diff --git a/README.md b/README.md index 0a1e34e..d740d75 100644 --- a/README.md +++ b/README.md @@ -77,7 +77,7 @@ The following table summarizes the correspondence between OCaml types and JSON v | `Yojson.Safe.t` | any | Identity transformation | | `unit` | Null | | -Variants (regular and polymorphic) are represented using arrays; the first element is a string with the name of the constructor, the rest are the arguments. Note that the implicit tuple in a polymorphic variant is flattened. For example: +By default, variants (regular and polymorphic) are represented using arrays; the first element is a string with the name of the constructor, the rest are the arguments. Note that the implicit tuple in a polymorphic variant is flattened. For example: ``` ocaml # type pvs = [ `A | `B of int | `C of int * string ] list [@@deriving yojson];; @@ -97,7 +97,14 @@ Record variants are represented in the same way as if the nested structure was d ["X",{"v":0}] ``` -Record variants are currently not supported for extensible variant types. +Alternative representations of variants can be chosen using the option `variants` (i.e. ``[@@deriving yojson { variants = `Adjacent ("tag", "contents") }]``). The following table lists the ones that are supported: + +| `type _ =` | Value | ``variants = `Array`` | ``variants = `External`` | ``variants = `Internal "type"`` | ``variants = `Adjacent ("tag", "contents")`` | ``variants = `Native`` | +| ------------------------- | ---------------- | ---------------------- | ------------------------ | ------------------------------- | -------------------------------------------- | ---------------------- | +| `\| RA` | `RA` | `["RA"]` | `"RA"` | `{"type": "RA"}` | `{"tag": "RA"}` | `<"RA">` | +| `\| RB of int` | `RB 42` | `["RB", 42]` | `{"RB": 42}` | (not supported) | `{"tag": "RB", "contents": 42}` | `<"RB":42>` | +| `\| RC of int * string` | `RC (42, "foo")` | `["RC", 42, "foo"]` | `{"RC": [42, "foo"]}` | (not supported) | `{"tag": "RC", "contents": [42, "foo"]}` | `<"RC":[42, "foo"]>` | +| `\| RD of { z : string }` | `RD {z = "foo"}` | `["RD", {"z": "foo"}]` | `{"RD": {"z": "foo"}}` | `{"type": "RD", "z": "foo"}` | `{"tag": "RD", "contents": {"z": "foo"}}` | `<"RD":{"z": "foo"}>` | By default, objects are deserialized strictly; that is, all keys in the object have to correspond to fields of the record. Passing `strict = false` as an option to the deriver (i.e. `[@@deriving yojson { strict = false }]`) changes the behavior to ignore any unknown fields. diff --git a/src/ppx_deriving_yojson.ml b/src/ppx_deriving_yojson.ml index 3e94631..658453f 100644 --- a/src/ppx_deriving_yojson.ml +++ b/src/ppx_deriving_yojson.ml @@ -54,16 +54,41 @@ let attr_default attrs = Ppx_deriving.attr ~deriver "default" attrs |> Ppx_deriving.Arg.(get_attr ~deriver expr) +type variants = + [ `Array + | `External + | `Internal of string + | `Adjacent of string * string + | `Native ] + +let variants_conv expr = + match expr with + | { pexp_desc = Pexp_variant ("Array", None) } -> Ok `Array + | { pexp_desc = Pexp_variant ("External", None) } -> Ok `External + | { pexp_desc = Pexp_variant ("Internal", Some t_expr) } -> + (match Ppx_deriving.Arg.string t_expr with + | Ok t -> Ok (`Internal t) + | Error e -> Error ("`Internal _:" ^ e)) + | { pexp_desc = Pexp_variant ("Adjacent", Some { pexp_desc = Pexp_tuple [t_expr; c_expr] }) } -> + (match Ppx_deriving.Arg.string t_expr, Ppx_deriving.Arg.string c_expr with + | Ok t, Ok c -> Ok (`Adjacent (t, c)) + | Error e, _ -> Error ("`Adjacent (_, _):" ^ e) + | _, Error e -> Error ("`Adjacent (_, _):" ^ e)) + | { pexp_desc = Pexp_variant ("Native", None) } -> Ok `Native + | _ -> Error (Printf.sprintf "one of: `Array, `External, `Internal _, `Adjacent (_, _), `Native") + type options = { is_strict : bool; want_meta : bool; want_exn : bool; + variants : variants; } let default_options = { is_strict = true; want_meta = false; want_exn = false; + variants = `Array; } let parse_options options = @@ -73,6 +98,7 @@ let parse_options options = | "strict" -> {options with is_strict = get_bool expr} | "meta" -> {options with want_meta = get_bool expr} | "exn" -> {options with want_exn = get_bool expr} + | "variants" -> {options with variants = Ppx_deriving.Arg.get_expr ~deriver variants_conv expr} | _ -> raise_errorf ~loc:expr.pexp_loc "%s does not support option %s" deriver name ) default_options @@ -86,16 +112,42 @@ let poly_fun names expr = let type_add_attrs typ attributes = { typ with ptyp_attributes = typ.ptyp_attributes @ attributes } -let rec ser_expr_of_typ ~quoter typ = +let ser_expr_body_of_empty_constructor ~options ~loc ~json_name = + match options.variants with + | `Array -> [%expr `List [`String [%e str json_name]]] + | `External -> [%expr `String [%e str json_name]] + | `Internal t -> [%expr `Assoc [([%e str t], `String [%e str json_name])]] + | `Adjacent (t, _c) -> [%expr `Assoc [([%e str t], `String [%e str json_name])]] + | `Native -> [%expr `Variant ([%e str json_name], None)] + +let ser_expr_body_of_tuple_constructor ~options ~loc ~json_name ~arg_exprs = + match options.variants with + | `Array -> [%expr `List (`String [%e str json_name] :: [%e list arg_exprs])] + | `External -> + (match arg_exprs with + | [arg_expr] -> [%expr `Assoc [([%e str json_name], [%e arg_expr])]] + | _ -> [%expr `Assoc [([%e str json_name], `List [%e list arg_exprs])]]) + | `Internal _t -> + raise_errorf ~loc "%s: `Internal _ variant representation cannot be used with tuple variants" deriver + | `Adjacent (t, c) -> + (match arg_exprs with + | [arg_expr] -> [%expr `Assoc [([%e str t], `String [%e str json_name]); ([%e str c], [%e arg_expr])]] + | _ -> [%expr `Assoc [([%e str t], `String [%e str json_name]); ([%e str c], `List [%e list arg_exprs])]]) + | `Native -> + (match arg_exprs with + | [arg_expr] -> [%expr `Variant ([%e str json_name], Some [%e arg_expr])] + | _ -> [%expr `Variant ([%e str json_name], Some (`List [%e list arg_exprs]))]) + +let rec ser_expr_of_typ ~options ~quoter typ = match attr_ser typ.ptyp_attributes with | Some e -> Ppx_deriving.quote ~quoter e - | None -> ser_expr_of_only_typ ~quoter typ -and ser_expr_of_only_typ ~quoter typ = + | None -> ser_expr_of_only_typ ~options ~quoter typ +and ser_expr_of_only_typ ~options ~quoter typ = let loc = typ.ptyp_loc in let attr_int_encoding typ = match attr_int_encoding typ with `String -> "String" | `Int -> "Intlit" in - let ser_expr_of_typ = ser_expr_of_typ ~quoter in + let ser_expr_of_typ = ser_expr_of_typ ~options ~quoter in match typ with | [%type: unit] -> [%expr fun (x:Ppx_deriving_runtime.unit) -> `Null] | [%type: int] -> [%expr fun (x:Ppx_deriving_runtime.int) -> `Int x] @@ -137,21 +189,23 @@ and ser_expr_of_only_typ ~quoter typ = | Rtag(label, true (*empty*), []) -> let label = label.txt in let attrs = field.prf_attributes in + let json_name = attr_name label attrs in Exp.case (Pat.variant label None) - [%expr `List [`String [%e str (attr_name label attrs)]]] + (ser_expr_body_of_empty_constructor ~options ~loc ~json_name) | Rtag(label, false, [{ ptyp_desc = Ptyp_tuple typs }]) -> let label = label.txt in let attrs = field.prf_attributes in + let json_name = attr_name label attrs in + let arg_exprs = List.mapi (fun i typ -> app (ser_expr_of_typ typ) [evar (argn i)]) typs in Exp.case (Pat.variant label (Some (ptuple (List.mapi (fun i _ -> pvar (argn i)) typs)))) - [%expr `List ((`String [%e str (attr_name label attrs)]) :: [%e - list (List.mapi - (fun i typ -> app (ser_expr_of_typ typ) [evar (argn i)]) typs)])] + (ser_expr_body_of_tuple_constructor ~options ~loc ~json_name ~arg_exprs) | Rtag(label, false, [typ]) -> let label = label.txt in let attrs = field.prf_attributes in + let json_name = attr_name label attrs in + let arg_exprs = [[%expr [%e ser_expr_of_typ typ] x]] in Exp.case (Pat.variant label (Some [%pat? x])) - [%expr `List [`String [%e str (attr_name label attrs)]; - [%e ser_expr_of_typ typ] x]] + (ser_expr_body_of_tuple_constructor ~options ~loc ~json_name ~arg_exprs) | Rinherit ({ ptyp_desc = Ptyp_constr (tname, _) } as typ) -> Exp.case [%pat? [%p Pat.type_ tname] as x] [%expr [%e ser_expr_of_typ typ] x] @@ -169,19 +223,45 @@ and ser_expr_of_only_typ ~quoter typ = raise_errorf ~loc:ptyp_loc "%s cannot be derived for %s" deriver (Ppx_deriving.string_of_core_type typ) +let desu_pat_body_of_empty_constructor ~options ~loc ~json_name = + match options.variants with + | `Array -> [%pat? `List [`String [%p pstr json_name]]] + | `External -> [%pat? `String [%p pstr json_name]] + | `Internal t -> [%pat? `Assoc [([%p pstr t], `String [%p pstr json_name])]] + | `Adjacent (t, _c) -> [%pat? `Assoc [([%p pstr t], `String [%p pstr json_name])]] + | `Native -> [%pat? `Variant ([%p pstr json_name], None)] + +let desu_pat_body_of_tuple_constructor ~options ~loc ~json_name ~arg_pats = + match options.variants with + | `Array -> [%pat? `List (`String [%p pstr json_name] :: [%p plist arg_pats])] + | `External -> + (match arg_pats with + | [arg_pat] -> [%pat? `Assoc [([%p pstr json_name], [%p arg_pat])]] + | _ -> [%pat? `Assoc [([%p pstr json_name], `List [%p plist arg_pats])]]) + | `Internal _t -> + raise_errorf ~loc "%s: `Internal _ variant representation cannot be used with tuple variants" deriver + | `Adjacent (t, c) -> + (match arg_pats with + | [arg_pat] -> [%pat? `Assoc [([%p pstr t], `String [%p pstr json_name]); ([%p pstr c], [%p arg_pat])]] + | _ -> [%pat? `Assoc [([%p pstr t], `String [%p pstr json_name]); ([%p pstr c], `List [%p plist arg_pats])]]) + | `Native -> + (match arg_pats with + | [arg_pat] -> [%pat? `Variant ([%p pstr json_name], Some [%p arg_pat])] + | _ -> [%pat? `Variant ([%p pstr json_name], Some (`List [%p plist arg_pats]))]) + (* http://desuchan.net/desu/src/1284751839295.jpg *) -let rec desu_fold ~quoter ~loc ~path f typs = +let rec desu_fold ~options ~quoter ~loc ~path f typs = typs |> - List.mapi (fun i typ -> i, app (desu_expr_of_typ ~quoter ~path typ) [evar (argn i)]) |> + List.mapi (fun i typ -> i, app (desu_expr_of_typ ~options ~quoter ~path typ) [evar (argn i)]) |> List.fold_left (fun x (i, y) -> let loc = x.pexp_loc in [%expr [%e y] >>= fun [%p pvar (argn i)] -> [%e x]]) [%expr Ok [%e f (List.mapi (fun i _ -> evar (argn i)) typs)]] -and desu_expr_of_typ ~quoter ~path typ = +and desu_expr_of_typ ~options ~quoter ~path typ = match attr_desu typ.ptyp_attributes with | Some e -> Ppx_deriving.quote ~quoter e - | None -> desu_expr_of_only_typ ~quoter ~path typ -and desu_expr_of_only_typ ~quoter ~path typ = + | None -> desu_expr_of_only_typ ~options ~quoter ~path typ +and desu_expr_of_only_typ ~options ~quoter ~path typ = let loc = typ.ptyp_loc in let error = [%expr Error [%e str (String.concat "." path)]] in let decode' cases = @@ -190,7 +270,7 @@ and desu_expr_of_only_typ ~quoter ~path typ = [Exp.case [%pat? _] error]) in let decode pat exp = decode' [pat, exp] in - let desu_expr_of_typ = desu_expr_of_typ ~quoter in + let desu_expr_of_typ = desu_expr_of_typ ~options ~quoter in match typ with | [%type: unit] -> decode [%pat? `Null] [%expr Ok ()] | [%type: int] -> decode [%pat? `Int x] [%expr Ok x] @@ -238,7 +318,7 @@ and desu_expr_of_only_typ ~quoter ~path typ = | [%type: Yojson.Safe.json] -> [%expr fun x -> Ok x] | { ptyp_desc = Ptyp_tuple typs } -> decode [%pat? `List [%p plist (List.mapi (fun i _ -> pvar (argn i)) typs)]] - (desu_fold ~quoter ~loc ~path tuple typs) + (desu_fold ~options ~quoter ~loc ~path tuple typs) | { ptyp_desc = Ptyp_variant (fields, _, _); ptyp_loc } -> let inherits, tags = List.partition (fun field -> match field.prf_desc with @@ -250,18 +330,22 @@ and desu_expr_of_only_typ ~quoter ~path typ = | Rtag(label, true (*empty*), []) -> let label = label.txt in let attrs = field.prf_attributes in - Exp.case [%pat? `List [`String [%p pstr (attr_name label attrs)]]] + let json_name = attr_name label attrs in + Exp.case (desu_pat_body_of_empty_constructor ~options ~loc ~json_name) [%expr Ok [%e Exp.variant label None]] | Rtag(label, false, [{ ptyp_desc = Ptyp_tuple typs }]) -> let label = label.txt in let attrs = field.prf_attributes in - Exp.case [%pat? `List ((`String [%p pstr (attr_name label attrs)]) :: [%p - plist (List.mapi (fun i _ -> pvar (argn i)) typs)])] - (desu_fold ~quoter ~loc ~path (fun x -> (Exp.variant label (Some (tuple x)))) typs) + let json_name = attr_name label attrs in + let arg_pats = List.mapi (fun i _ -> pvar (argn i)) typs in + Exp.case (desu_pat_body_of_tuple_constructor ~options ~loc ~json_name ~arg_pats) + (desu_fold ~options ~quoter ~loc ~path (fun x -> (Exp.variant label (Some (tuple x)))) typs) | Rtag(label, false, [typ]) -> let label = label.txt in let attrs = field.prf_attributes in - Exp.case [%pat? `List [`String [%p pstr (attr_name label attrs)]; x]] + let json_name = attr_name label attrs in + let arg_pats = [[%pat? x]] in + Exp.case (desu_pat_body_of_tuple_constructor ~options ~loc ~json_name ~arg_pats) [%expr [%e desu_expr_of_typ ~path typ] x >>= fun x -> Ok [%e Exp.variant label (Some [%expr x])]] | Rinherit ({ ptyp_desc = Ptyp_constr (tname, _) } as typ) -> @@ -310,12 +394,12 @@ let ser_type_of_decl ~options:_ ~path:_ type_decl = (fun var -> [%type: [%t var] -> Yojson.Safe.t]) type_decl in polymorphize [%type: [%t typ] -> Yojson.Safe.t] -let ser_str_of_record ~quoter ~loc varname labels = +let ser_str_of_record ~options ~quoter ~loc ?(initial_fields = [%expr []]) varname labels = let fields = labels |> List.mapi (fun _i { pld_loc = loc; pld_name = { txt = name }; pld_type; pld_attributes } -> let field = Exp.field (evar varname) (mknoloc (Lident name)) in let result = [%expr [%e str (attr_key name pld_attributes)], - [%e ser_expr_of_typ ~quoter @@ type_add_attrs pld_type pld_attributes] [%e field]] in + [%e ser_expr_of_typ ~options ~quoter @@ type_add_attrs pld_type pld_attributes] [%e field]] in match attr_default (pld_type.ptyp_attributes @ pld_attributes) with | None -> [%expr [%e result] :: fields] @@ -328,10 +412,37 @@ let ser_str_of_record ~quoter ~loc varname labels = (fun expr field -> let loc = expr.pexp_loc in [%expr let fields = [%e field] in [%e expr]]) - [%expr `Assoc fields] fields + [%expr `Assoc ([%e initial_fields] @ fields)] fields in [%expr let fields = [] in [%e assoc]] +let ser_str_of_constructor ~options ~quoter ~loc ~name ~args ~attributes = + let json_name = attr_name name attributes in + match args with + | Pcstr_tuple [] -> + Exp.case + (pconstr name []) + (ser_expr_body_of_empty_constructor ~options ~loc ~json_name) + | Pcstr_tuple args -> + let arg_exprs = List.mapi (fun i typ -> app (ser_expr_of_typ ~options ~quoter typ) [evar (argn i)]) args in + Exp.case + (pconstr name (List.mapi (fun i _ -> pvar (argn i)) args)) + (ser_expr_body_of_tuple_constructor ~options ~loc ~json_name ~arg_exprs) + | Pcstr_record labels -> + let arg_expr = + match options.variants with + | `Internal t -> + ser_str_of_record ~options ~quoter ~loc ~initial_fields:[%expr [([%e str t], `String [%e str json_name])]] (argn 0) labels + | _ -> + ser_str_of_record ~options ~quoter ~loc (argn 0) labels in + Exp.case + (pconstr name [pvar(argn 0)]) + (match options.variants with + | `Array -> [%expr `List [`String [%e str json_name]; [%e arg_expr]]] + | `External -> [%expr `Assoc [([%e str json_name], [%e arg_expr])]] + | `Internal _t -> arg_expr + | `Adjacent (t, c) -> [%expr `Assoc [([%e str t], `String [%e str json_name]); ([%e str c], [%e arg_expr])]] + | `Native -> [%expr `Variant ([%e str json_name], Some [%e arg_expr])]) let ser_str_of_type ~options ~path ({ ptype_loc = loc } as type_decl) = let quoter = Ppx_deriving.create_quoter () in @@ -345,7 +456,7 @@ let ser_str_of_type ~options ~path ({ ptype_loc = loc } as type_decl) = in match type_decl.ptype_manifest with | Some ({ ptyp_desc = Ptyp_constr ({ txt = lid }, _args) } as manifest) -> - let ser = ser_expr_of_typ ~quoter manifest in + let ser = ser_expr_of_typ ~options ~quoter manifest in let lid = Ppx_deriving.mangle_lid (`PrefixSuffix ("M", "to_yojson")) lid in let orig_mod = Mod.ident (mknoloc lid) in let poly_ser = polymorphize [%expr ([%e sanitize ~quoter ser] : [%t typ] -> Yojson.Safe.t)] in @@ -395,32 +506,15 @@ let ser_str_of_type ~options ~path ({ ptype_loc = loc } as type_decl) = let serializer = match kind, type_decl.ptype_manifest with | Ptype_open, _ -> assert false - | Ptype_abstract, Some manifest -> ser_expr_of_typ ~quoter manifest + | Ptype_abstract, Some manifest -> ser_expr_of_typ ~options ~quoter manifest | Ptype_variant constrs, _ -> constrs - |> List.map (fun { pcd_name = { txt = name' }; pcd_args; pcd_attributes } -> - let json_name = attr_name name' pcd_attributes in - match pcd_args with - | Pcstr_tuple([]) -> - Exp.case - (pconstr name' []) - [%expr `List [`String [%e str json_name]]] - | Pcstr_tuple(args) -> - let arg_exprs = - List.mapi (fun i typ -> app (ser_expr_of_typ ~quoter typ) [evar (argn i)]) args - in - Exp.case - (pconstr name' (List.mapi (fun i _ -> pvar (argn i)) args)) - [%expr `List ((`String [%e str json_name]) :: [%e list arg_exprs])] - | Pcstr_record labels -> - let arg_expr = ser_str_of_record ~quoter ~loc (argn 0) labels in - Exp.case - (pconstr name' [pvar(argn 0)]) - [%expr `List ((`String [%e str json_name]) :: [%e list[arg_expr]])] + |> List.map (fun { pcd_name = { txt = name }; pcd_args; pcd_attributes } -> + ser_str_of_constructor ~options ~quoter ~loc ~name ~args:pcd_args ~attributes:pcd_attributes ) |> Exp.function_ | Ptype_record labels, _ -> - [%expr fun x -> [%e ser_str_of_record ~quoter ~loc "x" labels]] + [%expr fun x -> [%e ser_str_of_record ~options ~quoter ~loc "x" labels]] | Ptype_abstract, None -> raise_errorf ~loc "%s cannot be derived for fully abstract types" deriver in @@ -437,34 +531,18 @@ let ser_str_of_type ~options ~path ({ ptype_loc = loc } as type_decl) = [Str.value Nonrecursive [Vb.mk (pvar "_") [%expr [%e evar var_s]]] ] ) -let ser_str_of_type_ext ~options:_ ~path:_ ({ ptyext_path = { loc }} as type_ext) = +let ser_str_of_type_ext ~options ~path:_ ({ ptyext_path = { loc }} as type_ext) = let quoter = Ppx_deriving.create_quoter () in let serializer = let pats = - List.fold_right (fun { pext_name = { txt = name' }; pext_kind; pext_attributes } acc_cases -> + List.fold_right (fun { pext_name = { txt = name }; pext_kind; pext_attributes } acc_cases -> match pext_kind with | Pext_rebind _ -> (* nothing to do, since the constructor must be handled in original constructor declaration *) acc_cases | Pext_decl (_, pext_args, _) -> - let json_name = attr_name name' pext_attributes in - let case = - match pext_args with - | Pcstr_tuple([]) -> - Exp.case - (pconstr name' []) - [%expr `List [`String [%e str json_name]]] - | Pcstr_tuple(args) -> - let arg_exprs = - List.mapi (fun i typ -> app (ser_expr_of_typ ~quoter typ) [evar (argn i)]) args - in - Exp.case - (pconstr name' (List.mapi (fun i _ -> pvar (argn i)) args)) - [%expr `List ((`String [%e str json_name]) :: [%e list arg_exprs])] - | Pcstr_record _ -> - raise_errorf ~loc "%s: record variants are not supported in extensible types" deriver - in + let case = ser_str_of_constructor ~options ~quoter ~loc ~name ~args:pext_args ~attributes:pext_attributes in case :: acc_cases) type_ext.ptyext_constructors [] in let fallback_case = @@ -503,9 +581,10 @@ let desu_type_of_decl ~options ~path type_decl = let typ = Ppx_deriving.core_type_of_type_decl type_decl in desu_type_of_decl_poly ~options ~path type_decl [%type: Yojson.Safe.t -> [%t error_or typ]] +let error ~loc path = [%expr Error [%e str (String.concat "." path)]] -let desu_str_of_record ~options ~quoter ~loc ~error ~path wrap_record labels = - let top_error = error path in +let desu_str_of_record ~options ~quoter ~loc ~path ?(ignore_keys = []) wrap_record labels = + let top_error = error ~loc path in let record = List.fold_left (fun expr i -> @@ -519,22 +598,25 @@ let desu_str_of_record ~options ~quoter ~loc ~error ~path wrap_record labels = None in [%expr Ok [%e wrap_record r] ] ) (labels |> List.mapi (fun i _ -> i)) in - let default_case = if options.is_strict then top_error else [%expr loop xs _state] in + let default_case = if options.is_strict then top_error else [%expr loop xs state] in let cases = (labels |> List.mapi (fun i { pld_loc = loc; pld_name = { txt = name }; pld_type; pld_attributes } -> let path = path @ [name] in let thunks = labels |> List.mapi (fun j _ -> if i = j - then app (desu_expr_of_typ ~quoter ~path @@ type_add_attrs pld_type pld_attributes) [evar "x"] + then app (desu_expr_of_typ ~options ~quoter ~path @@ type_add_attrs pld_type pld_attributes) [evar "x"] else evar (argn j)) in Exp.case [%pat? ([%p pstr (attr_key name pld_attributes)], x) :: xs] [%expr loop xs [%e tuple thunks]])) @ + (ignore_keys |> List.map (fun key -> + Exp.case [%pat? ([%p pstr key], _) :: xs] [%expr loop xs state]) + ) @ [Exp.case [%pat? []] record; Exp.case [%pat? _ :: xs] default_case] and thunks = labels |> List.map (fun { pld_name = { txt = name }; pld_type; pld_attributes } -> match attr_default (pld_type.ptyp_attributes @ pld_attributes) with - | None -> error (path @ [name]) + | None -> error ~loc (path @ [name]) | Some default -> let default = [%expr ([%e default] : [%t pld_type])] in [%expr Ok [%e Ppx_deriving.quote ~quoter default]]) @@ -542,12 +624,51 @@ let desu_str_of_record ~options ~quoter ~loc ~error ~path wrap_record labels = [%expr function | `Assoc xs -> - let rec loop xs ([%p ptuple (List.mapi (fun i _ -> pvar (argn i)) labels)] as _state) = + let rec loop xs ([%p ptuple (List.mapi (fun i _ -> pvar (argn i)) labels)] as state) = [%e Exp.match_ [%expr xs] cases] in loop xs [%e tuple thunks] | _ -> [%e top_error]] +let desu_str_of_constructor ~options ~quoter ~loc ~path ~name ~args ~attributes = + let json_name = attr_name name attributes in + match args with + | Pcstr_tuple [] -> + Exp.case + (desu_pat_body_of_empty_constructor ~options ~loc ~json_name) + [%expr Ok [%e constr name []]] + | Pcstr_tuple args -> + let arg_pats = (List.mapi (fun i _ -> pvar (argn i)) args) in + Exp.case + (desu_pat_body_of_tuple_constructor ~options ~loc ~json_name ~arg_pats) + (desu_fold ~options ~quoter ~loc ~path (fun x -> constr name x) args) + | Pcstr_record labels -> + let wrap_record r = constr name [r] in + let sub = + match options.variants with + | `Internal t -> desu_str_of_record ~options ~quoter ~loc ~path ~ignore_keys:[t] wrap_record labels + | _ -> desu_str_of_record ~options ~quoter ~loc ~path wrap_record labels in + let arg_pat = pvar (argn 0) in + let guard = + match options.variants with + | `Internal t -> + Some [%expr + x |> List.exists (function + | ([%p pstr t], `String [%p pstr json_name]) -> true + | _ -> false + ) + ] + | _ -> None in + Exp.case + (match options.variants with + | `Array -> [%pat? `List [`String [%p pstr json_name]; [%p arg_pat]]] + | `External -> [%pat? `Assoc [([%p pstr json_name], [%p arg_pat])]] + | `Internal _t -> Ast_builder.Default.ppat_alias ~loc [%pat? `Assoc x] { txt = argn 0; loc } + | `Adjacent (t, c) -> [%pat? `Assoc [([%p pstr t], `String [%p pstr json_name]); ([%p pstr c], [%p arg_pat])]] + | `Native -> [%pat? `Variant ([%p pstr json_name], Some [%p arg_pat])]) + ?guard + [%expr [%e sub] [%e evar (argn 0)]] + let desu_str_of_type ~options ~path ({ ptype_loc = loc } as type_decl) = let quoter = Ppx_deriving.create_quoter () in let path = path @ [type_decl.ptype_name.txt] in @@ -563,7 +684,7 @@ let desu_str_of_type ~options ~path ({ ptype_loc = loc } as type_decl) = in match type_decl.ptype_manifest with | Some ({ ptyp_desc = Ptyp_constr ({ txt = lid }, _args) } as manifest) -> - let desu = desu_expr_of_typ ~quoter ~path manifest in + let desu = desu_expr_of_typ ~options ~quoter ~path manifest in let lid = Ppx_deriving.mangle_lid (`PrefixSuffix ("M", "of_yojson")) lid in let orig_mod = Mod.ident (mknoloc lid) in let poly_desu = polymorphize [%expr ([%e sanitize ~quoter desu] : Yojson.Safe.t -> _)] in @@ -608,28 +729,16 @@ let desu_str_of_type ~options ~path ({ ptype_loc = loc } as type_decl) = match kind, type_decl.ptype_manifest with | Ptype_open, _ -> assert false | Ptype_abstract, Some manifest -> - desu_expr_of_typ ~quoter ~path manifest + desu_expr_of_typ ~options ~quoter ~path manifest | Ptype_variant constrs, _ -> - let cases = List.map (fun { pcd_loc = loc; pcd_name = { txt = name' }; pcd_args; pcd_attributes } -> - match pcd_args with - | Pcstr_tuple(args) -> - Exp.case - [%pat? `List ((`String [%p pstr (attr_name name' pcd_attributes)]) :: - [%p plist (List.mapi (fun i _ -> pvar (argn i)) args)])] - (desu_fold ~quoter ~loc ~path (fun x -> constr name' x) args) - | Pcstr_record labels -> - let wrap_record r = constr name' [r] in - let sub = - desu_str_of_record ~options ~quoter ~loc ~error ~path wrap_record labels in - Exp.case - [%pat? `List ((`String [%p pstr (attr_name name' pcd_attributes)]) :: - [%p plist [pvar (argn 0)]])] - [%expr [%e sub] [%e evar (argn 0)] ] - ) constrs - in + let cases = + constrs + |> List.map (fun { pcd_loc = loc; pcd_name = { txt = name }; pcd_args; pcd_attributes } -> + desu_str_of_constructor ~options ~quoter ~loc ~path ~name ~args:pcd_args ~attributes:pcd_attributes + ) in Exp.function_ (cases @ [Exp.case [%pat? _] top_error]) | Ptype_record labels, _ -> - desu_str_of_record ~options ~quoter ~loc ~error ~path (fun r -> r) labels + desu_str_of_record ~options ~quoter ~loc ~path (fun r -> r) labels | Ptype_abstract, None -> raise_errorf ~loc "%s cannot be derived for fully abstract types" deriver in @@ -661,29 +770,20 @@ let desu_str_of_type ~options ~path ({ ptype_loc = loc } as type_decl) = ;Str.value Nonrecursive [Vb.mk (pvar "_") [%expr [%e evar var_s_exn]]]]) ) -let desu_str_of_type_ext ~options:_ ~path ({ ptyext_path = { loc } } as type_ext) = +let desu_str_of_type_ext ~options ~path ({ ptyext_path = { loc } } as type_ext) = let quoter = Ppx_deriving.create_quoter () in let desurializer = let pats = - List.fold_right (fun { pext_name = { txt = name' }; pext_kind; pext_attributes } acc_cases -> + List.fold_right (fun { pext_name = { txt = name }; pext_kind; pext_attributes } acc_cases -> match pext_kind with | Pext_rebind _ -> (* nothing to do since it must have been handled in the original constructor declaration *) acc_cases | Pext_decl (_, pext_args, _) -> - let case = - match pext_args with - | Pcstr_tuple(args) -> - Exp.case - [%pat? `List ((`String [%p pstr (attr_name name' pext_attributes)]) :: - [%p plist (List.mapi (fun i _ -> pvar (argn i)) args)])] - (desu_fold ~quoter ~loc ~path (fun x -> constr name' x) args) - | Pcstr_record _ -> - raise_errorf ~loc "%s: record variants are not supported in extensible types" deriver - in - case :: acc_cases) - type_ext.ptyext_constructors [] + let case = desu_str_of_constructor ~options ~quoter ~loc ~path ~name ~args:pext_args ~attributes:pext_attributes in + case :: acc_cases + ) type_ext.ptyext_constructors [] in let any_case = Exp.case (Pat.var (mknoloc "x")) (app (Ppx_deriving.poly_apply_of_type_ext type_ext [%expr fallback]) @@ -888,12 +988,12 @@ let on_sig_decls f ~options ~path type_decls = let ser_core_expr_of_typ typ = let quoter = Ppx_deriving.create_quoter () in let typ = Ppx_deriving.strong_type_of_type typ in - sanitize ~quoter (ser_expr_of_typ ~quoter typ) + sanitize ~quoter (ser_expr_of_typ ~options:default_options ~quoter typ) let desu_core_expr_of_typ typ = let quoter = Ppx_deriving.create_quoter () in let typ = Ppx_deriving.strong_type_of_type typ in - sanitize ~quoter (desu_expr_of_typ ~quoter ~path:[] typ) + sanitize ~quoter (desu_expr_of_typ ~options:default_options ~quoter ~path:[] typ) let () = Ppx_deriving.(register diff --git a/src_test/test_ppx_yojson.ml b/src_test/test_ppx_yojson.ml index 5c46702..888eb9d 100644 --- a/src_test/test_ppx_yojson.ml +++ b/src_test/test_ppx_yojson.ml @@ -54,6 +54,16 @@ type 'a p = 'a option [@@deriving show, yojson] type pv = [ `A | `B of int | `C of int * string ] [@@deriving show, yojson] +type pv_array = [ `A | `B of int | `C of int * string ] +[@@deriving show, yojson { variants = `Array }] +type pv_external = [ `A | `B of int | `C of int * string ] +[@@deriving show, yojson { variants = `External }] +type pv_internal = [ `A ] +[@@deriving show, yojson { variants = `Internal "type" }] +type pv_adjacent = [ `A | `B of int | `C of int * string ] +[@@deriving show, yojson { variants = `Adjacent ("tag", "contents") }] +type pv_native = [ `A | `B of int | `C of int * string ] +[@@deriving show, yojson { variants = `Native }] type pva = [ `A ] and pvb = [ `B ] [@@deriving show, yojson] type 'a pvc = [ `C of 'a ] @@ -67,6 +77,16 @@ type r = { x : int; y : string } [@@deriving show, yojson] type rv = RA | RB of int | RC of int * string | RD of { z : string } [@@deriving show, yojson] +type rv_array = RA | RB of int | RC of int * string | RD of { z : string } +[@@deriving show, yojson { variants = `Array }] +type rv_external = RA | RB of int | RC of int * string | RD of { z : string } +[@@deriving show, yojson { variants = `External }] +type rv_internal = RA | RD of { z : string } +[@@deriving show, yojson { variants = `Internal "type" }] +type rv_adjacent = RA | RB of int | RC of int * string | RD of { z : string } +[@@deriving show, yojson { variants = `Adjacent ("tag", "contents") }] +type rv_native = RA | RB of int | RC of int * string | RD of { z : string } +[@@deriving show, yojson { variants = `Native }] let test_unit _ctxt = assert_roundtrip pp_u u_to_yojson u_of_yojson @@ -194,6 +214,42 @@ let test_pvar _ctxt = (Error "Test_ppx_yojson.pvd") (pvd_of_yojson (`List [`String "D"])) +let test_pvar_array _ctxt = + assert_roundtrip pp_pv_array pv_array_to_yojson pv_array_of_yojson + `A "[\"A\"]"; + assert_roundtrip pp_pv_array pv_array_to_yojson pv_array_of_yojson + (`B 42) "[\"B\", 42]"; + assert_roundtrip pp_pv_array pv_array_to_yojson pv_array_of_yojson + (`C (42, "foo")) "[\"C\", 42, \"foo\"]" + +let test_pvar_external _ctxt = + assert_roundtrip pp_pv_external pv_external_to_yojson pv_external_of_yojson + `A "\"A\""; + assert_roundtrip pp_pv_external pv_external_to_yojson pv_external_of_yojson + (`B 42) "{\"B\": 42}"; + assert_roundtrip pp_pv_external pv_external_to_yojson pv_external_of_yojson + (`C (42, "foo")) "{\"C\": [42, \"foo\"]}" + +let test_pvar_internal _ctxt = + assert_roundtrip pp_pv_internal pv_internal_to_yojson pv_internal_of_yojson + `A "{\"type\": \"A\"}" + +let test_pvar_adjacent _ctxt = + assert_roundtrip pp_pv_adjacent pv_adjacent_to_yojson pv_adjacent_of_yojson + `A "{\"tag\": \"A\"}"; + assert_roundtrip pp_pv_adjacent pv_adjacent_to_yojson pv_adjacent_of_yojson + (`B 42) "{\"tag\": \"B\", \"contents\": 42}"; + assert_roundtrip pp_pv_adjacent pv_adjacent_to_yojson pv_adjacent_of_yojson + (`C (42, "foo")) "{\"tag\": \"C\", \"contents\": [42, \"foo\"]}" + +let test_pvar_native _ctxt = + assert_roundtrip pp_pv_native pv_native_to_yojson pv_native_of_yojson + `A "<\"A\">"; + assert_roundtrip pp_pv_native pv_native_to_yojson pv_native_of_yojson + (`B 42) "<\"B\":42>"; + assert_roundtrip pp_pv_native pv_native_to_yojson pv_native_of_yojson + (`C (42, "foo")) "<\"C\":[42, \"foo\"]>" + let test_var _ctxt = assert_roundtrip pp_v v_to_yojson v_of_yojson A "[\"A\"]"; @@ -212,9 +268,55 @@ let test_recvar _ctxt = assert_roundtrip pp_rv rv_to_yojson rv_of_yojson (RB 42) "[\"RB\", 42]"; assert_roundtrip pp_rv rv_to_yojson rv_of_yojson - (RC(42, "foo")) "[\"RC\", 42, \"foo\"]"; + (RC (42, "foo")) "[\"RC\", 42, \"foo\"]"; assert_roundtrip pp_rv rv_to_yojson rv_of_yojson - (RD{z="foo"}) "[\"RD\", {\"z\": \"foo\"}]" + (RD {z = "foo"}) "[\"RD\", {\"z\": \"foo\"}]" + +let test_recvar_array _ctxt = + assert_roundtrip pp_rv_array rv_array_to_yojson rv_array_of_yojson + RA "[\"RA\"]"; + assert_roundtrip pp_rv_array rv_array_to_yojson rv_array_of_yojson + (RB 42) "[\"RB\", 42]"; + assert_roundtrip pp_rv_array rv_array_to_yojson rv_array_of_yojson + (RC (42, "foo")) "[\"RC\", 42, \"foo\"]"; + assert_roundtrip pp_rv_array rv_array_to_yojson rv_array_of_yojson + (RD {z = "foo"}) "[\"RD\", {\"z\": \"foo\"}]" + +let test_recvar_external _ctxt = + assert_roundtrip pp_rv_external rv_external_to_yojson rv_external_of_yojson + RA "\"RA\""; + assert_roundtrip pp_rv_external rv_external_to_yojson rv_external_of_yojson + (RB 42) "{\"RB\": 42}"; + assert_roundtrip pp_rv_external rv_external_to_yojson rv_external_of_yojson + (RC (42, "foo")) "{\"RC\": [42, \"foo\"]}"; + assert_roundtrip pp_rv_external rv_external_to_yojson rv_external_of_yojson + (RD {z = "foo"}) "{\"RD\": {\"z\": \"foo\"}}" + +let test_recvar_internal _ctxt = + assert_roundtrip pp_rv_internal rv_internal_to_yojson rv_internal_of_yojson + RA "{\"type\": \"RA\"}"; + assert_roundtrip pp_rv_internal rv_internal_to_yojson rv_internal_of_yojson + (RD {z = "foo"}) "{\"type\": \"RD\", \"z\": \"foo\"}" + +let test_recvar_adjacent _ctxt = + assert_roundtrip pp_rv_adjacent rv_adjacent_to_yojson rv_adjacent_of_yojson + RA "{\"tag\": \"RA\"}"; + assert_roundtrip pp_rv_adjacent rv_adjacent_to_yojson rv_adjacent_of_yojson + (RB 42) "{\"tag\": \"RB\", \"contents\": 42}"; + assert_roundtrip pp_rv_adjacent rv_adjacent_to_yojson rv_adjacent_of_yojson + (RC (42, "foo")) "{\"tag\": \"RC\", \"contents\": [42, \"foo\"]}"; + assert_roundtrip pp_rv_adjacent rv_adjacent_to_yojson rv_adjacent_of_yojson + (RD {z = "foo"}) "{\"tag\": \"RD\", \"contents\": {\"z\": \"foo\"}}" + +let test_recvar_native _ctxt = + assert_roundtrip pp_rv_native rv_native_to_yojson rv_native_of_yojson + RA "<\"RA\">"; + assert_roundtrip pp_rv_native rv_native_to_yojson rv_native_of_yojson + (RB 42) "<\"RB\":42>"; + assert_roundtrip pp_rv_native rv_native_to_yojson rv_native_of_yojson + (RC (42, "foo")) "<\"RC\":[42, \"foo\"]>"; + assert_roundtrip pp_rv_native rv_native_to_yojson rv_native_of_yojson + (RD {z = "foo"}) "<\"RD\":{\"z\": \"foo\"}>" type geo = { lat : float [@key "Latitude"] ; @@ -571,9 +673,19 @@ let suite = "Test ppx_yojson" >::: [ "test_tuple" >:: test_tuple; "test_ptyp" >:: test_ptyp; "test_pvar" >:: test_pvar; + "test_pvar_array" >:: test_pvar_array; + "test_pvar_external" >:: test_pvar_external; + "test_pvar_internal" >:: test_pvar_internal; + "test_pvar_adjacent" >:: test_pvar_adjacent; + "test_pvar_native" >:: test_pvar_native; "test_var" >:: test_var; "test_rec" >:: test_rec; "test_recvar" >:: test_recvar; + "test_recvar_array" >:: test_recvar_array; + "test_recvar_external" >:: test_recvar_external; + "test_recvar_internal" >:: test_recvar_internal; + "test_recvar_adjacent" >:: test_recvar_adjacent; + "test_recvar_native" >:: test_recvar_native; "test_key" >:: test_key; "test_id" >:: test_id; "test_custvar" >:: test_custvar;