- Several fixes to comply with CRAN policies.
- Added tests for all core functions.
- Fix for applying custom colors in GC_color.
- Fix for setting direction in GC_grid.
- Prepared the package for CRAN release
- Option to display transcripts using the GC_transcripts function.
- Option to perform MUMmer alignments.
- Add option to add a color bar.
- Option to perform BlastP between gene clusters.
- Add option to add links between genes in clusters.
- Add preset markers for genes: arrow, boxarrow, box, cbox and rbox.
- Add options to load cluster information from GenBank and FASTA files.
- Add option to add gene links.
- Change package name from GCVieweR to geneviewer.
- Option to align a specified gene across clusters.
- Options to add text, line, arrow, rectangle, symbol, terminator and promoter annotations to a GC_chart.
- Introduced customizable margin settings for charts, clusters, titles, and legends.
- Added styling options for the containers of charts, clusters, titles, and legends.
- Implemented a new feature to display clusters side by side.
- Updated and expanded the documentation to reflect new features and usability improvements.
- Initial Beta release.