- 📄 Description
- 💾 Installation
- 🔌 API Endpoints
- 🔐 Uploader Private API Endpoints (Used by Microservices)
- 💾 Storage Flow
- ⚙️ ENVS
- 🐳 Docker Deployment
- 🤝 Support
- 🗺 Roadmap
- 🤖 Contributing
- ✍️ Authors and acknowledgment
- 📜 License
- 🔗 Associated Projects
The Ocean Uploader Backend service is a django-based solution the acts as a proxy for calling the different Uploader microservices. The initial specifications are explained here.
- User content uploads.
- Payment handling.
- Pushing content to decentralized storage.
- Returning the storage object for DDO.
- Uploader Backend:
- Exposes public API for frontend operations.
- Exposes private API for microservices (through a private network).
- Proxies requests to microservices.
- Manages IPFS temporary storage.
- 1-N Uploader MicroServices: Each microservice can handle different storage types.
If you wish to use the Ocean Uploader Backend in your project we recommend implementing it using the Uploader.js library. You will also require the following information:
This server is currently deployed at: https://dbs.oceanprotocol.com
The account is: 0x5F8396D1BfDa5259Ee89196F892E4401BF3B596d
This is a server-side API based on Python and Django/DRF so first make sure you have python and pip installed.
First, clone this project in the appropriate location in your workspace.
Then, use virtualenv to isolate your development environment and setup the virtual env for this project: python -m virtualenv venv
The server can be run using the ./manage.py runserver
method from the ./server/
Tests can be launched using ./manage.py test
You can create a superuser with ./manage.py createsuperuser
to be able to access the back-office on http://localhost:8000/admin
by default or everything else you previously defined.
- Storage List:
- Register Storage:
- Get Status:
- Get Link:
- Get Quote:
- Upload File:
- Get History:
Description: Information about supported storage types & payments.
Path: /
Arguments: None
"type": "filecoin",
"description": "File storage on FileCoin",
"chainId": 1,
"chainId": "polygon_chain_id",
"type": "arweave",
"description": "File storage on Arweave",
"chainId": 1,
"chainId": "arweave_chain_id",
"ARWEAVE": "0xARWEAVEtoken_on_arweaveChain"
Description: Gets a quote in order to store some files on a specific storage.
Path: POST /getQuote
"type": "filecoin",
"files": [{"length":2343545}, {"length":2343545}],
"duration": 4353545453,
"payment": {
"chainId": 1,
"tokenAddress": "0xOCEAN_on_MAINNET"
"userAddress": "0x456"
"tokenAmount": 500,
"approveAddress": "0x123",
"chainId": 1,
"tokenAddress": "0xOCEAN_on_MAINNET",
"quoteId": "xxxx"
Description: Upload files, according to the quote request.
Path: POST /upload?quoteId=xxxx&nonce=1&signature=0xXXXXX
: timestamp (has to be higher than previous stored nonce for this user)signature
: user signed hash of SHA256(quoteID+nonce)
Returns: 200 OK if succeeded
Description: Gets status for a job.
Path: POST /getStatus?quoteId=xxx
Returns: { "status": 0 } Where status can be:
: No such quote1-99
: Waiting for files to be uploaded by the user100-199
: Processing payment200-299
: Processing payment failure modes300-399
: Uploading files to storage400
: Upload done401-499
: Upload failure modes
Description: Gets DDO files object for a job.
Path: POST /getLink?quoteId=xxx&nonce=1&signature=0xXXXXX
: timestamp (has to be higher than previous stored nonce for this user)signature
: user signed hash of SHA256(quoteID+nonce)
"type": "filecoin",
"CID": "xxxx",
"dealIDs":["x" , "x2"]
Reference: Ocean Protocol DID DDO
Description: Gets history quotes for a certain user
Path: GET /getHistory?userAddress=xxx&nonce=1&signature=0xXXXXX&page=1&pageSize=25
: wallet addressnonce
: timestamp (has to be higher than previous stored nonce for this user)signature
: user signed hash of SHA256('' + nonce)- (Optional)
: page number for user history, set default to 1 - (Optional)
: page size, set default to 25
"type": 'arweave',
"quoteId": "23",
"chainId": 80001,
"tokenAddress": "0x222",
"tokenAmount": "999999999",
"approveAddress": "0x1234",
"requestId": "xxxx"
"type": 'filecoin',
"quoteId": "23",
"status": 400,
"chainId": 80001,
"tokenAddress": "0x222",
"tokenAmount": "999999999",
"approveAddress": "0x1234",
"transactionHash": "xxxx"
Reference: Ocean Protocol DID DDO
Note: These endpoints are utilized on a different port.
Description: Register a new microservice which handles a storage.
Path: POST /register
"type": "filecoin",
"description": "File storage on FileCoin",
"url": "http://microservice.url",
"chainId": 1,
"chainId": "polygon_chain_id",
Returns: 200 OK if accepted
Additional Information: Each microservice should call this endpoint every 10 minutes, otherwise the storage type will be removed from the main list.
Check .env.example for all of the required environmental variables.
- Initialize Submodules:
git submodule init
git submodule update
- Build Docker Image:
docker build -t ocean-dbs .
- Configure Environment: Copy contents of
and adjust necessary values. - Run Docker Compose:
docker compose up
Please open issues on github if you need support of have any questions.
Stay tuned for more integrations and services. Follow the issues on github to see the latest development plans.
This project is fully open-source, backed by the OCEAN community and is open for contributions.
The first version has been implemented following the TDD strategy, so please first familiarize yourself with the test suite, which can be run using the ./manage.py test
command, directly from the root of your server in the context of your virtual environment.
Thanks to the OCEAN community for the funding and the OCEAN core team for the technical support and insights.
Released under the Apache License.