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Multilingual wordsearch generator

Generates custom wordsearch puzzles with multiple supported languages.


Supported languages/alphabets

Note that in many cases I've included an alphabet corresponding to a language I do not know, having found it in unicode documentation and selected characters that seem generally valid for spelling. If you find mistakes with any alphabet, open an issue and we can fix them by modifying alphabets.json.

Chinese/漢語 (zh)

Deutsch/German (de)

English (en)

Español/Spanish (es)

Français/French (fr)

עִבְרִית/Hebrew (he)

ひらがな/Hiragana, Japanese (hiragana)

カタカナ/Katakana, Japanese (katakana)

한국어/Korean (ko)

Русский/Russian (ru)

Braille (braille-6, braille-8)

Chess (chess)

Domino (domino)



english example


korean example


spanish example


chinese example


russian example

CLI, Korean

create with file [f] or interactively [i]? f
wordsearch json description file: docs/examples/example_ko.json
INFO placed 사과 in 1 attempts
INFO placed 머리 in 1 attempts
INFO placed 가위 in 1 attempts
INFO placed 지름 in 2 attempts
INFO placed 까치 in 2 attempts

한국 단어찾기 예

껪 쉘 뛋 퉐 렗 겸 쪾 헻
졍 쾾 랇 름 쳜 푤 턻 사
가 꼩 지 욊 쭞 먶 땜 과
쫖 위 뮥 춄 됩 퓿 암 닇
퐉 럷 헢 톼 꽲 띯 쳥 쁀
껁 샅 헞 뉘 머 리 툔 쬰
치 뮘 봵 콻 눟 궇 칃 폼
논 까 흭 쌂 쭁 딡 꼄 짨


과일 중 하나
head, 목 위에
이름이 ㄲ로 시작하는 새


Webpage Component

Include the following in your <head/> tag:

	src="" type="text/javascript"

The data-containers attribute is a way to customize the css selector used to identify container tags in which each wordsearch generator will be loaded.

The data-use-host attribute (default="true") should only false when hosting a (modified) copy of this script within the same webserver that hosts the parent webpage.

See wordsearch_generator.html for an example of how to insert a wordsearch generator dynamically into an external webpage. The public webserver should allow the needed cross origin requests for the component to be provided.

Note that jquery is a dependency that must already be present in the parent webpage for the wordsearch generator component to work.

Webpage Driver

To run the playable webpage version:

  1. Install nodejs. If using a mac, I recommend doing so via nvm.

  2. Download/clone this repository.

  3. Run node wordsearch_webserver.js to launch the local webserver. Opening wordsearch_generator.html directly doesn't work because of inability to access other local files.

  4. Visit localhost to see the wordsearch generator page.

To configure the wordsearch with a file, select file. See the docs/examples/example_<language>.json files for examples. Once the wordsearch description file is ready, use the file input to pick it.

To configure the wordsearch using the form, select form and fill out the fields.

Note that for additional difficulty an answer can be broken into a word and a clue, delimited with : in a description file (ex. greeting:hello), but providing a separate clue is optional.

Also note that the webpage example wordsearch_generator.html has multiple generators to illustrate the ability to have more than one in the same single page.

Command Line

  1. Install nodejs. If using a mac, I recommend doing so via nvm.

  2. Download/clone this repository.

  3. Install dependencies

# in project directory
cd <wordsearch-generator-root>

# install dependencies
npm install

# fetch sources from git submodules (to be migrated to npm dependencies)
git submodule init
git submodule update
  1. Run node wordsearch_cli.js.

  2. Follow the prompts to generate a wordsearch. The output is not interactive/playable.


This repository includes the core wordsearch generator class WordsearchGenerator in wordsearch_generator.cjs, as well two drivers showing usage in both backend and frontend environments:

  1. A nodejs cli driver at wordsearch_cli.js.
  2. A webserver driver at wordsearch_webserver.js that serves a webpage with the wordsearch generator included.

The bin/ folder contains linux compatible relative symbolic links to those drivers and alphabets.json which can be added to the path and be used as quick cli tools. As in:

# add to path via bash profile
PATH=${PATH}:<wordsearch-bin-dir-path> >> ~/.bashrc
export PATH >> ~/.bashrc

source ~/.bashrc

# use cli scripts without specifying path

Wordsearch generator config file

A wordsearch generator instance can be configured via JSON file (see docs/examples/*.json). Below is a list of supported attributes.


The language/alphabet to use. Must be a string equal to one of the alphabet name keys or alias values in alphabets.json:alphabet_aliases.


If the language has upper and lower case letters, this is used to specify which (upper or lower).


Treats the provided words list as a population from which to pick a random sample for each generated wordsearch, this parameter specifying the sample size.


If a single integer, this specifies the square width and height of the wordsearch.

If an array of 2 integers, this specifies the rectangular width and height of the wordsearch.


Wordsearch title.


If an array of strings, each string is either a word or a delimited word-clue pair.

If a string, it is a path to a separate delimiter-separated-values (DSV) words file.


This can be used to customize the delimiter used to separate words and clues. This applies to both the embedded words list and the external DSV words file approaches.


Custom interface/environment

If you want to use the wordsearch generator in a different environment, include the WordsearchGenerator class from wordsearch_generator.js, as well as alphabets.json


Webpage icons from

See alphabets.json and referenced files for alphabet charset and probability distribution credits.