From f4de5756f911333e41389f8192601f4f1569baee Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Daretmavi Date: Thu, 8 Aug 2024 19:02:47 +0200 Subject: [PATCH 1/6] Slovak Translation --- vane-core/src/main/resources/lang-sk.yml | 156 +++++++++++++++++++++++ 1 file changed, 156 insertions(+) create mode 100644 vane-core/src/main/resources/lang-sk.yml diff --git a/vane-core/src/main/resources/lang-sk.yml b/vane-core/src/main/resources/lang-sk.yml new file mode 100644 index 000000000..8d8b3c840 --- /dev/null +++ b/vane-core/src/main/resources/lang-sk.yml @@ -0,0 +1,156 @@ +# vim: set tabstop=2 softtabstop=0 expandtab shiftwidth=2: +# +# >> See lang-en.yml for variable descriptions << +# +# +-----------------------------------+ +# | CAUTION: Do NOT change this file! | +# +-----------------------------------+ +# +# It will be silently overwritten with updates! If you want +# to customize strings yourself, copy this file to lang-custom.yml +# and set the language in the config.yml to "lang: 'custom'" + +# DO NOT CHANGE! The version of this language file. Used to determine +# if the file needs to be updated. +version: 4 +# The corresponding language code used in resource packs. Used for +# resource pack generation. Typically this is a combination of the +# language code (ISO 639) and the country code (ISO 3166). +resource_pack_lang_code: 'sk_sk' + +# This message is sent when a command requires a player but is executed +# by a non-player. +command_not_a_player: "§cChyba:§6 Príkaz musí spustiť hráč!" +# This message is sent when the command sender is missing the required +# permission. +command_permission_denied: "§cChyba:§6 Nemáš na to oprávnenie!" + +# This message is sent when an invalid time format is encountered. +# %1$s: format error message +invalid_time_format: "§cChyba:§6 Nesprávny formát času: %1$s" + +# This message is sent when a block with a lootable is first attempted to be broken. +break_loot_block_prevented: "§6Tento blok obsahuje zoznam koristi, ktorá sa po určitom čase znova doplní. Ak chceš naozaj zničiť tento blok, počkaj 5 sekúnd a až potom ho znič." + +command_customitem: + usage: "%1$s §agive §7<§bitem§7>" + description: "Dá určitú špecialnu vec hráčovi." + help: "§agive §7<§bitem§7>:§r Dá určitú špecialnu vec hráčovi." + +command_enchant: + # This message is sent when an enchantment level is given that is too low for the chosen enchantment. + # %1$s: Given level + # %2$s: Minimum level + level_too_low: "§cChyba:§6 Tvoj level %1$s§6 je príliš nízky, musí byť najmenej %2$s" + # This message is sent when an enchantment level is given that is too high for the chosen enchantment. + # %1$s: Given level + # %2$s: Maximum level + level_too_high: "§cChyba:§6 Tvoj level %1$s§6 je príliš vysoký, musí byť najviac %2$s" + # This message is sent when the selected enchantment cannot be applied to the item in hand. + # %1$s: Enchantment + # %2$s: Item in hand + invalid_enchantment: "§cChyba: Očarovanie %1$s§6 nie je možné použiť na %2$s" + usage: "%1$s §bočarovanie §7[§blevel§7]" + description: "Očaruje vec v tvojej ruke." + help: "Očaruje vec v tvojej ruke." + +command_vane: + # This message is sent when a module has been successfully reloaded. + # %1$s: module + reload_success: "%1$s§7: §aopätovne načítanie bolo úspešné" + # This message is sent when a module failed to reload. + # %1$s: module + reload_fail: "%1$s§7: §copätovne načítanie zlyhalo" + # This message is sent when the resource_pack has been successfully generated. + # %1$s: path to the resource pack file + resource_pack_generate_success: "§aZdrojový balížek bol úspešne vygenerovaný: %1$s" + # This message is sent when the resource_pack could not be generated. + resource_pack_generate_fail: "§cPri generovaní zdrojového balíčka sa vyskytla chyba" + usage: "%1$s §7<§areload§7|§agenerate_resource_pack§7>" + description: "Správa vane pluginov." + help: "§areload §7[§bmodule§7]:§r Znova nahrá všetky, alebo zvolený vane modul.\n\ + §agenerate_resource_pack§7:§r vygeneruje zdrojový baliček pre vane." + +resource_pack: + # This kick message is used when a mandatory resource pack was declined by a player. + declined: "Aby si mohol na tomto serveri hrať, musíš prijať zdrojový balíček.\n\ + Je potrebný pre preklad textov a textúry. V prípade, že si ho zamietol omylom,\n\ + tak to môžeš zmeniť úpravou nastavenia servera v zozname tvojich serverov." + # This kick message is used when a mandatory resource pack failed to download for player. + download_failed: "§cZdá sa, že sťahovanie zdrojového balíčka nebolo úspešné.§r\n\ + §7(Bol si odpojený, aby sa zabránilo chybám z zobrazení)\n\ + \n\ + §dSkús to prosím znova." + +menus: + head_selector: + # The title for the head selection menu. + # %1$s: Total heads in library + title: "%1$s §8§lHlavy" + # The title for the filter menu. + filter_title: "§8§lFiltruj knižnicu hláv" + # Represents a head in the library. + # %1$s: Head name + # %2$s: Head category + # %3$s: Head tags + select_head: + name: "%1$s" + lore: + - "" + - "§7Kategória: %2$s" + - "§7Značky: %3$s" + + # Item selection menu. + item_selector: + # The item used to accept the selection. + accept: + name: "§a§lPotvrdiť" + lore: ["§bZvoľ§7 práve vybranú položku."] + + # The item used to cancel the selection. + cancel: + name: "§c§lZrušiť" + lore: ["§6Preruš§7 voľbu položiek."] + + # The item used to represent the currently selected item. + selected: + name: "§d§lVyber si položku" + lore: + - "" + - "Klikni na akúkoľvek vec vo svojom inventári aby si ju označil." + - "" + - "§bĽavým kliknutímk§7 zruš zmeny." + - "§bPravým kliknutím§7 vymaž (ak je to povolené)." + + # Generic thing selection menu. + generic_selector: + # The item selecting the n'th page + # %1$s: Page number + page: + name: "§bStrana %1$s" + lore: [] + + # The item showing the current page + # %1$s: Page number + # %2$s: Total amount of pages + # %3$s: Total amount of items (filtered) + # %4$s: Total amount of items (unfiltered) + current_page: + name: "§aAktuálna strana %1$s §7/ %2$s" + lore: + - "" + - "§b#Vyfiltrované položky: %3$s" + + # The item used to open the filter menu. + # Right clicking resets the filter. + filter: + name: "§d§lFilter" + lore: + - "" + - "§bĽavým kliknutímk§7 otvor menu pre filtrovanie." + - "§bPravým kliknutím§7 vymaž filter." + + # The item used to cancel the selection. + cancel: + name: "§c§lZrušiť" + lore: ["§6Zruš§7 výber."] From 9a95725c51f51f4683da80ea989e84234f9b4c8f Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Daretmavi Date: Thu, 8 Aug 2024 19:03:49 +0200 Subject: [PATCH 2/6] Slovak translation --- vane-portals/src/main/resources/lang-sk.yml | 404 ++++++++++++++++++++ 1 file changed, 404 insertions(+) create mode 100644 vane-portals/src/main/resources/lang-sk.yml diff --git a/vane-portals/src/main/resources/lang-sk.yml b/vane-portals/src/main/resources/lang-sk.yml new file mode 100644 index 000000000..e03dc6e13 --- /dev/null +++ b/vane-portals/src/main/resources/lang-sk.yml @@ -0,0 +1,404 @@ +# vim: set tabstop:2 softtabstop:0 expandtab shiftwidth:2: +# +# >> See lang-en.yml for variable descriptions << +# +# +-----------------------------------+ +# | CAUTION: Do NOT change this file! | +# +-----------------------------------+ +# +# It will be silently overwritten with updates! If you want +# to customize strings yourself, copy this file to lang-custom.yml +# and set the language in the config.yml to "lang: 'custom'" + +# DO NOT CHANGE! The version of this language file. Used to determine +# if the file needs to be updated. +version: 5 +# The corresponding language code used in resource packs. Used for +# resource pack generation. Typically this is a combination of the +# language code (ISO 639) and the country code (ISO 3166). +resource_pack_lang_code: 'sk_sk' + +# This message is sent when a new portal console has been selected +# and the player may now select a boundary block to construct a portal. +select_boundary_now: "§6Teraz klikni pravým tlačítko na okraj portálu" +# This message is sent when the selected console block is not of the correct +# type anymore. This can happen when a player replaces the console block +# while it is selected as a pending console. +console_invalid_type: "§cBlok konzoly je nesprávny typ bloku!" +# This message is sent when the selected console is in a another world than the portal boundary. +console_different_world: "§cKonzola musí byť v tom istom svete ako portál" +# This message is sent when the selected portal console is too far away from +# the portal boundary. +console_too_far_away: "§cKonzola je príliš ďaleko od portálu" +# This message is sent when a console has successfully been linked. +console_linked: "§aKonzola je prepojená s portálom" + +# This message is sent when no boundary was found at the given location +no_boundary_found: "§cNebol nájdený žiaden okraj portálu!" +# This message is sent when the selected boundary doesn't contain an origin block +no_origin: "§cPortál nemá základný blok!" +# This message is sent when the selected boundary has multiple origin blocks +multiple_origins: "§cPortál nemôže mať viac základných blokov!" +# This message is sent when the selected vertical portal boundary has no portal area above the origin block +no_portal_block_above_origin: "§cZákladný blok musí mať nad sebou portál!" +# This message is sent when the selected vertical portal boundary has not enough portal area above the origin block +not_enough_portal_blocks_above_origin: "§cZákladný blok musí mať nad sebou aspoň 3 bloky priestoru pre vlastný portál!" +# This message is sent when the selected portal boundary is too large in a given direction. +# %1$s: The direction (x,y,z) +too_large: "§cPortál je v smere %1$s§c príliš veľký!" +# This message is sent when the selected portal boundary is too small in a given direction. +# %1$s: The direction (x,y,z) +too_small_spawn: "§cMiesto výstupu z portál je v smere %1$s§c príliš malé!" +# This message is sent when the selected portal boundary contains too many portal area blocks. +# %1$s: Current amount of blocks +# %2$s: Maximum allowed amount of blocks +too_many_portal_area_blocks: "§cPriestor portálu je príliš veľký! %1$s§6/%2$s§c blokov" +# This message is sent when a portal boundary is selected but +# a part of the area is obstructed. +portal_area_obstructed: "§cPriestor portálu je zablokovaný!" +# This message is sent when the selected boundary instersects an existing portal. +intersects_existing_portal: "§cPortál sa prelína s iným portálom!" + +# This message is sent when a player has no permission to build a portal in the area. +build_restricted: "§cNa stavanie portálu tu nemáš oprávnenie!" +# This message is sent when a player has no permission to link a console to a portal. +link_restricted: "§cNemáš oprávnenie prepojiť konzolu s týmto portálom!" + +# This message is sent when a portal is activated, but the target is already connected to another portal. +target_already_connected: "§6Cieľový portál už je prepojený na iný portál!" +# This message is sent when a portal is activated, but the player has no permission to use it. +source_use_restricted: "§cNemáš oprávnenie použivať tento portál!" +# This message is sent when a portal is activated, but the player has no permission to use the target portal. +target_use_restricted: "§cNemáš oprávnenie použivať cieľový portál!" + +# This is the displayed on a floating item over all portal consoles of activated portals to indicate the connected portal. +# HINT: The trailing §r's are important, otherwise the label will have empty space to the right +# %1$s: Target portal name +console_display_active: "§6§l>§r %1$s §6§l<§r" +# This is the displayed on a floating item over all portal consoles of inactive portals to indicate the selected target portal. +# HINT: The trailing §r's are important, otherwise the label will have empty space to the right +# %1$s: Target portal name +console_display_inactive: "§8§l>§r %1$s §8§l<§r" +# This is the name substitution used for portals without a selected target portal. +console_no_target: "§k?" + +# This message is sent when a player tries to unlink a console for which they have no permission. +unlink_restricted: "§cNemáš oprávnenie odpojiť kozolu od tohto portálu!" +# This message is sent when a player tries to destroy a console for which they have no permission. +destroy_restricted: "§cNemáš oprávnenie zničiť tento portál!" +# This message is sent when a player tries to change a portal setting for which they have no permission. +settings_restricted: "§cNemáš oprávnenie meniť nastavenia tohto portálu!" +# This message is sent when a player tries to change the target selection of a portal for which they have no permission. +select_target_restricted: "§cNemáš oprávnenie nastaviť cieľ pre tento portál!" + +dynmap: + # The label for the dynmap layer + layer_label: "Portály" + # The label for the dynmap markers + # %1$s: Portal name + marker_label: "%1$s" + +blue_map: + # The label for the BlueMap marker set + layer_label: "Portály" + # The label for the BlueMap portal markers. Supports HTML. Arguments will be escaped properly. + # %1$s: Portal name + marker_label: "🌌 %1$s" + +menus: + # Settings for the portal naming menu. + enter_name: + # The title for the naming menu. + title: "§8§lMeno portálu" + + # Settings for the portal settings menu. + settings: + # The title for the settings menu. + # %1$s: Portal name + title: "§8§lNastavenia: %1$s" + # The title for the icon seletion menu. + select_icon_title: "§8§lVyber ikonu" + + # This item is used to rename the portal. + rename: + name: "§b§lPremenuj" + lore: [] + + # This item is used to select the portal's icon. + select_icon: + name: "§b§lVyber ikonu" + lore: [] + + # This item is used to change the portal's style. + select_style: + name: "§b§lVyber vzhľad" + lore: [] + + # This item is used to change and indicate enabled exit orientation lock. + exit_orientation_lock_on: + name: "§b§lZmeň uzamknutie predvoleného smeru výstupu z portálu" + lore: ["", "§bCurrent: §e§lPredvolený smer (výstup vždy smerom vpred)§r"] + + # This item is used to change and indicate disabled exit orientation lock. + exit_orientation_lock_off: + name: "§b§lZmeň uzamknutie predvoleného smeru výstupu z portálu" + lore: ["", "§bCurrent: §a§lVoľný smer (výstup smerom podľa vstupu)§r"] + + # This item is used to cycle visibility and indicate public visibility. + visibility_public: + name: "§b§lZmeň viditeľnosť" + lore: ["", "§bAktuálne: §a§lVerejný§r"] + + # This item is used to cycle visibility and indicate group visibility. + visibility_group: + name: "§b§lZmeň viditeľnosť" + lore: ["", "§bAktuálne: §e§lMiestna skupina (členovia)§r"] + + # This item is used to cycle visibility and indicate group visibility. + visibility_group_internal: + name: "§b§lZmeň viditeľnosť" + lore: ["", "§bAktuálne: §e§lMiestna skupina (viditeľné len interne)§r"] + + # This item is used to cycle visibility and indicate private visibility. + visibility_private: + name: "§b§lZmeň viditeľnosť" + lore: ["", "§bAktuálne: §c§lSúkromný§r"] + + # This item is used to change and indicate enabled target lock. + target_lock_on: + name: "§b§lZmeň uzamknutie na cieľ" + lore: ["", "§bAktuálne: §c§lUzamknutý§r"] + + # This item is used to change and indicate disabled target lock. + target_lock_off: + name: "§b§lZmeň uzamknutie na cieľ" + lore: ["", "§bAktuálne: §a§lOdomknutý§r"] + + # This item is used to return to the previous menu. + back: + name: "§6↩ §lSpäť" + lore: [] + + # Settings for the portal style menu. + style: + # The title for the style menu. + # %1$s: Portal name + title: "§8§lVzhľad pre: %1$s" + # The title for the block selector for the active console block. + select_block_console_active_title: "Vyber vzhľad pre aktivovanú konzolu." + # The title for the block selector for the active origin block. + select_block_origin_active_title: "Vyber vzhľad pre aktivovaný základný blok." + # The title for the block selector for the active portal block. + select_block_portal_active_title: "Vyber vzhľad pre aktivovaný priestor portálu." + # The title for the block selector for the active boundary variant 1 block. + select_block_boundardy_1_active_title: "Vyber vzhľad pre aktivovaný okraj portálu, variant 1" + # The title for the block selector for the active boundary variant 2 block. + select_block_boundardy_2_active_title: "Vyber vzhľad pre aktivovaný okraj portálu, variant 2." + # The title for the block selector for the active boundary variant 3 block. + select_block_boundardy_3_active_title: "Vyber vzhľad pre aktivovaný okraj portálu, variant 3." + # The title for the block selector for the active boundary variant 4 block. + select_block_boundardy_4_active_title: "Vyber vzhľad pre aktivovaný okraj portálu, variant 4." + # The title for the block selector for the active boundary variant 5 block. + select_block_boundardy_5_active_title: "Vyber vzhľad pre aktivovaný okraj portálu, variant 5." + # The title for the block selector for the inactive console block. + select_block_console_inactive_title: "Vyber vzhľad pre neaktívnu konzolu." + # The title for the block selector for the inactive origin block. + select_block_origin_inactive_title: "Vyber vzhľad pre neaktívny základný blok." + # The title for the block selector for the inactive portal block. + select_block_portal_inactive_title: "Vyber vzhľad pre neaktívny priestor portálu." + # The title for the block selector for the inactive boundary variant 1 block. + select_block_boundardy_1_inactive_title: "Vyber vzhľad pre neaktívny okraj portálu, variant 1" + # The title for the block selector for the inactive boundary variant 2 block. + select_block_boundardy_2_inactive_title: "Vyber vzhľad pre neaktívny okraj portálu, variant 2." + # The title for the block selector for the inactive boundary variant 3 block. + select_block_boundardy_3_inactive_title: "Vyber vzhľad pre neaktívny okraj portálu, variant 3." + # The title for the block selector for the inactive boundary variant 4 block. + select_block_boundardy_4_inactive_title: "Vyber vzhľad pre neaktívny okraj portálu, variant 4." + # The title for the block selector for the inactive boundary variant 5 block. + select_block_boundardy_5_inactive_title: "Vyber vzhľad pre neaktívny okraj portálu, variant 5." + + # The item used to represent the selected active console block. + # %1$s: Building material + block_console_active: + name: "§b§lRiadiaca konzola §a(aktívna)" + lore: [] + # The item used to represent the selected active origin block. + # %1$s: Building material + block_origin_active: + name: "§b§lZákladný blok §a(aktívny)" + lore: [] + # The item used to represent the selected active portal block. + # %1$s: Building material + block_portal_active: + name: "§b§lPriestor portálu §a(aktívny)" + lore: [] + # The item used to represent the selected active boundary variant 1 block. + # %1$s: Building material + block_boundardy_1_active: + name: "§b§lOkraj portálu §a(aktívny)" + lore: ["", "§aVariant 1", "§7Stavebný materiál: %1$s"] + # The item used to represent the selected active boundary variant 2 block. + # %1$s: Building material + block_boundardy_2_active: + name: "§b§lOkraj portálu §a(aktívny)" + lore: ["", "§aVariant 2", "§7Stavebný materiál: %1$s"] + # The item used to represent the selected active boundary variant 3 block. + # %1$s: Building material + block_boundardy_3_active: + name: "§b§lOkraj portálu §a(aktívny)" + lore: ["", "§aVariant 3", "§7Stavebný materiál: %1$s"] + # The item used to represent the selected active boundary variant 4 block. + # %1$s: Building material + block_boundardy_4_active: + name: "§b§lOkraj portálu §a(aktívny)" + lore: ["", "§aVariant 4", "§7Stavebný materiál: %1$s"] + # The item used to represent the selected active boundary variant 5 block. + # %1$s: Building material + block_boundardy_5_active: + name: "§b§lOkraj portálu §a(aktívny)" + lore: ["", "§aVariant 5", "§7Stavebný materiál: %1$s"] + # The item used to represent the selected inactive console block. + # %1$s: Building material + block_console_inactive: + name: "§b§lRiadiaca konzola §e(neaktívna)" + lore: [] + # The item used to represent the selected inactive origin block. + # %1$s: Building material + block_origin_inactive: + name: "§b§lZákladný blok §e(neaktívny)" + lore: [] + # The item used to represent the selected inactive portal block. + # %1$s: Building material + block_portal_inactive: + name: "§b§lPriestor portálu §e(neaktívny)" + lore: [] + # The item used to represent the selected inactive boundary variant 1 block. + # %1$s: Building material + block_boundardy_1_inactive: + name: "§b§lOkraj portálu §e(neaktívny)" + lore: ["", "§aVariant 1", "§7Stavebný materiál: %1$s"] + # The item used to represent the selected inactive boundary variant 2 block. + # %1$s: Building material + block_boundardy_2_inactive: + name: "§b§lOkraj portálu §e(neaktívny)" + lore: ["", "§aVariant 2", "§7Stavebný materiál: %1$s"] + # The item used to represent the selected inactive boundary variant 3 block. + # %1$s: Building material + block_boundardy_3_inactive: + name: "§b§lOkraj portálu §e(neaktívny)" + lore: ["", "§aVariant 3", "§7Stavebný materiál: %1$s"] + # The item used to represent the selected inactive boundary variant 4 block. + # %1$s: Building material + block_boundardy_4_inactive: + name: "§b§lOkraj portálu §e(neaktívny)" + lore: ["", "§aVariant 4", "§7Stavebný materiál: %1$s"] + # The item used to represent the selected inactive boundary variant 5 block. + # %1$s: Building material + block_boundardy_5_inactive: + name: "§b§lOkraj portálu §e(neaktívny)" + lore: ["", "§aVariant 5", "§7Stavebný materiál: %1$s"] + + # The item used to apply the style to the portal. + accept: + name: "§a§lAklikuj vzhľad" + lore: [] + + # The item used to reset all changes made in this menu. + reset: + name: "§6§lZruš zmeny" + lore: [] + + # The title for the predefined style selector. + select_style_title: "§8§lVyber vzhľad" + # The filter title for the predefined style selector. + filter_styles_title: "§8§lFiltruj vzhľady" + # The item used to open the style selector for predefined styles. + select_defined: + name: "§b§lVyber preddefinovaný vzhľad" + lore: [] + # The item used to represent a predefined style. + # %1$s: Name of the style + select_style: + name: "%1$s" + lore: [] + + # The item used to discard any changes and return to the previous menu. + cancel: + name: "§6↩ §lZruš zmeny" + lore: [] + + # Settings for the portal console menu. + console: + # The title for the console menu. + # %1$s: Portal name + title: "§8§lPortál: %1$s" + + # The item used to open the portal's settings. + settings: + name: "§b§lNastavenia" + lore: [] + + # The item used to open the portal's target selector. + # %1$s: The currently selected target + select_target: + name: "§d§lZvoľ cieľ" + lore: + - "" + - "§7Aktuálny cieľ: %1$s" + # The item used to show the current target when the target is locked. + # %1$s: The currently selected target + select_target_locked: + name: "§d§lZvoľ cieľ" + lore: + - "" + - "§7Aktuálny cieľ: %1$s" + - "§8Voľba cieľu je momentálne §6§lUZAMKNUTÁ§r§8!" + + select_target_title: "§8§lZvoľ cieľový portál" + filter_portals_title: "§8§lFiltruj portály" + # The item used to represent a target portal. + # %1$s: Portal name + # %2$s: Portal distance + # %3$s: Portal world + # %4$s: Portal visibility (defined below, public, private, ...) + select_target_portal: + name: "%1$s" + lore: + - "" + - "§7Vzdialenosť: %2$s§6m" + - "§7Svet: %3$s" + - "§7%4$s" + select_target_portal_visibility_public: "§aVerejný" + select_target_portal_visibility_group: "§eMiestna skupina (členovia)" + select_target_portal_visibility_group_internal: "§eMiestna skupina (viditeľné len interne)" + select_target_portal_visibility_private: "§cSúkromný" + + # The item used to unlink the current console. + unlink_console: + name: "§c§lOdpoj konzolu" + lore: [] + # The title for the unlink confirmation dialog. + unlink_console_confirm_title: "§c§lNaozaj odpojiť konzolu?" + # The item to accept unlinking. + unlink_console_confirm_accept: + name: "§c§lODPOJIŤ KONZOLU" + lore: [] + # The item to cancel unlinking. + unlink_console_confirm_cancel: + name: "§a§lZrušiť" + lore: [] + + # The item used to destroy the portal. + destroy_portal: + name: "§c§lZrušiť portál" + lore: [] + # The title for the destroy portal confirmation dialog. + destroy_portal_confirm_title: "§c§lNaozaj zrušiť portál?" + # The item to accept destroying. + destroy_portal_confirm_accept: + name: "§c§lZNIČIŤ PORTÁL" + lore: [] + # The item to cancel destroying. + destroy_portal_confirm_cancel: + name: "§a§lZrušiť" + lore: [] From c45aa88ae0b2ad54353cdb0317efef8651fdd39d Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Daretmavi Date: Thu, 8 Aug 2024 19:41:20 +0200 Subject: [PATCH 3/6] Add files via upload --- vane-trifles/src/main/resources/lang-sk.yml | 138 ++++++++++++++++++++ 1 file changed, 138 insertions(+) create mode 100644 vane-trifles/src/main/resources/lang-sk.yml diff --git a/vane-trifles/src/main/resources/lang-sk.yml b/vane-trifles/src/main/resources/lang-sk.yml new file mode 100644 index 000000000..c2af52d0b --- /dev/null +++ b/vane-trifles/src/main/resources/lang-sk.yml @@ -0,0 +1,138 @@ +# vim: set tabstop=2 softtabstop=0 expandtab shiftwidth=2: +# +# >> See lang-en.yml for variable descriptions << +# +# +-----------------------------------+ +# | CAUTION: Do NOT change this file! | +# +-----------------------------------+ +# +# It will be silently overwritten with updates! If you want +# to customize strings yourself, copy this file to lang-custom.yml +# and set the language in the config.yml to "lang: 'custom'" + +# DO NOT CHANGE! The version of this language file. Used to determine +# if the file needs to be updated. +version: 4 +# The corresponding language code used in resource packs. Used for +# resource pack generation. Typically this is a combination of the +# language code (ISO 639) and the country code (ISO 3166). +resource_pack_lang_code: 'sk_sk' + +command_heads: + usage: "%1$s" + description: "Získaj hlavy z knižnice hláv." + help: "Spustením sa otvorí knižnica hláv." + +command_finditem: + usage: "%1$s" + description: "Vyhľadá zadaný materiál v blízkych kontajneroch a entitách." + help: "Vyhľadá zadaný materiál v blízkych kontajneroch a entitách." + +command_setspawn: + usage: "%1$s" + description: "Nastaví globálny spawn na tvoji aktuálnu pozíciu." + help: "Nastaví globálny spawn na tvoji aktuálnu pozíciu." + +storage: + open_stacked_item: "Musíš najskúr rozložiť kopu, aby si tieto veci mohol otvoriť." + item_pouch: + # The display name of this item variant. + name: "Vrecúško" + item_backpack: + # The display name of this item variant. + name: "Batoh" + +xp_bottles: + item_small_xp_bottle: + # The display name of this item variant. + name: "Malá fľaštička so skúsenosťami" + item_medium_xp_bottle: + # The display name of this item variant. + name: "Stredná fľaštička so skúsenosťami" + item_large_xp_bottle: + # The display name of this item variant. + name: "Veľká fľaštička so skúsenosťami" + +item_empty_xp_bottle: + # The display name of this item variant. + name: "Prázdna fľaštička so skúsenosťami" + +item_north_compass: + # The display name of this item variant. + name: "Kompas na sever" + +item_reinforced_elytra: + # The display name of this item variant. + name: "Netheritová Elytra" + +item_file: + # The display name of this item variant. + name: "Súbor" + +item_slime_bucket: + # The display name of this item variant. + name: "Vedro so slizom" + +item_papyrus_scroll: + # The display name of this item variant. + name: "Papyrusový zvitok" + +item_trowel: + # The display name of this item variant. + name: "Murárska lyžica" + # The lore of every trowel + # %1$s: The current feed source + lore: + - "§7Klikni pravým tlačitkom myši na túto vec vo svojom inventári, aby si zmenil zdrojový materiál." + - "§7Aktuálny zdrojový materiál: %1$s" + +sickles: + item_wooden_sickle: + # The display name of this item variant. + name: "Drevený kosák" + item_stone_sickle: + # The display name of this item variant. + name: "Kamenný kosák" + item_iron_sickle: + # The display name of this item variant. + name: "Železný kosák" + item_golden_sickle: + # The display name of this item variant. + name: "Zlatý kosák" + item_diamond_sickle: + # The display name of this item variant. + name: "Diamantový kosák" + item_netherite_sickle: + # The display name of this item variant. + name: "Netheritový kosák" + +scrolls: + item_home_scroll: + # The display name of this item variant. + name: "Teleportačný zvitok (Domov)" + item_unstable_scroll: + # The display name of this item variant. + name: "Teleportačný zvitok (Nestabilný)" + # Shown when used but no scroll was used previously. + teleport_no_previous_teleport: "§cNikdy predtým si nepoužil iný zvitok." + item_spawn_scroll: + # The display name of this item variant. + name: "Teleportačný zvitok (Spawn)" + item_lodestone_scroll: + # The display name of this item variant. + name: "Teleportačný zvitok (Navigačný kameň)" + # Shown when used but no lodestone was ever bound. + teleport_no_bound_lodestone: "§bNajskôr sa prikrč a klikni pravým tlačítkom na navigačný kameň, aby si ho prepojil s týmto zvitkom." + # Shown when used but the bound lodestone doesn't exist anymore. + teleport_missing_lodestone: "§cNezdá sa, že by tento zvitok niečo robil. &6Bojíš sa, že prepojený navigačný kameň sa stratil." + # The lore of a bound scoll + # %1$s: Bound lodestone's world name + # %2$s: Bound lodestone's X position + # %3$s: Bound lodestone's Y position + # %4$s: Bound lodestone's Z position + bound_lore: "§7Prepojený na pozíciu (%2$s§7, %3$s§7, %4$s§7) vo svete %1$s" + item_death_scroll: + # The display name of this item variant. + name: "Teleportačný zvitok (Smrť)" + # Sent when a death scroll is used but the user hasn't died recently or already used a scroll of this type. + teleport_no_recent_death: "§cNezomrel si nedávno, alebo si už zvitok smrti použil!" From 2555299711b91355dcd638f079a7a89e8603d10d Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Daretmavi Date: Thu, 8 Aug 2024 20:10:08 +0200 Subject: [PATCH 4/6] Update Slovak lang --- vane-trifles/src/main/resources/lang-sk.yml | 2 +- 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-) diff --git a/vane-trifles/src/main/resources/lang-sk.yml b/vane-trifles/src/main/resources/lang-sk.yml index c2af52d0b..1ac528b02 100644 --- a/vane-trifles/src/main/resources/lang-sk.yml +++ b/vane-trifles/src/main/resources/lang-sk.yml @@ -67,7 +67,7 @@ item_reinforced_elytra: item_file: # The display name of this item variant. - name: "Súbor" + name: "Rozpájačka" item_slime_bucket: # The display name of this item variant. From 9141f0198bba0259acb5a5ebca283d7c22a9bf27 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Daretmavi Date: Sun, 8 Sep 2024 11:06:21 +0200 Subject: [PATCH 5/6] Update lang-sk.yml to version 6 --- vane-portals/src/main/resources/lang-sk.yml | 14 +++++++------- 1 file changed, 7 insertions(+), 7 deletions(-) diff --git a/vane-portals/src/main/resources/lang-sk.yml b/vane-portals/src/main/resources/lang-sk.yml index e03dc6e13..90dffbe8a 100644 --- a/vane-portals/src/main/resources/lang-sk.yml +++ b/vane-portals/src/main/resources/lang-sk.yml @@ -12,9 +12,9 @@ # DO NOT CHANGE! The version of this language file. Used to determine # if the file needs to be updated. -version: 5 +version: 6 # The corresponding language code used in resource packs. Used for -# resource pack generation. Typically this is a combination of the +# resource pack generation. Typically, this is a combination of the # language code (ISO 639) and the country code (ISO 3166). resource_pack_lang_code: 'sk_sk' @@ -25,7 +25,7 @@ select_boundary_now: "§6Teraz klikni pravým tlačítko na okraj portálu" # type anymore. This can happen when a player replaces the console block # while it is selected as a pending console. console_invalid_type: "§cBlok konzoly je nesprávny typ bloku!" -# This message is sent when the selected console is in a another world than the portal boundary. +# This message is sent when the selected console is in another world than the portal boundary. console_different_world: "§cKonzola musí byť v tom istom svete ako portál" # This message is sent when the selected portal console is too far away from # the portal boundary. @@ -41,7 +41,7 @@ no_origin: "§cPortál nemá základný blok!" multiple_origins: "§cPortál nemôže mať viac základných blokov!" # This message is sent when the selected vertical portal boundary has no portal area above the origin block no_portal_block_above_origin: "§cZákladný blok musí mať nad sebou portál!" -# This message is sent when the selected vertical portal boundary has not enough portal area above the origin block +# This message is sent when the selected vertical portal boundary has not enough portal areas above the origin block not_enough_portal_blocks_above_origin: "§cZákladný blok musí mať nad sebou aspoň 3 bloky priestoru pre vlastný portál!" # This message is sent when the selected portal boundary is too large in a given direction. # %1$s: The direction (x,y,z) @@ -51,9 +51,9 @@ too_large: "§cPortál je v smere %1$s§c príliš veľký!" too_small_spawn: "§cMiesto výstupu z portál je v smere %1$s§c príliš malé!" # This message is sent when the selected portal boundary contains too many portal area blocks. # %1$s: Current amount of blocks -# %2$s: Maximum allowed amount of blocks +# %2$s: Maximum allowed number of blocks too_many_portal_area_blocks: "§cPriestor portálu je príliš veľký! %1$s§6/%2$s§c blokov" -# This message is sent when a portal boundary is selected but +# This message is sent when a portal boundary is selected, but # a part of the area is obstructed. portal_area_obstructed: "§cPriestor portálu je zablokovaný!" # This message is sent when the selected boundary instersects an existing portal. @@ -377,7 +377,7 @@ menus: unlink_console: name: "§c§lOdpoj konzolu" lore: [] - # The title for the unlink confirmation dialog. + # The title for the unlinking confirmation dialog. unlink_console_confirm_title: "§c§lNaozaj odpojiť konzolu?" # The item to accept unlinking. unlink_console_confirm_accept: From 598201451fc45d127d04c3066b2da787dd1aefa4 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Daretmavi Date: Sun, 8 Sep 2024 11:12:43 +0200 Subject: [PATCH 6/6] Update lang-sk.yml _boundardy_ to _boundary_ update --- vane-portals/src/main/resources/lang-sk.yml | 40 ++++++++++----------- 1 file changed, 20 insertions(+), 20 deletions(-) diff --git a/vane-portals/src/main/resources/lang-sk.yml b/vane-portals/src/main/resources/lang-sk.yml index 90dffbe8a..8bf959743 100644 --- a/vane-portals/src/main/resources/lang-sk.yml +++ b/vane-portals/src/main/resources/lang-sk.yml @@ -191,15 +191,15 @@ menus: # The title for the block selector for the active portal block. select_block_portal_active_title: "Vyber vzhľad pre aktivovaný priestor portálu." # The title for the block selector for the active boundary variant 1 block. - select_block_boundardy_1_active_title: "Vyber vzhľad pre aktivovaný okraj portálu, variant 1" + select_block_boundary_1_active_title: "Vyber vzhľad pre aktivovaný okraj portálu, variant 1" # The title for the block selector for the active boundary variant 2 block. - select_block_boundardy_2_active_title: "Vyber vzhľad pre aktivovaný okraj portálu, variant 2." + select_block_boundary_2_active_title: "Vyber vzhľad pre aktivovaný okraj portálu, variant 2." # The title for the block selector for the active boundary variant 3 block. - select_block_boundardy_3_active_title: "Vyber vzhľad pre aktivovaný okraj portálu, variant 3." + select_block_boundary_3_active_title: "Vyber vzhľad pre aktivovaný okraj portálu, variant 3." # The title for the block selector for the active boundary variant 4 block. - select_block_boundardy_4_active_title: "Vyber vzhľad pre aktivovaný okraj portálu, variant 4." + select_block_boundary_4_active_title: "Vyber vzhľad pre aktivovaný okraj portálu, variant 4." # The title for the block selector for the active boundary variant 5 block. - select_block_boundardy_5_active_title: "Vyber vzhľad pre aktivovaný okraj portálu, variant 5." + select_block_boundary_5_active_title: "Vyber vzhľad pre aktivovaný okraj portálu, variant 5." # The title for the block selector for the inactive console block. select_block_console_inactive_title: "Vyber vzhľad pre neaktívnu konzolu." # The title for the block selector for the inactive origin block. @@ -207,15 +207,15 @@ menus: # The title for the block selector for the inactive portal block. select_block_portal_inactive_title: "Vyber vzhľad pre neaktívny priestor portálu." # The title for the block selector for the inactive boundary variant 1 block. - select_block_boundardy_1_inactive_title: "Vyber vzhľad pre neaktívny okraj portálu, variant 1" + select_block_boundary_1_inactive_title: "Vyber vzhľad pre neaktívny okraj portálu, variant 1" # The title for the block selector for the inactive boundary variant 2 block. - select_block_boundardy_2_inactive_title: "Vyber vzhľad pre neaktívny okraj portálu, variant 2." + select_block_boundary_2_inactive_title: "Vyber vzhľad pre neaktívny okraj portálu, variant 2." # The title for the block selector for the inactive boundary variant 3 block. - select_block_boundardy_3_inactive_title: "Vyber vzhľad pre neaktívny okraj portálu, variant 3." + select_block_boundary_3_inactive_title: "Vyber vzhľad pre neaktívny okraj portálu, variant 3." # The title for the block selector for the inactive boundary variant 4 block. - select_block_boundardy_4_inactive_title: "Vyber vzhľad pre neaktívny okraj portálu, variant 4." + select_block_boundary_4_inactive_title: "Vyber vzhľad pre neaktívny okraj portálu, variant 4." # The title for the block selector for the inactive boundary variant 5 block. - select_block_boundardy_5_inactive_title: "Vyber vzhľad pre neaktívny okraj portálu, variant 5." + select_block_boundary_5_inactive_title: "Vyber vzhľad pre neaktívny okraj portálu, variant 5." # The item used to represent the selected active console block. # %1$s: Building material @@ -234,27 +234,27 @@ menus: lore: [] # The item used to represent the selected active boundary variant 1 block. # %1$s: Building material - block_boundardy_1_active: + block_boundary_1_active: name: "§b§lOkraj portálu §a(aktívny)" lore: ["", "§aVariant 1", "§7Stavebný materiál: %1$s"] # The item used to represent the selected active boundary variant 2 block. # %1$s: Building material - block_boundardy_2_active: + block_boundary_2_active: name: "§b§lOkraj portálu §a(aktívny)" lore: ["", "§aVariant 2", "§7Stavebný materiál: %1$s"] # The item used to represent the selected active boundary variant 3 block. # %1$s: Building material - block_boundardy_3_active: + block_boundary_3_active: name: "§b§lOkraj portálu §a(aktívny)" lore: ["", "§aVariant 3", "§7Stavebný materiál: %1$s"] # The item used to represent the selected active boundary variant 4 block. # %1$s: Building material - block_boundardy_4_active: + block_boundary_4_active: name: "§b§lOkraj portálu §a(aktívny)" lore: ["", "§aVariant 4", "§7Stavebný materiál: %1$s"] # The item used to represent the selected active boundary variant 5 block. # %1$s: Building material - block_boundardy_5_active: + block_boundary_5_active: name: "§b§lOkraj portálu §a(aktívny)" lore: ["", "§aVariant 5", "§7Stavebný materiál: %1$s"] # The item used to represent the selected inactive console block. @@ -274,27 +274,27 @@ menus: lore: [] # The item used to represent the selected inactive boundary variant 1 block. # %1$s: Building material - block_boundardy_1_inactive: + block_boundary_1_inactive: name: "§b§lOkraj portálu §e(neaktívny)" lore: ["", "§aVariant 1", "§7Stavebný materiál: %1$s"] # The item used to represent the selected inactive boundary variant 2 block. # %1$s: Building material - block_boundardy_2_inactive: + block_boundary_2_inactive: name: "§b§lOkraj portálu §e(neaktívny)" lore: ["", "§aVariant 2", "§7Stavebný materiál: %1$s"] # The item used to represent the selected inactive boundary variant 3 block. # %1$s: Building material - block_boundardy_3_inactive: + block_boundary_3_inactive: name: "§b§lOkraj portálu §e(neaktívny)" lore: ["", "§aVariant 3", "§7Stavebný materiál: %1$s"] # The item used to represent the selected inactive boundary variant 4 block. # %1$s: Building material - block_boundardy_4_inactive: + block_boundary_4_inactive: name: "§b§lOkraj portálu §e(neaktívny)" lore: ["", "§aVariant 4", "§7Stavebný materiál: %1$s"] # The item used to represent the selected inactive boundary variant 5 block. # %1$s: Building material - block_boundardy_5_inactive: + block_boundary_5_inactive: name: "§b§lOkraj portálu §e(neaktívny)" lore: ["", "§aVariant 5", "§7Stavebný materiál: %1$s"]