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Review Service

This repository introduces abstractions around native review capabilities to ease code sharing and testability. It also introduces business logic to quickly configure conditions and state tracking to prompt for reviews at the right moment.

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Before Getting Started

Before getting started, please read the Android and iOS application review documentation.

Getting Started

  1. Add the review_service package to your project.

  2. Create an instance of ReviewService. We'll cover dependency injection in details later on in this documentation.

    var reviewConditionsBuilder = ReviewConditionsBuilderImplementation
    var reviewPrompter = LoggingReviewPrompter();
    var reviewSettingsSource = MemoryReviewSettingsSource<ReviewSettings>(() => const ReviewSettings());
    var reviewService = ReviewService<ReviewSettings>(
       logger: Logger(),
       reviewPrompter: reviewPrompter,
       reviewSettingsSource: reviewSettingsSource,
       reviewConditionsBuilder: reviewConditionsBuilder);
  3. Use the service.

    • Update the review settings based on application events.
      late ReviewService<ReviewSettings> _reviewService;
      Future<void> doPrimaryAction() async {
         // Do Primary Action.
         // Track this action.
         await _reviewService.trackPrimaryActionCompleted();
    • Use the service to request review.
      late ReviewService<ReviewSettings> _reviewService;
      Future<void> onCompletedImportantFlow() async {
      // Do Meaningful Task.
      // Check if all conditions are satisfied and prompt for review if they are.
      await _reviewService.tryRequestReview();

Next Steps

Persisting Review Settings

MemoryReviewSettingsSource is great for automated testing but should not be the implementation of choice for real use-cases. Instead, you should create your own implementation that persists data on the device (so that review settings don't reset when you kill the app).

/// Storage implementation of <see cref="ReviewSettingsSource{TReviewSettings}"/>.
sealed class StorageReviewSettingsSource<ReviewSettings> extends ReviewSettings
    implements ReviewSettingsSource<ReviewSettings> {
  Future<ReviewSettings> read() {
    // TODO: Return stored review settings.
    return Future.value(ReviewSettings());

  Future<void> write(ReviewSettings reviewSettings) {
    // TODO: Update stored review settings.
    return Future.value();

Using Dependency Injection

Here is a simple code that does dependency injection using get_it.

   GetIt getIt = GetIt.instance;

   // Register the ReviewPrompter implementation with GetIt


Now that everything is setup, Let's see what else we can do!

Track Application Events

To track the provided review settings you can use the following ReviewService extensions.

💡 The review request count and the last review request are automatically tracked by the service.

Built-in Tracking Data

Configure Conditions

If you want to use our default review conditions, you can use ReviewConditionsBuilder.defaultBuilder() and pass it to the ReviewService constructor, or register it as a transient dependency when using dependency injection. Please note that our review conditions are also generic, so they can be used with custom review settings too.

The ReviewConditionsBuilder.Default() extension method uses the following conditions.

  • 3 application launches required.
  • 2 completed primary actions.
  • 5 days since the first application launch.
  • 15 days since the last review request.

Built-in Conditions

Add Custom Conditions

To create custom review conditions, you have to use ReviewConditionsBuilder.custom and ReviewConditionsBuilder.customAsync and provide them with a function directly instead of a condition. Also you can create extensions for ReviewConditionsBuilder and add a new condition to the builder. To create a review condition, you can use both SynchronousReviewCondition and AsynchronousReviewCondition you need to provide them with a function.

/// Extensions for ReviewConditionsBuilder<TReviewSettings>.
extension ReviewConditionsBuilderExtensions
    on ReviewConditionsBuilder<ReviewSettingsCustom> {
  /// The application onboarding must be completed.
  ReviewConditionsBuilder applicationOnboardingCompleted(
      ReviewConditionsBuilder builder) {
    builder.conditions.add(SynchronousReviewCondition<ReviewSettingsCustom>((reviewSettings, currentDateTime) => reviewSettings.hasCompletedOnboarding == true));
    return builder;

Here is a simple code that uses the builder extensions for review conditions.

  var reviewConditionsBuilder = ReviewConditionsBuilder.empty()
     .minimumElapsedTimeSinceApplicationFirstLaunch(Duration(days: 1))
     .custom((reviewSettings, currentDateTime) {
  return reviewSettings.primaryActionCompletedCount +
           reviewSettings.secondaryActionCompletedCount >=

It's possible to customize the review conditions used by the service by using ReviewConditionsBuilder and passing it to the ReviewService constructor or by injecting it as a transient when using dependency injection.

var reviewConditionsBuilder =
        .minimumElapsedTimeSinceApplicationFirstLaunch(Duration(days: 5))
        .custom((reviewSettings, currentDateTime) {
  return reviewSettings.primaryActionCompletedCount +
          reviewSettings.secondaryActionCompletedCount >=

Add Custom Tracking Data

First let's declare a new ReviewSettings named CustomReviewSettings with a favoriteJokesCount to track how many jokes were favorited in an hypothetical dad jokes application

  class CustomReviewSettings extends ReviewSettings {
    final int favoriteJokesCount;

    const CustomReviewSettings({
      this.favoriteJokesCount = 0,
      super.primaryActionCompletedCount = 0,
      super.secondaryActionCompletedCount = 0,
      super.applicationLaunchCount = 0,
      super.requestCount = 0,

    CustomReviewSettings copyWith({
      int? primaryActionCompletedCount,
      int? secondaryActionCompletedCount,
      int? applicationLaunchCount,
      DateTime? firstApplicationLaunch,
      int? requestCount,
      DateTime? lastRequest,
    }) {
      return CustomReviewSettings(
            primaryActionCompletedCount ?? this.primaryActionCompletedCount,
            secondaryActionCompletedCount ?? this.secondaryActionCompletedCount,
            applicationLaunchCount ?? this.applicationLaunchCount,
            firstApplicationLaunch ?? this.firstApplicationLaunch,
        requestCount: requestCount ?? this.requestCount,
        lastRequest: lastRequest ?? this.lastRequest,
        favoriteJokesCount: favoriteJokesCount,

    CustomReviewSettings copyWithFavorite(int favoriteCount) {
      return CustomReviewSettings(
        primaryActionCompletedCount: super.primaryActionCompletedCount,
        secondaryActionCompletedCount: super.secondaryActionCompletedCount,
        applicationLaunchCount: super.applicationLaunchCount,
        firstApplicationLaunch: super.firstApplicationLaunch,
        requestCount: super.requestCount,
        lastRequest: super.lastRequest,
        favoriteJokesCount: favoriteCount,

⚠ Notes :

  1. It's important you define a copyWith that overrides the one from the ReviewSettings class while returning the newly added property. This ensures that the calls made to the copyWith method of ReviewSettings will be overriden by your implementation
  2. You need to define a copyWith method that returns the superclass ReviewSettings value along with your new property passed as a parameter. This method will be used when you will track your review settings further down the line.

Once you've defined your new custom review settings, it is recommended to add an extension to the ReviewConditionsBuilder for uniformity :

  extension CustomReviewConditionsBuilderExtensions
      on ReviewConditionsBuilder<CustomReviewSettings> {
    ReviewConditionsBuilder<CustomReviewSettings> minimumJokesFavorited(
      int minimumJokesFavorited,
    ) {
          (reviewSettings, currentDateTime) =>
              reviewSettings.favoriteJokesCount >= minimumJokesFavorited,
      return this;

⚠ Notes : You need to specify that the ReviewConditionsBuilder takes your new CustomReviewSettings and not the default ReviewSettings since you want to use your newly added property.

Then you need to register your service with the extended ReviewConditionsBuilder and the new review settings like this :

  var logger = Logger();
  var reviewConditionsBuilder =

  var reviewSettingsSource =
        () => const CustomReviewSettings(),

      logger: logger,
      reviewPrompter: ReviewPrompter(logger: logger),
      reviewSettingsSource: reviewSettingsSource,
      reviewConditionsBuilder: reviewConditionsBuilder,

⚠ Notes :

  1. You need to specify again that you want the conditions builder the settings source and the service to use your CustomReviewSettings and not the generic.
  2. We recommend that you define your own interface that wraps ReviewService<CustomReviewSettings> to make the usage code leaner and ease any potential refactorings.
  /// This interface wraps ReviewService<CustomReviewSettings> so that you don't have to repeat the generic parameter everywhere that you would use the review service.
  /// In other words, you should use this interface in the app instead of ReviewService<CustomReviewSettings> because it's leaner.
  class CustomReviewService implements ReviewService<CustomReviewSettings> {
    late ReviewService<CustomReviewSettings> _reviewService;

    CustomReviewService(ReviewService<CustomReviewSettings> reviewService) {
      _reviewService = reviewService;

    Future<bool> getAreConditionsSatisfied() async {
      return await _reviewService.getAreConditionsSatisfied();

    Future<void> tryRequestReview() async {
      await _reviewService.tryRequestReview();

    Future<void> updateReviewSettings(
      CustomReviewSettings Function(CustomReviewSettings p1) updateFunction,
    ) async {
      await _reviewService.updateReviewSettings(updateFunction);

After creating your own implementation of the ReviewService you just need to register it like this :

        logger: logger,
        reviewPrompter: ReviewPrompter(logger: logger),
        reviewSettingsSource: reviewSettingsSource,
        reviewConditionsBuilder: reviewConditionsBuilder,

And use it like that :

  await GetIt.I.get<CustomReviewService>().trackFavoriteJokesCount();

Now you're all set to track how many jokes are favorited in your app and prompt for a review once your review conditions are meant (3 favorite jokes in this case).


This is what you need to know before testing and debugging this service. Please note that this may change and you should always refer to the Apple and Android documentation for the most up-to-date information.


  • You can't test this service while debugging the application, the prompt won't show up. To test it, you need to use the internal application sharing or the internal testing feature in Google Play Console. See this for more details.
  • You can't use a Google Suite account on Google Play to review an application because the prompt will not show up.


  • You can test on a real device or on a simulator.
  • You can test this service only while debugging the application (It won't show up on TestFlight).


Take a look at in_app_review that we use to prompt for review.

Breaking Changes

Please consult for more information about version history and compatibility.


This project is licensed under the Apache 2.0 license - see the LICENSE file for details.


Please read for details on the process for contributing to this project.

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