This is a starter kit of the Electron application development.
- Install Node.js
npm install
Run the watch files, background complie JavaScript/TypeScript/CSS.
npm start
Launch the Electron app on electron. Target for the src dir.
npm run app
Run the ES6 code of unit tests on mocha with power-assert and espower-typescript.
npm test
Build the app for production. Please build individually because there is a platform-specific processing.
npm run release:mac
npm run release:win
npm run release:linux
npm run release:build
npm run release:pack-mac
npm run release:pack-win
npm run release:pack-linux
It is also will be skipped by running the release:mac
or release:pack-mac
in the Windows environment.
How to build a package for Windows in macOS. Introduction you will install the WineHQ. It is recommended that you use the Homebrew.
brew install wine
Then run the following command. If it is correct environment you should succeed to build the package for Windows.
npm run release:win
npm run release
is a package for all platforms.
Supports preprocessing with ifdef-loader.
/// #if env == 'DEBUG'
/// #endif
This process will be removed in a release version.