes.
- MarineEcosystemsJuliaCon2021.jl - Modeling Marine Ecosystems At Multiple Scales Using Julia.
- CoastWatch Satellite Course - The goal of the course is to familiarize university researchers and students with different types of ocean satellite data, different tools, and teach participants how to use satellite data in their own research using their choice of software (R, python, ArcGIS).
- The Argo Online School - Teach the basic foundations to use and understand Argo an international program that collects information from inside the ocean using a fleet of floats that drift with the ocean currents.
- Analytical Groundwater Modeling - Analytical Groundwater Modeling: Theory and Applications Using Python.
- Intro to Physical Oceanography - Course materials for Introduction to Physical Oceanography.
- Coastal Dynamics Open Codebook - Discusses the interrelation between physical wave, flow, and sediment transport phenomena and the resulting morphodynamics of a wide variety of coastal systems.
- Africa Soil and Agronomy Data Cube - Accessing and using soil and agronomy data for Africa.
- Water Productivity and Water Accounting using WaPOR - Jupyter notebooks for Water Accounting and Water Productivity using WaPOR course.
- stats_for_soil_survey - Lecture material on "Statistics for Pedologists".
- r4wrds - Water Resources Data Science R course website.
- Decision Analysis and Forecasting for Agricultural Development - Become a critical thinker and lead the process in generating useful forecasts for decision makers in agricultural development.
- Digital Soil Mapping - This online book covers the tutorial on digital soil mapping from the course Applied Geodata Science 2 at the University of Bern.
- python-for-hydrology - Focusing on general python for data analysis in hydrologic contexts and the python interface into MODFLOW for groundwater modeling.
- PyNotes in Agriscience - A set of hands-on coding exercises to solve common tasks and simple problems in agricultural sciences.
- Decision Support Modelling Notebooks - Provide an introduction to both the concepts and the practicalities of undertaking decision-support groundwater modelling with the PEST/PEST++ and pyEMU suites of software.
- Decision Analysis and Forecasting for Agricultural Development - Provides an overview of methods we can use to study agricultural development decisions and generate forecasts of decision outcomes.
- Climate Risk Assessment Book - Guides you through your regional Climate Risk Assessments and provides you with tools and datasets for the assessment.
- SDG Academy - Education platform of the Sustainable Development Solutions Network (SDSN), a global initiative for the United Nations.
- Spatial data science for sustainable development - Introduces geographical and computational analysis approaches to study sustainability related questions.
- Practical guide to Climate Econometrics - Better understand the impacts of climate change, disaster risk and responses, resource management, human behavior, and sustainable development.