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Chris Mungall edited this page Sep 4, 2020 · 4 revisions


This page describes the current status of interoperation between RO and BFO


RO and BFO2

RO historically use of BFO in two ways:

  • Upper level classes from BFO are used to make constraints such as domain/range on relations
  • RO ceded "core" relations such as part_of to BFO

This plan was conceived in 2010 before the release of BFO2. At the time of writing (March 2013), the current BFO2 proposal is to use so-called 'temporalized relations' such as

At this time RO is not adopting temporalized relations. The views of one of the RO developers (cjm) is expressed in this critique of BFO2 OWL.

Instead, RO will re-use BFO2 relations that are not temporalized, and will create new relations that are not temporalized.

For example, the BFO_0000066 occurs_in relation from BFO2 OWL will be re-used directly. In contrast BFO2 OWL relations such as bearer-of-at-all-times will not be used. Instead a distinct RO relation RO_0000054 bearer-of is used.


For historic reasons, RO has made use of a small number of relations with BFO IDs. For example:

Note that these will not be incorporated into the BFO2 OWL release.

However, it should be noted that these are valid RO relations - they are defined in the RO, and will be maintained by the RO developers so long as users require them.

Relations re-used from BFO2 OWL

RO also makes use of others relations that are either uncontroversial (non-temporalized) parts of BFO2, or that will be incorporated in the future.

non-temporalized RO relations

In previous versions of RO we made use of other unofficial non-temporalized relations. To avoid potential clashes with temporalized relations with different meanings, we have decided to create separate IDs with RO prefixes:

Core Relations and Classes in RO

core relations


The current home of these relations is in:

This is imported by the main RO

See ROCore for more details.

RO and BFO Classes

Note that RO should still be compatible with the classes from BFO.

The above relations import ontology imports a set of BFO classes that are a subset of the current BFO2 classes.

  • TODO: resolve processural entity/process distinction

Temporal interpretations

See ROAndTime

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