From 137aabc3543ac4d0c9fb49c8f33eaa632adbbb18 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Stel Abrego <> Date: Sat, 3 Dec 2022 12:50:55 -0800 Subject: [PATCH] feat(fb_actions.trash): add trash action This action attempts to find a common trash executable (currently "trash" or "gio" in that order) and performs a blocking system call via vim.fn.system to trash each file or directory selected in the file browser. Like actions.remove, refuses to trash parent directory or current working directory. --- .../_extensions/file_browser/actions.lua | 88 +++++++++++++++++++ 1 file changed, 88 insertions(+) diff --git a/lua/telescope/_extensions/file_browser/actions.lua b/lua/telescope/_extensions/file_browser/actions.lua index f814a3a8..0cb51af5 100644 --- a/lua/telescope/_extensions/file_browser/actions.lua +++ b/lua/telescope/_extensions/file_browser/actions.lua @@ -482,6 +482,94 @@ fb_actions.remove = function(prompt_bufnr) end) end +--- Trash file or folders via a pre-installed trash utility for |telescope-file-browser.picker.file_browser|.<br> +--- Note: Attempts to find "trash-put" or "gio" executable and performs a blocking system command. +---@param prompt_bufnr number: The prompt bufnr +fb_actions.trash = function(prompt_bufnr) + local current_picker = action_state.get_current_picker(prompt_bufnr) + local finder = current_picker.finder + local quiet = current_picker.finder.quiet + local trash_cmd = nil + if vim.fn.executable("trash") == 1 then + trash_cmd = "trash" + elseif vim.fn.executable("gio") == 1 then + trash_cmd = "gio" + end + if not trash_cmd then + fb_utils.notify("actions.trash", { msg = "Cannot locate a valid trash executable!", level = "WARN", quiet = quiet }) + return + end + local selections = fb_utils.get_selected_files(prompt_bufnr, true) + if vim.tbl_isempty(selections) then + fb_utils.notify("actions.trash", { msg = "No selection to be trashed!", level = "WARN", quiet = quiet }) + return + end + + local files = vim.tbl_map(function(sel) + return sel.filename:sub(#sel:parent().filename + 2) + end, selections) + + for _, sel in ipairs(selections) do + if sel:is_dir() then + local abs = sel:absolute() + local msg + if finder.files and Path:new(finder.path):parent():absolute() == abs then + msg = "Parent folder cannot be trashed!" + end + if not finder.files and Path:new(finder.cwd):absolute() == abs then + msg = "Current folder cannot be trashed!" + end + if msg then + fb_utils.notify("actions.trash", { msg = msg .. " Prematurely aborting.", level = "WARN", quiet = quiet }) + return + end + end + end + + local trashed = {} + + local message = "Selections to be trashed: " .. table.concat(files, ", ") + fb_utils.notify("actions.trash", { msg = message, level = "INFO", quiet = quiet }) + -- TODO fix default vim.ui.input and nvim-notify 'selections to be deleted' message + vim.ui.input({ prompt = "Trash selections [y/N]: " }, function(input) + vim.cmd [[ redraw ]] -- redraw to clear out vim.ui.prompt to avoid hit-enter prompt + if input and input:lower() == "y" then + for _, p in ipairs(selections) do + local is_dir = p:is_dir() + local cmd = nil + if trash_cmd == "gio" then + cmd = { "gio", "trash", "--", p:absolute() } + else + cmd = { trash_cmd, "--", p:absolute() } + end + vim.fn.system(cmd) + if vim.v.shell_error == 0 then + table.insert(trashed, p.filename:sub(#p:parent().filename + 2)) + -- clean up opened buffers + if not is_dir then + fb_utils.delete_buf(p:absolute()) + else + fb_utils.delete_dir_buf(p:absolute()) + end + else + local msg = "Command failed: " .. table.concat(cmd, " ") + fb_utils.notify("actions.trash", { msg = msg, level = "WARN", quiet = quiet }) + end + end + local msg = nil + if next(trashed) then + msg = "Trashed: " .. table.concat(trashed, ", ") + else + msg = "No selections were successfully trashed" + end + fb_utils.notify("actions.trash", { msg = msg, level = "INFO", quiet = quiet }) + current_picker:refresh(current_picker.finder) + else + fb_utils.notify("actions.trash", { msg = "Trashing selections aborted!", level = "INFO", quiet = quiet }) + end + end) +end + --- Toggle hidden files or folders for |telescope-file-browser.picker.file_browser|. ---@param prompt_bufnr number: The prompt bufnr fb_actions.toggle_hidden = function(prompt_bufnr)