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813 lines (530 loc) · 24 KB


[2.5.0] - 2024-09-18

New decoders:

  • startsWith() (docs)

  • endsWith() (docs)

  • Officially drop Node 16 support (it may still work)

[2.4.2] - 2024-06-30

  • Fix a regression in taggedUnion (thanks for reporting, @programever)
  • Upgrade all dependencies

[2.4.0] - 2024-01-21

New features:

  • A new .pipe() method on Decoder allows you to pass the output of one decoder into another:
      .transform((s) => s.split(',')) // transform first...
      .pipe(array(nonEmptyString)); //   ...then validate that result
    This was previously possible already with .then, but it wasn't as elegant to express.
  • The new .pipe() can also dynamically select another decoder, based on the input:
      .transform((s) => s.split(',').map(Number)) // transform first...
      .pipe((tup) =>
        tup.length === 2
          ? point2d
          : tup.length === 3
            ? point3d
            : never('Invalid coordinate'),
  • Decoder error messages will now quote identifiers using single quotes, which makes them more human-readable in JSON responses. Compare:
    "Value at key \"foo\": Must be \"bar\", \"qux\""  // ❌ Previously
    "Value at key 'foo': Must be 'bar', 'qux'"        // ✅ Now
  • Some runtime perf optimizations

New decoders:

Removed decoders:

  • Remove numericBoolean decoder, which was deprecated since 2.3.0.

[2.3.0] - 2024-01-09

New features:

  • All enum types are now supported (docs)
  • Record decoder now supports both record(values) and record(keys, values) forms (docs)
  • Add datelike decoder (docs)
  • Add support for bigint (docs)
  • Add built-in support for common string validations
  • Better support for symbols in constant() and oneOf()

New decoders:

Renamed decoders:

Some decoders have been renamed because their names were based on Flowisms. Names have been updated to better reflect TypeScript terminology:

  • dict()record()
  • maybe()nullish()
  • set()setFromArray() (to make room for a better set() decoder in a future version)

Deprecated decoders:

The following decoders are deprecated because they were not commonly used, and a bit too specific to be in the standard library. They are also scheduled for removal in a future decoders version.

  • dict() (prefer record())
  • hardcoded() (prefer always())
  • maybe() (prefer nullish())
  • mixed (prefer unknown)
  • numericBoolean()

Other changes:

  • Fix: positiveNumber and positiveInteger no longer accept -0 as valid inputs
  • Fix: either return type would sometimes get inferred incorrectly if members partially overlapped (see #941)
  • Reorganized internal module structure
  • Simplified some of the more complicated internal types


Breaking change: Dropped Flow support*.

Breaking change: Projects that are not yet using strict: true in their tsconfig.json files files are no longer supported. Previously, decoders went to great lenghts to support both configurations, but the internal typing magic was getting too complex to maintain without much benefit.

Breaking change: A small breaking change is introduced that removes the need for some packaging workarounds to support projects using old TypeScript/Node versions. It’s now simpler to use, and simpler to maintain:

-import { formatInline, formatShort } from 'decoders/format'; // ❌
+import { formatInline, formatShort } from 'decoders'; // ✅
-import { Result, ok, err } from 'decoders/result'; // ❌
+import { Result, ok, err } from 'decoders'; // ✅

Other, smaller changes, mostly internal:

  • Rewritten source code in TypeScript (previously Flow)
  • Rewritten test suite in Vitest (previously Jest)
  • Modern ESM and CJS dual exports (fully tree-shakable when using ESM)
  • Further reduced bundle size
  • Related, greatly simplified complex internal typing magic to make it work in projects with and without strict mode.

(*: I'm still open to bundling Flow types within this package, but only if that can be supported in a maintenance-free way, for example by using a script that will generate *.flow files from TypeScript source files. If someone can add support for that, I'm open to pull requests! 🙏 )


  • Officially drop Node 12 and 14 support (they may still work)
  • Fix unintentional inclusion of lib.dom.d.ts in TypeScript


  • The returned value for positiveInteger(-0) is now 0, not -0
  • The returned value for positiveNumber(-0) is now 0, not -0


  • Fix a bug in the url decoder, which could incorrectly reject URLs with a / in the query path. Thanks, @gcampax!


  • Fix bundling issue where TypeScript types would not get picked up correctly in old TypeScript versions. Thanks, @robinchow!

  • Fix TypeScript types for Result type to allow implicit-undefineds.


  • Fix TypeScript types for formatShort and formatInline helper functions


  • TypeScript-only: Fix definition of JSONObject to reflect that its values might always be undefined as well.

  • TypeScript-only: Changed return types of { [key: string]: T } to Record<string, T>.

  • TypeScript-only: Fine-tune the type of instanceOf().


This is a breaking change, which brings numerous benefits:

  • A simpler API 😇
  • Smaller bundle size (67% reduction 😱)
  • Tree-shaking support 🍃
  • Runtime speed 🏎️
  • Better documentation 📚
  • Better support for writing your own decoders 🛠️

Bundle size comparison between v1 and v2

Please see the migration guide for precise instructions on how to adjust your v1 code.

The main change is the brand new Decoder<T> API! The tl;dr is:

Replace this v1 pattern... ...with this v2 API Notes
mydecoder(input) mydecoder.decode(input) migration instructions
guard(mydecoder)(input) mydecoder.verify(input) migration instructions
map(mydecoder, ...) mydecoder.transform(...) migration instructions
compose(mydecoder, predicate(...)) mydecoder.refine(...) migration instructions
describe(mydecoder, ...) mydecoder.describe(...)
mydecoder(input).value() mydecoder.value(input)
either, either3, ..., either9 either migration instructions
tuple1, tuple2, ... tuple6 tuple migration instructions
dispatch taggedUnion migration instructions
url(...) httpsUrl / url (signature has changed) migration instructions

The full documentation is available on

Other features:

  • Include ES modules in published NPM builds (yay tree-shaking! 🍃)
  • Much smaller total bundle size (67% smaller compared to v1 😱)

Other potentially breaking changes:

  • Drop support for all Node versions below 12.x
  • Drop support for TypeScript versions below 4.1.0
  • Drop support for Flow versions below 0.142.0
  • Drop all package dependencies
  • Direct reliance on lemons has been removed

New decoders:

Other improvements:

  • optional(), nullable(), and maybe() now each take an optional 2nd param to specify a default value
  • Better error messages for nested eithers

Implementation changes:

  • Major reorganization of internal module structure
  • Various simplification of internals


  • Fix compatibility issue with TypeScript projects configured with strictNullChecks: false (or strict: false) (Thanks, @stevekrouse and @djlauk!)

  • Officially support Node 16.x


  • Expose nonEmptyArray function in TypeScript (Thanks, @mszczepanczyk!)


  • Argument to constant(...) now has to be scalar value in both Flow and TypeScript, which matches its intended purpose.


  • Avoid the need for having to manually specify "as const" in TypeScript when using constant(). (Thanks, @schmod!)


  • Add support for Flow 0.154.0


  • Fix signature of oneOf() to reflect it can only be used with scalar/constant values

  • In TypeScript, the inferred type for oneOf(['foo', 'bar']) will now be Decoder<'foo' | 'bar'> instead of Decoder<string> 🎉

  • Drop support for Flow versions < 0.115.0


  • Tighten up signature types to indicate that incoming arrays won't get mutated


  • New decoders:

    • describe: change the error message for an existing decoder
  • Add support for Flow 0.153.x

  • Drop support for Node 13.x (unstable)


TypeScript types:

  • Add missing export for tuple1


TypeScript types:

  • Add missing export for nonEmptyString


  • Returned objects that are the result from object(), inexact(), and exact() decoders will no longer contain explicit undefined values for optional keys, but instead those keys will be missing in the returned object entirely. (#574, thanks @w01fgang!)


  • Add missing exports for nonEmptyArray and nonEmptyString (for TypeScript)


  • Include an error code with every FlowFixMe suppression (Flow 0.132.x compatibility)


  • New decoders:

    • json: decodes any valid JSON value

    • jsonObject: decodes any valid JSON object

    • jsonArray: decodes any valid JSON array


  • New decoders:

    • inexact(): like object, but retain any extra fields on the input value as unknown

    • iso8601: for decoding ISO8601-formatted date strings

  • Improved type inference for object() and exact() decoders (see #515, thanks @dimfeld)

  • DecoderType is now an alias for $DecoderType (to support both TypeScript and Flow conventional naming)

  • GuardType (and $GuardType) is a new type function to extract the type of a guard instance


  • New decoder lazy(): lazily-evaluated decoder, suitable to define self-referential types.

  • Fix compatibility with Flow 0.127.0


  • Fix compatibility with Flow 0.126.0+


  • Upgrade debrief to correct (final) version


  • Fix issue where infinite recursion occurs when input object (the object being validated) contains a circular reference


  • Republish due to an NPM outage


New decoders:

  • To complement the tuple family of decoders, there's now also tuple1 (thanks @sfarthin!)


  • Also fix Flow type bugs when Flow option exact_by_default=true in debrief dependency


New decoders:

  • nonEmptyString: like string, but will fail on inputs with only whitespace (or the empty string)

  • nonEmptyArray: like array, but will fail on inputs with 0 elements


  • Fix Flow type bugs when Flow option exact_by_default=true is enabled


May cause breakage for Flow users:

  • Fix subtle bug in object() and exact() Flow type definitions that could cause Flow to leak any under rare circumstances.


  • Internal change to make the code Flow 0.105.x compatible. Basically stops using array spreads ([...things]) in favor of Array.from().


New feature:

  • Allow map() calls to throw an exception in the mapper function to reject the decoder. Previously, these mapper functions were not expected to ever throw.


New features:

  • Support constructors that have required arguments in instanceOf decoders in TypeScript (see #308, thanks @Jessidhia!)
  • Add support for type predicates in predicate() in TypeScript (see #310, thanks @Jessidhia!)


  • Add support for Flow >= 0.101.0


Potential breaking changes:

  • Stricten pojo criteria. Now, custom classes like new String() or new Error() will not be accepted as a plain old Javascript object (= pojo) anymore.


  • Add support for Flow 0.98+



  • Don't reject URLs that contains commas (,)


Breaking changes:

  • Changed the API interface of dispatch(). The previous version was too complicated and was hardly used. The new version is easier to use in practice, and has better type inference support in TypeScript and Flow.

    Previous usage:

    const shape = dispatch(
        field('type', string),
        type => {
            switch (type) {
                case 'rect': return rectangle;
                case 'circle': return circle;
            return fail('Must be a valid shape');

    New usage:

    const shape = dispatch('type', { rectangle, circle });

    Where rectangle and circle are decoders of which exactly one will be invoked.

  • Removed the field() decoder. It was not generic enough to stay part of the standard decoder library. (It was typically used in combination with dispatch(), which now isn't needed anymore, see above.)

  • pojo decoder now returns Decoder<{[string]: mixed}> instead of the unsafe Decoder<Object>.

Fixes and cleanup:

  • Internal reorganization of modules
  • Improve TypeScript support
    • Reorganization of TypeScript declarations
    • More robust test suite for TypeScript
    • 100% TypeScript test coverage


New decoders:

  • oneOf(['foo', 'bar']) will return only values matching the given values
  • instanceOf(...) will return only values that are instances of the given class. For example: instanceOf(TypeError).


  • Reduce bundle size for web builds
  • New build system
  • Cleaner package output


Potentially breaking changes:

  • Decoders now all take mixed (TypeScript: unknown) arguments, instead of any 🎉 ! This ensures that the proper type refinements in the implementation of your decoder are made. (See migration notes below.)
  • Invalid dates (e.g. new Date('not a date')) won’t be considered valid by the date decoder anymore.

New features:

  • guard() now takes a config option to control how to format error messages. This is done via the guard(..., { style: 'inline' }) parameter.

    • 'inline': echoes back the input value and inlines errors (default);
    • 'simple': just returns the decoder errors. Useful for use in sensitive contexts.
  • Export $DecoderType utility type so it can be used outside of the decoders library.


  • Fixes for some TypeScript type definitions.
  • Add missing documentation.

Migration notes:

If your decoder code breaks after upgrading to 1.11.0, please take the following measures to upgrade:

  1. If you wrote any custom decoders of this form yourself:

    const mydecoder = (blob: any) => ...
    //                       ^^^ Decoder function taking `any`

    You should now convert those to:

    const mydecoder = (blob: mixed) => ...
    //                       ^^^^^ Decoders should take `mixed` from now on

    Or, for TypeScript:

    const mydecoder = (blob: unknown) => ...
    //                       ^^^^^^^ `unknown` for TypeScript

    Then follow and fix type errors that pop up because you were making assumptions that are now caught by the type checker.

  2. If you wrote any decoders based on predicate(), you may have code like this:

    const mydecoder: Decoder<string> = predicate(
        (s) => s.startsWith('x'),
        'Must start with "x"'

    You'll have to change the explicit Decoder type of those to take two type arguments:

    const mydecoder: Decoder<string, string> = predicate(
        //                               ^^^^^^ Provide the input type to predicate() decoders
        (s) => s.startsWith('x'),
        'Must start with "x"'

    This now explicitly records that predicate() makes assumptions about its input type—previously this wasn’t get caught correctly.


  • Make Flow 0.85 compatible


  • Update to latest debrief (which fixes a TypeScript bug)


  • Drop dependency on babel-runtime to reduce bundle size


  • Fix minor declaration issue in TypeScript definitions


  • Tuple decoder error messages now show decoder errors in all positions, not just the first occurrence.

New decoders:

  • New tuple decoders: tuple3, tuple4, tuple5, and tuple6
  • unknown decoder is an alias of mixed, which may be more recognizable for TypeScript users.


  • TypeScript support



  • Private helper function undefined_or_null was accidentally exported in the package. This is a private API.


New decoder:

  • dict() is like mapping(), but will return an object rather than a Map instance, which may be more convenient to handle in most cases.


  • optional(..., /* allowNull */ true) has been removed (was deprecated since 1.8.3)


New decoder:

  • maybe() is like optional(nullable(...)), i.e. returns a "maybe type".

Deprecation warning:

  • optional(..., /* allowNull */ true) is now deprecated in favor of maybe(...)


Improved error reporting:

  • Fix bug where empty error branches could be shown in complex either expressions (fixes #83)


  • Fix: revert accidentally emitting $ReadOnlyArray types in array decoders


  • Drop support for Node 7
  • Declare inputted arrays will not be modified (treated as read-only)



  • Upgraded debrief dependency
  • Behave better in projects that have Flow's experimental.const_params setting turned on


  • New decoders!
    • exact() is like object(), but will fail if the inputted object contains superfluous keys (keys that aren't in the object definition).


  • Collect and report all nested errors in an object() at once (rather than error on the first error).


  • Remove deprecated message argument to object()


  • Add missing documentation


  • Upgrade second-level dependencies


  • Declare library to be side effect free (to help optimize webpack v4 builds)
  • Upgrade dependencies


  • Improve internals of the error message serializer (debrief)


  • New decoders!
    • email validator based on the almost perfect email regex
    • url validator for validating HTTPS URLs (most common use case)
    • anyUrl validator for validating any URL scheme


  • Fix bug where dates, or arrays (or any other Object subclass) could pass for a record with merely optional fields.


  • Much improved error messages! They were redesigned to look great in terminals and to summarize only the relevant bits of the error message, striking a balance between all the details and the high level summary.


  • New features:
    • truthy takes any input and returns whether the value is truthy
    • numericBoolean takes only numbers as input, and returns their boolean interpretation (0 = false, non-0 = true)

[1.2.2, 1.2.3]

  • New feature mixed decoder, for unverified pass-thru of any values


  • Fix Expose the following decoders publicly:
    • integer
    • positiveInteger
    • positiveNumber


  • New feature regex(), for building custom string decoders
  • Tiny tweaks to improve error messages (more structural improvements are on the roadmap)


  • Expose pojo() decoder, for plain old objects (with mixed contents)
  • Expose poja() decoder, for plain old arrays (with mixed contents)
  • Perf: make tuple2() decoder lazier


  • Expose new "either" decoders at the too level


  • BREAKING Removes the old public ("compat") API
  • Finalize/settle on public API


  • Add whole series for either, either3, either4, ..., either9
  • Updated dev dependencies


  • Add date decoder, which decodes Date instances
  • Improve error output detail when throwing errors


  • Export g2d() helper function that can help adoption to new-style APIs by converting old-style decoders (now called guards) to new-style decoders.


  • Breaking change New API: simplified names, split up decoders from guards. What used to be called "decoders" in 0.0.x ("things that either return a value or throw a runtime error") are now called "guards" in 0.1.0. The meaning of the term "decoders" is now changed to a thing that either is an "Ok" value or an "Err" value.

    To convert to the new API, do this:

    // Old way
    import { decodeNumber, decodeObject, decodeString } from 'decoders';
    const decoder = decodeObject({
      name: decodeString(),
      age: decodeNumber(),
    // -------------------------------------------------------------------
    // New way
    import { guard, number, object, string } from 'decoders';
    const guard = guard(
        name: string,
        age: number,