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The setup will be performed for the three organizational roles of the KIK-V bolt.

Start a network

We'll use the network setup as provided by the nuts-workshops repository. First clone the github repo to your machine (if you haven't already):

Checkout this repository:

git clone

Navigate to the kik-v directory:

cd kik-v

We start a network with 3 nodes, one for every organizational role. Each node will have a admin ui which makes it easier to manage DIDs.

docker compose pull
docker compose up

You can check the status by executing docker compose ps from the same directory. Its output should resemble the output below.

CONTAINER ID   IMAGE                                            COMMAND                  CREATED              STATUS                    PORTS                              NAMES
0e9aece9850e   nutsfoundation/nuts-registry-admin-demo:master   "/app/nuts-registry-…"   37 seconds ago       Up 34 seconds (healthy)>1303/tcp             kik-v-admin-one-1
cb44d22b09cd   nutsfoundation/nuts-node:master                  "/usr/bin/nuts server"   37 seconds ago       Up 35 seconds (healthy)>1323/tcp, 5555/tcp   kik-v-node-one-1
559422fc47a5   nutsfoundation/nuts-registry-admin-demo:master   "/app/nuts-registry-…"   About a minute ago   Up 34 seconds (healthy)>1303/tcp             kik-v-admin-two-1
b97021a3ca92   nutsfoundation/nuts-registry-admin-demo:master   "/app/nuts-registry-…"   About a minute ago   Up 34 seconds (healthy)>1303/tcp             kik-v-admin-three-1
4421c3578a17   nutsfoundation/nuts-node:master                  "/usr/bin/nuts server"   About a minute ago   Up 35 seconds (healthy)   5555/tcp,>1323/tcp   kik-v-node-two-1
d9758087efc5   nutsfoundation/nuts-node:master                  "/usr/bin/nuts server"   About a minute ago   Up 35 seconds (healthy)   5555/tcp,>1323/tcp   kik-v-node-three-1

Setup the Service Providers

Before we can start, each of these organizational roles must be created in the network. Each role has its own Nuts node and every nuts node has a Service Provider which represents the identity of the node operator.

For all these Admin UIs, use the password demo

We use the Admin Demo UI for all three organizational roles as it gives us an easily clickable UI. For the roles, the terminology seems a bit off since it is originally designed as a management interface for EPD suppliers managing its customers, which are care organizations.

It's useful to take note of authorizer's, consumer's, and producer's organization DIDs (not the Service Providers) you create in the steps below, because you'll need them many times for what comes next.

Setup the Authority

Go to Admin UI of node 1. Name this service provider Authority SP since it will be the Service Provider of the authority that issues the validated query credential. Set the Nuts node endpoint of the Service Provider field to grpc://node-one:5555. Click on the button Create Service Provider. Now you can create an organization: Go to Your care organizations and create a new organization. You can use any numeric internal ID, name it Authority KIK-V and give it your favorite city. After saving you can click on the newly created organization and check the Publish by this name in Nuts network checkbox to make sure the authority is visible on the network.

Setup the Data Consumer

Do the same thing for Admin UI of node 2 and call the Service Provider Data Consumer SP since it will be the service provider of the data consumer. Set the Nuts node endpoint of the Service Provider field to grpc://node-two:5555. Now create an organization Data Consumer which will represent the organization firing of the query.

Setup the Data Producer

Create one last Service Provider for the data producer with the Admin UI of node 3. Name this service provider Data Producer SP. Set the Nuts node endpoint of the Service Provider field to grpc://node-three:5555. Lastly, create an organization that acts as the data producer. Name it Data Producer or a name of a fictional care organization and publish it on the network.

For more information on issuing/managing organization credentials, see Issue a Nuts Organization Credential.

Trust the issuer of the organizational credential

When you name an organisation, the service provider issues a NutsOrganizationCredential. In order to search by name for an organisation, you have to trust the issuer. This can be done by navigating to the Manage Credential Issuers section in each of the admin interfaces and click the Trust checkbox behind each service provider.

Trust the issuer of the validated query credential

The data producer needs to trust the validated query credential of the authority organization. This trust is registered explicitly.

POST http://localhost:3323/internal/vcr/v2/verifier/trust
Content-Type: application/json

    "issuer": "did:nuts:<the did of the Authority KIK-V organization>",
    "credentialType": "ValidatedQueryCredential"

This must result in a HTTP status code 204 (no content).

You can look up the DID of the Authority KIK-V (the organization, not the SP) in the Admin UI of the authority node.

Setup the endpoints for the data producer

Now we will setup the endpoints needed to interact with the actual services.

Go to the Admin UI of node 3. The endpoints are created for the Service Provider. The first endpoint points to the new service we are going to build which acts as a proxy before the datastation. The value depends on the port and path your new service will be hosted at. Fill in the proper values where type needs to contain the type of the endpoint (f.e. datastation) and URL needs to contain the value of the valid query endpoint at the data station.

The second endpoint is used for the authorization. Make sure that the type is called oauth and the endpoint points to http://node-three:1323/n2n/auth/v1/accesstoken.

Setup the service for the data producer

The service you create is the validated-query-service. Fill in the name of the service and the endpoints oauth and datastation. It's necessary to use these names also as type in the service form. The request for an access token will look for the oauth endpoint type, and will return an error if it's not found.

Example of services and endpoints

Now for the last step: go to the organization page and click on the data producer you created. Tick the box for the service configuration and make sure the data producer is published on the network.

You now have setup your data producer with a validated-query-service which other parties in the network can look up.

Restart the Nuts nodes

In the next steps we will issue a private ValidatedQueryCredential. But for private exchange of VCs to work, the connections need to be authenticated using the DID of the SP we just created. This is resolved automatically, but you need to restart the Nuts nodes (all 3) for it to take effect. So, restart the Nuts nodes:

docker compose restart

A side effect of restarting after registering the service providers is that all 3 nodes will connect to each other, forming a full mesh network. Each node published their Nuts node address (e.g. grpc://node-one:5555) which is used by the nodes to discover each other.