This package contains utilities relating to Unity's Input System.
You can integrate this package into your own project by using the Package Manager to add the following Git URL:
In order to use XR Toolkit with the Meta Avatars SDK, you can use the XRInputManager in this package. Simply attach it to your camera rig prefab, and assign it to your Avatar Entity using the SetBodyTracking
All Avatars functionality in the package is gated behind the HAS_META_AVATARS
preprocessor flag. To use this functionality, add HAS_META_AVATARS
to your project's Scripting Define Symbols.
The XRDeviceFpsSimulator class works similarly to Unity's XRDeviceSimulator. It drives simulated XR devices using mouse and keyboard, moving the player around similar to a first-person shooter game. This is particularly useful for testing in-editor as an alternative to Quest Link.
If your game is already configured to use XR Toolkit, this simulator can be dropped into your project very easily. Simply add the XRDeviceFpsSimulator prefab to your scene. If there are no real XR devices detected, the simulated devices will be loaded.
You can modify the input actions on the simulator component to tailor the controls to your game's needs. The defaults controls are as follows:
By default, the simulator will capture the mouse when you click the game view. In order to use the mouse for other things (such as interacting with the game UI), you can hold the "Release Mouse Capture Action" (in this case, the left Alt key). From there, you can use mouse input as normal in the game.
Utility | Description |
XRTrackedPoseDriver | A simple extension to TrackedPoseDriver that calls a UnityEvent when updated. |
InverseModifierComposite | A variant of the OneModifierComposite action, which only activates while the modifier is not activated. |
XRAnimatedHand | Drive a hand animator using inputs from XR Toolkit. |
XRInputProvider | Singleton for referencing the XRInputManager . |
FromXRHandDataSource | Interaction SDK Hand Data Source driven by XR Toolkit. |
FromXRHmdDataSource | Interaction SDK HMD Data Source driven by XR Toolkit. |
HandednessFilter | Interaction SDK Interactor Filter that checks for a specific hand. |
HandRefHelper | Singleton for easily referencing the Hands and Hand Anchors in the rig. |
OnHandUpdated | Component that calls a UnityEvent whenever the referenced Interaction SDK Hand is updated. |
XRHandRefChooser | Helper class for switching the rig between controllers and hand tracking. |