All changes since version 0.6.6 are written here
- Better active nodes displaying added
- Better choosing file added
- Taking modules from folders added
- Config parsing updated
- Project restructure
- Minor fixes
- Input and output using logger added
- Wrong loader naming fixed
- Minor changes
- Scripts updated for module loader
- Module loader added
- Settings added
- Added aliases for nodes
- README version badge link improved
- Missing node NOT added
- Matrix labeling fixed
- Array naming fixed
- Settings and readme updated
- String literals checking added
- New node 'warning' added
- Info image generation added
- Minor fixes
- User nodes wiring fixed
- Function connection creating fixed
- Simplification for user node creation
- User node functionality added
- Added link to Github Pages
- Project constants moved
- Establishment of equality between documentation and project
- running fixed
- README mistakes fixed
- Multiple page parsing added
- Nodes order updated
- Function tooltip generation added
- Decoding of russian language fixed
- Parsing for new version nodes added
- Added safety for function scope generation
- Function node generation fixed
- Node 'foreach' fixed
- Libraries updated
- Links fixed
- ChangeLog fixed
- Standard libraries updated
- Each node got a tooltip (RU)
- Tooltip generation added
- Using function description inside function added ($desc)
- Links fixed
- Nodes description separated for future updates
- Added reading for compressed files
- Added new node 'random seed'
- Documentation mistakes fixed
- Added waiting after finishing program
- Added user waiting before exit in logger error message
- Added documentation for function creation
- Added documentation for utils module
- Added documentation for nodes in group 'memory' (structured variables)
- Console logger documentation added
- Removed redundant node description check in struct module
- Added zero division check in division nodes
- Created class for node 'random seed'
- Fixed 'inverse' node functionality
- Fixed possible issue with empty output of variable node
- Added documentation for nodes in group 'math'
- Added documentation for nodes in group 'memory' (simple variables)
- Added documentation for nodes in group 'misc' (miscellaneous)
- Nodes from group 'structured variables' moved from 'memory' to their own module
- Memory classes code simplified
- Removed constant re-creation of variables and added some protection for node 'value switch'
- Added clearing from None value in NodeLogicA if mode 'any' used
- Documentation updated and mistakes fixed
- Added documentation for nodes in group 'logic'
- Added documentation for nodes in group 'inout' (input/output)
- Added documentation for nodes in group 'control'
- Log duplication fixed
- Documentation updated
- Added documentation for nodes in group 'construction'
- Added documentation for class 'Run'
- Added documentation for class 'NodeGen'
- Fixed ability to change stroke width in node drawer
- Logger for Changelog and README fixed
- Added documentation for class 'Scope'
- Added documentation for class 'Wire'
- Added documentation for class 'Node'
- Code simplified