To build build the buildbot master docker image, run the following command in the master directory:
docker build -t buildbot-master .
To use latest buildbot-master image, you can don't have to build it, just use the oelite/buildbot-master image on Docker Hub instead of the local buildbot-master image shown in the instructions below.
To start a buildbot master docker container:
docker run -d --name=buildbot-master \
-p 8010:8010 -p 9989:9989 \
It will expose the buildbot service on host port 8010. Test it on http://localhost:8010/
To check the status (log output) of the buildbot master:
docker logs buildbot-master
To enable persistent state/data of the buildbot master, you should mount a volume at /srv/buildbot/master. You can either mount a host directory or use a data container for the purpose.
If you want to use a host directory, you need to make it owned by UID=999 and GID=999. To start master with /var/lib/buildbot mounted, use something like:
docker run -d --name=buildbot-master \
-p 8010:8010 -p 9989:9989 \
-v /var/lib/buildbot:/srv/buildbot/master \
To use a data container instead, you first need to create a data container:
docker create --name=buildbot-data oelite/buildbot-data
And then use that when starting the master:
docker run -d --name=buildbot-master \
-p 8010:8010 -p 9989:9989 \
--volumes-from=buildbot-data \
To build the buildbot slave docker image, run the following command in the slave directory:
docker build -t buildbot-slave .
To use latest buildbot-slave image, you can don't have to build it, just use the oelite/buildbot-slave image on Docker Hub instead of the local buildbot-slave image shown in the instructions below.
The oe-lite slave uses docker-in-docker (DIND), so a dedicated docker container is needed:
# determine the storage driver used by the host (devicemapper, aufs, overlay, overlay2)
storage_driver=$(docker info 2>/dev/null | grep -oP 'Storage Driver: \K\w+')
docker run --privileged -d \
--name oelite-docker \
--volume /srv/buildbot/oelite-slave:/srv/buildbot/slave \
docker:1.12-dind --storage-driver=$storage_driver
Then start the oe-lite buildslave and link it to the docker container
docker run --privileged -d \
-e SLAVE_NAME=myslavename \
-e SLAVE_PASSWD='mysecret' \
-e SLAVE_ADMIN="My Name <[email protected]>" \
-e SLAVE_DESCRIPTION="My build slave" \
-e DOCKER_HOST='docker:2375' \
--volume /srv/buildbot/oelite-slave:/srv/buildbot/slave \
--link oelite-docker:docker \
--name=oelite-slave \
You should of-course provide proper values for the SLAVE_NAME, SLAVE_PASSWD, SLAVE_ADMIN and SLAVE_DESCRIPTION variables.
The volume mapped to /srv/buildbot/slave in the containers must be configured for both the docker-container and the slave-container, or the build fails due to the nested docker seeing an empty build folder.