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Overview of heat technology literature

Cord Kaldemeyer edited this page Feb 28, 2017 · 76 revisions

General questions

If the goal is to compare technologies some characteristics might be omitted if they are the same for all technologies..

Non-linear fuel consumption (=costs)

Minimum up- and downtimes

Source Comments
21 "As transient operational conditions are critical for short operating periods, and technical considerations suggest for real-world operation to minimise the number of unit starts and stops, a constraint is furthermore introduced by which a unit (excluding boiler and thermal storages) is only allowed to operate at full capacity or not at all within each hour of operation. Under this constraint it is assumed that the use of steady-state operational parameters, such as constant conversion efficiencies, is reasonable."

Load gradients

Source Comments
4 Shows general formulation for different plant types

Heat load

District heating networks

Literature on formulations

Simple load time series

Source Comments
1 "Due to the dependency of the feed flow temperature on the ambient temperature and the implementation of a complete forecast for the ambient temperature, the temperature in the district heating network for every time interval is calculated during pre-processing for the entire planning period and thus is a parameter."
2 Foundation of 1 that has been published in Energy. Far more detailed but only available in German. "Die Zeitreihen der Strompreise bestehen aus historischen Daten des Day-Ahead-Spotmarkts der Leipziger Strombörse EEX, während die Wärmenachfrage aus dem skalierten synthetischen Lastgang des Berliner Fernwärmenetzes der Vattenfall Europe Wärme AG und der Wahl einer maximal auftretenden Wärmelast von 600 MW und einer Jahreswärmearbeit von 1.674 GWh zusammengesetzt wurde. Mit Hilfe von Durchschnittswerten der Außentemperatur und einer typischen Heizkurve, die ab einer Außentemperatur von unter 12 °C eine Vorlauftemperatur von 120 °C, bei einer Außentemperatur von über 12 °C eine Vorlauftemperatur von 80 °C vorsieht und dazwischen linear verläuft, wird die Vorlauftemperatur für jeden Zeitschritt berechnet. Hierbei ist darauf zu achten, dass die Wärmelast und die aus Heizkurve und Außentemperatur resultierende Vorlauftemperatur im Hinblick auf Gl. 7 aufeinander abgestimmt sind."
3 Not explained in detail but load directly related to the ambient temperature
4 Simple forecasting approach by including the ambient temperature and a "residual" social component
9 Classical thermal balance and load from simple forecasting approach
8 "Die im Fernwärmenetz erforderliche Vorlauftemperatur ist abhängig von der Umgebungstemperatur". Vorlauf und Rücklauftemperatur sind bekannt und somit kann durch das Delta zusammen mit c_p und dem Sollwärmebedarf der benötigte Massenstrom berechnet werden.

Component based

Source Comments
7 "The district heating pipelines are modeled by mass balances for each node [...] and by diameter restrictions."

Representation within oemof

Heat storage

Water heat storages

Literature on formulations

Pressureless with constant feed flow and return temperature

Source Comments
1 110 °C max. temperature with additional boilers if the feed flow temperature needs to be higher
2 To be evaluated!
3 Very simple and possibly not correct since the capacity is given through a heat storage volume V in MWh/h. It would normally refer to an amount of energy and this would imply that the heat exchangers can (un)fill the storage in one timestep. Is this realistic?
9 Classical storage balance including losses per time increment
8 Storage balance with mass flows and temperatures, filling level depending losses per time increment. Approach is based on the feed mass flow but could be transferred to an exergetic approach.
7 Modelling based on 8
18 Simple "generic" storage equation as in 4 that is often used for electrical storages

Representation within oemof

Downhole heat exchanger heat storages

Literature on formulations

Representation within oemof

Peak load


Source Comments
3 Simple approach Q_boiler=Q_fuel/eta_boiler with an operating range based on binary operational variables
9 Only load range without efficiency
10 Load range with linear fuel consumption
7 "The boiler is modeled by a constant thermal efficiency of 95%, coupling heat output and fuel consumption, and an upper load limit to be optimized."
15 Detailed modelling based on mass flows with non-linear piecewise approximated fuel consumption

Literature on formulations

Representation within oemof

Power to heat

Heating rods

Literature on formulations

Representation within oemof

Heat pumps

Literature on formulations

Source Comments
19 Via COP as presented in 20: "The working domains of a model of a compression heat pump using different fluids and a model of a compression-absorption heat pump using water-ammonia mixtures are defined, plotted and discussed. These domains are defined by means of limiting values for their electrical coefficient of performance, volumetric heating capacity, and low and high pressure."

Representation within oemof

Combined heat and power plants

Combined cycle technologies

Literature on formulations

Source Comments
13 "There are situations where the convexity of a power plant cannot be assumed. If the marginal efficiency of the power plant is an increasing function of p or q, this results in a non-convex characteristic. It is also possible that the operating area in the (p, q) plane is non-convex. These situations are common with advanced production techniques, such as in backpressure plants with condensing and auxiliary cooling options, in gas turbines, and in combined gas and steam cycles."
14 Generic modelling approach with operational PQ-region for steam power plants (back-pressure and extraction) and combined cycle power plants based on a few plant characteristics. Comparison to dynamic modelling and discussion of shortcomings. Detailed explanation for different plant setups!

Representation within oemof

Back-pressure turbines

Literature on formulations

Source Comments
2 Detailed and specific description. Only available in German.
3 Via fixed power a to heat ratio with fuel dependend operational costs P_t * C_fuel and costs at P_min if turned on
4 Via fixed power a to heat ratio with fuel dependend operational costs P_t * C_fuel and costs at P_min if turned on
8 Via fixed power a to heat ratio with costs linearly depending on the power and heat production
14 Generic modelling approach with operational PQ-region for steam power plants (back-pressure and extraction) and combined cycle power plants based on a few plant characteristics. Comparison to dynamic modelling and discussion of shortcomings. Detailed explanation for different plant setups!
15 Detailed modelling based on mass flows with non-linear piecewise approximated fuel consumption
16 Operational one segment PQ-region
19 Operational one segment PQ-region: "With this type of formulation, it is possible to include more than one unit type using in the same set of equations. In the case of a back-pressure CHP-plant, b can be fixed to 0. Similar, in the case of a separate electricity production plant, the electricity efficiency and total efficiency are equal, while b is fixed to 0."

Representation within oemof

Extraction turbines

Literature on formulations

Source Comments
1 Operational one segment PQ-region
2 Operational one segment PQ-region. Only available in German.
3 Operational one segment PQ-region
11 Operational one segment PQ-region as in 1 and 2 and two segment PQ-region: "[...] it is mentioned that the irregular quadrilateral shape is suitable for modeling any cogeneration system, and the most appropriate for gas turbine systems. Also, it is indicated that the feasible two-segment model does not offer considerable advantages compared to the feasible simple one." Additional approach with PQ-region based on min/max power to heat ratio.
12 Operational PQ-region as in 1,2 and 11.
14 Generic modelling approach with operational PQ-region for steam power plants (back-pressure and extraction) and combined cycle power plants based on a few plant characteristics. Comparison to dynamic modelling and discussion of shortcomings. Detailed explanation for different plant setups!
15 Detailed modelling based on mass flows with non-linear piecewise approximated fuel consumption
16 Operational one segment PQ-region
17 Similar as back-pressure turbines via PQ-region
19 Operational one segment PQ-region: "With this type of formulation, it is possible to include more than one unit type using in the same set of equations. In the case of a back-pressure CHP-plant, b can be fixed to 0. Similar, in the case of a separate electricity production plant, the electricity efficiency and total efficiency are equal, while b is fixed to 0."

Representation within oemof

Motoric combined heat and power plants

Literature on formulations

Source Comments
5 Simple approach with a semi-continous power variable (P_el=P_min*y+P_part) and a similar formulation for the linear fuel consumption/costs (one segment linearisation) and a fixed heat-to-power ratio
9 Fixed heat-to-power ratio and load range
7 Fixed heat-to-power ratio and load range
11 Operational one segment PQ-region as in 1 and 2 and two segment PQ-region: "[...] it is mentioned that the irregular quadrilateral shape is suitable for modeling any cogeneration system, and the most appropriate for gas turbine systems. Also, it is indicated that the feasible two-segment model does not offer considerable advantages compared to the feasible simple one." Additional approach with PQ-region based on min/max power to heat ratio.
12 Operational one segment PQ-region as in 1,2 and 11.
16 Operational one segment PQ-region

Representation within oemof

Gas turbines (stand-alone)

Literature on formulations

Source Comments
3 Via power a to heat ration with fuel dependend operational costs P_t * C_fuel and costs at P_min if turned on
11 Operational one segment PQ-region as in 1 and 2 and two segment PQ-region: "[...] it is mentioned that the irregular quadrilateral shape is suitable for modeling any cogeneration system, and the most appropriate for gas turbine systems. Also, it is indicated that the feasible two-segment model does not offer considerable advantages compared to the feasible simple one." Additional approach with PQ-region based on min/max power to heat ratio.
12 Operational one segment PQ-region as in 1,2 and 11.
13 "There are situations where the convexity of a power plant cannot be assumed. If the marginal efficiency of the power plant is an increasing function of p or q, this results in a non-convex characteristic. It is also possible that the operating area in the (p, q) plane is non-convex. These situations are common with advanced production techniques, such as in backpressure plants with condensing and auxiliary cooling options, in gas turbines, and in combined gas and steam cycles."
16 Similar as back-pressure turbines via PQ-region
17 Similar as back-pressure turbines via PQ-region

Representation within oemof


[1] Andreas Christidis, Christoph Koch, Lothar Pottel, George Tsatsaronis, The contribution of heat storage to the profitable operation of combined heat and power plants in liberalized electricity markets, Energy, Volume 41, Issue 1, May 2012, Pages 75-82, ISSN 0360-5442,

[2] Christidis, A.; Tsatsaronis, G.; Das ökonomische Potential von Wärmespeichern bei Heizkraftwerken im heutigen Strommarkt, VDI-Berichte Nr. 2157, 2011

[3] I. Dimoulkas, M. Amelin, "Constructing bidding curves for a CHP producer in day-ahead electricity markets," 2014 IEEE International Energy Conference (ENERGYCON), Cavtat, 2014, pp. 487-494.

[4] M. H. E. Steck, Entwicklung und Bewertung von Algorithmen zur Einsatzplanerstellung virtueller Kraftwerke. Dissertation. 2013, TU-München

[5] Patrick Hochloff, Martin Braun, Optimizing biogas plants with excess power unit and storage capacity in electricity and control reserve markets, Biomass and Bioenergy, Volume 65, June 2014, Pages 125-135, ISSN 0961-9534,

[6] Erik Dotzauer, 2002, Simple model for prediction of loads in district-heating systems. Applied Energy 73(3):277-284. DOI: 10.1016/S0306-2619(02)00078-8

[7] A. Rieder, A. Christidis G. Tsatsaronis, Multi criteria dynamic design optimization of a small scale distributed energy system Energy , 2014, 74, 230 - 239

[8] M. Hofmann, A. Christidis, J. Schneider, G. Tsatsaronis, Optimierung eines Energiesystems mit Kraft-Wärme-Kopplungsanlagen und Kurzzeit-Wärmespeichern - Der wirtschaftliche Betrieb eines Fernwärmenetzes VDI Expertenforum, 2012

[9] Bernhard Wille-Haussmann, Thomas Erge, Christof Wittwer, Decentralised optimisation of cogeneration in virtual power plants, Solar Energy, Volume 84, Issue 4, April 2010, Pages 604-611, ISSN 0038-092X,

[10] E. Gomez-Villalva, A. Ramos, "Optimal energy management of an industrial consumer in liberalized markets," in IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, vol. 18, no. 2, pp. 716-723, May 2003. doi: 10.1109/TPWRS.2003.811197

[11] Salgado, F. & Pedrero, P. Short-term operation planning on cogeneration systems: A survey. Journal: Electric Power Systems Research. University of Concepcion, Chile, 2007

[12] Algie, C. & Wong, K. P. A test system for combined heat and power economic dispatch problems 2004 IEEE International Conference on Electric Utility Deregulation, Restructuring and Power Technologies. Proceedings, 2004, 1, 96-101 Vol.1

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[14] Mollenhauer, E.; Christidis, A. & Tsatsaronis, G. Evaluation of an energy- and exergy-based generic modeling approach of combined heat and power plants International Journal of Energy and Environmental Engineering, 2016, 7, 167-176

[15] Dvorak, M. & Havel, P. Combined heat and power production planning under liberalized market conditions. Journal: Applied Thermal Engineering. Czech Technical University in Prague, 2012

[16] Dimoulkas, I. District heating system operation in power systems with high share of wind power Not published yet, 2017

[17] Thorin, E.; Brand, H. & Weber, C. Long-term optimization of cogeneration systems in a competitive market environment. Journal: Applied Energy Department of Public Technology, M�lardalen University, Sweden / Institute of Energy Economics and the Rational Use of Energy, University of Stuttgart, Germany, 2005

[18] Short, M.; Dawood, M.; Crosbie, T. & Dawood, N. Compact LP/MILP models for Decentralized Co-generation Plant Optimization Proceedings of SusTEM 2015, Newcastle, UK, Technology Futures Institute, Teesside University, 2015

[19] Ommen, T.; Brix Markussen, W. & Elmegaard, B. Comparison of linear, mixed integer and non-linear programming methods in energy system dispatch modelling. Journal: Energy. Technical University of Denmark, 2014

[20] Brunin, O.; Feidt, M. & Hivet, B. Comparison of the working domains of some compression heat pumps and a compression-absorption heat pump International Journal of Refrigeration, 1997, 20, 308 - 318

[21] Blarke, M. B. & Dotzauer, E. Intermittency-friendly and high-efficiency cogeneration: Operational optimisation of cogeneration with compression heat pump, flue gas heat recovery, and intermediate cold storage Energy , 2011, 36, 6867 - 6878

[22] Pützschler, Marena. Auswirkungen des Ausbaus von Wärmepumpen auf ein regionales Energieversorgungssystem. Bachelorthesis. Hochschule für Technik und Wirtschaft, Berlin, 2014

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