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File metadata and controls

302 lines (252 loc) · 10.7 KB


nevoim skeleton plugin.

Lua Neovim


A skeleton plugin for nvim inspired by vim-skeleton written in lua.

  • Load boilerplate templates when a new file is created
  • Configurable mapping between templates and filename patterns
  • Can replace placeholder tokens in templates with either configurable strings or dynamic population using lua functions
  • Supports concept of global/per-project config and templates.


Using plug:

Plug 'motosir/skel-nvim'

Using packer:

use "motosir/skel-nvim"


basic config

  -- file pattern -> template mappings
  mappings = {
    ['*.cpp'] = "cpp.skel",
    ['*.h']   = "h.skel",
    -- patterns can map to multiple templates
    ['LICENSE'] = {"", "license.gpl.skel" }

by default, the plugin

  • expects template files to be under XDG_CONFIG_HOME/skeleton/, i.e. ~/.config/nvim/skeleton/
  • for filenames matching *.cpp pattern it will look for ~/.config/nvim/skeleton/cpp.skel file
  • for filenames matching *.h pattern it will look for ~/.config/nvim/skeleton/h.skel file

If multiple templates are specified, is used to allow user to choose which template to use.

Example config for C/C++ development

-- import basic default placeholder callbacks
local skeld = require("skel-nvim.defaults")

  -- dir containing skeleton files (default)
  templates_dir = vim.fn.stdpath("config") .. "/skeleton",

  -- enable/disable plugin, this supercedes disable_for_empty_file (default)
  skel_enabled = true,

  -- enable/disable processing for bufread + empty file case (default)
  apply_skel_for_empty_file = true,

  -- file pattern -> template mappings (default)
  mappings = {
    ['main.cpp'] = "main.cpp.skel",
    ['*.cpp'] = "cpp.skel",
    ['*.h'] = "h.skel",
    ['*.t.cpp'] = "utest.cpp.skel",
    ['main.c'] = "main.c.skel",
    ['*.c'] = "c.skel",
    ["*.go"] = "go.skel",
    ['*.py'] = "py.skel",
    ['*.lua'] = "lua.skel",
    ['*.sh'] = "sh.skel"

  -- substitutions in templates (default)
  -- can be a string or a callback function
  -- these are the set of default placeholders provided by the plugin
  substitutions = {
    ['FILENAME']             = skeld.get_filename,
    ['NAME']                 = skeld.get_author,
    ['DATE']                 = skeld.get_date,
    ['CPP_HDR_GUARD']        = skeld.get_cppheaderguard,
    ['CPP_TEST_HDR_GUARD']   = skeld.get_testheaderguard,
    ['CPP_HDR_INCLUDE']      = skeld.get_headerinclude,
    ['CLASS_NAME']           = skeld.get_classname2,
    ['NAMESPACE_OPEN']       = skeld.get_namespaceopen,
    ['NAMESPACE_CLOSE']      = skeld.get_namespaceclose,

  -- Misc global config available to substitution callback functions
  author = "MyName",
  namespace =  {"MyOrg", "MyApp"},
  -- Supports user varaibles too
  my_user_variable = "my_user_value",

  -- per project overrides (default = {})
  projects = {
    project1 = {
      path = "/home/<user>/dev/proj1", -- absolute path for project1
      namespace = {"MyOrg", "Proj1"},  -- override namespace to use in1
      author    = "my project1 name"   -- override author only in project1
    project2 = {
      path = "/home/<user>/dev/proj2", -- absolute path for project2
      namespace = {"MyOrg", "Proj2"},   -- override namespace to use in1
      my_user_variable = "I need different value in project2"

Here we have a gobal config and 2 project overrides where some configurations are overriden. Projects are determined by path, that is

:edit ~/home/dev/proj1/test.cpp  // will match `path` of project1 and will apply project1 config
:edit ~/home/dev/proj2/test.cpp  // will match `path` of project2 and will apply project1 config
:edit ~/home/dev/my_other_proj/test.cpp  // doens't match any project paths so will use default global config


Command Description
SkelEnable Enable auto loading of templates when pattern is matched (default)
SkelDisable Disable auto loading of templates when pattern is matched
SkelStatus Check if auto loading is enabled
SkelEdit If template auto loading is disabled, :SkelEdit <filename> can be used to create file and apply template
SkelRun If template auto loading is disabled, :SkelRun can be used to apply template on empty buffer with a filename, this covers use cases such as nvim-tree used to create a new empty file and then loaded into vim as two operations



By default, templates are expected to be found under ~/.config/nvim/skeleton/ folder.
Placeholder variables need to be surrounded by '@', i.e. @FILENAME@
Here's an example template file for C++,

// File:        @FILENAME@
// Author:      @NAME@
// Description:       
#ifndef @CPP_HDR_GUARD@
#define @CPP_HDR_GUARD@



class @CLASS_NAME@

    @CLASS_NAME@() = default;
    ~@CLASS_NAME@() = default; 




#endif /* @CPP_HDR_GUARD@ */

Placeholder callbacks functions

placeholder callback functions are called with single table argument

config = {
  filename  = <absolute path of buffer file>,
  author    = <name provided in 'author' in setup config>,
  namespace = <ns provided in 'namespace' in setukp config>,
  <user defined values>

below example shows how to write your own callbacks

-- calbacks take single `table` argument as described in previous section
local function my_filename_callback(config)
  return vim.fs.basename(config.filename)

-- using user defined key/val `my_user_key="my user value"`
local function my_placeholder1_callback(config)
  return strings.uppper(config.my_user_key)

  -- user defined key/value
  my_user_key = "my user value",     -- user defined key/vals are avilable in placeholder callbacks

  mappings = {
    ['main.cpp'] = "main.cpp.skel",
    ['*.cpp'] = "cpp.skel",
    ['*.h'] = "h.skel",
  substitutions = {
    ['FILENAME']             = my_filename_callback,    -- user callback
    ['NAME']                 = "My Name",               -- can use hard-coded string 
    ['MYPLACEHOLDER1']       = my_placeholder1_callback -- in the template @MYPLACEHOLDER1@ will be replaced with "MY USER VALUE"

Project support

skel-nvim supports per project configration overrides and per project templates if needed

let's say we have a basic template file cpp.skel

// filename: @FILENAME@
// author:   @NAME@

@PLACEHOLDER1@  // some usage of placeholder1 

@PLACEHOLDER2@  // some usage of placeholder2

and we want to have different values of PLACEHOLDER1/2 depending on the project we're in

-- `skel-nvim` default callbacks
local skel_defaults = require("skel-nvim.defaults")

-- user defined callback
local function my_filename_callback(config)
  return vim.fs.basename(config.filename)

-- user defined callback to provide a value for @PLACEHOLDER1@
local function default_placeholder1_callback(config)

-- user defined callback to provide a value for @PLACEHOLDER1@ for project1
local function project1_placeholder1_callback(config)

-- user defined callback to provide a value for @PLACEHOLDER2@
local function placeholder2_callback(config)
  -- the value of user defined custom_key will be different in global/project1
  return config.custom_key

require("skel-nvim").setup {

  mappings = {
    ['main.cpp'] = "main.cpp.skel",
    ['*.cpp'] = "cpp.skel",
    ['*.h'] = "h.skel",
  substitutions = {
    ['FILENAME']             = skel_defaults.get_filename,
    ['NAME']                 = "My Name",
    ['PLACEHOLDER1']         = default_placeholder1_callback, -- user defined
    ['PLACEHOLDER2']         = placeholder2_callback, -- user defined
  custom_key = "default value",  -- this what we want output in @PLACEHOLDER2@

  projects = {
    -- By default templates are to be placesd under ~/.config/nvim/skeleton/
    -- but with projects, an addtional folder ~/.config/nvim/nvim/skeleton/project1/
    -- is also searched, if the required template is found under project template folder
    -- it will use that. If no project template file is found it will 
    -- attempt find one under the root template folder.
    project1 = {              
        -- `path` to project is a required for each project
        path = "absolute/path/to/my/project1/"

        -- we can override all configuration in here, i.e.

        -- different mappings
        mappings = {
            ['*.cpp'] = "alternate_cpp.skel"  -- can also provide per project root level template files

        -- override placeholder substitutions
        substitutions = {
            ['FILENAME']             = my_filename_callback,    -- user callback
            ['NAME']                 = "My Name",               -- can use hard-coded string 
            ['PLACEHOLDER1']         = project1_placeholder1_callback, -- user defined and overridden from global config

        -- override custom_key for project1
        custom_key = "my project1 value",

As you can see from this example the configuration very flexible to support per project customisation.

  • we can have different per project template files under root ../skeleton/ folder by overriding per project mappings or
  • we can use the default mappings across all but handle any custom per project templates by placing them under subfolders with named after the project, i.e.
    • ~/.config/nvim/skeleton/ // default
    • ~/.config/nvim/skeleton/project1/ // project 1 templates
    • ~/.config/nvim/skeleton/project2/ // project 2 templates
  • project identification is based on path of new buffer being created and thus must provide key/val path for each per project configuration.