All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
v0.1.16 - 2023-03-15
- refactor: users, auth and azure use cases @nunocaseiro (#1233)
- feat: tipbar, header & footer @StereoPT (#1236)
- fix: import error @patricia-mdias (#1231)
- refactor: board user module @patricia-mdias (#1229)
- test: update phase backend @GoncaloCanteiro (#1222)
- test: create team page refactor and tests @JoaoSaIvador (#1226)
- test: add tests to get board service @CatiaAntunes96 (#1224)
- feat: library mocks @StereoPT (#1218)
- refactor: comment repository @patricia-mdias (#1214)
- feat: add reset-password repository @CatiaAntunes96 (#1213)
- refactor: schedule repository @CatiaAntunes96 (#1209)
- refactor: vote repository @patricia-mdias (#1201)
- refactor: card repository @CatiaAntunes96 (#1204)
- feat: generic factory @nunocaseiro (#1200)
- feat: primitive testing @StereoPT (#1192)
- refactor: remove server side props logic to a single request on backend @patricia-mdias (#1169)
- feat: team list refactor and tests @JoaoSaIvador (#1168)
- refactor: subboard link @patricia-mdias (#1154)
- refactor: team participants page @patricia-mdias (#1151)
- feat: add card or comment as guest user @patricia-mdias (#1147)
- docs: add GoncaloCanteiro as a contributor for code @allcontributors (#1144)
- feat: update pull request template @StereoPT (#1219)
- feat: add minimum time for the timer @geomarb (#1210)
- feat: confirmation dialog refactor @JoaoSaIvador (#1203)
- refactor: create board and board user repository @CatiaAntunes96 (#1178)
- feat: add submit phase @GoncaloCanteiro (#1175)
- feat: get board guard @patricia-mdias (#1177)
- feat: send xgeeks board phase to slack @GoncaloCanteiro (#1156)
- refactor: enhance swagger on updateBoardPhase @GoncaloCanteiro (#1160)
- refactor: change sub board name @nunocaseiro (#1149)
- feat: regular board public private frontend @CatiaAntunes96 (#1134)
- feat: add the voting phase @GoncaloCanteiro (#1137)
- feat(auth-azure): upload and set user photo on login @rpvsilva (#1132)
- fix: cancel button color @StereoPT (#1247)
- fix: board settings save button and create regular board cards @JoaoSaIvador (#1244)
- fix: remove condition to display save button @CatiaAntunes96 (#1242)
- fix: popover outline and margin @JoaoSaIvador (#1220)
- fix: checkbox position @StereoPT (#1208)
- fix: create board page design @JoaoSaIvador (#1198)
- fix: remove populate path fro boards on team repo @CatiaAntunes96 (#1196)
- fix: delete query to db to get mainboardid @CatiaAntunes96 (#1194)
- fix: fix board creator permissions on a regular board @CatiaAntunes96 (#1189)
- fix: merge board last message @nunocaseiro (#1171)
- fix: merged subboard banner @patricia-mdias (#1174)
- fix: regular retro column name @CatiaAntunes96 (#1166)
- fix: update board column name max char @JoaoSaIvador (#1162)
- fix: get non anonymous users @JoaoSaIvador (#1159)
- fix(azure): if statement to get token @rpvsilva (#1158)
- fix: endpoint returns paginated boards to sAdmin @patricia-mdias (#1153)
- feat: update pull request template @StereoPT (#1219)
- feat: team details page refactor and tests @JoaoSaIvador (#1184)
- feat: team item refactor, story & tests @StereoPT (#1164)
- feat: main page header refactor story and tests @JoaoSaIvador (#1142)
- feat: dashboard tiles story and tests @JoaoSaIvador (#1140)
- feat: sidebar story, refactor and tests @JoaoSaIvador (#1136)
- chore(deps): bump webpack from 5.75.0 to 5.76.0 in /frontend @dependabot (#1245)
- chore(deps): bump next-auth from 4.18.6 to 4.20.1 in /frontend @dependabot (#1234)
Full Changelog:
v0.1.15 - 2023-02-21
- fix: board number when the responsible is changed @nunocaseiro (#1131)
Full Changelog:
v0.1.14 - 2023-02-20
- fix: timer position @nunocaseiro (#1130)
Full Changelog:
v0.1.13 - 2023-02-20
- chore: remove maze code @nunocaseiro (#1103)
- fix: added more space between columns @patricia-mdias (#1088)
- refactor: column module @CatiaAntunes96 (#1063)
- fix: hide comment @nunocaseiro (#1069)
- chore: add maze script @nunocaseiro (#1067)
- fix: dynamic tabs @StereoPT (#1058)
- feat: board timer @geomarb (#1020)
- feat: regular board public private @patricia-mdias (#1093)
- fix: primitive style overrides @JoaoSaIvador (#1095)
- feat: add template for to improve cards @CatiaAntunes96 (#1087)
- feat: drag and drop column @CatiaAntunes96 (#1083)
- feat: input primitive refactor story @StereoPT (#1076)
- feat: regular board no team edit responsible endpoint @patricia-mdias (#1075)
- feat: regular board no team edit responsible @patricia-mdias (#1074)
- fix: optimistic update onSettled return added users with id @patricia-mdias (#1070)
- feat: show board participants endpoint @patricia-mdias (#1056)
- feat: basic recoil dev tools @StereoPT (#1061)
- fix: hide or show recoil dev tools based on a env var @nunocaseiro (#1128)
- fix: regular board change tab @nunocaseiro (#1122)
- fix: dialog form scroll and submit @JoaoSaIvador (#1118)
- fix: add comment on own cards if they are hidden @nunocaseiro (#1116)
- fix: fix board page scroll and add margin bottom @JoaoSaIvador (#1115)
- fix: new line of the default text @nunocaseiro (#1105)
- fix: textarea validation state @JoaoSaIvador (#1097)
- fix: form field reseting @StereoPT (#1094)
- fix: placeholder replaces card @CatiaAntunes96 (#1091)
- fix: add slack channel id to a team @mourabraz (#1078)
- fix: participants list ordered by responsibles>member @patricia-mdias (#1085)
- fix: regular board team header no gap between elements @patricia-mdias (#1082)
- fix: renamed keys of atoms @patricia-mdias (#1080)
- feat: input primitive refactor story @StereoPT (#1076)
- feat: regular board no team edit responsible @patricia-mdias (#1074)
- fix: hide timer after sub board is merged @geomarb (#1066)
- feat: storybook split color palette @JoaoSaIvador (#1125)
- feat: icons with search @StereoPT (#1121)
- feat: dialog primitive story @JoaoSaIvador (#1107)
- feat: alert box primitive story @JoaoSaIvador (#1113)
- feat: tooltip primitive story @JoaoSaIvador (#1109)
- feat: breadcrumbs primitive & story @StereoPT (#1110)
- feat: loadings primitive & story @StereoPT (#1104)
- fix: primitive style overrides @JoaoSaIvador (#1095)
- feat: input primitive refactor story @StereoPT (#1076)
- feat: checkbox primitive refactor and story @JoaoSaIvador (#1057)
- chore(deps): bump amannn/action-semantic-pull-request from 5.0.2 to 5.1.0 @dependabot (#1072)
- chore(deps): bump @sideway/formula from 3.0.0 to 3.0.1 in /backend @dependabot (#1054)
Full Changelog:
v0.1.12 - 2023-02-08
- feat: call archive slack channels service when a board is deleted @mourabraz (#1050)
- feat: storybook deployment @JoaoSaIvador (#1036)
- feat: tab primitive storybook @StereoPT (#1046)
- fix: update comments as responsible @nunocaseiro (#1051)
- fix: input onChange handler @StereoPT (#1040)
- fix: clean board and hide comments updating the cards visibility @nunocaseiro (#1044)
- fix: class validator @nunocaseiro (#1043)
- fix: blur, hide cards, hide text, post anonymously @nunocaseiro (#1037)
- fix: disable card drag on mainboard @StereoPT (#1032)
- feat: toast primitive story @JoaoSaIvador (#1049)
- feat: textarea primitive story @JoaoSaIvador (#1042)
- feat: switch primitive refactor and story @JoaoSaIvador (#1033)
- chore(deps): bump class-validator from 0.13.2 to 0.14.0 in /backend @dependabot (#854)
Full Changelog:
v0.1.11 - 2023-02-06
- feat: delete board columns/handle votes @CatiaAntunes96 (#994)
- feat: show board participants frontend @patricia-mdias (#1007)
- feat: delete column/cards on a board @CatiaAntunes96 (#1018)
- feat: delete all card from a column @CatiaAntunes96 (#1016)
- fix: populates @nunocaseiro (#1027)
- fix: adding a column doesn't affect previous edited columns @patricia-mdias (#1011)
- fix: teams page has all teams in application @StereoPT (#1013)
- fix: regular board votes and quick create @CatiaAntunes96 (#996)
- fix: order board members @StereoPT (#999)
- feat: svg primitive story @JoaoSaIvador (#1029)
- feat: separator primitive refactor and story @JoaoSaIvador (#1025)
- feat: select primitive refactor and story @JoaoSaIvador (#1015)
- feat: radiogroup primitive refactor and story @JoaoSaIvador (#1005)
- feat: avatar group story and refactor @StereoPT (#998)
- chore(deps): bump docker/build-push-action from 3 to 4 @dependabot (#1022)
Full Changelog:
v0.1.10 - 2023-02-02
- fix: new responsible validation @nunocaseiro (#1001)
- fix: isNewJoiner period and votes @CatiaAntunes96 (#1000)
- feat: popover primitive refactor and story @JoaoSaIvador (#993)
Full Changelog:
v0.1.9 - 2023-02-02
- docs: fix typo @dpompeu-xgeeks (#987)
- fix: slack channels @CatiaAntunes96 (#992)
Full Changelog:
v0.1.8 - 2023-02-01
- fix: main board settings @CatiaAntunes96 (#983)
- feat: avatar primitive story @JoaoSaIvador (#980)
Full Changelog:
v0.1.7 - 2023-01-31
- fix: participants @nunocaseiro (#978)
Full Changelog:
v0.1.6 - 2023-01-31
- fix: recent issues @nunocaseiro (#970)
- fix: close popover when modal is opened @CatiaAntunes96 (#972)
- fix: create regular board working @patricia-mdias (#962)
- fix: text primitive tech debt @JoaoSaIvador (#959)
- feat: alertdialog story @JoaoSaIvador (#974)
Full Changelog:
v0.1.5 - 2023-01-30
- fix: settings in a split board @nunocaseiro (#955)
- feat: text primitive story & fixes @StereoPT (#953)
- fix: button primitive component normalization @JoaoSaIvador (#949)
- feat: text primitive story & fixes @StereoPT (#953)
v0.1.4 - 2023-01-27
- fix: use unique name or email to add a user into slack main channel @nunocaseiro (#952)
v0.1.3 - 2023-01-27
- refactor: protect team names duplication @nunocaseiro (#951)
v0.1.2 - 2023-01-27
- feat: add user to main channel; fix deleted user issues @nunocaseiro (#947)
- refactor: disable regular board creation @nunocaseiro (#933)
- feat: column operations actions @CatiaAntunes96 (#891)
- fix: 877 bug create new team page design @StereoPT (#878)
- refactor: sockets @nunocaseiro (#864)
- docs: add JoaoSaIvador as a contributor for code, and doc @allcontributors (#849)
- docs: add StereoPT as a contributor for code @allcontributors (#848)
- refactor: reduce number of requests using sockets @rpvsilva (#837)
- feat: design select on selecting teams @patricia-mdias (#797)
- fix: votes @nunocaseiro (#795)
- refactor: board issues @nunocaseiro (#779)
- refactor: create generic dialog @rpvsilva (#762)
- fix: debounce increased from 100ms to 300ms @GuiSanto (#767)
- feat: fetch teams, add teams to user, filter by search @GuiSanto (#759)
- feat: add teams to user (create teamuser db documents) @GuiSanto (#758)
- feat: get teams the user is not part of @GuiSanto (#754)
- feat: displaying all teams of user. Delete team of user too @GuiSanto (#729)
- feat: get teams of user backend refactored @GuiSanto (#728)
- refactor: board settings, update packages @nunocaseiro (#713)
- refactor: removed local dockerfiles and changed docker compose @rpvsilva (#701)
- fix: optimistic update on anonymous comments @nunocaseiro (#698)
- feat: team repository @nunocaseiro (#661)
- feat: super admin allowed to change teams @patricia-mdias (#654)
- feat: regular board add remove edit move board columns @patricia-mdias (#940)
- feat: flex story @StereoPT (#939)
- feat: storybook @StereoPT (#935)
- feat: regular board add remove edit move board columns @patricia-mdias (#929)
- feat: add archive service @mourabraz (#822)
- feat: column operations action frontend @CatiaAntunes96 (#919)
- feat: make board public ui @patricia-mdias (#892)
- feat: column operation popover @CatiaAntunes96 (#880)
- fix: dashboard links @CatiaAntunes96 (#873)
- feat: regular board list board users @patricia-mdias (#863)
- feat: personal boards page @patricia-mdias (#857)
- feat: personal filter boads page frontend @patricia-mdias (#824)
- feat: personal filter boads page endpoint @patricia-mdias (#805)
- refactor: landing page @nunocaseiro (#809)
- feat: add empty regular board @CatiaAntunes96 (#793)
- feat: create regular board action frontend @CatiaAntunes96 (#786)
- feat: filter boards by team fe @patricia-mdias (#783)
- feat: configurations tab @CatiaAntunes96 (#774)
- feat: participants tab select participants @CatiaAntunes96 (#772)
- feat: add select team to regular board @CatiaAntunes96 (#736)
- feat: filter boards by team endpoint @patricia-mdias (#760)
- feat: superadmin gets all the teams @patricia-mdias (#753)
- feat: layout complete @GuiSanto (#751)
- feat: edit role of user of corresponding team when editing user @RafaelSBatista97 (#744)
- feat: layout of teams of the user when editing the user @RafaelSBatista97 (#724)
- feat: top layout for users edit page @RafaelSBatista97 (#718)
- feat: team card body @patricia-mdias (#702)
- feat: frontend done for search user @GuiSanto (#707)
- feat: backend done for search user @GuiSanto (#705)
- feat: select all team members button @patricia-mdias (#673)
- feat: configure regular board @CatiaAntunes96 (#685)
- feat: delete user @GuiSanto (#665)
- feat: update team members @patricia-mdias (#668)
- feat: users lazy loading scroll @RafaelSBatista97 (#683)
- feat: users lazy loading backend @RafaelSBatista97 (#682)
- feat: select retro type @CatiaAntunes96 (#681)
- refactor: handle disable vote buttons @nunocaseiro (#684)
- feat: change team on create board @CatiaAntunes96 (#667)
- feat: user card actions @RafaelSBatista97 (#658)
- feat: automatically update isnewjoiner status @CatiaAntunes96 (#662)
- feat: update team members endpoint @patricia-mdias (#666)
- feat: user repository @nunocaseiro (#655)
- feat: user card on the list @GuiSanto (#649)
- feat: add delete team endpoint ui @patricia-mdias (#637)
- feat: add delete team endpoint @patricia-mdias (#633)
- feat(teams): added endpoint to get users with corresponding teams @RafaelSBatista97 (#632)
- fix: missing socket send room @nunocaseiro (#943)
- fix: set check value only on slackEnable @JoaoSaIvador (#948)
- fix: package-lock sync @JoaoSaIvador (#938)
- fix: add alert button and disabled select color @JoaoSaIvador (#930)
- fix: scrollable containers margins @StereoPT (#927)
- fix: verify checkbox id @JoaoSaIvador (#925)
- fix: slack participants and votes @nunocaseiro (#913)
- fix: enableSlack with hook form and fix form submissions @nunocaseiro (#923)
- fix: new split board page scroll @JoaoSaIvador (#921)
- fix: removed decimal part @StereoPT (#920)
- fix: split instead of splitted @StereoPT (#916)
- fix: store state on create slack group checkbox @JoaoSaIvador (#911)
- fix: super-admin access @StereoPT (#906)
- fix: font weight board settings and add new card buttons @StereoPT (#910)
- fix: card settings background color @JoaoSaIvador (#908)
- fix: unify scrolling behavior on create new x pages @JoaoSaIvador (#905)
- fix: card amount background color @StereoPT (#907)
- fix: new split board team selection @StereoPT (#898)
- fix: bug login page design and bugs @JoaoSaIvador (#893)
- fix: last updated dates not showing in boards list page @JoaoSaIvador (#897)
- fix: regular board update board name @patricia-mdias (#879)
- fix: search input clear and colors @JoaoSaIvador (#876)
- fix: bug new board design fixes @JoaoSaIvador (#889)
- fix: gap between team-rows @StereoPT (#884)
- fix: participants can be added to Regular board @patricia-mdias (#888)
- fix: bug drop down design @StereoPT (#872)
- fix: bug distances between the board rows @JoaoSaIvador (#868)
- fix: bug sub board configurations @JoaoSaIvador (#856)
- fix: only allow team admins to add new team boards @JoaoSaIvador (#862)
- fix: team admin stakeholder cant access sub boards @StereoPT (#860)
- fix: registered users amount @StereoPT (#855)
- fix: board loading @CatiaAntunes96 (#853)
- fix: votes @nunocaseiro (#851)
- fix: schedules and votes @nunocaseiro (#847)
- fix: team members list ordering @StereoPT (#841)
- fix: verifyNewJoiner function in backend @patricia-mdias (#843)
- fix: unmerge, avoid requesting on success, handle erros @nunocaseiro (#836)
- fix: users distributed evenly per sub board @patricia-mdias (#839)
- fix: main board alert section padding @JoaoSaIvador (#834)
- fix: validation text area on change @nunocaseiro (#828)
- fix: update card position and votes with sockets @nunocaseiro (#827)
- fix: text area new line and height @nunocaseiro (#826)
- fix: bug names @RafaelSBatista97 (#823)
- fix: board access and other fixes @nunocaseiro (#818)
- fix: add slack enable in the sub boards @nunocaseiro (#820)
- fix: padding of stakeholders box when creating board @RafaelSBatista97 (#814)
- fix: fix newJoiner status, responsible of subBoard @CatiaAntunes96 (#807)
- fix: comment sort by date, create anonymous comments in card group @nunocaseiro (#804)
- fix: some bugs @nunocaseiro (#802)
- fix: votes and responsibles @nunocaseiro (#796)
- fix: fix add responsibles field to boardData @CatiaAntunes96 (#799)
- fix: votes @nunocaseiro (#787)
- fix: random responsible generator fixed @GuiSanto (#789)
- fix: multiple bugs @RafaelSBatista97 (#784)
- fix: get user info @RafaelSBatista97 (#771)
- fix: only makes request when the dialog is opened @RafaelSBatista97 (#764)
- fix: large names @nunocaseiro (#768)
- fix: user edit role working @GuiSanto (#761)
- fix(signUp): rerenders on register form @rpvsilva (#755)
- feat: superadmin gets all the teams @patricia-mdias (#753)
- fix: new board shows team selected on 1st render @patricia-mdias (#746)
- fix: users edit teams list and delete users @RafaelSBatista97 (#735)
- fix: bugs @nunocaseiro (#727)
- fix: fix split of teams by sub-board @CatiaAntunes96 (#730)
- fix: settings tab removes sub boards @CatiaAntunes96 (#725)
- fix: voting updates @nunocaseiro (#711)
- fix: merge card position @nunocaseiro (#709)
- fix: scroll in a board and drag and drop cards when the columns are sorted @nunocaseiro (#704)
- feat: select all team members button @patricia-mdias (#673)
- fix: unmerge cards positions @nunocaseiro (#700)
- fix: large cards @nunocaseiro (#696)
- fix: request new access token with refresh token @nunocaseiro (#695)
- fix: large cards @nunocaseiro (#659)
- fix: delete team removes associated boards @patricia-mdias (#653)
- fix: issues @nunocaseiro (#648)
- fix: unauthorised error on dashboard @nunocaseiro (#647)
- fix: fetchData method return @nunocaseiro (#640)
- fix: team cards @patricia-mdias (#626)
- fix: npm prod script command @nunocaseiro (#635)
- feat: flex story @StereoPT (#939)
- feat: storybook @StereoPT (#935)