Previsualisation tools for volumes, meshes, pointclouds, high resolution images.
This is a service provided by MIVP to Monash University staff and affiliates. It provides a way to upload volumetric, mesh pointcloud and high-res images data, visualise the data on a web page, and then allows people to visualise the volume in CAVE2/VR.
- Install node packages
cd client
npm install
npm install --only=dev
- Run dev mode
npm run dev
npm run start
- Run development mode
npm run build
- Rebuild sharevol (if needed)
cd server/public/sharevols
cp lib/sharevol-all.js sharevol.js
- Build PotreeConverter
cd server/potree
cd server/potree/potree
npm install
gulp build
cd server/potree
./ (to copy potree previs build to pointviewer)
- Install npm packages
cd server
npm install
npm install --only=dev
- Set up firebase sdk
- Update server/src/node-config.js and client/src/enviroments/environment* if needed
- Setup path to sdk file in src/node-config.js
- Build client and run server
- Run server only
./ for development
- Using ngrx to manage client app state
- Generate stats info
- Do not need to define data type before uploading
- Generate mesh/point thumbnails from client viewers
- Add admin page to view stats
- Add list/table view
- Add collections
- Add sharing feture
- Using secret dir to access data instead of tag
- Add password protection for datasets
- Metadata is simplified
- Upgrade client web app from Angular 6 to Angular 7
- Support QR code generator for tag. The QR code can be used in Hololens app.
- Add profile page and API key generation
- Support uploading via client scripts
- Sending email when errors occur
- Support presets in viewers
- Upgrade client web app from Angular 5 to Angular 6
- Add Google Analytics to production site
- Add email notification when conversion is complete
- Can upload volume as stacked tif file
- Allow users to upload 16-bit tif data. 16-bit will be converted to 8-bit
- Add tiff extension for volume and image downloaded from a Google link
- Add advanced options for volume data (voxel size, timestep, channel index)
- Support high resolution image upload, view high-res images in web browser and CAVE2
- New json file structure for mesh folders
- Support MTL file with texture images
- Support more image types (in addition to tiff image, users can upload stack of jpg,png images)
- Faster volume data conversion
- Support high resolution volume viewing in the CAVE2 with Tuvok
- Support volume (tiffstack), mesh (obj) and pointcloud data
- Data can be imported from local machine, shared link or MyTardis
- View data in the CAVE2
- Firebase (Auth and Firestore)
- Potree (PotreeConveter, potree web viewer)
- Sharevol (WebGL volume viewer)
- Three.js (WebGL mesh viewer)
- OpenSeadragon (Javascript high-res image viewer)
- vips (to convert image to deep zoom format)