% The people behind the Foundation
The actions of the OCaml Software Foundation are directed by an Executive Committee which currently consists of
- Damien Doligez (advisor)
- Xavier Leroy (advisor)
- Yann Régis-Gianas (representative of the teaching community)
- Gabriel Scherer (president)
We regularly discuss our actions, internally, with an Advisory Board consiting of representants of each of our sponsors -- see how to become a sponsor.
Magali Fitzgibbon and Norma Caillot, employees of the INRIA Foundation, provide the administrative and legal support that make our actions possible.
The OCaml Foundation logo was designed by Bettina Steinbecker.
Donald Abrams helped with the early organization of the Foundation's communication.
Legally, the OCaml Software Foundation (OCSF) is a sub-foundation of the INRIA Foundation. It is a charity/non-profit -- read our statutes for more details.