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Owen Churches edited this page Jul 23, 2021 · 82 revisions

Welcome to the Artificial Intelligence Collaborative Network AI Ethics Book Club.

We are a group of statisticians, lawyers, data scientists, sociologists, programmers, tech workers, policy workers and others. We meet online on the third Monday of each month at from 6pm to 7:30pm Adelaide, South Australia time to discuss a book that investigates the intersections of: data, justice, statistics, politics, artificial intelligence and ethics.

Read below to see the books we've read, are reading and will read. We also have a list (that grows faster than we can get through it) of books that we'd like to read in the future.

If you'd like to join, feel free to contact one of these club members for more information or join the AICN Slack Workspace yourself and find your way to the #ethics-bookclub channel. Its important to register through the channel because we have a code of conduct that we hold ourselves accountable to.

Table of Contents

1. Upcoming books

2. Previously read

3. Future reading list

Reading list


Month - Year Book (click for additional resources) Author Moderator
August - 2011 Human Compatible Stuart Russell Laura
September - 2021 Atlas of AI Kate Crawford Barbara
October - 2021 Artificial Intelligence: A Guide for Thinking Humans Melanie Mitchell Olivia
November - 2021 The Great Firewall of China James Griffiths Alicia

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Month - Year Book (click for additional resources) Author Moderator Post-it Note Art
July - 2021 If...Then Algorithmic Power and Politics Taina Bucher Kirsten
June - 2021 Artificial Unintelligence Meredith Broussard Anisha
May - 2021 Deep Fakes Nina Schick Tobin
April - 2021 Technology and the Virtue Shannon Vallor Kirsten
March - 2021 Race After Technology Ruha Benjamin Sarah
February - 2021 Double header: Targeted and Mindf*ck Brittany Kaiser/Christopher Wylie Owen
January - 2021 No book club for summer holidays
December - 2020 The Smart Wife Yolande Strengers and
Jenny Kennedy
November - 2020 Future Histories Lizzie O’Shea Barbara
October - 2020 Net Privacy Sacha Molitorisz Laura
September - 2020 Design Justice Sasha Costanza-Chock Anisha
August - 2020 Deep Medicine Eric Topol Lisa
July - 2020 Invisible Women Caroline Criado Perez Kirsten
June - 2020 Uncanny Valley Anna Weiner Tobin
May - 2020 Rise of the Robots Martin Ford Sarah
April - 2020 Bad Blood John Carrreyeou Laura
March - 2020 Future Politics Jamie Susskind Kirsten
February - 2020 Rage Inside the Machine Robert Elliott Smith Anisha
January - 2020 No book club for summer holidays
December - 2019 Automating Inequality Virginia Eubanks Susan
November - 2019 Part 3: The Age of Surveillance Capitalism Shoshana Zuboff Sarah
October - 2019 Part 2: The Age of Surveillance Capitalism Shoshana Zuboff Sal
September - 2019 Part 1: The Age of Surveillance Capitalism Shoshana Zuboff Barbara
August - 2019 Weapons of Math Destruction Cathy O'Neil Kristen
July - 2019 Algorithms of Oppression Safiya Noble Toby
June - 2019 Made By Humans Ellen Broad Owen

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Future reading list

Book Author Suggested By
The Black Box Society: The Secret Algorithms that Control Money and Information Frank Pasquale
Sensemaking Christian Madsbjerg Stuart
Hello World Hannah Fry Owen
Valley of the Gods Alexandra Wolfe Owen
Self tracking Gina Neff and Dawn Nafus Owen
Technically Wrong Sara Wachter-Boettcher Owen
Brotopia Emily Chang Owen
Throwing Rocks at the Google Bus Douglas Rushkoff Owen
Robot Rules: Regulating Artificial Intelligence Jacob Turner Kat
Twitter and Tear Gas: The Power and Fragility of Networked Zeynep Tufekci Kat
Lawless: the secret rules that govern our digital lives Nicolas P. Suzor Owen
Things That Make Us Smart: Defending Human Attributes In The Age Of The Machine Donald A. Norman Pedro
Privacy in Context Helen Nissenbaum
The AI Mirror: Rebuilding Our Humanity in an Age of Machine Thinking Shannon Vallor Alicia
Nobody’s Victim Carrie Goldberg Owen
The Big Nine: How the Tech Titans and Their Thinking Machines Could Warp Humanity Amy Webb Owen
The Darkening Web Alexander Klimburg Owen
Trick Mirror Jia Tolentino Owen
You Look Like a Thing and I Love You Janelle Shane Owen
The Four Scott Galloway
Humans Need Not Apply Jerry Kaplan Kristen
Rebooting AI Gar Marcus and Ernest Davis Owen
Zucked Roger McNamee
The Great Firewall of China James Griffiths Alicia
Architects of Intelligence: The truth about AI from the people building it Martin Ford
Dark Matters Simone Browne
Too Smart Jason Sadowski
A Human Algorithm Flynn Conemann
Webtopia – the world-wide wreck of tech Peter Lewis
Responsible Artificial Intelligence Virginia Dignim
Artificial Knowing Alison Adam
Alone Together Sherry Turkle
Re-engineering Humanity Evan Selinger
The Ethical Algorithm: The Science of Socially Aware Algorithm Design Michael Kearns and Aaron Roth
Bit Tyrants: The Political Economy of Silicon Valley Rob Larson
Machines Like Me Ian McEwan Donna
Data Feminism Catherine D'Ignazio and Lauren F. Klein
The Smart Enough City: Putting Technology in Its Place to Reclaim Our Urban Future Ben Green
Why the Future is Workless Tim Dunlop Laura
Smart Cities: Big Data, Civic Hackers, and the Quest for a New Utopia Anthony Townsend
Smart Cities: Introducing Digital Innovation to Cities Oliver Gassmann, Jonas Böhm, Maximilian Palmié
Smart Cities Germaine Halegoua
Smart Cities, Smart Future: Showcasing Tomorrow Cornelia Levy-Bencheton and Mike Barlow
Whistleblower: My Journey to Silicon Valley and Fight for Justice at Uber Susan Fowler
Programmed Inequality Mar Hicks
Innovation and Equality Joshua Gans and Andrew Leigh
People's Guide to AI Mimi Onuoha
Turned On: Science, Sex and Robots Kate Devlin
Why We Drive: On Freedom, Risk and Taking Back Control Matthew Crawford
The Promise of Access Daniel Greene
The Future of Everything Tim Dunlop
All the Ghosts in the Machine Elaine Kasket Kristen
Abolish Silicon Valley Wendy Liu
The Costs of Connection: How Data Is Colonizing Human Life and Appropriating It for Capitalism Nick Couldry
How We Became Our Data: A Genealogy of the Informational Person Colin Koopman
Cloud Ethics: Algorithms and the Attributes of Ourselves and Others Louise Amoore
The Data Gaze: Capitalism, Power and Perception David Beer
Algorithmic Life: Calculative Devices in the Age of Big Data Louise Amoore
Hashtag Activism Sarah J. Jackson
Black Software: The Internet & Racial Justice, from the AfroNet to Black Lives Matter Charlton D. McIlwain Owen
AI in the Wild: Sustainability in the Age of Artificial Intelligence Peter Dauvergne
Geek Heresy: Rescuing Social Change from the Cult of Technology Kentaro Toyama
Humankind Rutger Bregman Laura
Virtual Competition: The Promise and Perils of the Algorithm-Driven Economy Ariel Ezrachi and Maurice E. Stucke Owen
Predict and Surveil Sarah Brayne Laura
Artificial Intelligence for a better future: An ecosystem perspective on the ethics of AI and emerging digital technologies Bernd Stahl Kirsten
Privacy is Power Carissa Veliz Anisha

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If you are interested in joining the book club and would like more information feel free to contact these long term members:

Name Contact
Kirsten Wahlstrom [email protected]
Owen Churches @owenchurches

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