Deleted tag
Deleted branch
include 3.11
include 3.11
set up workflow to mirror modern projects
set up workflow to mirror modern projects
Force push
flake fixing
flake fixing
black and isort
black and isort
set up workflow to mirror modern projects
set up workflow to mirror modern projects
Force push
more in line
more in line
bring in more dev deps
bring in more dev deps
set up workflow to mirror modern projects
set up workflow to mirror modern projects
Force push
include pytest
include pytest
be more flexible with python 3.8
be more flexible with python 3.8
start using nox
start using nox
include poetry
include poetry
bye bye duplicate flake
bye bye duplicate flake
set up workflow to mirror modern projects
set up workflow to mirror modern projects
migrate from
migrate from
start migrating vdom/core to pure Python 3
start migrating vdom/core to pure Python 3
Force push
start migrating vdom/core to pure Python 3
start migrating vdom/core to pure Python 3