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Kraken API client for Java

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Query Kraken's REST API in Java.




The examples folder contains real-world examples that make use of this library. For most examples, you'll need to provide your API keys: rename, located in examples/src/main/resources, to and fill in your API keys. The examples can be run directly from your IDE, or using the command line:

# clone and build project
git clone
cd kraken-api-java
mvn clean install

# run the staking rewards summary example
mvn -pl examples exec:java -Dexec.mainClass=dev.andstuff.kraken.example.StakingRewardsSummaryExample

Staking Rewards Summary

This example will generate the rewards-summary.csv file, showing how much crypto rewards have been earned since the creation of your account. A picture is worth a thousand words:


End-of-Year Balance

This example will generate the eoy-balance.csv file, showing the balance of your account at a given point in time. If you run the example from your IDE, modify the dateTo in Otherwise, you can run the example from the command line:

mvn -pl examples exec:java -Dexec.mainClass=dev.andstuff.kraken.example.EoyBalanceExample -Dexec.args="2025-01-31T00:00:00Z"

Libary usage

Public endpoints

Public endpoints that have been implemented by the library, can be queried in the following way:

KrakenAPI api = new KrakenAPI();

Map<String, AssetInfo> assets = api.assetInfo(List.of("BTC", "ETH"));
// {BTC=AssetInfo[assetClass=currency, alternateName=XBT, maxDecimals=10, …

Map<String, AssetPair> pairs = api.assetPairs(List.of("ETH/BTC", "ETH/USD"));
// {ETH/BTC=AssetPair[alternateName=ETHXBT, webSocketName=ETH/XBT, …

If the endpoint has not yet been implemented (feel free to submit a PR!), the generic query method can be used, which will return a JsonNode of the Jackson deserialization libary:

JsonNode ticker = api.query(KrakenAPI.Public.TICKER, Map.of("pair", "XBTEUR"));
// {"XXBTZEUR":{"a":["62650.00000","1","1.000"],"b":["62649.90000","6","6.000"], …

It's also possible to specify the path directly, in case a new endpoint has been added by Kraken and not yet added in the library:

JsonNode trades = api.queryPublic("Trades", Map.of("pair", "XBTUSD", "count", "1"));
// {"XXBTZUSD":[["68515.60000","0.00029628",1.7100231295628998E9,"s","m","",68007835]], …

Private endpoints

Private endpoints can be queried in the same way as the public ones, but an API key and secret must be provided to the KrakenAPI instance:

KrakenAPI api = new KrakenAPI("my key", "my secret");

JsonNode balance = api.query(KrakenAPI.Private.BALANCE);
// {"XXBT":"1234.8396278900", … :)

If the Kraken API call returns an error, an unchecked exception of type KrakenException is thrown:

// API key doesn't have the permission to create orders
JsonNode order = api.query(KrakenAPI.Private.ADD_ORDER, Map.of(
        "ordertype", "limit", "type", "sell",
        "volume", "1", "pair", "XLTCZUSD",
        "price", "1000", "oflags", "post,fciq",
        "validate", "true"));
// Exception in thread "main" KrakenException(errors=[EGeneral:Permission denied])

Custom REST requester

The current implementation of the library uses the JDK's HttpsURLConnection to make HTTP request. If that doesn't suit your needs and wish to use something else (e.g. Spring RestTemplate, Apache HttpComponents, OkHttp), you can implement the KrakenRestRequester interface and pass it to the KrakenAPI constructor:

public class MyRestTemplateRestRequester implements KrakenRestRequester {
    public <T> T execute(PublicEndpoint<T> endpoint) { /* your implementation */ }
    public <T> T execute(PrivateEndpoint<T> endpoint) { /* your implementation */ }

KrakenAPI api = new KrakenAPI(MyRestTemplateRestRequest(apiKey, apiSecret));

See DefaultKrakenRestRequester for the default implementation.

Custom nonce generator

For private endpoint requests, the nonce value is set to System.currentTimeMillis(). If you wish to use another value, you can specify a custom nonce generator when creating the KrakenAPI instance:

KrakenAPI api = new KrakenAPI(
        new KrakenCredentials(key, secret),
        () -> Long.toString(System.currentTimeMillis() / 1000));

The second parameter is of type KrakenNonceGenerator, an interface containing a single generate() method returning a string.